The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3294 Super Equipment

( ) Seeing the wonderful expressions on the faces of the people in the palace, Li Yun was quite proud. In his opinion, the reason why he demonstrated this set of equipment was to make these people quit and stop bothering mortals about their transformation. The topic of law returns to the online national war chess competition...

However, when he sensed it briefly, he felt a little bad!

Because if you want to understand the actual thoughts of these people, you only need to read their brain energy waves. Now it seems that most people are in a state of confusion, but Yanna, Yaguang, and Andavi , Artis and Yunhan are different. They are so eager to get such a set of super equipment!

Especially Yanna and Yaguang, the desire in their hearts is extremely strong!

This is because the current situation of the Canglang Clan is really not very good. Although they have been basically rescued, they are definitely worried about the invasion of the Roller Alliance. As long as possible, they want to counterattack. On the one hand, To avenge those clan members who died in the battle, on the one hand, they want to regain their dominance in the Tiangang Baoxing area. Now that they have discovered this set of super equipment, if they can use it to form a super team, then the battle of revenge can be almost immediately start!

In their view, the Canglang clan is actually just outnumbered. The Roller Alliance uses siege warfare because they have many teams and can suppress firepower, making the Canglang clan unable to resist. However, the level of both teams is basically At the same level, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the Blue Wolf Clan can have one more super team like this, it can make up for the disadvantage of a small number of its own teams, thereby achieving the purpose of counterattack.

After Li Yun noticed the thoughts of Yanna, Andavi and others, he was also extremely surprised. Are these people really willing to pay everything for such a set of super equipment? !

If the national power has been drained, just having such super equipment seems to be a big problem, right?

Yan Na once said just now that with such a set of equipment, there is no need to worry about losing wealth. It can be analyzed from his words that his idea is that after having such a super equipment, he can rely on it to gain more wealth. This is a typical idea of ​​using war to support war. There is not much problem with this idea, but there are certain problems with putting it on this set of equipment...

Yan Na was extremely excited. Judging from his experience, this was definitely an excellent opportunity to support war through war, so he couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Liu, how many such equipment do you have? I need to purchase at least a thousand sets!" !!”

"What?!!!" Everyone screamed and looked at Yanna in disbelief...

They were so frightened by the number reported by Yanna that their legs became weak and they could hardly even sit still...

A set of super equipment like this would cost countless dollars.

The amount required for a thousand sets is even more immeasurable. Even if you are willing to spend all your money, Liufeng may not have the goods for you!

Even as the Holy Emperor, Yun Han did not dare to have such an idea. What he had planned just now was to purchase at most fifty sets, and never more than a hundred sets!

Because even with the strong strength of the Turia tribe, purchasing fifty sets of such equipment will definitely drain the wealth from the treasury, and then it will be stretched to do other things, and it will be extremely embarrassing...

But what he didn't expect was that Yan Na's tone was so loud, and he actually sold at least a thousand sets in one move. He didn't know how many more sets he would need in the future. Is the Canglang Clan really so wealthy? !

Yanna's arrogance frightened the others, but for Li Yun, he was calm and collected. In fact, he knew very well that Yanna did have such confidence!

Because the Canglang tribe owns many Tiangang gems!

Judging from the data, the Canglang star field is close to a Tiangang treasure star, and it occupies the dominant position in the star field around the Zhenggang treasure star, and is extremely powerful.

But with their abilities, they cannot take the initiative to develop the Tiangang Treasure Star, because the pulling power of the Tiangang Treasure Star is too huge. If they get closer, they will be affected by its huge pulling power. Some spaceships may even be unable to control themselves. It will be pulled directly over, and the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die!

As for the Tiangang gem on the treasure star, it is firmly adsorbed on the star. It is impossible to run to other planets without any accidents.

So, where did the Tiangang gems from Yanna come from?

Regarding this issue, many people think that the Canglang Clan relies on its strong strength. Although it cannot directly mine the treasure star, it can occupy a favorable position and wait for some accidents to occur on the treasure star. Some gems will erupt due to unexpected circumstances. Come out, so they got it!

This situation does exist, just like getting the black stone in the center of the water. As long as you wait patiently near the special energy field, there will always be a chance to get the erupted gem.

However, this is not the main way for the Canglang clan to obtain Tiangang gems. The reason why they have many Tiangang gems is mainly because they discovered some Tiangang gem deposits in this star field!

This is amazing!

These mineral deposits are the source of the Canglang Clan's strength. Their current status is inseparable from the huge financial support provided by these mineral deposits. However, this is also the main reason why they were invaded by the Roller Alliance. After all, they are too rich!

According to Xiaoxing's research, the existence of these Tiangang gemstone deposits in the Canglang tribe actually happened at almost the same time as the Tiangang gemstone. In other words, when the Tiangang gemstone was formed, these Tiangang gemstone deposits were also formed at the same time. , but they were not absorbed by the Tiangang Treasure Star, but were distributed around the Treasure Star. Then, because some satellite star fields were slowly formed around the Treasure Star, these mineral deposits were hidden in the nearby star fields. It has been preserved in various planets...

Why did we reach such a conclusion?

This is because the conditions for the formation of Tiangang gems are extremely harsh, and extremely strong pressure is required to compress the molecules of the corresponding substances into the state of gems. However, relying on the core pressure of ordinary planets cannot achieve this condition at all.

Only the huge star at the original position of the Tiangang Star can have such amazing pressure. After the matter was compressed into Tiangang gems, the original huge star also exploded violently, so these Tiangang gems were thrown out, and most of them were Most of the Tiangang gems regrouped, thus forming the current Tiangang gem star, while other Tiangang gems were scattered among the stars in the surrounding star field...

Therefore, in addition to the Canglang star field, there are also Tiangang gem deposits in other star fields around the Tiangang treasure star. These huge gem deposits are undoubtedly extremely attractive wealth. The so-called gentleman is not guilty and only harbors his guilt, which eventually leads to The invasion of the Roller Alliance is actually a very natural thing...

As the Canglang national master, Yanna is shouldering the important task of protecting the many talented young people in the clan, teaching them, and training them in order to prepare for the re-emergence of the Canglang in the future. Therefore, the Canglang Saint Emperor Weistone will A large number of Tiangang gems are placed on their fleet. It can be said that almost half of the Canglang clan's wealth is concentrated in this fleet. If these talented young people are included, then this fleet has become the entire Canglang clan's fleet. The hope of the wolf clan!

This is why when Weston saw that the Roller Alliance had temporarily retreated, he immediately sent Cole's fleet out to look for the Yanna fleet, because the Yanna fleet was too important, and now all the plans of the clan , almost everything revolves around this fleet...

Yanna has so many Tiangang gems in his hands, so he is naturally wealthy. In his opinion, if he can exchange part of the Tiangang gems for such super equipment, then all the adult warriors in his fleet will be armed with this set of equipment. , then the combat power can reach an incredible level, and you can almost immediately return to defeat the Roller Alliance and regain your own territory. You must know that there are many Tiangang gem mines in the Canglang Star Territory. No matter how you calculate this account, Extremely cost-effective!

After he opened his mouth, he stared at Liufeng closely, hoping that he would agree to his order and give a relatively cheap quotation...

Li Yun thought for a moment and said, "Senior, you may have overlooked one thing..."

"What happened?!" Yan Na was startled and asked urgently.

"In the demonstration in the light curtain just now, the laser is just an offensive weapon in the super equipment. There are also a variety of offensive weapons hidden in robes, boots, gloves and other equipment. It can be said that when a soldier puts on Such a set of equipment becomes a moving ammunition depot, which is extremely powerful..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"It's so?! Isn't this better?! What I need is exactly this kind of super equipment!!!" When Yanna heard this, his face almost turned blood red with excitement...

It seems that this is really a set of super equipment. The so-called laser is so powerful. It is estimated that other offensive weapons are also extremely sharp. Just don't be too scary!

When Yun Han, Andavi, Artis and others heard this, they also felt furious and couldn't bear it anymore!

Yun Han said loudly: "Xiao Liu, I also want to purchase one hundred sets of equipment, no, five hundred sets of equipment!!!"

Although his number was only half of Yana's, it was already the highest number he had tried his best. It can be said that Yunhan worked hard to get such super equipment!

When the Turia people heard him counting, they immediately became extremely excited and cheered loudly, almost lifting him to the sky...

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart, but waved his hands and said: "Seniors, the reason why I remind you of this is to let you understand one thing, that is, even if you can afford this set of equipment, you cannot afford to use it. !”

"Can't afford it?! Why?!" Yan Na and Yun Han both shouted in surprise.

In their opinion, as long as they have the equipment, all other expenses can be replenished from the harvest, so what is there that they cannot afford?

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