The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3363: Don’t enter the clouds

( ) In areas where the new network can broadcast smoothly, the scene of this live broadcast is extremely grand, and the picture is extremely exquisite, the three-dimensional effect is strong, and the impact is overwhelming, making everyone watching excited and screaming!

The alternating interweaving of multiple images also allows all details of Star Wars to be displayed in an all-round way, making many people seem to understand it!

"Oh my gosh, it turns out there are still quite a few of our fleets lurking around the perimeter!"

"That's right! One, two, three, four! There are still four fleets in total. Is there a counter-encirclement tactic here?"

"It should be! We didn't see the four ambush fleets in front of us. They should be traps set by the Holy Emperor and the Marshal, right?"

"It must be! That's great!"

"However, the other side is also attacking our fleet, and their numbers are much greater than ours!"

"That's right, it's still too dangerous..."

The Turia people were talking a lot and were completely attracted to this Star Wars. As loyal fans of the Blue Fish Fleet, they were all worried about the safety of their own fleet...

On the new Canglang planet of the Phantom Planet, Xiaoxing, Li Yun and others are working with senior Canglang clan officials such as Weistone, Yanna, Yaguang, Cole, Bihai, Yan Chaoran, Yao Qingshan, An Jiequan and others. While watching the Star Wars, everyone was extremely excited when they saw the war finally breaking out. Especially the Canglang tribe members were unable to calm down. Their faces were all flushed and they spoke with roars...

Previously, commanders like Yaguang, Bihai, and Yan Chaoran all asked to lead their teams to support the Blue Fish Fleet, but Xiaoxing stopped them. The reason was that it was not appropriate for the Canglang Fleet to show up now, lest the news leak out and possibly attract the rollers. There was a steady stream of harassment from the Alliance.

So now they can only watch the blue fish fleet help them fight with the roller fleet. You can imagine their complicated emotions...

Of course, they all know that this Star Wars is actually directed by Ling Daozi, because now Ling Daozi is giving Yun Han immediate instructions!

There are countless light curtains distributed in Weistone's hall, and there are also countless light curtains in Yunhan's command room. These light curtains are all played synchronously. Xiaoxing's instructions are directly issued through the light curtains, and they also arrive at the same time. In the command rooms of each commander, this ensures the immediacy and effectiveness of the instructions. Otherwise, if Yunhan fails to respond, there will be loopholes in the command, and the smooth execution of the entire combat plan cannot be guaranteed...

Of course, the command person shown in each commander's command room and on each battleship is Yun Han, because even Artis is fighting with a fleet.

There is no time to take care of the entire battlefield...

In fact, the battlefield of this Star Wars is so large that neither commander-in-chief can take into account, and the command will inevitably fall into chaos. However, the Blue Fish Fleet has Xiaoxing in command, but it completely takes the initiative in the battle, which affects the battle. He was hitting each other on the nose, making them feel worse and worse!

"What's going on? Why are there those fish spaceships outside?!" Batie shouted loudly.

Shaomai sighed: "Commander, we have fallen into their trap!"

"What?! You mean they have already arranged these spaceships?!"

"Yes! They have obviously taken advantage of this nebula to hide here, and they will start attacking when we come in. Now we are in some trouble!" Shaomai nodded.

"Trouble? I think they don't have many spaceships. I will immediately send out sniper spaceships to deal with the outer spaceships. I must beat them hard!" Ba Tie said disapprovingly.

Shaomai pondered for a moment and sighed: "This is what we have to do now!"

The three fleets quickly separated out sniper spaceships and turned around to deal with the incoming spacecraft. However, due to being caught off guard, the process was quite chaotic. It was difficult to form an effective resistance formation for a while. At the same time, many spacecrafts had been hit by bullets. , the combat effectiveness was lost, and being mixed in the team became an obstacle, which made the formation of the sniper team waste a lot of time...

Fortunately, three sniper teams were finally formed and quickly launched a counterattack. However, they were surprised to find that the enemy ships that had just attacked from the outside had disappeared without knowing where they were!

Because they are in a nebula environment with extremely low visibility, they can only rely on observation tools to detect the opponent's position. This makes the actions of the three sniper fleets seem quite slow. Moreover, they are still unknowingly collaborating with the main fleet. Opened the distance...

After Batie dispatched the sniper fleet, he felt a lot more at ease, because the incoming missiles from the outside had disappeared, indicating that the sniper fleet's attack had been successful, so he shouted excitedly: "Bronze Hook Meiping, immediately concentrate your firepower to kill the fish in front of you." If the fleet is sunk, be careful not to let them fall. It will be troublesome to find them!"

Meiping said coquettishly: "Oh Bashuai, we want to fight too, but the problem is that the opponent is very cunning and it is difficult to locate their position. Also, this nebula is also very annoying. The fish spaceship can no longer be seen with the naked eye..."

"Indeed! What I'm worried about now is that the Fish Fleet seems to have foreseen its attack on us. This trap was obviously set before they encountered us. Do they have special abilities to see us in the nebula? What?" Tonggou said suspiciously.

"This..." Meiping and Ba Tie were startled when they heard this, and their expressions changed slightly!

Thinking carefully about what happened just now, you can be sure that the Fish Fleet is indeed luring these three fleets into the nebula, but you are not even a little alert. What is the problem?

The three of them thought about it and found that the problem still lies in underestimating their opponents too much!

It is precisely because I feel that this opponent can be kneaded at will that I will chase them into the nebula unsuspectingly. In fact, this is definitely a forbidden area in the universe of Star Wars. The so-called "keep out of the clouds" is what it means. A truth.

But now that the three fleets have been deeply trapped in the nebula, and have lost traces of their opponents, the three of them suddenly feel a little unsure, and they quickly discuss it with their respective military advisors...

Shaomai was quite angry just now because he had warned Ba Tie not to enter the nebula. Unexpectedly, Ba Tie didn't listen at all and chased him in. The current result was entirely because Ba Tie was too arbitrary, so he felt a little angry. He didn't really want to talk, but he also knew that it would be too dangerous for the entire fleet to continue like this. Who knew what other dangerous things were hidden in this nebula?

If something happens to the fleet, he will definitely suffer at that time, so he hummed: "If you can't find your opponent, don't look for it. Let's retreat in the direction we came from. Otherwise, if we stay in the nebula for too long, we will be in trouble." The direction back can’t be locked, something big will happen then!”

At this time, Ba Tie also knew that he had made a big mistake, and said quickly: "The military advisor is right, let's retreat quickly!"

While ordering his men to retreat, he also notified Tonggou and Meiping. The military advisors of the two fleets basically proposed the same strategy, so there was no delay. The three fleets locked in the direction they came from, and the rear team changed to the front team. Out in a hurry…

“Whoosh——” “Whoosh——” “Whoosh——”

“Boom—” “Boom—” “Boom—”

As they were retreating, the sound of artillery fire also sounded at the same time. The dense shells flew from nowhere and scattered wildly on their spaceship, splashing bursts of fire into the sky! ! !

"No! They are coming!" Batie shouted!

The problem now is that as the front team becomes the rear team, the direction is naturally reversed. As a result, the opponent is chasing and fighting from behind. Moreover, they seem to know the exact position of their own fleet, and their bullets are almost flawless. The cannons will cause serious damage to our own spacecraft. For a time, almost every spacecraft in our fleet was in danger and panicked...

"Impossible! How is this possible?!!!" Ba Tie shouted. Seeing the damage from his fleet, he could hardly believe his eyes...

Shaomai said with great sadness: "The other party is almost as clear as if they have their eyes open in this nebula. They must have this ability to lure us in. Don't worry so much, retreat quickly!!!" "

Ba Tie's face was really gloomy, but he knew that if he continued to rescue those damaged spaceships, he would only lose more and die faster, so he immediately ordered the entire army to withdraw from the Nebula at full speed. The rescue would be discussed later...

The Blue Fish Fleet is really happy this time!

The other party did not dare to stay in the nebula and was fleeing with their backs turned to them. This gave them a good opportunity to pursue and annihilate them.

They knew that outside this nebula, it would be almost impossible to find such an opportunity, so all fleets were bombarding frantically...

Due to the red dots provided on the light screen that represent the opponent's position, each spacecraft can easily lock on to the target and strike. The operation is really stable, accurate and ruthless, and the efficiency is extremely high. It can be said that there is not even a training operation. Such a high hitting efficiency...

At this time, the people in the Turia tribe who were far away were extremely shocked. This was because they had no idea what was happening in the nebula. They didn't even see the cannon light, let alone the cannon light. He said he saw the attack inside.

In addition, what frightened them was that they saw three enemy fleets rushing out of the nebula, but there was no sign of their own fleet...

Could it be that their own fleet has been destroyed by them? !

In fact, what these tribesmen don’t know is that the three fleets that first flew out of the nebula were the sniper fleets of the Roller Alliance. Their purpose was to deal with the peripheral Blue Fish fleet. However, they all failed because before The fleets that carried out attacks on the periphery have moved into the nebula and are now bombarding three enemy main fleets...

Just when these tribesmen were watching with fear, someone else shouted loudly: "Look! Another spaceship is coming out... Oh my god, it's the other side's fleet again!!!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

"My son..."

"My father..."

"My sister..."


After people saw the roller fleet coming out of the nebula, they couldn't help but burst into tears, and the whole family fell into a mist of sorrow...

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