The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3346 It’s your own fault

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

Five hundred years of training, including not only physical and ability training, but also intellectual training, have indeed made Yunhan undergo earth-shaking changes. The height where Yunhan stands now, his vision and structure are much different from before. The difference is that he is already prepared for the big change that is coming!

Now he is deliberately promoting young people such as Yuheng, Hongxiang, Gehai and Huawu, which is an important part of the change plan.

These young people are all newly grown in the army and have almost no relationship with Yun Xiaotian, so they can develop into his own soldiers. As long as they are given a little favor, they can make them die. Among the old officials, there are Quite a few of them are people arranged by Yun Xiaotian. These people are naturally not easy to use. Unless they change their banner and switch to his side, they will definitely not be reused.

Of course, for these old ministers, they are a little unclear about the situation now. After all, they just listened to Quan Bing’s speech. There are not many people who can see clearly what consequences this speech will have, so they Now I am very hesitant, and I am even less likely to express my loyalty to Yun Han like young people like Yu Heng.

Besides, these people knew very well that Yun Han could not be Yun Xiaotian's opponent. After returning this time, he might not be able to continue to be the Holy Emperor!

Only they themselves know how much shadow Yun Xiaotian has caused in the hearts of these people. This can be seen from the fact that even powerful people like Andavi, Beimo and Artis dare not go against Yun Xiaotian.

However, these people never thought that Yunhan had become an agent of the Phantom Group. With the Phantom Group supporting him, the situation was completely different. Therefore, when they saw Yunhan promoting young people such as Yuheng, He just stood aside and watched the excitement, saying some words of praise, but not sincerely following Yun Han's side...

The performance of these people is naturally in Yun Han's eyes, but he doesn't care about it at all now, because he knows that as long as he takes down Yun Xiaotian, these people will quickly turn to him like grass on the wall, and they will also Will show more excitement and loyalty than people like Yu Heng...

On the opposite side, Wei Stone, Yan Na and other Canglang clan members looked at the performance of Yun Han and others, and sighed in their hearts. It seems that Quan Bing's speech must have greatly stimulated Yun Han, otherwise he would not have been able to do it. The child has become like this!

Especially Wei Stone, who is also at the level of the Holy Emperor, can naturally see things more clearly. He knows very well that Yun Han is doing this to win over the young man and fight against Yun Xiaotian with him!

It's a pity that these talented young people don't know anything, so they are involved in a terrible royal conflict. It's hard to say what kind of ending awaits them in the future...

With the wisdom and vision of Weston, Yanna, Yaguang, Cole and others, they naturally know that Yun Xiaotian is not easy to deal with. He should be a man who can cover the sky with one hand in the Turia tribe. Yunhan is his son. , and was controlled by him, so what Yun Han is doing now can be said to be a fight between trapped beasts, and the chance of winning is estimated to be extremely slim. Therefore, these passionate young people who join his command are basically dead ends. The outlook is extremely bleak…

Of course, although they knew this very well in their hearts, they did not say it out loud, nor could they say it out loud. After all, this matter was someone else's family matter, and they had no control over it. It was just a pity for these young geniuses...

In addition, Weston, Yanna and others also thought that their current situation was not very good, so why bother meddling in other people's business?

By the way, didn’t Quan Bing talk about it too? The Canglang tribe has original sin, and this original sin is actually the Tiangang gem and Tiangang treasure star that the Canglang tribe has always been proud of. After saying this point of view, they have been fried on the outside and tender on the inside. I did some deep introspection...

Yes, Quan Bing said it well, a gentleman is not guilty, but a noble is guilty. It took them a while to understand this sentence before they finally realized that the Canglang tribe was innocent, but they lived near Tiangang Baoxing and owned Tiangang themselves. gem mine,

Then he becomes a "sinful" person!

Once this wealth is exposed, it will inevitably attract people who covet it. Unless you have the ability to protect your wealth, disaster will follow...

This original sin profoundly illustrates the principle of not exposing wealth. However, how can a treasure as big as the Tiangang Treasure Star be hidden in the universe?

This is a wealth that will be exposed sooner or later...

Therefore, it was wrong for the Canglang tribe to live near Tiangang Baoxing from the beginning!

In fact, if you think about it the other way around, the Canglang tribe is lucky enough, because they have been able to develop from the low-level civilization era to the present level. It is very rare that they have not suffered any misfortune during such a long period of time. Now that they have been driven out by the Roller Alliance, they have not Being exterminated is also a matter of extreme luck!

You know, similar events are happening in the universe, but they are the only ones who can meet Li Yun and Xiao Xing like the Canglang clan. Although Li Yun and Xiao Xing are now super powerful, they cannot meet at the same time. To save so many people, even if they could, they would not do it, because something like this is an objective law of the universe. The weak eat the strong, the strong are respected, and the fittest survive... In this wave after wave of seemingly cruel events , the universe will gradually screen out the strongest among them. Only such beings or races are qualified to coexist and die with the universe, sharing the same destiny...

While watching the performances of Yunhan and others, Wei Stone, Yan Na and others were still immersed in the development of their own race. They wanted to know who the unknown great wisdom was, but it was a pity that Quan Bing did not say out of this.

In another starry sky, after Quan Bing finished his speech, he had completely conquered everyone's hearts, so he was elected as the commander-in-chief of this galactic fleet without any objection!

For Quan Bing, this position is more like an honor than a challenge, because he knows that the Blue Fish Fleet and the Wolf Fleet will not come over at all, and this star war envisioned by the Galactic people will never happen. Happened, they really thought too much...

Of course, the reason why they think this way is that the root of the problem still lies with the Xingma Group. That is, Chenxing, Jingjia and others were worried about the revenge of the Canglang tribe and incited all the Galaxy people to fight against them. Now Chenxing and others The goal was finally achieved!

Quan Bing did not point this out in public because there was no need at all. However, of course he would not let go of the Xingma Group easily, so after starting the training, he arranged them into a vanguard team. This made Chenxing, Jingjia and others People feel something bad is happening!

Chenxing went to Quan Bing privately and asked: "Brother Quan, our fleet has just returned from duty recently. Many ships have not had a good rest and their energy has not been replenished. It will definitely be difficult to complete the mission as the vanguard fleet. Can you see if you can change it to Will other fleets take on this important task?”

Quan Bing smiled secretly in his heart, but said: "Brother Chen, look at other fleets, they are basically a mob. Some forces only send a dozen warships. If these ships are organized together, first of all, they must cooperate with each other. Big problems will arise, and it will be difficult to truly unleash your combat power. As long as you have a complete fleet with five hundred warships, and you train and fight together on a regular basis, there will be no problem with your coordination, and your combat power will be able to Use them all, so no one else can take on the role of vanguard fleet except you!"

"This..." Chenxing was speechless after hearing this...

Of course he understands what Quan Bing said, but he really doesn’t want to be cannon fodder. This fleet is the core of the entire Xingma Group. I don’t know how long it took to reach the current level. Once it really competes with the Canglang Fleet or the If the Blue Fish Fleet fights to the death, I am afraid that it will be wiped out in a short time. He knows this in his heart, so he said reluctantly: "Brother Quan, you can't avenge your private revenge. Although we Xingma and you Quan Zhu are in the adventure field There are competitions and some occasional conflicts, but we stand together to fight against foreign invasion. Everyone is for the security and future of the galaxy. But you know how powerful the Blue Wolf Fleet and the Blue Fish Fleet are. You can’t just watch our Xingma’s hard work go in like this, right? In short, I will never agree to let all our ships serve as the vanguard fleet. The most we can do is let some of our ships be used, plus some other ships. Come and organize the ship together!”

Upon hearing this, Quan Bing snorted: "Chenxing, what you said is wrong. How could I avenge my private revenge? You tell everyone about this matter and see if there is any problem with my arrangement? If different ships come as you said, If you organize them together, the result will only be that your ships will be easily destroyed together with other ships. But if it is a complete fleet, the result will be much better, because there is cooperation and tactics, and our large fleet is there. If you take over, there will be no chance of me being cannon fodder like you said!"

"You?! Even so, I would rather lose some ships than serve as the vanguard fleet alone!" Chenxing said harshly.

Quan Bing said with a serious face: "Brother Chen, if you didn't obey the order, you should have tried your best to become the commander-in-chief by yourself. But now I am the commander-in-chief. You must listen to me. Otherwise, please lead me immediately." As your fleet leaves, I will announce this to everyone in the galaxy and explain the reason for your departure!"

"You?!!!" Chenxing was stunned when he heard this...

I almost regretted it. I recommended Quan Bing during my previous speech. But now that such a problem occurs, I just shot myself in the foot and brought it upon myself!

If Quan Bing really makes the reason for his departure public, then the reputation of Xingma Group in the galaxy will become bad. With a reputation of fleeing without a fight and being afraid of being cannon fodder, how can it be used in the galaxy in the future? Hang on?

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