The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3266 Weird Formation

( ) what happened? Hit me hard! " Shi Laiao roared loudly.

"Boss, our ammunition is about to run out..."

"What? Then use your Dao power to fight and send out Dao Yi army!" Shi Laiao said decisively.

"Boss, Daoyi armies are usually dispatched under desperate circumstances, because they are going to attack fortresses and are easily attacked by the other party. Bases like this are generally easy to defend but difficult to attack..." The counselor below Kuai Fei explained.

Shi Laiao is not without any brains. On the contrary, he is a network genius. He said that just now mainly out of anger. At this time, after hearing the words of counselor Kuai Fei, his mind began to calm down and he said: "This is strange. We The ammunition prepared this time is extremely sufficient. Even if we do not capture the opponent's base directly, we can at least blow it open a big gap, so that we can use virus invasion and other techniques. Why is there no movement at all in the hacker base now? So much ammunition is of no use at all?"

Kuai Fei thought: "After all, hackers have been the boss of the Internet world for many years. They must have put a lot of effort into protecting the base. It may not be easy to destroy them all at once. It is better to look at the situation of several other forces. How about, let’s find a way here…”

"That's fine..."

Shi Laiao had no choice but to send messages to the bosses of Huang Ke, Cheng Ke and Lan Ke...

However, what he didn't expect was that before he sent it, he received a letter from them, and the situation described in the letter was almost exactly the same as what the Green Guests encountered. In other words, several teams were After advancing to the core area, it is no longer difficult to use firepower to open up the situation. The hacker base is not afraid of their attacks at all and remains standing!

"How is this possible? Has the protection system of the hacker base been upgraded again?!" Shi Laiao was not calm at all.

Kuai Fei said suspiciously: "No, the information we got earlier was that when Wanke was competing with Mingcheng, he used firepower to open a gap. It was only when the firepower failed and the Taoist army was not as good as him that he was defeated. With our strength being much stronger than that of Wan Ke and the other three friendly forces, we must be much stronger together than the hackers!"

"I have actually faintly seen that gap! The hackers haven't had time to repair it yet!" Shi Laiao said.

"Oh? Can the boss see it?"

"Okay, my current network vision has improved again and I can see farther and clearer!" Shi Laiao said proudly.

"Congratulations, boss! That's very good.

We concentrate the remaining firepower on attacking that gap, and we will be able to completely destroy it. At that time, the virus we prepared can invade their intranet and get the information we want! " Kuai Fei said happily.

"good idea!"

The two decided to send this strategy to the other three teams, so that they could all gather together to bombard the gap...

The yellow, orange, and blue teams didn't have much ammunition left. After seeing Shi Laiao's plan, they couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly gathered on his side. The four teams merged into one, and the momentum surged!

Seeing that each team was taking the lead, Shi Lia couldn't help but feel overjoyed and his confidence soared. He said loudly: "Everyone, the success or failure of this operation depends on this. First, focus on attacking the gap. The others will prepare the virus. Once the gap collapses, Launch a virus offensive immediately!"

"Okay!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

“Boom—” “Boom—” “Boom—”

For a moment, there was a loud sound of artillery, the barrels were spitting flames, and the artillery fire swarmed towards the last gap in the hacker base!

“Whoosh——” “Whoosh——” “Whoosh——”

Rows of bows and arrows, spears and flying swords were all pierced under the control of the attackers, with the potential to destroy this base in one fell swoop!

"Eh? Why is it still like this?!"

"It seems like artillery fire can't reach there?"

"It makes no sense! According to our measurements, there is no problem with the artillery fire hitting that gap. Why did it miss?"

"That's right, the gap is obviously there, there's no reason why we can't hit it with so many attacks!"

"Something is really wrong..."

The more people attacked, the more they felt that the situation was a bit strange. Not only was this very different from the information they had received from the Wanke team before, but it was also quite different from the way they knew about the Internet...

Kuai Fei frowned, stared straight ahead, and suddenly said: "No, did you feel the aftermath of those attacks?"

"The aftermath of the attack?!" Everyone was startled.

"Yes! Judging from the distance, our attack should be able to hit the gap, but in fact it is not. Then the explosion aftermath and the power aftermath of the attack should be sensed by us, but I can't Didn't you receive it?" Kuai Fei asked suspiciously.

"Yes..." Everyone was stunned for a moment. Under Kuai Fei's reminder, they tried their best to sense the aftermath of the attack, only to find that the surroundings were quiet, and the fluctuations in the energy waves were extremely small, almost negligible.

This is so unreasonable!

Such a terrible attack, such an attack that disregarded costs and family wealth, disappeared quietly without even a splash. No one would dare to believe it!

Shi Laiao spread his consciousness and sensed it crazily for a while, with a look of surprise on his face, and said: "Really not! Have all our attacks been neutralized by the hacker base's formation?"


"The last attack from Bay Guest couldn't be completely neutralized, let alone our attack!"

"If hackers really have this ability, wouldn't we have no chance at all?"

"I don't believe it! Even if they are strong, they can't be so strong!"

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking about it, and most of them didn't believe that the hacker base could have such an evil defense capability. On the one hand, this defense capability was almost as strong as the sky. On the other hand, they had to say this to give themselves confidence...

"What to do now?"

"Yes, we are almost running out of ammunition. If we can't open the gap, we will be finished when they counterattack!"

"Yes, someone must confirm it. If their formation is too powerful, then we should withdraw quickly..."

While everyone was talking, they all looked at Shi Laiao...

Shi Laiao's face was extremely gloomy. He didn't expect that this operation would have such a result. He didn't even see a single figure on the hacker's side. He had almost run out of ammunition. How could he fight such a battle? !

Of course he is mentally unconvinced. In fact, a heroic figure like him has never been convinced unless he feels that it is really out of reach.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You guys first stand back and ambush, and prepare for close combat. I'll go to the front to explore!"

Upon hearing this, Kuai Fei couldn't help but said anxiously: "Boss, don't go! You've easily become a target for them to attack like this!"

"It's okay! My defensive equipment is okay, but I can't stand it any longer!" Shi Laiao said loudly, emboldening himself...

In his opinion, after finally becoming the leader of four teams this time, he must show commander-level courage no matter what, otherwise how can he convince the public?

If this investigation comes back, no matter what the result is, I will definitely be a God of War figure in the eyes of everyone, so it is worth taking this risk...

Ignoring the dissuasion of Kuai Fei and others, Shi Laiao tightened his protective clothing and began to sneak forward...

He was cautious and uneasy along the way, and it took him a long time to gradually approach the core area of ​​the hacker base. Just when he was secretly glad that no one noticed him, he suddenly found that he seemed to have hit a wall, and he could not go any further no matter what!

"No! Is this the edge of their formation?!" Shi Laiao reacted and said anxiously.

Because it's possible to feel like this only when you hit a formation, but since it's a formation, why can't you see it?

Shi Laiao was startled and stepped back a little alertly, wanting to see if anyone came out to patrol or if there was any reaction from the formation, but after a while there was no movement at all, and not even a single figure appeared on the hacker side. , which made him feel that he was being ignored?

Could it be that the other party's confidence in this formation is so strong? Didn't you even bother to check it? !

The more Shi Laiao thought about it, the angrier he became. He stood up in excitement and boldly went to explore the invisible wall in front of him. He found that no one paid attention to him. This really made him extremely angry because he was completely ignored. This feeling is completely unacceptable to him as a hero!

"Mingcheng! Xiaoqi! Come out boldly! Let's have a good fight!" Shi Laiao roared.

However, no matter how much he yelled, the other party ignored him at all, which made Shi Laiao almost crazy!

He immediately launched an attack on the invisible "wall" in front of him, "bang", "bang", "bang"...

Shi Laiao's Dao power is indeed extraordinary, and his personal offensive power has reached a very high level. At the very least, it can make the formation in front of him create a trace of energy ripples, but that's all. These energy ripples are almost appearing. It disappeared at the same time without even a single echo...

"How is that possible?! Here comes the trick!"

Shi Lao summoned up his power and used his special move "High Ladle Out of the Water". He jumped into the air, slapped his palms, and a force with blue ripples spurted out, hitting the formation fiercely!

With a "bang" sound, this force instantly melted into the formation and disappeared suddenly!

Shi Laiao felt as if all his strength was hitting a piece of cotton. All the strength was instantly absorbed by the cotton, causing his body to completely lose balance. He fell from the air with a "plop" and hit the ground firmly. His figure sank directly...

What made him feel even more like vomiting blood was that when he swept his consciousness, he found that the formation area in front also had a little ripple mark, and then disappeared immediately!

It's like my own attack has never happened before...

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