The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3282 White Wolf with Empty Gloves

Jing Jia was stunned and said in surprise: "Boss, didn't you say you won't be searching for people? We still have to guard against invasion by foreign enemies?!"

"It's still unclear whether foreign enemies rescued those people, or whether it was the work of insiders. In any case, those people are of great value. How can we be willing not to search them carefully? And many people have already paid, and now If you don’t have the goods to give to people, not only do you have to refund them, but you also have to give them a compensation to appease them. The loss is too great!” Chenxing said loudly.

" many people have paid?" Jing Jia asked quickly.

"Nearly three thousand people!!!" Chen Xingsi roared, his voice was a little hoarse. He was so angry at this incident that he felt like a knife was cutting his flesh...

"Oh my god... what can we do? How can we have so much money to compensate them?" Jing Jia was also stunned. Although he was careless, he also knew that this was definitely not a small amount of money that could be appeased. Although the money from those guests It’s easy to make money, but if you don’t keep your reputation first, don’t blame them for doing things behind you. In any case, the underworld business actually pays more attention to credibility. If you don’t keep your credibility once, it may mean that you will be in trouble forever in the future. Lose this customer, and this customer may turn against you...

Over the years, Xingma Group has been able to achieve what it is today, relying on their near-perfect reputation. Otherwise, those customers would not have been able to pay such huge sums of money so readily after only seeing the information posted online!

Therefore, the loss of the cauldron is definitely a heavy blow to the Xingma Group, and it may even be devastating. If it is not handled well, it is very likely that it will not recover in the future!

The more Chenxing thought about the consequences of this incident, the more he became more and more anxious. He felt that he could no longer control his emotions. He took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said, "This incident just happened. We must never We can't mess up our position. The top priority is to find those people as soon as possible in order to recover our losses! Of course, if we can't find them, we must also find other cauldron targets as soon as possible. The number doesn't need to be large, just three thousand people will be enough. , as long as you have goods for them, you can always shut their mouths!"

"Boss is right! It seems that we must go out with all our strength this time!" Jing Jia sighed.

"That's right! Go out with all your strength!!!" Chenxing roared fiercely.

However, he quickly thought of something and said: "Don't alert the people of this planet about this matter, so as not to leak the news. In the future, the powerful people behind those people will come looking for trouble and we will have nothing to say, so we must keep the secrets from the outside and the inside." tight!"

"Yes! Boss! By the way, where is the second brother? With him here, we can have one more person to make suggestions!" Jing Jia asked.

At this critical moment, he finally thought of Wu Ma. With Wu Ma here, maybe things wouldn't develop to this situation...

"I have contacted him, but he is probably looking for the God of Cooking. For the time being, we can only rely on us to handle this matter..." Chenxing sighed.

"Hmph, it's so urgent, but he still has the intention to find the God of Cooking?!" Jing Jia complained.

"Stop talking nonsense and act quickly!"

"All right…"

Although Xingma Planet still maintains the orderly order of the past, it is actually looking for the missing people everywhere. Any possible hiding place cannot escape the detection of the people of Xingma Group. Of course, the nearby space is more It is a rigorous search, and the entry and exit inspections are even more stringent...

What Chenxing didn't expect was that Lian Yuan, the head of the black intermediary Lian Jia who was on the same side as him, was smiling from ear to ear and was having a celebration party with his men!

Why is he so excited?

You know, all the intranet information of Lianjia was removed from the shelves due to Xiaobao's attack, so the latest information was just uploaded not long ago...

However, despite Lian Yuan's young age, he is actually already extremely powerful. He has already had rich experience in dealing with big shots like Chen Xing. He had already prepared for the previous things, so when Chen Xing asked for the list, he quickly can be taken out, and actually,

These people didn't pay anything at all! ! !

Lian Yuan said that just to fool Chen Xing, but he didn't expect that he would be fooled!

As long as Chenxing pays the compensation money, Lianjia Intermediary will make a fortune and get out of hand!

Why are these intermediaries called black intermediaries? It’s because they not only make money from buyers, but also from sellers. It can be said that they eat the next house and then the last one. Their methods are really powerful. No matter who deals with them, as long as they If you are not careful, you may fall into the hole they dug long ago...

As long as this kind of empty-handed trick succeeds once, they can be confused!

Even Xiaoxing looked at this training garden with admiration. He didn't expect that this time, he would indirectly make this little bald boy rich...

However, for such a shady intermediary, Xiaoxing certainly would not let him earn such a large amount of shady money so easily. Therefore, he looked at the group of intermediaries who were almost going crazy with joy and secretly laughed in his heart: "Go crazy, you guys." Soon you will have a taste of joy in vain..."

In fact, it is not difficult to see the trick of this empty-handed white wolf, but Chenxing is in a anxious and panic mood, and Jingjia is not a wise person. If Laoer Wuma is here, of course it is impossible to let Lian Yuan succeeded in deceiving so easily.

At the very least, some of these customers include some of the old customers of the Xingma Group, and Lian Yuan himself does not know this information. If he had known, he would not have included the names of these people in that information. To Chenxing, because as long as Chenxing and Wuma communicate directly with these old customers and explain it, they can discover the method of gardening. But Chenxing is anxious to find those people and also has to deal with the possible foreign enemies. How could he have thought of it? Is there any fraud?

Besides, he really is not in the mood to sit down and do this explanation task properly now, because he is really a big boss and is very busy, which also includes raising money everywhere and transferring money from various places...

Little Settling down the space…

In addition, he also sent a starship to search the star field where the Wolf Star Fleet was killed, and found more missing people, and of course the wreckage of their spaceships. Some of the spaceships were still basically intact, but they were lost. It's just control ability. After a final count, it was found that basically everyone in this fleet had been rescued!

And almost half of the spaceships have been recovered!

Only the Starship can do this. It would be impossible for any other spaceship, including the Blue Fish spacecraft, and Wolf Star's own spacecraft...

The captain of the Blue Wolf Fleet is named Yaguang, and the person with the highest authority is Yanna, a great wise man in the clan. The two soon learned the truth of the matter, and expressed their gratitude to Ling Daozi on the light screen with tears of gratitude...

Little The clan is relatively stable now, but the danger is not over. The enemy is now experiencing internal strife. Once they solve this problem, they are very likely to come back! In addition, your royal family has also sent another fleet out to look for you. Watch them. The course seems to be passing through that land of energy chaos, which is quite dangerous..."

"Oh my god, what can we do?! Xiaoling, can you help them?" Yanna exclaimed.

"Let's do this. I can help you communicate with them and let them return first, because this fleet is still very important to the Canglang Clan and nothing can happen again! At the same time, I can also bring the information I mentioned back to you. The royal family can prepare for the war as early as possible. In my opinion, it will not be easy for the Canglang clan to survive this crisis..." Xiaoxing said.

When Yan Na heard this, he was really surprised and happy, and he quickly asked: "Xiao Ling, I wonder if you have any good ideas to help our Canglang clan overcome this difficulty?"

"At present, the Canglang Clan does not have the strength to defeat these foreign enemies. It would be okay if I were there, but the cost of remote rescue is a bit high now. Why don't you let them withdraw quickly? Taking advantage of the enemy's internal strife, they If you can leave smoothly, just fly to us. Our bubble planet still has a lot of room for development and can fully accommodate your race. We will definitely be able to create a higher civilization in the future!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Is it really possible?!" Yanna said in surprise.

"Hey, if the Imperial Master doesn't believe it, you can come to our party now and learn about our civilization at the same time..."

"Okay! But I believe what you said. It's not too late to tell our Holy Emperor about this plan first!" Yan Na said with enthusiasm.

"That's fine. It's really not too late. Let's talk to them now..."

As Xiaoxing said that, he used his methods to project the scene on Yanna onto the coming fleet mothership, and at the same time, he also projected it onto the palace of the Holy Emperor of the Blue Wolf Tribe!

Such unpredictable methods made Yanna and Yaguang strengthen their confidence and determined to persuade them according to Ling Daozi's words...

The Holy Emperor of the Canglang Clan is called Wei Stone. He was thinking about the situation that his clan was facing recently and the two fleets that were still on the way to escape. How could he have a good sleep? At this time, he was in a daze. Suddenly, he saw The light curtain flashed, startling him!

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help but be shocked, because he found that standing on the light screen were Yan Na, Ya Guang, his two grandsons Da Fu and Si Yue, as well as many talented young people from the clan...

Seeing Wei Stone, Yan Na and others quickly picked up the gift and sang the Holy Emperor, leaving Wei Stone in a daze for a while...

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