The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3198 Is the white hole breathing?

What? ! ! ! "When the three people from Guowei heard this, they couldn't help but be shocked!

Unexpectedly, things have changed, and there is danger hidden...

Yi Xing said anxiously: "Hasn't Qingcement's goal always been to challenge the hacker organization? Xiaoqi, in particular, has always been his mortal enemy..."

"Yes, our small group of moneymen is actually very inconspicuous. Logically speaking, we shouldn't put it in his eyes." Lai Huan agreed.

Xiaoxing shook his head and said: "The three seniors still underestimated the speed of information dissemination in the online world, especially these hacker organizations. They monitor many nodes in the online world in real time. Once they discover weaknesses, Their intrusion may be pervasive! In the past, these hacker organizations were just born not long ago, so they basically just made small troubles, stole some money and spent it. But now the situation has changed. With their power and As their strength continues to rise, their ambitions will naturally expand, and their methods will become more complex and powerful... The reason why you were discovered by Qing Cement this time is because of the old man!"

"Oh? Is it because of me?!" Guowei was stunned.

Little One of these people is a subordinate of Qingcei. It is surprising that this person received a reward from you, because there are not many people like you, so he secretly followed you all the way. So, you and the other two seniors Together, it was revealed that they planned to attack the warehouse of the Hongke forces in Qingcement... If you take action this time, I'm afraid what's waiting for you is not the large amount of supplies in their warehouse, but the stuff under the Qingcement cloth. trap…"

"Oh my god..." Guowei was dumbfounded and regretted it endlessly!

Unexpectedly, my random reward behavior at that time actually betrayed me! Such good intentions are not rewarded...

In the final analysis, this is caused by the imprudent behavior of the superiors due to factors such as one's identity, status, wealth, etc. in the real world. In the real world, at one's own level, one can reward at will whenever one feels happy. A few passers-by are nothing, and you don’t have to worry about someone getting suspicious and robbing you. However, this kind of behavior is completely different in the online world.

Because your spiritual body was just a small person in the old online world, and you had just entered the Tao, so it would be strange for you to congratulate yourself in such a big way and not attract anyone's attention.

Moreover, he didn't know until now that he was being followed all the way, and even the robbery plan was leaked, which can be regarded as a huge setback!

Guowei said harshly: "I don't know who the stalker is, I must catch him and teach him a lesson!"

"Hehe, my reminder can only go so far. Other matters still have to be handled by the seniors themselves. I hope that the spiritual body of the seniors can survive the crisis. Otherwise, if you really fall into Qing Cement's plan and you are finished. , then the senior can only send another spiritual consciousness in, and the loss will be great!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

" seems that I must learn a lesson and never be so careless again!" Guowei reflected.

"Brother Guo, what should we do now?" Yi Xing asked quickly.

"Yes, we need to inform them immediately and be careful in the future!" Lai Huan agreed.

"Contact them immediately..."

The three simply sat cross-legged, activated their spiritual consciousness, and entered the old online world through the light door created by Xiaoxing to find their spiritual bodies...

When other people saw this scene, they were extremely shocked. They did not expect that the battles in the online world were as cruel as the real world. One bad move could cost their own spiritual consciousness. It would be very difficult for them to be like Guowei. It would be a pity if you lose it even after you have entered the Tao!

So everyone followed suit and activated their spiritual consciousness to find their own spiritual body, reminding them that they must act carefully to avoid repeating Guowei's mistakes...

at the same time,

The appearance of the world in the Phantom Bubble is also slowly and continuously advancing and changing, becoming more and more like a vast world...

Li Yun and Xiao Xing were always paying attention to the fact that their two consciousness bodies were studying the white hole. After a period of observation, understanding, thinking and discussion, they finally had a clear understanding of the white hole in front of them. gain a deeper understanding.

Earlier, they discovered that there were some abnormalities in this white hole. This was because they found that during the eruption of material, there was also an inhalation action!

In other words, this is a strange celestial body that is not like a white hole or a black hole. It will not only continue to eject some matter, but it will also suddenly turn into a black hole at a certain time and release the surrounding matter. Swallow it in!

However, when it devours, its intensity is far less intense than when it erupts. Therefore, it only inhales those materials near it, that is, the heavier material molecules it originally erupted. Because these material molecules are heavier, they are affected by The pulling force of the white hole will be correspondingly greater, so it cannot run far, so it can only stay in orbit near the white hole. Once the white hole shows the devouring behavior of the black hole, they will be sucked in again. Got in.

Generally speaking, the behavior of a celestial body is extremely stable. For example, the sun is always burning and emitting light and heat. It does not say that it emits light and heat one moment and absorbs the light and heat back the next. If something happens If this is the case, I'm afraid the sun is not far from exploding!

This is because, for the sun, the above situation does exist at a certain moment, and this moment is the moment when it is about to explode as a supernova. At this moment, the sun itself is already in crisis, and its external matter is flowing out. A fierce battle is going on between the expansion force and the huge internal gravity. The expansion force wants to desperately escape from the constraints of the sun, while the internal gravity wants to trap them tightly, but these two forces have already It is extremely close. Unlike when it is stable, the internal gravity is always stronger than the external expansion force. Therefore, the sun can always maintain a relatively stable shape and operation.

However, as the sun continues to burn, its mass of matter is also constantly decreasing. The reduction of matter will cause the sun's own gravity to decrease. When the decrease in its gravity reaches a critical point, it is the same as the external expansion. When the forces are close, the sun will reach the critical point of explosion.

Once the gravity continues to decrease and becomes smaller than the force of expansion, the sun will immediately undergo a supernova explosion, throwing the outer material of the sun into the surrounding starry sky...

Will the tug-of-war between inside and outside, which is extremely dangerous for the sun, happen on a white hole?

This is what Li Yun and Xiaoxing are worried about now.

If this is the case, then this white hole may be at a critical point of explosion...

However, white holes and the sun are two very different celestial bodies. In a certain sense, both white holes and black holes may be formed from the remnants of the sun that have exploded, so generally speaking, it is impossible for them to explode again.

This is just a general situation, but there are also special situations. For example, if a black hole encounters another black hole, or another white hole, once these two powerful celestial bodies meet, it is very likely that a violent explosion and fusion will occur. That is definitely A collision that shook the universe!

Of course, what is said here is only a possibility, because when a black hole meets a black hole, or a white hole, an explosion will not necessarily occur. Their fusion process is also very likely to be extremely gentle and not as extreme as we think. Explosive phenomenon…

Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing are now making test models to see if the current situation of this white hole is related to the explosion. If so, it is of course better to avoid it in advance. After all, this is a white hole. Although They are not afraid of it, and can even control it. However, this is the first time they have come into contact with such a celestial body outside Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle, and there are still some abnormal celestial bodies, so they should be careful!

Li Yun thought: "Is the inhalation behavior of the white hole really an abnormality? Maybe this is also a behavior of it, rather than a single behavior like eruption as we have always thought?"

"Sir, this idea is not unreasonable! Since there are no white holes in our Tianyun World and Xingyun Castle, our understanding of the behavior of white holes is not comprehensive enough, and our judgment is still lacking. Now we can only wait for the results of the model test to come out Alright..." Xiaoxing said.

"This experiment is conducted in the Xingyun Castle of the main body. I'm afraid it will take some time to come out..." Li Yun said.

"We have no choice, we have to wait. We can't enter rashly now. After all, this is a white hole, and there are some small abnormalities... Logically, Xiaonu believes that the behavior of a celestial body should remain relatively stable, and it is impossible for something like this to happen. An abnormal phenomenon, this phenomenon seems to be..."

"What is the elephant?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Don't you think it looks like it's breathing?" Xiaoxing said.

"Breathe? Yes..." Li Yun suddenly understood!

Xiaoxing continued: "We can analyze this problem from two angles..."

"Which two?" Li Yun asked.

"First, in terms of rationality, if a white hole has such a strange phenomenon that it both exhales matter and inhales matter, can it still be called a white hole? It is also possible to say that it is an abnormal black hole. And this phenomenon should be consistent with the internal structure of the white hole. The abnormal operation may be related to the internal gravity and the external expansion force reaching a critical point, so a tug-of-war phenomenon begins to occur, which is manifested outside by the phenomenon of breathing..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun nodded and asked: "What about the emotional aspect?"

"Perceptually, we can regard the current celestial body as a spiritual celestial body. Since it is a spiritual celestial body, the phenomenon of breathing is extremely normal..."

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