The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3308 Want to buy elixirs from Xiaoliu

( ) "Oh my is this possible? Is there any energy in the universe that we can't touch at this stage? At least we can sense it?" Yanna shouted in disbelief.

He was really anxious. He spent so much energy, only to be told that he was doing useless work. This was so sad...

However, he also understood that this was the reason why Liufeng did not want to tell him directly, but told him through Shui Xin.

After all, his relationship with Shui Xin is obvious. Liufeng will definitely think that telling him through Shui Xin will make him feel better...

"Brother Yan, what you said is a bit arrogant! What does it matter at our current stage?! I have traveled to countless places over the years and seen countless large scenes in the universe. The energy of many special energy fields cannot be felt. We can’t even figure out the reason for their formation! Before those big scenes in the universe, we were all as weak as ants! Therefore, what Xiaoliu said is absolutely credible. The level he and Xiaoling are touching now It's something we can't perceive. Look at the energy you consume. It actually becomes food for the Clearing Cage Formation. It doesn't have the effect of turning back time at all. This is because of the pure energy of the Clearing Cage Formation. The level is higher than your power of time. Your power is like a small spring flowing into a vast ocean. What role do you think it can play?" Shui Xin said.

"This...then you didn't say it before, but you are saying it now, but all my energy has been exhausted..." Yanna complained.

"How do I know? Didn't Xiaoliu tell me just now because he couldn't stand it anymore? If you don't believe it, please continue, but..." Shui Xin snorted.

"But what?!"

"You can overdraw your life span and try again, but don't overdraw it for more than a million years. I can give you a Huiyuan Pill. After taking this pill, you can extend your life for a million years, which is just enough to make up for it..."

"There is such a pill?!!!" Yan Na shouted in shock.

"What do you think?! I got this with great difficulty from Xiaoliu. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to give it away!" Shui Xin teased.

"Then give it to me first!" Yanna said shamelessly.

"You?! Okay, then..." Shui Xin gritted his teeth and popped out a jade box, which was the box containing the Hui Yuan Dan...

Yanna took the pill box and felt it for a moment, and found that the Huiyuan Pill was indeed extraordinary in appearance and amazing in spiritual power. Even a scan of it with his spiritual consciousness could make him feel extremely cool from his manic state. He couldn't help but feel I'm so happy, with this pill, not only have I made up for all my previous losses, but I've also made a huge profit!

He laughed a few times,

The crystal light in my hand slowly shrank, retracted, and finally disappeared...

"Eh?! What's going on?!"

"Didn't you see? Senior Yan has taken back his time power!"

"It seems like he knows it won't work, but why does he still seem happy?"

"This is a bit incomprehensible. You know, his contribution just now should be huge, right?"

"That's inevitable! Such a big effort has not yielded any results. I would have regretted it for a long time. I didn't expect that he could still laugh..."

"So, super powerful people like him absolutely cannot treat them according to common sense..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it, and they felt that Yan Na was really different. This national master of the Canglang clan was definitely a maverick and a big man who deserved everyone's high respect...

But what they didn't know was that at this time, Yan Na was dealing with Shui Xin's fierce questioning, and the content was naturally asking him why he didn't overdraw his longevity to try if he could move the clearing cage formation. Instead, he received this After returning to Yuandan, did you stop working?

If he had known this result, Shui Xin would certainly not have given away the Recovery Pill. You must know that this pill means a million years of life. Although he has a good relationship with Yan Na, giving him one seems to be too much. It was reasonable, but Yanna "blackmailed" him a Yuanhui Dan in this way, which made him feel extremely unhappy anyway!

"Oh Brother Shui, please stop nagging. I'll give you a Tiangang gem later. Won't you make up for everything?" Yan Na said with a smile.

"Tiangang Gem? Can Tiangang Gem compare with my Yuanhui Pill? When your life is about to end, which one is better, Tiangang Gem or Huiyuan Pill?!" Shui Xin said harshly.

"Everything is fine! Besides, if you have the Tiangang gem, can you just exchange it for another Yuan Dan? By the way, where did the Yuan Dan come from this time? I want to exchange for a few more. The more the Yuan Dan comes, the better." Okay!" Yan Na was not too shameless to speak and asked in turn.

"What a beautiful idea! Do you think the Tiangang gem can be exchanged for the Huiyuan Dan?! I exchanged it for the Black Stone and Xiaoliu and the others!" Shui Xin snorted.

"What?! The Huiyuan Pill was also made by Xiao Ling and Xiao Liu?!" Yan Na exclaimed in disbelief.

"Of course! Such high-level elixirs can only come from a higher civilized world, and here it is the two of them!"

"This... no wonder you want to stay here. It turns out you want to take advantage of their two treasures..." Yanna suddenly realized.

"Haha, it's good that you know! I told you before, don't think about returning to the Canglang Star. Your development here will be many times better than if you go back! Follow Xiaoliu and Xiaoling, you guys The Canglang tribe will soon be able to rise again and enjoy better civilization achievements. It is also certain that they will defeat the Roller Alliance in the future, so why rush to leave now?" Shui Xin laughed.

"Brother Shui makes sense! I misunderstood you earlier, and I'm really sorry..."

"Sorry? Shouldn't we compensate?" Shui Xin teased.

"no problem…"

The two communicated secretly, and An Dawei on the other side also spoke: "Brother Yan, aren't you going to try? It seemed that you almost succeeded just now! What a pity not to try again..."

"I won't try anymore! I'm exhausted, and I feel that I still have no fate with this formation, so I'd better forget it..." Yanna sighed, his face turned slightly pale, but his hair and beard kept the original color, obviously not No overdraft of longevity...

Andavi cursed in his heart, this old fox Yan Na really knows when to stop. In his opinion, if the current situation continues, Yan Na will definitely overdraw his lifespan to increase the power output, and the law of clearing the cage array will be like A bottomless pit will generally absorb all the power of Yan Na. If that happens, Yan Na will suffer a big loss!

Originally, this scene was very likely to happen, because the light group had already reacted at that time. When other people saw this situation, they would feel that their hopes were greatly increased, and they would continue to move forward in one go. However, Yanna still had the power to fight against Daoli and Shouyuan. But he chose to give up even though he had plenty of money, which made people like Andavi feel a little puzzled...

However, An Dawei quickly thought of one thing, that is, before Yana could withdraw his power, Shui Xin threw him a pill box!

At that time, he swept his consciousness and discovered that the pills in the pill box were of extremely high level. Just touching them with his consciousness made him feel extremely comfortable. Moreover, he could see that the pills were of excellent quality, had sufficient spiritual power, and were full of vitality. It should be a magic pill!

Andavi himself is also a master of alchemy, so he can naturally recognize pills of this level at a glance. In his opinion, it was this pill that made Yan Na give up trying. The reason is probably that Yan Na felt that Harvesting this pill is at least about the same as getting the cage-clearing formation...

If this is indeed the case, then the Cage Clearing Formation is a priceless treasure, and so is this pill!

Thinking of this, Andavi was immediately very interested in this pill. Now that the cage clearing formation is unavailable, it would be a good compensation if he could get a pill of that level...

"Brother Shui, I wonder what pills you just gave to Brother Yan? Do you have any extra that you can sell to me or exchange?" Andawei said quickly.

Shui Xin was slightly startled when he heard the words. He didn't expect that An Dawei's spiritual consciousness was so strong and his fox's nose was so sharp. In such a short moment, he noticed the extraordinary power of this elixir and actually wanted to buy or exchange it. He smiled. Said: "This pill is called the Huiyuan Pill. It has the effect of replenishing qi, strengthening the body, and prolonging life!"

"Rejuvenation Pill?! It is indeed a pill as its name suggests. In my opinion, this pill should have miraculous effects in extending life!" Andavi praised.

"Haha, Brother An must be a master of alchemy. You can already see the special effect of this elixir just by looking at it!" Shui Xin replied with a laugh.

"Wherever, high-grade items themselves have different aspects. I believe that many of my friends here can realize the extraordinaryness of this Huiyuan Pill. It just so happens that our tribe has a relatively large demand for such pills. If Brother Shui has it on hand, If you are relatively wealthy, it is better to sell more to us, and our clan will definitely compensate Brother Shui for his help!" Andawei said with emotion.

"This...Brother An may not believe it when I say it, but I only have one elixir on my body. I just saw that Brother Yan was a little too exhausted, so I gave it to him, but now it's gone!" Shui Xin said honestly! .

"Only one?!!!" Andavi was stunned, feeling that all his previous plans had failed!

But when I think about it, this is normal. It is impossible to have too many high-level elixirs like this, especially Huiyuan Dan, which can prolong life and is a blessing to heaven and earth. It would be abnormal if there are too many. , but it is precisely this that makes it even more precious, absolutely priceless!

If you think about it further, Shui Xin only has one Yuan Hui Dan, but he gave this pill to Yan Na. This move also allowed the people in the audience to further confirm the relationship between the two, because if they were not old If you are a friend or old sweetheart, it is almost impossible for such a thing to happen!

"There is indeed only one, but..." Shui Xin muttered, actually communicating with Li Yun...

"But what?!" Andavi asked urgently.

"This elixir was refined by Xiaoliu. If you really want to buy it, you can go to him..."

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