The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3172 Jiang Hui plays forward

Quan Bing groaned: "In other words, someone used your name to inform our exploration team to leave this star field early, and the reason why others left quickly is probably because they received notification from high-level officials in their forces or races. Then he will leave quickly... Who can possess the talismans of so many high-level forces at the same time? I'm afraid there is no force in the core universe that can do this, right?"

"This... this matter is indeed puzzling, but... it must be true that the storm has changed, because someone has already discovered something abnormal there..." Jiang Hui said.

"What kind of abnormality?" Quan Bing asked urgently.

"From the information flowing out from the Tengxin Network and the Awai Network, it is said that deep in the nebula, the storm seems to be weakening, and some people have even discovered the blood and souls of those missing in their clan or influence. The lamp even reacted at all!" Jiang Hui said.

"Is that so?! What about our missing people?" Quan Bing asked urgently.

"There is no news yet, because the bloodlines and soul lanterns of our missing persons are all left at the headquarters. Even if they find out and respond, it will take a long time for the information to be transmitted, and the races and forces that have spread the information online, It is estimated that they are not very far from the nebula... By the way, some of our blood beads are with the exploration team, I will contact them immediately!" Jiang Hui suddenly remembered and said, and immediately sent out a letter to contact the exploration team of Quan Zhu Group.

"Okay, so to put it this way, a change did occur deep in the nebula, and the people who sent out the talisman to notify the various exploration teams most likely discovered it in advance, so they notified them to leave quickly to avoid the disaster. Speaking of which, we still have to It’s only right to thank him! But…”

"But what?" Jiang Hui asked.

"The truth of the matter may only be revealed when we go there. Maybe the changes in the depths of the nebula are related to the Black Stone. It's hard to say if this person sent everyone else away first in order to monopolize the Black Stone..." Quan Bing pondered.

Jiang Hui was startled and said suspiciously: "Master is saying that there may be the black stone we are looking for deep in the nebula?"

"Yes! Shui Xin and Ling Daozi revealed in their words that those black stones come from some special energy fields in the universe, and the place where the interstellar storm appears is undoubtedly a type of special energy field. Since our trip is to find the black stones, Then it is inevitable to try our luck in this kind of special energy field, so no matter what, we must go to the depths of the nebula to explore!" Quan Bing said.

"This... a change has occurred deep in the nebula. I'm afraid it's hard to predict the fortune or misfortune inside. Master is the backbone of our entire Quanzhu Group. We must not make any mistakes. Why don't we let the disciples go and find out first?" Jiang Hui said! .

When Quan Bing heard this, he pondered for a moment and said, "That's fine, but whether we should let you go first will be decided after we arrive at the outskirts of the nebula and check it out!"

"Yes! Master!"

The scepter fleet continued to fly in the direction of the nebula, and encountered many foreign force fleets on the way. Obviously, many forces had arrived here first. However, these fleets were all frightened when they saw the nine-star scepter fleet coming. Big jump, quickly stay away...

For them, the depths of the nebula may be full of dangers, but if they collide with the scepter fleet, they will be in immediate danger, so they cannot offend them anyway, it is better to avoid them...

Quan Bing, Jiang Hui and other disciples had long been accustomed to this situation. They continued to advance. After a while, Quan Bing suddenly reached out and made a gesture and said: "Stop!!!"

Everyone looked at him with some suspicion, wondering why he stopped here...

Quan Bing said: "There are a lot of energy changes here, I suspect it should be where the nebula is!"

"Oh? Master can feel it?" Jiang Hui said in surprise.

"Well, it should be! How about we take a look at the starry sky map?" Quan Bing said.

When Jiang Hui heard this, he immediately called up the starry sky map on the ship, took a closer look, and couldn't help showing a look of astonishment in his eyes, and said loudly: "It's strange, the direction of the starry sky map is always the direction we originally set.

But we were obviously flying in a slightly biased direction! "

"Yes, this is the reason why those fleets were caught in the storm! It's a pity that when they discovered this problem, the fleet would have already entered the storm's sphere of influence and would never be able to escape!" Quan Bing said! .

Jiang Hui suddenly said, "That's true! Even if those fleets discovered this problem, they would be unable to reveal this strange phenomenon to the outside world because of the urgency of the matter. As a result, our core universe still does not have a more detailed picture of this star field. Information…”

Quan Bing said: "Now it seems that there is a strong force pulling us in the direction of our flagship's flight. If we fly further, we may suffer the same fate as the missing people before! We must stop the flight immediately!"

"Yes! Master!"

The entire scepter fleet quickly came to a stop, but Suo Qing, the disciple in charge of controlling the entire fleet, was shocked to find that the fleet seemed to be moving forward involuntarily, and quickly reported the situation to Quan Bing...

Quan Bing felt bad after hearing this, and urgently ordered the entire fleet to retreat some distance to the rear...

Fortunately, this place should still be far away from the depths of the nebula, and its pulling force is not too great, so after a period of flight, the scepter fleet returned to a safe distance...

Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but they also completely understood why this nebula was so dangerous!

The traps here are really difficult to guard against. If you are not careful, you may fall into the abyss...

Quan Bing, Jiang Hui, Suo Qing and others carefully observed the perimeter for a while and found that as long as they stayed here, it should be a safe distance, so they sent messages to the fleets outside to remind them of this matter...

Suddenly, an idea flashed. Jiang Hui picked it up and looked at it, and said excitedly: "Master, our investigation team has replied. Some of our blood beads are really responsive, but..."

"But what?!" Quan Bing asked urgently.

"The reaction time was extremely short, and then there was no movement at all!" Jiang Hui said.

"This..." Quan Bing was startled.

Suo Qing said aside: "As long as there is a reaction, it means they are still there! Maybe for some reason, the connection link induced by the blood bead has been cut off!"

Quan Bing thought: "How long have they been missing?"

"It was about fifty years ago... and some people were about a hundred years ago..." Jiang Hui recalled.

"If they had really been trapped in there for so long, they would have probably perished..." Quan Bing sighed.

"What?!" Jiang Hui and Suo Qing were both shocked when they heard this.

"Then why did the bloodline beads react?" Suo Qing asked curiously.

Quan Bing said: "There are many reasons why the blood beads are sensitive. If they have a pool of blood that happens to still exist, they can be sensitive to the blood beads... Think about it, what kind of life can be in such a strong storm? How about surviving for fifty to more than a hundred years? However, it is possible that their bloodline will still stay in the storm. Then, as long as there is a momentary flash in the violent storm, the bloodline beads on the exploration team can be There was a reaction, but then why did it disappear in a flash? It is probably because the bloodline was submerged by the storm again..."

"Wo..." Jiang Hui and Suo Qing were extremely shocked when they heard this, and were extremely impressed by Quan Bing's analysis...

Yes, although Quan Bing's statement is a bit bizarre, it may be the reason why the blood beads react and then disappear!

Those missing people have been in the storm for fifty to more than a hundred years, and they are probably broken into pieces long ago. Only a few traces of their bloodline still remain in the storm. This situation makes people feel sad just thinking about it...

Quan Bing added: "The reason why I think so is because I discovered that this nebula is by no means an ordinary nebula, but a nebula with powerful and strange energy! You see, such a thin nebula can affect our ships The starry sky map and the entire system, it can be seen that the storm energy in its depth will be much more terrifying! With such an energy level, I am afraid that even if I fall into it, I may never come back, let alone them?"

Jiang Hui and Suo Qing both nodded repeatedly, fully convinced of Quan Bing's judgment.

"Master, let me go in and take a look first!" Jiang Hui insisted.

Although he knew that the depths of the nebula were terrifying, Jiang Hui still wanted to go in and take a look. In his opinion, this was an opportunity to obtain the Black Stone. If it were placed in other special energy fields, such a choice would also be unavoidable...

"This... you leave the blood beads and take this treasured armor with you. If you find that you can't resist the pull from the depths of the nebula, use the reverse flight ability of this treasured armor to fly out!" Quan Bing took out one! Baojia warned.

"Yes! Master!" Jiang Hui responded quickly.

He immediately left the bloodline beads and put on the treasure armor. After getting used to it for a while, he activated the treasure armor and began to fly deep into the nebula...

Everyone looked at his flying figure with great admiration, and even a tragic emotion spread in their hearts...

Yes, Jiang Hui's choice at this time not only allowed Quan Bing and his disciples to avoid a danger, but also served as a vanguard for the fleet's actions. For an adventurous group like Quan Zhu Group, many actions were It is inevitable that there will be such explorers who sacrifice their lives. For such a person, everyone will dedicate the highest respect to him!

Quan Feifeng couldn't help but burst into tears when she saw this scene, but she had no way to stop it. She could only pray silently for Jiang Hui in her heart...

"Uncle Jiang, you must come back safely. I will respect you even more in the future! I love you!!!"

Jiang Hui's figure quickly disappeared into the vast depths of the nebula. No one knew what kind of things he would see there, what kind of encounters he would have, what his fate would be, and whether he could bring any surprises to everyone. Unexpected surprise…

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