The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3344 Dialogue between monarch and ministers

"The Legend of Immortal Yun ()"

It is worth noting that the three results predicted by Andavi did not have the possibility of Yun Han winning. In other words, in Andavi's view, no matter how much Yun Han jumped around, he would not be able to escape being destroyed by Yun Xiaotian in the end. In the end, this is indeed a very cruel reality...

Perhaps, if Yun Han wants to save his life, it is best not to go back and plead with Ling Daozi and Liu Feng to take him in. This is the best ending that An Dawei can think of for Yun Han.

Moreover, as far as his own wishes are concerned, he also wants to do this, because as a national teacher, he really does not want to face such a mess. This chaos is a disaster for everyone, and for his country. The same is true for the teacher, and he may even die in this chaos!

Yes, An Dawei has predicted such a possibility. Since he is a national teacher, it is impossible for a civilization to have such a serious problem without any responsibility. If Yun Xiaotian can control the situation, then he may still survive. But if Lian Yun Xiaotian is also overthrown by his tribe, then he, the national master, may also be put to death by those angry tribesmen!

In a moment of great turmoil, whether it is good or bad, wrong or right, good or evil... everything may be buried without any reason!

Therefore, going back is definitely not a good choice. For now, the only choice is to take shelter with the Phantom Group first, and then go back when there is a chance...

When Andavi thought of this, he couldn't help but asked: "Holy Emperor, what are you thinking about?"

"With such a big problem in the clan, do you think I, the Holy Emperor, can still continue?" Yun Han asked.

"Why did the Holy Emperor say this? Of course you are still the Holy Emperor of your clan, there is no doubt about it!" Andavi said with confidence.

"There is no doubt? Imperial Master, are you not telling the truth?" Yun Han snorted.

"The heart of my minister... can be seen by the sun and the moon, and expressed by the heaven and the earth..."

"Stop! I don't want to hear what you are saying now! I finally figured it out. It turns out that all of you are duplicitous in front of me and have never treated me as the true Holy Emperor!" Yun Han said angrily.

"What? How is this possible?!!!" When Andavi heard this, he felt slightly panicked and said quickly.

He didn't understand why Yun Han suddenly thought of this. From Quan Bing's speech to Yun Han accusing them ministers of duplicity, the jump was too big...

"How is it impossible?! You only have eyes for my father, Yun Xiaotian, and why have you ever put me in your eyes?" Yun Han continued.

"This... the Holy Emperor has really wronged Wei Chen by saying this! To Wei Chen, Yun Xiaotian is just the previous Holy Emperor who has resigned, and the current Holy Emperor is you!" Andawei said loudly.

"Oh? Is that really true?"

“That’s true!!!”

"Okay! Let me ask you, Quan Bing said such words in front of everyone, how do you think this matter will affect me?" Yun Han asked step by step.

For Yunhan, he now at least has a way out of being an agent for Liufeng and Ling Daozi. Although he has not yet made a final decision on whether to wear that set of super equipment, the decision lies with him. So his mind calmed down instead. At this time, he wanted to understand the thoughts of these ministers in order to pave the way for his future return to the clan...

This matter is about to start from Andavi, because he is the most important minister and is extremely capable. If he can completely stand on his side, it will undoubtedly be very important to him.

"This..." An Dawei thought to himself, Yunhan seemed to have realized that he was in a bad situation. Did he suddenly become enlightened?

You must know that Yunhan was very law-abiding before and had been living in a lie spun by Yun Xiaotian and everyone around him. In this beautiful lie, he was the supreme Holy Emperor of Turia Civilization, and everyone They are grateful to him, have great respect and loyalty to him, everyone is willing to sacrifice everything for him, and everyone lives a carefree life under his rule...

Yunhan has been living in such an illusion for countless years.

He has never worried about anything for himself, but now he suddenly asked such a sentence, which shows that he has been awakened by Quan Bing's words and knows that he is now facing an extremely difficult problem and the situation is quite dangerous...

However, Andawei would not have thought that Yun Han would now suspect Yun Xiaotian. After all, Yun Xiaotian is his father. The reason why Yun Han became the Holy Emperor was because of Yun Xiaotian's support. From this From a perspective, it is impossible for Yun Han to think that his real danger comes from Yun Xiaotian...

So Andavi tentatively said: "Holy Emperor, Quan Bing's words actually come from an unknown great wise man. This person looks at the problems of his clan from the perspective of an outsider. Although what he said is quite reasonable, but After all, he is not a member of his own clan. It is difficult to understand the development process of his clan from ancient times to the present, and the inheritance relationship between his clan and the previous generation of Holy Emperors and this generation of Holy Emperors. Therefore, we are very grateful to him for speaking out. However, he said As for these issues, we also need to analyze specific issues and deal with them in detail. Some issues may not be correct, so we can't change our good sides, right?"

"National Master, I think everything this person said is true and to the point. The situation in the clan is not the worst as he pointed out, only worse. It's a pity that you keep saying you are loyal to me, but you don't tell the truth at all. When I mentioned it, he never told me the truth, leaving me in the dark all the time...Does the Imperial Master think that doing this is really worthy of me and the Turian civilization?" Yun Han said coldly.

"Of course I told the truth to the Holy Emperor..."

"No! You didn't!"

Yun Han interrupted An Dawei's words and continued: "Actually, you know very well that my throne is empty. Everything depends on Yun Xiaotian's face, right? The reason why you dare not criticize Chongdian is, You dare not help me overthrow the Chongdian, restore the excellent traditions of our clan, and re-attack a higher level of civilization... All of this is because you are afraid of Yun Xiaotian, right? You dare not resist him because you are worried about your own life. Is his threat correct?”

"This..." Andavi was dumbfounded and couldn't say a word...

He realized that he had underestimated Yun Han. The words he just said proved that Yun Han's heart was like a bright mirror. He could see many things clearly, but he just didn't want to say them out...

Yun Han continued: "Have you ever thought about how important your life is compared to the future of the entire Turia tribe? As ministers of the tribe, you have abandoned the future of the tribe and only cared about yourself. life, but you dare not stand up against Yun Xiaotian, dare not support me, work with me to overthrow the heavy code, and rebuild the bright future of the Turia people... Where is your conscience? Where is your courage? Is your intelligence just Used for intrigues, can you just muddle along??!"

"Holy Emperor... please stop saying... I am guilty! I am really guilty! I am sorry for you! I am sorry for the Turia tribe!!!" Andawei finally couldn't resist Yun Han's questioning and cried.

For him, of course he had thought about what Yun Han just said, and these situations tortured his soul all the time. He felt guilty for his own cowardice, his own selfishness, and his own talent. I feel extremely ashamed and saddened by the wasted effort!

Now, every word Yun Han said was like a knife cutting into his already fragile heart. Under the double blow, even if Anda's cultivation level was high, he could not withstand it and soon collapsed. …

"Are you guilty? Where did your guilt come from?" Yun Han said.

"I... I should never hide it from you, lie to you, or fool you. I should not let Chongdian continue to harm the clan. As a national teacher, I should be the first to stand up and support you in your reforms. I should not be afraid of Yun Xiaotian. No For the sake of my own safety, I should put aside the destiny of my clan. Compared with the destiny and future of my clan, my life is as light as a feather and not worth mentioning at all! I should have understood long ago that as long as you, Holy Emperor, remain firm If we carry out reforms in the country, the knowledgeable people in the court will see it, and everyone will be closely united. In this way, we don't need to be afraid of Yun Xiaotian. No matter how high his cultivation level is, he can't be higher than all of us, right? It is even less likely to be higher than the fate and future of our entire Turia tribe!!!" Andavi confessed loudly.

"Well said! I can pardon your innocence! However, from now on, you must stand behind me, support me, agree with me, praise me, seek happiness for the people of the world, and seek a future for the Turian civilization. , let your talent and wisdom shine! Leave a name in the history of Turia civilization and be famous forever!!!" Yun Han said loudly.

"Yes! I will devote my whole life to die!!!" Andawei said with great excitement.

For him, what Yun Han said later is what he values ​​the most. Yes, money is definitely something external to him. When he reaches his level, his status, his vision and his own talent, Performance and a good reputation are what he wants most!

It can be said that Yunhan had already seen through what he really wanted, so what he said hit Andavi's target, making him unable to resist...

However, what Andavi did not expect was that what Yunhan said next made him even more happy!

Because Yunhan told him about the agency agreement he signed with Liufeng, and asked him if he wanted to wear that set of super equipment...

Andawei thought for a moment and immediately said: "Holy Emperor, there is no need to hesitate on this matter! Liu Feng and Ling Daozi are people of advanced civilization. If he really wants us to die, even if we don't wear this super equipment, we will still avoid it. No, so whether you wear this super equipment or not is actually the same to them! And this super equipment is too important to you and to us subjects, you must wear it on yourself as soon as possible So that we can have the confidence to return to the clan and carry out the great cause of reform..."

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