The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3207 Three people talk

So, can anyone physically enter the online world?

The answer is of course yes!

However, everyone knows that this online world is extremely vast and strange. It seems harmless to humans and animals, but in fact it is full of dangers. Especially at this time, it is the Warring States Period when all heroes are coming together. What if something bad happens if the main body comes in? Oops?

Therefore, using the body of spiritual consciousness to come here is the first choice for everyone. It is best to succeed, but even if it fails, the worst is to lose the body of spiritual consciousness, as long as the main body is still there.

From Qingcei's point of view, all he needs to do is transmit the information about his own fall to the main body. Then the main body will definitely come to save him, either by sending another body of consciousness, or by personally coming in to rescue him. With his strength , defeating these three old men is not a problem at all!

In addition, he also thought of another possibility. Since he would contact the main body every once in a while, if he could not contact him for a long time due to being imprisoned, then the main body would definitely realize that his spiritual body might appear. Question, I should come here to check it out when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Qing Cement calmed down. He looked at the lively scene in front of him coldly, and secretly planned in his heart...

But he heard Guowei say loudly: "Boy, I see you are a rare genius. I am a man who loves talents. I can't bear to see you in jail like this, with your life ruined. As long as you agree to join my moneymaker, I will work for the moneyman." Develop and expand, and I can promise you that every contribution will be worth a penny, and from now on you will be able to count the money until your hands cramp!"

"Hmph——" Qing Cement snorted and ignored it.

"Oh? Don't you love money? The little money you invested in the woods ahead is just a drop in the bucket for me. If you help me conquer cities and land and show off your power in the future, then it won't be a problem for me to give you more money!" Guo smiled and said.

Qing Cement remained silent and turned his head...

"Brother Guo, this kid doesn't know how to appreciate others, and he doesn't know how to take advantage of him. Let's just kill him!" Yi Xing said from the side.

"Yes, this person has a high level of cultivation and great ambition. How could he be willing to be subordinate to Brother Guo? I think he must be a rebellious boy. If Brother Guo lets this person go, I'm afraid he will immediately He will kill us all and then regroup to satisfy his desire to dominate the online world!" Lai Huan analyzed.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but..." Guowei pondered.

"But what?" Lai Huan asked curiously.

"If he has no ambition, then in my opinion it is better to kill him. But he has some ambition, or in other words, he has the ambition to dominate the world, which is very valuable. It would be a pity to kill him..." Guo Wei said.

The three of them were chatting among themselves. Although Qing Cui was silent, he was listening with interest. Of course, his mood was also affected by the content of the conversation. When he heard that Yi Xing said that he wanted to kill him, his face changed slightly. If he is really killed like this, all his previous plans will be in vain. It is really unfair!

Fortunately, after hearing that Guowei didn't say that he wanted to kill him, but also said that his ambition was valuable, Qing Cement's heart calmed down a little...

With his young mind, these psychological changes will be revealed on his face. The three people in Guowei will naturally see it. The three of them are really proud. Based on their experience in the world, they are convinced that they It is completely possible to play with a child like Qing Cement on the palm of his hand...

Lai Huan hummed: "What's such a pity? If he wants to dominate the online world, that's his business, what does it have to do with us? We don't want to dominate, we just want to make more money and improve our cultivation..."

"Brother Lai is right! We moneymen naturally aim to make money. It doesn't matter what we call non-hegemony? Fighting and killing are dangerous and laborious. It's better to make money and enjoy our little life. Really!" Yi Xing agreed.

"Haha, the two brothers' thoughts are also my thoughts. Of course they are not wrong! However, our idea of ​​making money and living a good life is not inconsistent with Qingcement's ambition to dominate the online world. On the contrary, it is mutually beneficial. , complement each other!" Guowei stroked his beard and laughed.

"Oh?!!!" Lai Huan and Yi Xing were startled.

Qing Cement was also stunned, and quickly pricked up his ears to listen. For him, the idea of ​​​​Guowei was quite new, and it was something he had never thought of before...

Yi Xing quickly asked: "Brother Guo, what do you mean by this?"

Guowei shook his head and said: "If you want to dominate the world, can you just rely on clear cement?"

"Of course not! No matter how strong he is alone, he cannot defeat thousands of troops. There is no doubt about this!" Yi Xing responded.

"Isn't that what it is?! It's good that Qing Cement has this ambition to dominate, but he alone cannot achieve final success. Now his original team has collapsed and returned to their respective places of origin, and in a short time He will never come back to this online world. In other words, he is now truly alone. Even if we release him now, if no one supports him, let alone dominate the world, I am afraid that he will not even be able to save his life. You know, He used to go around attacking cities and plundering territory. He killed countless innocent people and offended many powerful masters. If these people's identities and those masters knew that Hongke had collapsed and only Qingcei was left, what would you say about them? What will we do?" Guowei hummed.

"This... must be chasing him everywhere! How could we miss such a good opportunity?" Yi Xing said.

"Yes, as long as someone releases this information, Qing Cang will be in trouble. He will soon become a lost dog. He will be in panic all day long, worrying that someone will come after him, especially Mingcheng and Xiao from the hacker organization. The two Qi people regard him as a thorn in their side. If they learn this news, they will definitely attack Hongke as soon as possible and take this base as their own!" Lai Huan analyzed.

"What the two brothers said is right! If Qing Cement didn't keep his secrets for him, even if we didn't kill him, his life would soon be lost! Therefore, the ambition is very full, the reality is very skinny, and he wants to dominate the world, First of all, you have to be able to survive, right?" Guo smiled.

"Brother Guo's words make sense!" Yi Xing and Lai Huan agreed.

Guowei continued: "If we can guarantee survival, it will only be the first step towards hegemony. If we want to go further, Clear Cement will be even more inseparable from our support!"

Lai Huan quickly asked: "Brother Guo, what do you mean by this?"

"Hmph, doesn't it cost money to build a team?" Guowei asked.

"Yes..." Lai Huan and Yi Xing suddenly realized...

"Look at the boys from Hongke before. All of them joined Hongke for money. If there is no money, it is impossible to recruit people, let alone geniuses. The more talented they are, the more money they need. Cultivation requires more resources, and where do the resources come from? Can't they be purchased with money?" Guowei analyzed.

"This makes sense! As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to make a living without rice. If you don't have money, you won't have resources, and you can't even afford food. How can you practice? The more you practice, the faster you will die, right?" Yi Xing praised road.

"This is natural! In addition to personal training that requires money, there is also the construction of bases, the configuration of personal equipment, the cost of fighting, etc. Which of these things does not require money? It can be said that on the surface, fighting seems to be about who is more talented. More brave, but in fact, the battle is fought based on the financial resources and logistics supply of both sides. Especially when the strength of the two sides is extremely close, whoever has richer resources and faster and more complete logistics will have a greater chance of winning. !" Guowei said loudly.

"Wo!!!" The people in the palace heard a soft cry, and it felt like it was really an ear-opener...

"Boss is so right!"

"The force I was in once fought a war because the supply behind it couldn't keep up. As a result, we were defeated in one breath. It was such an unfair defeat!"

"Yes, if we have enough financial resources, we can kill each other even if we spend our money!"

"It makes sense. No matter how strong our personal abilities are, if our equipment is very powerful, can the opponent break through it? As long as the boss adds some powerful defensive weapons, our place will be impregnable!"

"Exactly! The boss is the boss. What he said is really to the point. We moneymen have strong financial resources. What kind of people are we going to recruit? There are many geniuses out there. As long as the boss promises to pay, I promise to help. If we moneymen can recruit a few geniuses, they might be even better than clear cement!"

"Yes, I can do it too! I have a few good friends there, all of whom are Internet geniuses. We all grew up playing together. As long as the boss gives us money, I will definitely recruit them all!"

"I can too!"

“We have geniuses there too!!!”


"Haha, hahahahaha..." The three people from Guowei looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling so happy!

What these minions said was an unexpected surprise. It seems that it is not difficult for Qian Ke to develop and grow, because money is not a problem for them.

"Okay! Hurry up and recruit people for me right away. As long as they are geniuses, I will definitely give them more money than the people I gave to the previous Hong Ke! Of course, you must be loyal to join the Qian Ke. If you show up with the previous Hong Ke, I would be ruthless to attack someone like Ke!" Guowei said loudly.

"Don't worry, boss!!!" All the minions responded in unison.

"Go back quickly!"

"Yes!!!" These minions responded and dispersed one after another...

"Brother Guo, since there are still geniuses coming, do we still need to clean the cement?" Yi Xing asked.

"Yes, Qing Cement hates us so much right now that he can't be as loyal as these newcomers. If we let him go and still have to guard against his sudden ruthless attacks, it will be really difficult to prevent him..."

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