The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3188 Planet Lens

Just when everyone felt that what Ling Daozi said was a bit unbelievable, they suddenly found that everything around them seemed to have changed. The entire space became transparent, and they could see things in the distance, which was the thick atmosphere outside the formation!

What shocked them was that even the atmosphere became transparent. Soon, everyone found that they were in the universe, with a void beneath their feet. They could also see other things in the starry sky in the distance, such as distant places. There is a larger bubble running, and some starry sky matter is shuttling...


"How is this going?"

"Could our bubble be invisible?"

"It should be! Our bubble is a formation. Xiao Ling's control just now was to use the invisibility function of the formation to hide our surroundings, so that we can see everything outside!" Shui Xin thought.

"Is that so? Xiaoling?" Guowei asked urgently.

Xiaoxing nodded and said with a smile: "Of course! In this state, our formation is indeed invisible, otherwise wouldn't we become living targets? Although they may not be able to hit us, they will definitely be able to find us The actual position. In addition, the invisible function of the formation can be either global hiding or partial hiding. Of course, in addition to the invisible function, to achieve this, a transparent Taoist meaning must be used, which means that Everything inside and outside our formation becomes transparent, and light can easily pass through, so we can observe what we want to see according to our needs..."

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized...

Shui Xin quickly asked: "How is this kind of transparent Taoism achieved? I have been in the universe for so long, and I have never come into contact with the so-called transparent Taoism..."

"This... transparent Taoism is too troublesome to explain, and it may be difficult to explain clearly! Let's put it this way, why this transparent Taoism can be applied is because we found that a person is born with this Taoism, and then Based on the research on him, after a long period of time, I finally figured out what the meaning of transparency is, so that I can apply it to some things, such as applying it to this battle fort. It is still very practical. Of..." Xiaoxing said.

"What? Is there really someone born with this strange Taoism?" Everyone was surprised...

"That's this is also a kind of luck, maybe a chance of one in tens of billions..." Xiaoxing nodded.

Shui Xin sighed extremely: "Meeting someone with this kind of Taoist intention is a kind of luck. However, it is unique to be able to thoroughly study this Taoist intention and apply it to other things. Achievement!"

"Exactly! Exactly!" Everyone suddenly realized and agreed...

As Shui Xin said, people with transparent Taoism are indeed rare, but who can think of studying the ins and outs of this Taoism clearly?

Everyone knows how difficult it is to study a Taoism clearly, let alone such a Taoism that has never been seen before.

Moreover, after Ling Daozi clearly studied this Taoist meaning, he then applied this Taoist meaning to other things. This is simply amazing!

The people present are all powerful in the universe. They ask themselves that it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing. Generally speaking, if they find that someone has some special Taoism, they will at most bring this person into their sphere of influence. , or recognize him as his disciple, but he will never think of studying the ins and outs of Taoism, let alone how to apply Taoism...

Ling Daozi's approach is a classic case of drawing inferences from one example. It can be said that one is better than another. Just imagine, can that person with the will of transparency turn this huge planet-like battle fortress into transparent?

This is absolutely impossible, because in order to do this, it must have at least a cultivation realm above the planet level, and its Taoist power level must also reach an extremely high level. This is obviously a bit unrealistic...

But now Ling Daozi only needs to control it at will to do this.

You can be transparent as long as you want. You can control whether you want global transparency or partial transparency. It's really relaxing and comfortable...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Actually, this kind of transparent Taoism has wonderful uses. Take a look..."

He thought secretly and adjusted the angle and arc of the formation...


"what happened?!"

"How can we directly see those waiting outside?"

"This place is extremely far away from the outside. It took us several days to fly here!"

"Yes, what on earth is going on?!"

"Is this the magical effect Xiao Ling said?"

Everyone quickly looked at Xiaoxing...

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "Yes, by adjusting the curvature of the formation's atmosphere and the curvature of the general control center's clearing cage formation, a Taoist meaning called a lens is formed between the two formations. Through the lens, we can extend our sight and see things in farther areas!”

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed softly, their eyes full of doubts...

Shui Xin asked anxiously: "What is the meaning of lens?"

"This... is mainly realized through the combination of special lenses. For example, you can regard the surface of the clear cage formation in front of you as one lens, and then view the surface after the atmosphere is made transparent as another lens. By adjusting The curvature, or curvature, of these two lenses causes the light to form a focus between the two lenses. This focus forms a focus with our eyes. In this way, the distant scene will fall on us through the lenses. With our eyes, we can see things farther away! If adjusted in place, our planet-level lens combination can completely see the distant star fields beyond the core universe!" Xiao Xingyu said in surprise.

"Oh my god..."

"This is really amazing!"

"Can two lenses do something like this? Why didn't we think of this before?"

"Forget it, even if you think about it, you can't do it. Can you think of such a planet-level lens?"

"Of course this is impossible!"

"Yes, if there is no transparent Dao intention in front, there can be no lens Dao intention in the back. The two are interrelated, and only Xiaoling can figure it out!"

"Xiao Ling, how can you come up with so many things with your little brain? If this continues, I feel like I am no longer qualified to stay by your side, because there are many things that I have not seen for a long time!!!"

"Hey, didn't I tell you before? In front of Xiao Ling, we are all losers!" Lin Yang concluded again.

"That's right..." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Quan Bing suddenly said from the side: "Xiao Ling, I don't have to think about it anymore! Our Quan Zhu Group will abandon all our original goals now and instead agree with all the goals of the Phantom Group. From now on, I will also be a member of the Phantom Group!"

"This..." Everyone was startled when they heard the words, but soon came back to their senses. They felt that Quan Bing was the real Quan Bing when he said such words. If he hadn't made up his mind after seeing and hearing these things, He must be confused...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Now that seniors have made up their minds, I have said before that as long as you really want to join, truly agree with our career goals, and want to work hard with us, then we welcome you with open hands! "

"Thank you Xiaoling!!! I wonder what are the other conditions for joining Phantom? How much investment is required?" Quan Bing asked.

"You should discuss the specific details with Mr. Guo! We still have some mobile shares, just for temporary requests like yours to join..."


Quan Bing turned to discuss with Guowei...

He learned about the missing people from Hemu along the way, and finally knew what happened to those people in the depths of the nebula. It turned out that there was really a super storm here, but this super storm has now been destroyed by Ling Daozi and Liufeng Liang was wiped out!

Those caught in the storm can be said to have entered hell on earth, going from one desperate situation to another. Facing such terrible extreme environments, some of them quietly became devourers, while others became these. The food of the Devourer. In short, the tragic situation in it makes even people like Quan Bing feel horrified and can't bear to hear it anymore...

However, when he heard that a particularly terrifying Super Devourer appeared here, he was completely shocked!

I didn't expect that those Devourers could reach such a terrifying state. I was afraid that if I fell into the bubble they were in, I might be swallowed up by them!

However, what shocked him even more was that such a terrifying super devourer was finally dealt with by Ling Daozi and Liu Feng...

This fact made Quan Bing fully realize his ability. There are still many super devourers in this universe. They are all man-devouring demons. Even if he encounters them, they will definitely go away and never return. But These crazy demons are still no match for Ling Daozi and Liufeng, so in order to avoid such a possible disaster, he must hold their thighs tightly, otherwise he may die inexplicably one day and become A lump of food in someone else’s belly…

So Quan Bing had already made up his mind, and when he heard what Ling Daozi described about the Transparent Dao and the Lens Dao, he no longer had any hesitation in his heart, so he formally asked Xiaoxing to join...

"Haha, I already knew you would definitely join!" Guowei said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Actually, I have wanted to join for a long time, but Xiao Ling just gave me another period of time to observe and think... Based on this alone, I feel that Xiao Ling's level of doing things is really superior! No wonder he doesn't even have a transparent Taoist mind and a lens I can study Taoism and build our phantom bubble into a planet-level lens, which can see extremely far away places..." Quan Bing sighed.

"I'm afraid you're more worried about those super devourers, right?" Guowei teased.


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