The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3274 Discovery of Andavi

On the other hand, Andavi couldn't help but be shocked when he heard what Yunhan said, because this sentence gave him a little hope, the hope that a Turia tribe could bring about change!

For the Turia people, the entire race is now full of servility from top to bottom. This servility has greatly suppressed the growth of wisdom and innovation and progress of the people, and almost all of this was brought about by heavy scriptures.

If you want to change all this, you must start from the source, that is, implement a top-down reform. Starting from the top, we will first start to dilute the heavy codes, and slowly activate the vitality of people at all levels and improve their mental state, thus creating a A positive and innovative vitality, when this vitality gradually spreads to the entire huge tribe, the moment when the Turia tribe will be glorious again may come!

You must know that many outstanding figures produced in the last glorious era of the Turia tribe are still the pillars of this race, but many of them have become rigid in their thinking, lack of energy, timid and afraid of getting into trouble. The cautious situation also means that their upward potential is not very great. Therefore, if the Turia tribe wants to be glorious again, they must place their hopes on the new generation. Only by injecting fresh blood into all walks of life Only by reusing young talents full of free and innovative spirit can we fully activate the vitality in various fields, continue to make progress, invent and create, lead innovation, and achieve new major theories and major achievements, thus bringing new supreme glory to the Turia people. …

As the number one wise man of the Turia tribe, and can also be said to be the national teacher of the Turia tribe, Andavi has not turned into an old fox with rigid ideas. Instead, he has maintained the spirit and motivation to constantly break through his circle of competence and knowledge. Therefore, he is very excited now. He really wants to have an in-depth discussion with Saint Emperor Yunhan to realize everything he desires!

In fact, he had already had this idea. However, in the conservative and outdated atmosphere of the past, he was not sure that he could convince Yun Han. Moreover, he did not fully understand what Yun Han was. What kind of monarch, if one bad move may make his idea counterproductive, then it is better not to do it.

But now, Andawui finally sees a little hope, of course, just a little bit. This hope is that he finds that Yun Han is indeed different from Yun Xiaotian. As he said before, he wants to reduce the risk of his subordinates. Words like pressure can never come from Yun Xiaotian's mouth, there is no doubt about this!

Although the hope is only a little bit, it at least shows that Yun Han's nature is in conflict with the high-pressure spirit emphasized by Chongdian, and this is a good way to open a gap.

Just like the start of the online war between nations just now, the Yika Dragon Team used lightning speed to focus on attacking the two small countries on the border. As a result, they got a good start and captured them all at once, becoming A major gap in breaking the game, and now taking advantage of the trend to attack the third country, the Blue Fish Phantom team was suddenly under tremendous pressure. If they did not cope with it well, it was very likely to collapse thousands of miles and never be able to turn around again. It can be seen that the opening How important gaps are in a battle!

In Andavi's view, the discussion he is about to have with Yun Han is undoubtedly a major battle, and to achieve a major victory in this battle, the existence of a gap is also crucial, and this gap He has found it, and that is Yun Han's relative "weakness" in nature!

When masters compete with each other, as long as there is a slight weakness, the opponent may seize it and make a big fuss, eventually leading to a complete failure. And peerless masters like Andavi are even better at discovering such weaknesses and taking advantage of them. weakness.

Moreover, after careful consideration, Andavi started from this weakness and found another bigger "weakness" of Yunhan!

This major discovery made him even more excited, so much so that his mood was about to fly...

What discovery made Andavi so excited?

The answer is Ling Daozi,

If there is one more person, it would be Ling Daozi and Liufeng.

Andawei believes that Ling Daozi and Liufeng are Yunhan's biggest weaknesses. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yunhan is full of love for these two cosmic babies, and Andawui can even see that Yunhan's kind of The love is no longer the kind of love that elders have for younger generations, but the love of wanting to take them under one's account and become one's disciples!

Of course, both Yunhan himself and Andawi, Beimo and others who were observing from the sidelines gradually realized that it was impossible to achieve such "love" because they "sadly" discovered that the civilization of the Turia people The civilization level of Ling Daozi and Liufeng is larger than imagined. At present, the gap between the civilizations of the two sides has widened a long distance. Moreover, Ling Daozi and Liufeng seem to be trying their best to hide their In actual civilization, the two of them are like two huge treasures. A casual sentence can make masters like Andavi and Beimo think about it for a long time and cannot understand it, let alone other people...

If Yunhan had followed his original plan, he could have used his own advanced civilization, his supreme identity and status, and of course his huge wealth and power to attract Ling Daozi and Liufeng, but Now he discovered that the civilization of the Turia tribe had become a backward civilization in front of Ling Daozi and Liufeng. After visiting Bubble Planet and Phantom Group, he even discovered that the identities of Ling Daozi and Liufeng His status is extremely high, his wealth and power may even be greater than his, so the situation between the two parties is now reversed. Is it necessary for Yun Han to join Ling Daozi or Liufeng himself?

This will of course be a big psychological obstacle for Yunhan. After all, he is now the supreme ruler of the Turia tribe. He cannot completely abandon his great country for a beauty, right?

Besides, Ling Daozi and Liufeng may not necessarily appreciate you. If you propose it to them but are rejected, wouldn't it mean that you lose all face?

So Yunhan is now beginning to have some reflections. The situation of this reflection is that if the civilization of the Turia people can exceed the level of civilization of Ling Daozi and Liufeng, wouldn't his hopes become greater?

After all, if you want to take a slave in the world of cultivation, generally speaking, the master must stand in a higher position. If the master is weak and the slave is strong, then the best thing for the master is to let go immediately and let him create a new life. A piece of your own world, so that you can avoid future backlash, and the two parties can at least be friends instead of becoming mortal enemies...

Of course Yunhan knew this very well, so before he had a good understanding of the situation, he boldly proposed the intention of taking slaves to Ling Daozi and Liufeng, but they did not respond. After continuous contact and understanding, Yunhan found that the truth was getting further and further away from his imagination, so he had temporarily chosen to forget his original intention and did not dare to mention the matter again.

However, the charms of Ling Daozi and Liufeng were too powerful, making it increasingly difficult for Yun Han to resist. In fact, not to mention him, every one of the other Turia clan powerful men sitting in the palace had been attracted by them. The two of them were so fascinated that there were very few people who could maintain normal communication with them. Maybe, if Ling Daozi and Liufeng really proposed to them their willingness to take slaves and maidservants, most of them might I will join him on the spot!

However, it seems that Ling Daozi and Liufeng have no such intention now...

Yunhan's reflection gave him a strong desire for progress. He especially hoped that his clan could progress faster, win more victories, and realize the overall upward leap of civilization!

This point has actually been noticed by Andavi!

Because in some simple private communications between him and Yun Han, Andawei had already keenly discovered this, and in his view, this was of course also a gap, a huge gap that could break through Yun Han's inner defense!

If this gap is investigated in depth, the source is actually Ling Daozi and Liu Feng. Their charm is strong enough to change Yun Han's own spirit and behavior. Therefore, in Andavi's view, if he and Yun Han If Ling Daozi and Liufeng participate in this future dialogue between them, then their chances of winning will become even greater!

Thinking of this, Andavi's heart became even more intense!

What he needs to do now is to interact more with Ling Daozi and Liufeng, and establish a deep friendship with them, so that he will be more confident if he asks them for help in the future...

So, taking advantage of the opportunity to watch this online national war chess match, Andawei began to "shamelessly ask questions." He said: "Xiao Ling, if you were to be the coach of the Blue Fish Phantom team at this time, what would you do?"

Xiaoxing laughed to himself upon hearing this. In fact, he knew something about An Dawei's inner thoughts, but how did he know it?

Don’t forget, Xiaoxing has already studied the soul formation process of life before. In his opinion, the essential point of a primitive thing that wants to form its own soul is constant “vibration”!

Yes, it is this constant vibration process between the original thing and the surrounding things that gradually forms a resonance effect, which will produce the prototype of the soul in the original thing and slowly develop and grow.

As small as a small flower or plant, as large as a huge planet, or even in the vast universe, there will be such a resonance phenomenon. It is resonance that gives things a soul, a brain, the ability to think, and the ability to think. The cognition of one's own life and the cognition of surrounding things, thus discovering the existence of "oneself"...

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