The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3192 Kill? do not kill?

Looking at the empty bubble space, everyone burst into tears and remained silent...

They seemed to have experienced a major spiritual practice, and their whole bodies and minds were washed by the stories of the Bubble Space series. The suffering and cruelty of survival made them taste pain and despair. Almost all of them asked the question of their souls from the bottom of their hearts. What if life is unfortunate? Landing in such a desperate situation, is there any hope?

The answer seems to be…

Have it? still none?

It can be seen from the video information that the vast majority of people who fell into the bubble space were either killed or voluntarily sacrificed themselves. The final outcome was almost always eaten by others. The people who survived to the end were either the strongest among them. Otherwise, they are all new entrants. No one can see what other consequences this story will have. Therefore, on the surface, the answer is no.

However, some people also discovered that at the end of the story, what happened to the light network that appeared in the bubble space?

That light net swept away all the people and objects in the space with its sweeping momentum. No one could resist or fight back. Moreover, those people and objects disappeared in an instant. Where did they go?

Including those super devourers who have become the overlords of the bubble space, they also had no power to fight back when they encountered the light network, and were captured without even taking a breath. This shows that the power of this light network has reached its peak. Incredible degree!

In the eyes of those present, the cultivation level of those super devourers who have become space overlords has reached an extremely high level, and I am afraid that almost no one in the core universe can defeat them. This can be seen from one of the story details.

In a story just played, someone recognized Hua Long, the original boss of, and the group of experts from around him. It was originally thought that they would become a powerful force after falling into the bubble space. , they didn’t expect that the space they fell into actually had a space overlord. Therefore, before they could recover, they were targeted by the super devourer, and there were no surprises in the ending. Including Hua Long, this When the group of people faced the super devourer, they had almost no power to resist, and they were all swallowed up by him in the blink of an eye!

This person actually licked his tongue beautifully, as if he still had something to say, which made everyone's hair stand on end and shudder...

Want to know who Hualong is? That is the boss of the super power Teng Xin Network in the core universe, and the group of senior officials he leads are all masters. Even though their strength will be reduced in the storm, they are almost the top of the core universe. However, when facing a super devourer, he was like a spirit rat meeting a spirit cat. He had no strength to struggle at all and soon became the food in the opponent's belly...

This shows how terrifying this person is. If he is allowed to come to the outside world, countless people will be afraid of falling into his belly!

This can be said to be a blessing among misfortunes, because in these bubble space worlds, many super devourers have been born. If they really come out of the storm and go to the core universe to activate the devour mode, many powerful people may Everyone will suffer from this. After all, the little people can no longer satisfy their appetites. Only people with high cultivation levels can win their favor and devour them...

At the thought of this, many people with advanced cultivation levels at the scene took a breath of cold air and secretly rejoiced in their hearts. What they are most concerned about now is where have these super devourers gone?

Tian Yi asked anxiously: "Brother He, were those people captured by the optical network? Where have they gone? Will they come out to cause trouble again?!"

"Yes, yes, this problem is really serious!"

"It would be terrible if they accidentally let them run outside..."

"Even Senior Hua was swallowed by him. Who else can't he swallow?"

"It makes sense! Senior Hua is the superpower of our core universe. Such a person has been swallowed up by others, which shows that this person has reached the extreme level of power!"

"This person is not the only one. It seems that super devourers have appeared in many bubble spaces.

If this group of people goes outside to cause trouble, then we really won’t have to live..."

"That's right..."

People agreed one after another, which showed that he was really scared to death...

Hemu heard this and hummed: "They are just some Devourers, is there any need to worry so much?"

Tian Yiqi said: "Brother He, aren't you worried at all? Hualong is the boss of your Tengxin Network. Even he was swallowed up in one bite. I'm afraid that the outcome will be the same for others who meet this person, right?"

"This is natural! But..."

"But what?!" Tian Yi asked anxiously.

"These Devourers have been captured by the owner of this place and imprisoned in a safe place. They will definitely not go outside to cause trouble in the future, so you should rest assured!" He Muyu said in surprise.

"Wo!!!" The scene was suddenly in an uproar...

"What? Is what senior said true?!"

"Were they really caught?"

"Could it be that the lock was not secure enough and they could sneak out?"

"Yes, it would be extremely scary if one of them escapes..."

"If they all sneak out, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

"With the abilities of these people, no one can stop them from sneaking out, right? I'm afraid even the owner of this place can't stop them..."

"It makes sense!"

"That's right..."

People at the scene were all talking, and basically they didn't believe that these people could be locked up tightly, so they were worried about what would happen if these people escaped...

Tian Yi thought: "Brother He, I wonder who the master of this place is who captured those Devourers? Why haven't I heard of this person in our core universe?"

"Haha, even I, one of the founders of, just found out, let alone you!" Hemu laughed.

"Oh? I wonder what his surname is? Can he show his face for everyone to meet?!" Tian Yi asked eagerly.

"Well, the owner of this place has chosen to live in seclusion because he doesn't want to see outsiders, so he won't show his face here. However, you just need to believe in his ability! Haven't you seen the power of that light network? ? Wherever he goes, no one can resist him, not even those super devourers, so even if they escape, they will be caught back by him quickly!" Hemu said with a smile.

"Oh my God! We must not let them escape. Even in a short period of time, they may swallow many people!" Tian Yi exclaimed.


"They must be locked up in a very strong place, or..."

"Or what?!"

"What's the point? Just cut them in two and destroy them!"

"That makes sense!"

"This is all over, and we are all relieved!"

"That's right..."

Someone at the scene proposed to kill these Devourers. This suggestion was quickly approved by everyone, and they all made this request to Hemu and Quan Bing...

Guowei, Yi Xing, Lai Huan and others in the general control center couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene!

The reason they lamented was, why are these people here? Their purpose is to find the missing people in their own clan or force, and now, some of the people they are looking for are the surviving Devourers!

It can be said that these Devourers were once their tribesmen, friends, relatives and comrades-in-arms. However, after seeing them turn into terrifying Devourers in desperate situations, the people at the scene immediately turned their faces and disowned them, and immediately asked the owner of this place to Kill all these Devourers to avoid causing trouble if they escape.

Although it is normal and even correct for them to have such thoughts. After all, this can prevent future troubles and no more innocent people will die as a result. However, the contrast between this attitude is so strong that even the country Wei and others were filled with emotion...

In fact, when Guowei and others saw those super devourers, they thought of the same problem as the people at the scene. However, after Ling Daozi's explanation, they suddenly realized that this was indeed the case. It's extremely inappropriate.

On the one hand, comparing oneself with others, the reason why these people fell into such a fate was because they fell from one desperate situation to another. It was the terrible desperate situation that caused the evil part of their hearts to expand to the limit and the good part to be suppressed. , so it is still excusable.

On the other hand, the life factors of those devoured by them have actually been transferred to these devourers. They are the last residence of the life factors of those devoured, and they are also the only place where their life marks remain. Another way in the world, if all the Devourers are killed, then these life factors and marks will dissipate and cease to exist. What a sad ending this is...

Therefore, Ling Daozi's approach is to imprison these people and transform them. If the transformation can be successful, it also means that all the life factors and imprints of the past have been reborn. This is a very meaningful thing and worth the effort. try…

In fact, the act of forgiving a person is much higher than the act of destroying a person. If you can even forgive such a devourer, then what else can't you see through and figure out?

Of course, it doesn't mean that Xiaoxing's thoughts are so lofty and broad. There are still some reasons that Guowei, Shui Xin and others don't know. They play the biggest role in dealing with Devourer. It's still Li Yun. Li Yun naturally doesn't want to kill people, so he wants to transfer these Devourers to the Hope Civilization to accept the transformation of the planet people. As for Xiaoxing, he also has the ability to control these Super Devourers and is not afraid at all. They will run away or rebel.

Xiaoxing told Shui Xin, Guowei and others that they would be imprisoned in the Clear Cage Formation, but in fact they were transferred to the Hope Civilization and severely modified by the planet people, so the Devourers could only accept their fate. …

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