The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3169 White Cave

Everyone was a little baffled by Xiaoxing's words, because the jump was so big!

Hemu was stunned for a moment and said suspiciously: "In other people's stomachs?"

"Yes! In other words, they have been devoured by others! Fortunately, it did not take long. With their abilities, it is estimated that they can survive for a while before being completely digested, so now they still retain their basic bodies. , it depends on whether they can wake up..." Xiaoxing said.

Hemu suddenly realized and asked excitedly: "You mean they have been rescued by your consciousness body? Rescued from the belly of the person who swallowed them?"

"Yes! That Devourer was quite powerful, but in the end we were able to take them down. When we were pouring people out of his stomach, we discovered that Hualong and his party were also inside, but they had not been digested yet..." Xiaoxing briefly explained the process.

This incident made everyone shudder and feel bad!

What they couldn't imagine was that there was such a devourer in that interstellar storm? How did they appear? Who are they? Are they so cruel that they go to the outside world to devour other lives?

And just now, Ling Daozi actually said that he wanted to build the headquarters of the Phantom Organization in that interstellar storm. What kind of truth is this?

Could it be delivering meat to those Devourers?

No one expected that the interstellar storm would be full of murderous intent. It was really terrifying. And now we have just begun to build the cosmic network. I don’t know how many dangers are waiting in the future...

After hearing this incident, not only He Mu, He Tian and Lin Yang were frightened into cold sweats, but Guowei, Yi Xing and Lai Huan were also stunned!

Everyone knows that Hualong, the original boss of, is not a simple figure. His level of cultivation is still higher than that of Lin Yang, almost approaching the three people in Guowei. He is definitely a giant in the core universe, calling the wind and rain, and being aloof, but With his identity and status, he was still devoured by others. Moreover, many of the people traveling with him were masters. With their combined combat power, even Guowei and the three of them had to attach great importance to him and did not dare to neglect him at all. …

However, these people, together with Hualong, were all swallowed up by one person. The terror of this person is evident!

It can be said that except for Li Yun, Xiaoxing and Shui Xin, everyone here will probably not be able to escape the fate of being swallowed by this devourer...

At the thought of this, everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale and they were trembling...

The good news is that this Devourer was so powerful that he was eventually caught by the consciousness bodies of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi. This shows that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi are even more powerful!

Moreover, it is just their consciousness body. In the final analysis, it is just one consciousness of two people. But just such two consciousnesses can take down such a powerful devourer. What does this mean?

Now everyone looked at Liu Feng and Ling Daozi, and their eyes were suddenly full of awe!

In the world of cultivation, big fists and high moral power always come first. No matter how kind, cute, or beautiful you are, you are no match for a truly strong man. Many cultivators are obsessed with that kind of person. A sense of power that can conquer the entire world, the entire universe, and now, Liu Feng and Ling Daozi seem to have possessed such a terrifying power...

This power is enough to protect everyone's safety, allowing them to remain calm and calm when facing the terrifying Devourer, because they know that although the Devourer is terrifying, there is still a powerful force that can protect them.

But this incident also let them know that there are many strong people in the universe, and one or two or more will pop up somewhere. Although people like themselves are high in the core universe and seem to be invincible, if they think that they are If you are really super strong, you will definitely make mistakes!

Not to mention anything else, the ones who surpassed him in front of him were Liu Feng, Ling Daozi, Shui Xin, and the Devourer in the interstellar storm...

But Xiaoxing continued: "Actually, we found quite a few strong people there.

There are several Devourers who are more powerful than the one who devoured Hua Long and others..."

"What?!!!" When everyone heard this, they were so scared that stars appeared in their eyes and their scalps went numb...

"Xiao Ling, why are there so many powerful Devourers there?" Shui Xin couldn't help but ask.

"Senior, have you ever entered those special energy fields to observe them before?" Xiaoxing asked.

"No! The special energy field is extremely dangerous. Those who accidentally enter it almost never survive. No one knows what is inside, so I usually guard the outside..." Shui Xin shook his head.

"Does the special energy field that senior saw mainly exist in the form of interstellar storms?" Xiaoxing asked again.

" indeed mainly in the form of interstellar storms! Of course there are other forms, but relatively speaking there are much less..." Shui Xin nodded.

"Okay, then I will tell you about the situation in the storm in detail..."

Xiaoxing quickly created countless light curtains. What appeared in the light curtain made everyone stunned and focused...

"The scale of this interstellar storm is huge, more than a hundred times larger than it was at the beginning. And because the storm has been constrained within a certain range, the energy is extremely concentrated, so the intensity of the storm continues to increase, but it is extremely stable. , in which countless wind balls gradually appear. These wind balls are large and small, and sometimes they engulf each other. But after a long time, they will form corresponding orbits, and then they will become orderly and engulf each other. It’s very rare..." Xiaoxing introduced.

Shui Xin was extremely shocked when he heard this, and asked in surprise: "Isn't this situation similar to the star cluster theory I mentioned before?"

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "That's true! These wind balls are just boxes one after another, moving around the center point driven by the storm..."

"What is the center point of the storm?" Shui Xin asked anxiously.

When everyone heard this, they also stared at Xiaoxing closely. These phenomena were far beyond their cognitive scope. In addition to being shocked, everyone was still shocked...

Xiaoxing said: "At the center, there is indeed something. This thing is extremely powerful. We call it a white hole!"

"White hole?!!! That's..." Shui Xin was a little confused...

"White holes are also a type of star. In terms of energy level, some are tens of millions of times more powerful than the sun. However, the white hole we discovered is smaller in scale. Its energy level is similar to our current sun, but its energy level is about the same as that of our current sun. It is extremely small, only about the size of less than two miles away..." Xiaoxing introduced.

"What? Only so small?"

"Oh my god, how can you be so powerful at such a young age?"

"Yes, Xiao Ling said it is comparable to our sun..."

"I can't believe that if such a small star were placed in the starry sky, I would still think it was a big rock!"

"Yes, it does sound like a stone, but it is much more powerful than a stone!"

"Why is it so powerful? Where does its energy come from?"

"And why is it called the White Cave? Is it a stone or a hole?"

"Why not call it a black hole?"

"That's right..."

Everyone's questions came one after another, and it seemed like their imaginations were really wide open...

Xiaoxing said happily: "That's a good question! There are indeed black holes in the universe, and the number is much more than that of white holes! As for the difference between the two, you can think of them as a set of opposites. Stars, they also have a strong energy level, but a black hole swallows everything around it, while a white hole is just the opposite, ejecting the things inside it!"

"Wow!!!" Everyone exclaimed. They didn't expect that there are two such strange things in the universe. How come they haven't heard of them before?

Hemu said suspiciously: "Xiao Ling, you just said that the white hole will spew out the things inside it, but in the interstellar storm before, many people were already trapped in it and couldn't get out! It was simply a place that swallowed people. A bottomless pit looks more like a black hole, right?"

"Senior's suggestion is very good, but it is indeed a white hole, not a black hole. We will have a chance to talk about the black hole in detail later. As for this white hole, it is constantly ejecting matter. That interstellar storm It is formed by the slow accumulation of its eruptions!"

"Is that so?!" Everyone was a little stunned...

Xiaoxing nodded and said: "Yes, so it is the interstellar storm that swallows people, not the white hole in the center."

Shui Xin asked from the side: "I still don't understand. The white hole is so small, and there shouldn't be too much material in it. Why can it keep erupting and form such a huge interstellar storm?"

"Senior said it very well! Of course there is a reason for this. Don't be limited by the size of the stars. In fact, in the universe, some particularly powerful stars are actually very small. They are so small. We all can’t believe it, but it is a giant in the universe! Just like this white hole, although it is less than two miles in diameter and is just a speck of dust in the vast universe, its energy level is It can be compared to the extremely hot sun we see now! Because its energy level is extremely high, its containment power is also extremely high. You see, although this interstellar storm is extremely powerful, it is firmly locked within a certain range by the white hole. The activity has also formed a relatively orderly trajectory, among which those wind balls are equivalent to the stars around our big sun, and they are also orbiting around the big sun..." Xiaoxing explained.

"Is the interstellar storm really erupted by it?" Shui Xin asked.

"Yes! Most of the matter in the interstellar storm is ejected by the white hole. Of course, due to the powerful power of the white hole, it will also attract other matter from the universe to join, so this storm is becoming more and more powerful..."

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