The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3262 Hemu’s suggestion

( ) Xiaoqi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and laughed: "Haha, that's great! It seems that I have no pressure now. Being regarded as an idol by Xiaobao is not a good thing. Fortunately, Ling Daozi is here to take on this responsibility. Pressure, it depends on whether our little treasure can surpass him from now on!"

"Gee, Brother Qi is still one of my old idols, so we can't cheat so quickly!" Xiaobao said with a proud smile.

Xiaoqi scratched his head and said: "That's no good. How can idols be divided into old and new? Anyway, Ling Daozi is your idol now. You quickly ask him what's going on with that portal? And his new network What's going on now?"

When Xiaobao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted, "I know!"

"What do you know?!" the three asked in unison.

"That portal... I really wanted to contact Ling Daozi before, but I didn't know how to contact him, because he is not in our online world now, but he must be building his new online world. If To contact him, you must have a node in the new network world..." Xiaobao said.

"The node of the new network world? You mean...the portal?!" Xiaoqi reacted and asked urgently.

"Yes, that portal is most likely the node of a new online world. Shui Xin and Hong Haier's consciousness bodies disappeared after entering that node. They should have gone to that new online world! "Xiaobao shouted.

"Wo!!!" Mingcheng, Heike and Xiaoqi exclaimed, looking at each other...

Is it really what Xiaobao said? !

But if you think about it carefully, it’s really possible!

Xiaoqi said: "If that portal is the node of the new online world, why can it appear in our current online world? You must know that there is a world spirit here, so what if it knows about it? Or in other words Since the spirit of the Internet world exists, Ling Daozi’s new network should be rejected here..."

Heike nodded and said: "It makes sense! This online world is an independent space. For outside things to come in, they must comply with the rules set by the spirit of the world, otherwise it will be impossible to enter. And if the so-called portal is not a teleportation It is a door, but a node of the new network, so how can the spirit of the world let it in? It is obvious that they are opposed to each other..."

"No, this possibility exists!" Mingcheng said flatly.

"Oh?!!!" Heike and Xiaoqi were both startled.

Mingcheng explained: "Didn't I just say that?

If the external things are particularly advanced and exceed the suppression range of the power of this world, then they can continue to play their role after coming in without being restricted by this online world. Xiaobao's information shows that the new network is made of high-energy silk threads extracted from black stone. The black stone itself is of extremely high level and should not be suppressed by the power of this world. So the new network made of silk threads refined from black stone Of course, the network can also appear here calmly and play its due role! So Xiaobao’s judgment just now should be correct! "

Xiaoqi nodded slowly and said: "The level of the new network will indeed be very high. According to Ling Daozi himself, this network will expand to the entire universe and connect all passing planetary civilizations, so its information carrying capacity is so high It is unimaginable that if the level is not high, it is impossible to achieve such a goal!"

Heike was extremely shocked and said: "Is Ling Daozi exaggerating? No matter how high the level of the new network is, can it really carry the amount of information of planetary civilizations in the universe? Our network can't even connect to the last Wugui Lake auction Even the traffic of the Internet cannot be carried. Think about it, the amount of information of planetary civilizations in the entire universe may be huge compared to the vast ocean, and no network can carry it!"

"Brother Hai, we don't know if Ling Daozi's boast is too big, but one thing is for sure. The new network must be much higher than this network. Maybe the two cannot be compared on the same level at all. , so the nodes of the new network can appear in this online world without being restricted by the power of the world, this should be confirmed!" Xiaoqi analyzed.

"I have nothing against this, but I doubt that the new network will expand to the entire universe! Based on my experience and perspective of working on for such a long time, this new network will at best cover our core The operating efficiency of the universe is better than this old one, but it will be difficult to expand..." Heike laughed.

"Maybe we can wait until it is actually built and we can all use it before making a judgment..." Mingcheng said.

"Okay, but boss, do you think it's better for me to stay here? Or should I leave now?" Heike asked.

"This... Hemu and Hetian have now joined the Phantom Group, and they are both practicing the way of the Internet. Their focus will definitely turn to that new network, so the value of you continuing to stay in the Tengxin Network is not great. In addition, They are a family now. I believe that Ling Daozi will definitely tell them your true identity. Of course, little people like us may not be in their eyes at all, so they have not done anything to you until now. However, We still need to be self-aware and we cannot continue like this... Anyway, there will be a new network in the future, so you should come back and let us all study together!" Mingcheng said.

"Boss is right! I actually feel very bad about working here. After all, treats me well, but I am passive and slow in my work, and steal their information from time to time. If this continues, I will suffer from schizophrenia... So I decided I have to resign now, and don’t pay back all the money they have given me over the years, so that I can leave with peace of mind..." Heike said with relief.

" really want to do this? You have worked hard there without any credit over the years. The information you stole is actually not much, and it is not worth a lot of money. If you return all the money you earned, wouldn't it be in vain?" Mingcheng was surprised. road.

"No, I have to do this! Because only in this way can I live up to my conscience. Hualong and Hemu have been very nice to me over the years, but I have been lying to them, and I feel really sorry!" Heike sighed.

Mingcheng and Xiaoqi looked at each other and said, "Well, what you want to do is up to you, if you think it's right!"

"Pa", "pa", "pa"... a burst of applause suddenly sounded...

Mingcheng, Heike and Xiaoqi were startled, and their expressions changed slightly!

Just when the three of them were confused, a light curtain appeared in the space. The three of them quickly looked over and couldn't help but exclaimed: "With seniors?!!!"

"Haha, it's me!" Hemu laughed loudly.

"Senior, how did you... get in?!" Mingcheng asked in shock. You must know that this is his independent space in the hacker organization, which is heavily protected. How could someone break through all the defense lines and directly cast the light curtain here?

"Well, don't ask me about this, because I don't know either. Xiao Ling helped me vote here. We are still here in the Bubble Star Territory!" Hemu said with a smile.

"Wo..." Even Xiaobao was alarmed, and the four of them looked at each other. It seemed that Ling Daozi's ability was too strong, and all the protection and obstacles were useless in front of him...

Xiaobao's eyes widened and he asked hurriedly: "Old man, is Ling Daozi with you? Can you let me talk to him?"

"Don't you see that our place is very lively? We are holding a feast, and Xiao Ling is still receiving guests from the Blue Fish Fleet. How can I have time to chat with you?" Hemu said.

"What? The Blue Fish Fleet went to the Bubble Star Territory?" Mingcheng asked urgently.

"That's right! Your previous guess was correct. The Honghaier sisters were rescued by Xiao Ling, so you can safely place your bets..." Hemu said with a smile.

"I see...Thank you, senior, for your guidance!" Mingcheng said sincerely.

"Haha, you are all smart, haven't you already guessed it? It doesn't make any difference whether you have my advice or not..."

"That's still different! If there are seniors, we will feel more at ease!" Mingcheng said.

Heike knelt on the ground with a plop and choked up: "He Lao, you must have heard what we said. I have been lying to you all these years. I have failed you. I will punish you how you want." , I have absolutely no complaints!”

"Well, I've known the tricks you kids are playing for a long time. As long as you don't do anything treacherous or evil, I'll just pretend you didn't see it! However, after listening to what you just said, I feel that you have already regretted it. So let’s just write this off! As for you leaving, I can give you a suggestion..."

"What suggestions?!" Heike asked urgently.

"You, and your hacker organization, would you consider joining our Phantom Group?" Kazuki said.

"This..." Mingcheng and others were stunned upon hearing this!

Unexpectedly, Hemu would make such a suggestion. Could it be that the Phantom Group wanted to recruit his team?

"Haha, actually I don't need to say more. I believe you can also weigh the pros and cons. Moreover, what you need to know is that now that you understand the secret of the new network, it is impossible to escape!" Hemu laughed.

"What?!" The four of them were shocked again. What does this mean?

Xiaoqi thought to himself and said: "Senior, you mean that the new network is still a secret? It cannot be known?"

"Of course! No matter who it is, if we learn this secret, we will block it. There is no doubt that it will not be unblocked until at least the new network is officially launched..." Kazuki said.

"Senior, the Phantom Group is already powerful enough, so why should we be afraid of others knowing? Besides, don't we still need to promote the new network? Aren't the more people using it, the better? Why are we still afraid of being known?"

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