The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3318 Galaxies Devouring?

( ) Xiaoxing’s words made the people in the palace dumbfounded. They seemed to get an unusual taste from the product...

Andavi asked urgently: "Xiao Ling, are you saying that a white hole-level collision once occurred here in the Milky Way? And after this collision, the current Milky Way agglomeration was created?"

Little The starry sky is actually occupied by two white hole-level stars!"

"Oh?!!! What about the other white hole?!!!" Andavi was shocked and asked.

"Another white hole? No, it doesn't necessarily have to be a white hole. It may also be a black hole. In short, it is similar to the current white hole, but it may be a weaker star. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. This star must be similar to the current one. The white hole competes for space, but may lose in the end!" Xiaoxing said.

"Failed? Then it should have run away, right?!" Andavi thought.

"That's a possibility, but it seems to me that it didn't run away..."

"Didn't run away? Oh my god, where is it hiding? It won't come out to fight with this white hole, right?!" Andavi said in shock.

When other people in the hall heard this, their hearts clenched tightly. Although they didn't know what kind of thing the white hole was, from the tone of Ling Daozi, Liufeng and An Dawei, they must be an extremely powerful person. If they fight each other again, the starry sky will fall into chaos again...

Yan Na couldn't help but interjected: "No! If they really fight each other again, I'm afraid this starry sky will be as simple as chaos, but it may be a terrible catastrophe!!! I'm afraid countless stars will A large number of lives will be lost due to the impact of their residual waves!"

Xiaoxing nodded, but said with a smile: "Seniors, don't worry. As far as I can draw from this information, the star that is fighting the white hole is now..."

"Where?!!!" Andavi and Yanna asked urgently.

"In the midst of this galaxy..."

"What?! Oh my god..."

"It's over, it's over..." Everyone screamed, their faces changed drastically...

How can one feel at ease when such a terrifying celestial body is actually hiding among the stars? !

Xiaoxing waved her hand,

He continued: "What I mean is that the current gathering of galactic stars is the defeated star life. After the collision with the white hole, it should be shattered into pieces, and all the matter contained within it will spread out. "

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Yanna asked in great shock: "Xiao Ling, are you saying that the current Milky Way star cluster is that star life? Isn't this too exaggerated? You know, there are countless stars in the Milky Way star cluster. If they all Merged together, how huge would this star be?!"

"Well, what the senior said is not unreasonable, but I just said that in addition to the life on that planet, there should be a part of the material in this white hole, as well as the interstellar material that has accumulated in the starry sky for so many years. These three parts of material constitute The basis of the current agglomeration of galactic stars... As for the issue that you think the amount of matter on both sides seems to be a bit unequal, in fact, there is no need to doubt it at all, because the energy contained in a star close to the level of a white hole is extremely huge, and It is also extremely advanced, and a very small part of its energy can undoubtedly evolve into a star..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh?! You mean, a small amount of high-level energy can evolve into a star?!" Yanna asked incredulously.

"Yes! Through continuous decay, the energy level of high-level energy will gradually decrease, and with the cooperation of various conditions in the cosmic environment, it will gradually transform into ordinary matter, such as the stars we see now, and various other objects in the universe. Most of the interstellar matter is ordinary matter, and its energy level is about one or two levels, while the energy level of a white hole can be hundreds of thousands to one million times that of ordinary matter!" Xiaoxing said.

"Woah!!!" Yan Na screamed, and his eyes were filled with little stars...

The term "small star" is very specific. Through a simple comparison of energy levels, we can basically calculate how many stars the destroyed planet can evolve into. Of course, this is just a simple calculation, and evolution in reality is definitely not like this. Simply converted, based on the calculation of small stars, a star of this level can completely evolve into one million times more ordinary stars, because when they turn on the swallowing mode, the ordinary stars they swallow will also be far away. More than a million!

Andavi finally understood, and he thought: "Xiao Ling, since the Milky Way star cluster is transformed from such an advanced planetary life, then the star cluster where our Turia star field is located, Is this also how it was formed?!”

Xiaoxing shook his head and said: "This conclusion cannot be drawn yet. More observations and calculations are needed in the Turia star field to find out the reason, but..."

"But what?!" Andavi asked urgently.

Xiaoxing said: "In the universe, huge star clusters such as the Milky Way Group and the Turia Group are generally called galaxies. There are several stages in the formation of a galaxy, such as the original stage and the growth stage. , expansion stage, maturity stage, etc. If you want to find out the cause of its formation, you must first clarify which stage it is in, so that you can better find the reasons. According to our observations, the Turia Galaxy is currently It is said that it should be in an expansion stage, and it should have swallowed up several other small galaxies before to form such a huge scale!!!"

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar, feeling like their brains were running out of energy!

It turns out to be called a galaxy!

And galaxies will actually devour other galaxies!

Is this how the galaxy achieves its expansion?

If the Turia galaxy has swallowed up several small galaxies, where will it target next?

Isn't it the Milky Way galaxy? ! ! !

When Guowei and others heard this, they felt very uneasy...

"Xiao Ling, do you think the Turia Galaxy will swallow up our Milky Way?!!!" Guowei asked urgently.

"Yes, if this is the case, wouldn't our Milky Way galaxy be in trouble?!" Yi Xing said.

"Incredible, if such a huge galaxy attacks, how can our Milky Way galaxy resist it?!!!" Lai Huan agreed.

Andavi sighed: "A few of them are so worried, so why aren't we worried? If the galaxies devour each other, all our star civilizations will suffer. In the eyes of the galaxies, how can they care about ordinary stars like us? Destiny? They are fighting, and the result will definitely affect Chiyu, and everyone will be affected!!!"

"That's true! A galaxy is composed of millions of stars. If the two sides fight, these stars may collide with each other, and then the world will be in chaos!!!" Beimo said with worry.

At this time, everyone in the hall was frightened. Including Yun Han, they all felt that this universe was too dangerous. Everything could happen. Even galaxies like this would fight each other and fight to the death...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Seniors, you don't have to be so nervous. Even if the Turia galaxy really comes to devour the Milky Way galaxy, it will happen in the extremely distant future, because with the distance and moving speed between them, the real If we want to encounter it, it will take at least 100 million years!"

"One hundred million years?!!!" Everyone was shocked, but felt a little relieved...

Andavi asked suspiciously: "One hundred million years? Will they really meet in one hundred million years?"

"Well, this is a dynamic process. The Turia galaxy is moving, and the Milky Way galaxy is also moving. Judging from the current trend, although both sides are moving in similar directions, they should be on different orbits. , so it is unlikely that we will encounter it for the time being, but..." Xiaoxing pondered.

"What?!" Andavi asked urgently.

"Judging from the current trajectory and speed, the Wolf Galaxy is approaching the Turia Galaxy at a relatively fast speed. According to my estimate, in about 10,000 years, some of the closest stars will begin to merge... "Xiao Xingyu said in surprise.

"What?!!!" Everyone shouted in shock...

Yunhan, Andawei, Beimo, Yanna, Yaguang and others all stood up in shock, their expressions changing dramatically!

The little star cast three light curtains. The first one marked the Wolf Galaxy, the second one marked the Turia Galaxy, and the third one was a dynamic diagram between the two galaxies...

He pointed at these three light curtains and explained the mysteries to everyone...

This is the first time for everyone to see such a star map from such a macro perspective, and they feel that the height they are standing on is really unattainable!

Because now everyone can see countless stars, and these stars have turned into dots of starlight in front of their eyes. These starlights gather together to form an extremely huge galaxy!

They were shocked to find that their location was almost invisible within the light curtain. There was only a vague position. If Xiaoxing hadn't pointed it out, they wouldn't have been able to find it at all...

Looking at the dynamic picture again, everyone can find that the Wolf Galaxy and the Turia Galaxy are really moving on the same trajectory. The Turia Galaxy is in front and the Wolf Galaxy is behind, and they are running faster than in the previous picture. The sub-galaxy is obviously faster...

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