The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3190 Tian Yi

Is that so? ! ! ! "The people at the scene were extremely surprised when they heard this...

I didn’t expect that there is an internal space at the center of the storm. What kind of place is that?

However, there are experts at the scene, and they also know this. Someone said: "There will indeed be an internal space formed at the center of the storm. If the energy supply of this storm is very stable, then its internal space may also exist for a long time! As huge as this It is normal for an interstellar storm of this scale to form a central space!"

This person is Tian Yi, the boss of another super adventure group Juyi Group. He has just arrived here with his fleet and pointed this out after hearing Quan Bing's words.

Upon hearing this, Quan Bing praised: "Brother Tian is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable. He even understands such eccentric things!"

"Haha, Brother Quan is overly praised. That's because I was trapped in a storm center space and observed for a period of time before I knew these things." Tian Yi laughed.

"I see! I wonder how Brother Tian got out of that storm?" Quan Bing asked quickly.

"Didn't I just say that? If the energy supply of this storm is very stable, then the internal space will exist for a long time, and I will naturally be trapped inside. But the storm that trapped us at that time disappeared not long after, and the center The space will naturally collapse..."

"Collapse?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

Tian Yi nodded and said: "That's right! The collapse of space in the center of the storm is an extremely terrifying thing. My fleet was completely dispersed by the power of space and scattered in all directions. Some of them are still not found. So, in my opinion , instead of entering the center space of the storm to take refuge, it would be better to simply be blown to a distant place by the storm, because in the center space, there is no energy source there, and the final outcome is definitely not very good…"

"So that's it..." The people at the scene were stunned when they heard this.

"Senior, are you saying that there is no energy at all in the central space? Isn't there space there? As long as there is space, there should be matter, right?" someone asked.

"No! Don't expect this! You must know that the storm is like rising out of thin air, and the central space formed is naturally empty! Unless it lasts for a particularly long time, some debris from the storm will accumulate into the central space. , but that's all, because the sunlight received by this central space is extremely limited, and the wind energy outside is extremely wild and rough. Entering the body can easily cause chaos in the operation of spiritual power. Even people with wind spiritual power cannot use it, let alone Don’t talk about other people! Unless you can easily go in and out of the storm like a big bird to take in some possible food, you can only be trapped in it and unable to get out! Without energy and life seeds, that space It is simply impossible to form a stable exchange and circulation of material and energy, so it is basically empty..." Tian Yi introduced.

"This situation is very similar to the bubble space burned by Brother Jiang of Quanzhu Group earlier. Is that bubble the center space of the storm?" Someone reacted and said suspiciously.

"Impossible! That bubble space is independent and not the space at the center of the storm. The two cannot be compared!"

"Yeah, so what's going on with that bubble space? It's also empty inside. It's very similar to the space at the center of the storm that Senior Tian mentioned just now. Brother Jiang went in and burned it himself!"

"That's right..."

Tian Yi felt a little strange when he heard everyone's discussion, so he asked these people about it and soon found out what was going on.

He quickly asked Quan Bing: "Brother Quan, have you seen that bubble space? What is it about?"

"Well, speaking of bubble space, it does exist, and that's exactly what I'm going to say next!" Quan Bing responded.

"Brother Quan, please tell me, I'm all ears!" Tian Yi said with a smile.

The people at the scene were also staring closely at Quan Bing...

Quan Bing said: "Actually, the bubble space recorded by Xiaohui earlier is indeed the center space of the storm!"


"How can this be?!"


It was an independent bubble space, and there was no storm around it..."

"If there was a storm, wouldn't Brother Jiang have been involved in it long ago?"

"Yes, even you, senior, can't withstand such a violent storm, let alone Brother Jiang?"

"There must be some special reason here, otherwise it wouldn't be like this..."

"That's right..."

When the people at the scene heard this, the discussion immediately resounded from every corner. No one dared to believe that the bubble space was the space at the center of the storm...

"Everyone, listen to me. This bubble space was separated by the owner of this place from a weakening storm, and it was not empty at the beginning!" Quan Bing continued.

"It's not empty?!" Tian Yi said in surprise.

"It is indeed not empty. Of course, it is not the matter and energy you imagined, but people, those who are missing!" Quan Bing said.

"So that's it!!!" Tian Yi suddenly realized.

When the people at the scene heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar. Unexpectedly, there were indeed missing people, and they were in the bubble space. So where have they gone now?

At the thought of this, everyone became excited and asked questions one after another...

Hemu said to the side: "Don't worry, everyone, you really want to know where these people have gone, why not first understand how they survive in the bubble space..."

"Survival? Yes..." When everyone heard this, they felt something was wrong!

Because they suddenly remembered the conversation between Tian Yi and Quan Bing just now, and they knew that the bubble space was the center space of the storm. It was the great power who lived in seclusion deep in the nebula who separated from a weakened storm, although they did not know how he did it. , but he is a powerful person, so it is probably not surprising that he can do this. The key question is, if the bubble space is really the center space of the storm, then according to Tian Yi, there is no matter and energy in it at all, then How do people trapped in it survive?

You must know that those people can no longer plunge into the storm to find food, and can only struggle to survive in the bubble space. During such a long period of time, is there any way to keep them alive until now?

Thinking about this problem makes people feel extremely headaches. Everyone thinks that if this matter happens to them, what can they do?

For a while, they couldn't think of any good solution. It seems that only when they really get to that point can they think of a solution in the actual environment...

Tian Yi is also a very smart and capable person, and his own Taoist realm is also very high. After coming here, he has become the strongest person here, and naturally he has become a representative of these people. He thought: "Brother He, if it is I am trapped in the central space of such a powerful storm. I am afraid that there is no good way to survive for such a long time... You know, according to the existing data, some people have been missing in this area for more than a million years. It’s been a long time!!!”

Hemu looked a little solemn and said: "Brother Tian is right, but this is only shown by recorded data. In fact, according to the owner of this place, the longest life of the trapped people is millions of years!"

"Wo!!!" The scene was suddenly in an uproar, and everyone was greatly shocked!

For millions of years, how should a person survive in a space with no energy, no food, and no other substances, with a crazy storm outside and almost darkness inside?

This question is probably the most difficult to answer in the universe...

Tian Yi was shocked: "Brother Quan seemed to have said that when the owner separated this bubble space, there were still people inside?"

"Not bad!" Hemu nodded.

"So, it sounds incredible that they can really survive in such environmental conditions for so long!" Tian Yi said in amazement.

"I wonder if Brother Tian can imagine how they survived?" Hemu teased.

"This... my imagination is limited, I really can't come up with this answer..." Tian Yi shook his head.

"Okay! If anyone here can answer this question, I will give him a level 8 energy bar!"

Hemu offered a reward on the spot, which immediately caused a commotion among the people at the scene...

This bounty is indeed tempting, no wonder many people are a little nervous!

Level 8 energy bars are high-end items in the energy bar series. Generally speaking, owners will not use them, but rather collect them as rare treasures.

Above it, only level 9 energy rods are more advanced than it. One level 8 energy rod can be replaced by a large number of level 3 or 4 energy rods, which can ensure that a fleet can travel in the universe for a long time...

If you can answer this question correctly, you can get this windfall, so everyone is thinking hard and imagining various possibilities...

"They accidentally discovered some kind of natural energy stored in space?"

"The wind energy outside is converted into usable energy by some master?"

"There is too much food in the storm, and it often falls into the space?"

"Many of them were lost fleets. The fleets must have brought a lot of food and energy..."

"Have these people made any good tools that can be used to fish for food in the storm?"


People expressed their ideas one after another, and the scene seemed quite lively...

It has to be said that some of their ideas are quite creative, such as converting wind energy and using fishing gear to catch food in the storm. Such ideas resonated with many people and they all agreed!

"Senior, among all the ideas, none of them are accurate?" someone asked loudly.

Hemu shook his head and said: "It seems that you are all quite kind in nature, so after thinking for a long time, I still haven't come up with the idea. Forget it, I will play a message to let you see for yourself how those people are in such extreme situations. You must be struggling to survive under the circumstances..."

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