The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3250 1 misunderstanding

( ) Wu Ma hurriedly shouted: "Master, hurry up, it's right there! I already feel that the distance between me and my son is just a stone's throw away!"

Bei Mo sighed: "Xiao Wu, this formation not only superimposes the illusion formation, but also..."

"And what?!" Wu Ma asked anxiously.

"Moreover, the Yandi method is also superimposed!" Beimo said.

"The method of extending the land?!" Wu Ma was startled.

"Yes, it's the Yandi method! You see, we are only a short distance away from the outside of the formation, but under the influence of the Yandi method, this small distance can be extended infinitely, no matter how fast our fleet is , and will never be able to fly this distance..." Bei Mo sighed.

"Oh my's over, it's over..." When Wu Ma heard this, he almost collapsed!

Of course he understood what Bei Mo said about the Yandi Technique. Such a Taoist technique was dreamed of by countless people, but few people had heard of it being able to actually practice it.

The counterpart to the Enchi method is the Shuchi method. It is said that after mastering it, you can span infinite distances in one step, which is much more powerful than a spaceship!

Because of this, even cosmic powers like Wu Ma have only heard about these two Taoist techniques, but have never actually witnessed them.

This is also the reason why he didn't react just now, but Bei Mo is a master after all, coming from a higher-level civilization. He must have seen and even experienced the effects of these two Taoist techniques, so he just looked at them After the meeting, I quickly understood!

What makes Bei Mo feel frightened is that this Yandi method is many times more advanced than the so-called Yandi method he has seen before, because the Yandi method he encountered before was almost defeated by him alone. It was broken for no other reason than that the other party's Taoism was too shallow, and the extended distance was not even enough for Bei Mo's personal flying speed. In other words, although the other party extended the distance, Bei Mo could fly at his fastest speed. Flying at high speed, you can still fly over this distance, thereby breaking this Taoist technique.

But the current situation is that this planet's formation is superimposed with the extremely powerful Yandi method. The distance extended by it cannot even be broken by the speed of the Blue Fish Fleet. What an astonishing distance it is! ! !

At present, the Blue Fish Fleet has increased its speed to the limit, but it still cannot cross the past. Once the fleet's energy is exhausted, one can imagine the consequences...

At this point, Beimo has no better way. He can only try his luck and see if he can break through this land extension method before the fleet's energy is exhausted. If he is lucky enough, this possibility is still possible...


If he knew that the planet's formation could absorb energy, if he also knew that the atmosphere itself was part of the formation and was constantly absorbing and transmitting energy, he would not have done this, because the Blue Fish Fleet spent Almost all the energy is absorbed and conducted by the atmosphere, and after the formation eye absorbs this energy, it is in turn used for the energy required by the Yandi method. This formation has almost no loss as a whole.

In addition, this is an entire planet formation, which has already absorbed enough energy. It is just a drop in the bucket to deal with his small fleet...

In the courtyard hall, everyone was stunned by what was happening in front of them!

Even Yun Wei and Yun Qi's eyes widened, wondering why Bei Mo and the others were in this situation?

Of course, everyone in the audience was more surprised by the power of this atmosphere. They did not expect that the atmosphere was actually superimposed with magic formations and extension techniques. Even the blue fish fleet from the Turia tribe was unable to do anything about it. !

Seeing this, everyone's confidence skyrocketed, and everyone's face was flushed with excitement. If it weren't for An Dawei, Yun Wei and Yun Qi being here, they would have talked non-stop, but now they are holding it back in their hearts. , so as not to make An Dawei and the others feel uncomfortable...

In everyone's opinion, since this atmosphere can be superimposed with illusion formations and Yandi magic, is it possible that it can be superimposed with other powerful formations and Taoist techniques?

This is almost a sure thing, but Ling Daozi didn't reveal it, so he has no way of knowing. Unless he rushes in and experiences it like the blue fish fleet, he can find some clues. At present, through this small blue fish The fleet discovered these two secrets. It seems that Beimo's unexpected actions helped him...

An Dawei looked at the scene in front of him with infinite emotion in his heart...

He knows that Beimo's plan has gone bankrupt. It is impossible for this fleet to break out of the atmosphere. In the end, it will only run out of energy and the entire fleet will be submerged by the violent winds and waves of the atmosphere. Of course, it will not die, because Ling Daozi will definitely save them...

Xiaoxing looked at An Dawei and said: "Master, did Master Beimo have any misunderstanding? Why did he suddenly turn around and rush into the atmosphere just halfway through the passage? He also said that he was fooled and that we invited them in because he was setting up a trap. A trap to assassinate them?"

Andavi sighed and said, "It's all because I didn't explain it clearly, which made Beimo think that letting them in was a trap, so this unexpected move happened..."

"It seems that this is the reason why Master Beimo is cautious! How about asking the master to explain to him personally?" Xiaoxing said with a secret smile.

"No problem!" Andavi said immediately.

Bei Mo was frantically calculating the distance and speed, trying to find a way to crack the Yandi method. He already looked disheveled, listless, and his eyes were red. His consciousness was staring straight ahead while still talking. Thinking hard, my body looks extremely tired due to the massive consumption of spiritual power...

Suddenly, a light curtain popped up in front of his eyes. He was startled. He quickly looked around and found that the light curtain turned out to be Andavi. Of course, there were many people next to him. These people were the ones in front of him. The people who came out to welcome the Blue Fish Fleet were obviously holding a feast at this moment, with sumptuous food and wine placed in front of each of them. Due to the drinking, their faces were extremely rosy and they were in great spirits...

"Brother Bei, what are you doing?!" Andavi asked loudly.

"I...Brother An, how could you enter my ship?!" Bei Mo suddenly reacted and said in shock.

"This... this light curtain was cast by Xiao Ling for me. You must know that the formation of this planet is completely under his control. It is not a problem to cast a light curtain in your ship! You should stop that unnecessary Take action, Xiaoling will give you guidance, we are waiting for you to come to the banquet here!" Andawei said.

"Yes, Grandpa Beimo, how did you get into the atmosphere? We are all eating and drinking!" Yun Wei said.

"Grandpa Beimo, look at me eating this crimson fruit now, it's so delicious!" Yun Qi said.

"Giggle, there is also this kind of Panlong Fairy Peach. It's really big and sweet. Eating one can extend your life for many years!" Yun Wei said with a smile.

"That's right, there's this kind of coffee. I've never drunk it before. I didn't expect that I couldn't stop drinking it!" Yun Qi echoed.

"Grandpa Beimo, come on. We have been waiting for you for a long time, but you just went to the atmosphere to suffer. Why are you suffering?" Yun Wei said.

When Bei Mo, Wu Ma and other people in the ship saw this scene, they all drooled secretly and felt great regret!

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?

It's all my fault that I don't trust people too much. Maybe it's because I've experienced too many storms and waves. These people's hearts are much deeper and more worldly than others, so they can trust far fewer people and things...

When they see anyone or anything, they will first put a big question mark in their hearts, and they will take every step cautiously, lest they make a wrong step or make a wrong step. For them, the only thing they can do is to sail the ship of ten thousand years with caution. If this were not the case, perhaps they would not be able to live to their current age, reach their current identity and status, or hold their current power and wealth...

However, this time, they found that they were too cautious, and they suffered a lot and suffered a lot!

The other person was preparing to treat me with delicious food and drinks, but I doubted the other person's sincerity and ran into the atmosphere to eat ashes, thus making a big joke!

Bei Mo's face became extremely embarrassed and he couldn't say a word...

In fact, the origin of this incident lies with him. After hearing Wu Ma say that the gap was closed, he began to have doubts, so he brought the entire fleet into the atmosphere. He suffered all the hardships and still had to worry about it. The other party performed a farce. If this matter spread, where would his face be?

However, depending on the situation, my face may have been lost, because there are so many people watching at the scene, not to mention there are so many people on my own ship. How can I stop the crowd of Youyou by myself?

I'm afraid that this incident will become an indelible stain on me... Thinking of this, Bei Mo felt extremely regretful!

Wu Ma said anxiously: "Master, why don't we hurry over? We've almost had enough here!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Xiao Ling and the others have prepared the food and drinks!"

"Master An, Xiaowei and Xiaoqi all enjoyed the meal so much!"

"Just now Xiaowei said that the Panlong Fairy Peach, eating it can extend your life!"

"Oh my God, I must eat more..."


"That's right..."

Bei Mo waved his hand and sighed: "It seems this is a misunderstanding. The fleet has paused and is waiting for Xiao Ling to give a signal..."

"Yes! Master!" Upon hearing this, everyone responded happily.

Sure enough, not long after, the light screen flashed, and a map appeared, with the location of the small blue fish fleet on it, and then there was an arrow cursor, which began to guide the fleet's route...

The Blue Fish Fleet moved forward according to the guided route, and it didn't take long for them to emerge from the atmosphere. Everyone saw an extremely vast and vast planet at a glance, and they were all stunned!

"What happened? Where have we been?"

"This is a planet, right?"

"Of course, such a big star, what is it if it's not a planet?"

"Are we going the wrong way again?"

"Most likely…"

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