The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3280 Chenxing

Xiaoxing casually scored an important chess piece into the Turia tribe, and felt quite proud. However, he is now multi-tasking. Although he is in the palace, he is actually concerned about so many things. Almost all the planetary civilizations he has experienced before He has his focus, and he also controls or guides some of them to do things, helps them solve problems, etc. Of course, since the network he has deployed now has long spread across the entire universe, including the positive and dark universe, his focus also includes those A planetary civilization that I have not personally visited...

Let's not talk about the distance for now, but let's go back to the current gathering of galactic stars. There is currently one thing that caught his attention, and that is the thing that Xiaobao found on the intranet of the old network world. At that time, Xiaobao wanted to find it. Is there any news about Yun Wei and Yun Qi on the intranet? Unexpectedly, it was discovered that there is a race in the universe called the Canglang tribe. One of their fleets had an accident during the voyage. Many people fell into the hands of the Xingma Group. The number of cauldrons refined by them reached tens of thousands, including a pair of little brothers, the eldest was Dafu and the younger was Siyue. These two people were actually of the Canglang clan's royal family, and their status was extremely important.

The star field where the Canglang Clan is located is another cluster of stars, which is further away from the Milky Way star cluster than the Turia Clan. I don’t know how they came here...

After investigation, Xiaoxing finally discovered the main reason. It turned out that the Canglang tribe had been attacked by foreign tribes before, and the situation was quite critical. In order to preserve their descendants, the royal family sent a fleet to transfer some people away from the mainland. Find a place in the universe to settle down, and contact us again when we have the opportunity in the future!

This was indeed a helpless move, but for the survival of the race, they still paid a heavy price to make this fleet break out of the encirclement and sail into the vast universe...

Most of the members of this fleet are young geniuses from the Canglang Clan, and most of the others are people of great wisdom and ability in the clan. They support the hope of the rejuvenation of the Canglang Clan. If the native people of the Canglang Star are exterminated or If they are enslaved, they will definitely go back for revenge in the future...

As for the Canglang Clan itself, Xiaoxing has actually learned the actual situation through the large network he deployed. That is, after a bloody battle, they finally repelled the invasion of foreign enemies. They are currently safe and the entire race is in a state of post-disaster reconstruction, but Xiaoxing Xing knew that the reason why the foreign enemies retreated was not because the Canglang tribe was very powerful in fighting, but because they had internal strife and many coalition forces retreated on their own initiative. Once the internal problems were resolved, the foreign enemies were very likely to launch another attack.

The Canglang clan was actually vaguely aware of this, because they discovered that the enemy's retreat was not a hasty escape, but a voluntary disappearance, so they did not dare to be negligent in the slightest and were still preparing to fight again. At the same time, the royal family also sent Another fleet came out to look for the little brothers and other tribesmen who had fled...

Therefore, these two little brothers, and the two little sisters Yun Wei and Yun Qi, actually came to the same destination by different paths, and their situations were similar. If it weren't for Li Yun and Xiao Xing, their final fate would have been extremely tragic!

This is also the reason why the Xingma Group is such a treasure, because most of these people are teenagers, and they all seem to be full of geniuses, showing extraordinary potential from body to wisdom, and this cosmic race Obviously, the blood level is extremely high, and it is more powerful than the highest level race in the Milky Way. Such a boy is of course the best candidate for the cauldron. After being refined, he will definitely be able to sell it for a very high price. Therefore, recently, Star Horse The group spent almost all its manpower, material and financial resources. On the one hand, it stepped up the search for that star field, hoping to pick up more people. On the other hand, it began to refine these people, and at the same time, it also released it through the black intermediary in the online world. Sales information…

Chen Xing, the boss of the Xingma Group, is in a good mood recently, because he knows that he will soon become rich. If all these cauldrons are successfully sold, he will definitely receive a huge amount of wealth, and it is entirely possible to surpass him in terms of financial resources. Quanzhu Group, which has always been ranked the boss, is very confident about this!

At this time, he was sitting on the highest mountain of Xingma Star.

In the magnificent and magnificent headquarters on the top of the mountain, while admiring the red leaves all over the mountains and plains, he crossed his legs and leisurely sipped a glass of Xingyun wine, with an extremely satisfied look on his face and murmured: " This Xing Lun wine is truly well-deserved, it is simply better than any other wine I have drunk before... No, I must have it in my wine library, and the more the better!!!”

This wine was sent by Kun Hou of Cai Lanxing not long ago, but now Chenxing knows that Xingma Group Cai Lanxing's outlet has been lost. As for Kun Hou and others, it is very likely that Quan Bing has taken it away...

Of course, he also knew that there was a special reason for such a thing, and the most direct cause was the appearance of the Blue Fish Fleet. Until now, the Blue Fish Fleet is still a serious problem for every force in the Galaxy, and everyone is worried about it. Worried about whether it would suddenly appear near their planet, they were all working hard to prepare, and at the same time they were sending people to search for the missing little sisters...

It is precisely because of this reason that Chen Xing does not resent Quan Bing at all, nor does he feel that Kun Hou and others have betrayed him. On the contrary, he also believes that the food basket star has actually become a burden and was taken away by Quan Bing. Just in time, maybe the Blue Fish Fleet will turn around and sink the Vegetable Basket Star. By then, the Quan Zhu Group will have suffered heavy losses, and then the Xingma Group can take advantage of the situation and become the leader of the Adventure Group!

Therefore, Chenxing now looks at Quan Bing's merger with Lai Lanxing and Gourmet Star's multi-power outlets with a sense of gloating, thinking that he is completely asking for trouble and destruction...

However, there was another thing that made him feel a little puzzled and confused, and that was that Wu Ma, the second oldest member of the group, mysteriously disappeared!

According to the reliable information obtained, Wu Ma was captured by the Blue Fish Fleet when they were negotiating with the Blue Fish Fleet on behalf of Cai Lanxing. However, he seemed to have returned to Cai Lanxing later, and there was no further news after that. Already…

Chenxing has sent many letters to directly contact Wu Ma, but there has been no response. However, he still believes that Wu Ma may be on his way back to the headquarters or doing other things. After all, the Blue Fish Fleet did not attack on the spot. So there should be no need for them to attack a negotiator, right?

Wu Ma's disappearance made Chenxing feel a little unsure, because Wu Ma was extremely intelligent and acted as a military advisor in the Xingma Group. He planned many major actions, while Chenxing was more of a commander. Therefore, if Wu Ma disappears, it will definitely be a heavy loss to Xing Ma Group...

"By the way, this kid loves food very much. This time he went to the Food Star Group to snap up the God of Cooking delicacies at the auction. The previous news was that the auction had ended when he went, so will he go directly to look for the God of Cooking? Where to buy?" Chenxing suddenly thought of this.

For Wu Ma, it is not surprising at all if there is such an action, because Chenxing understands the psychology of these gourmets very well, especially a gourmet like Wu Ma, who will do anything to get some kind of delicious food. Do some crazy things...

"Then, this kid is most likely on his way to find the God of Cooking. No wonder he hasn't replied to my message yet... I hope he's okay. After all, Xingma Group can't live without him yet..." Chenxing murmured.

Suddenly, a light curtain lit up in his hall, and a shareholder reported: "Boss, something happened!!!"

"Jing Jia, don't make a fuss at every turn. Didn't you see me tasting wine?" Chenxing said angrily.

"Oh boss, are you still in the mood for wine tasting? Our cauldrons are all gone!!!" Jing Jia said anxiously.

"What?!!!" When Chenxing heard this, the wine glass in his hand dropped and shattered into pieces with a "pop"!

It can be seen that this news was too sudden and shocked Chenxing. He asked urgently: "Which cauldrons? How many are missing?"

"Oh, they're all gone! I didn't see a single person! Except for the alien cauldrons I caught this time, all the ones I caught before are also gone..." Jing Jia sighed.

"How unreasonable?! The Cauldron Furnace space is so tightly guarded, how could they all disappear just because they said they didn't see them? Is there a spy? Check it out right away! Check it thoroughly!!!" Chenxing yelled.

"Boss, I have sent people to investigate, but the most important thing now is to catch all the escaped cauldrons. It is impossible for them to escape very far in their current state. They must be hiding on Xingma Planet. Or in the space around Xingma, we must launch a large search and not miss any place!" Jing Jia said.

"That makes sense! Search them immediately!!!"

After Chenxing finished speaking, he immediately issued an order. Suddenly, the entire Star Horse started to move, and there was a chaos. The civilians did not know what happened. They saw people from the Star Horse Guards appearing in groups. They searched everywhere. Very vicious...

Countless spaceships and airships have taken off to search the planet's surface over a large area, and they have also flown into space to search for any floating islands in space and anything suspicious...

After Chenxing saw the actual situation in the cauldron space, he was completely confused. He couldn't imagine how those people escaped?

Because there were almost no signs of damage at the scene, all the confinement formations remained intact, and the guards did not hear any noise. It was not until a routine inspection that they discovered that everyone inside was missing...

It can be seen that these people escaped almost at the same time. Therefore, in Chenxing's view, these people could not have escaped on their own, but should have been rescued. Who and what kind of person has such a terrifying Ability? Why would he save these people?

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