The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3167 The value of clearing the cage

Li Yun and Xiao Xing are on the flagship, but they have a ray of consciousness that has been paying attention to the information coming from Xingyun Castle. Seeing the actions and gains there now, they can't help but feel happy!

Encountering a white hole in the outside world for the first time is an extremely precious opportunity!

In their travels of about a thousand years, the two of them have encountered many black holes, but this is the first time they encountered a white hole. This is a great opportunity to expand their knowledge, and they must not let it pass, such a cosmic monster. , it was a catastrophe for some people, but for two people, it was great luck!

In addition, this white hole erupted a large amount of black stones. Only a very small amount of these black stones were carried to the outside by the airflow. Very few people could pick them up and realize that they were treasures, so almost no one in the outside world recognized them. But Li Yun He Xiaoxing will naturally not let it go, but will pocket these black stones to reserve the material foundation for the construction of the cosmic network.

With this new batch of black stones, there is no problem in building a high-energy network in the core universe, and it can even be expanded to a larger range. Next, finding other white holes will become an important way to solve the black stone problem.

At this time, the Space Super United Fleet has arrived in Popov's Wusong Lake area, and the people in the ship have also woken up from the breath adjustment...

However, everyone has no intention of admiring the beautiful scenery and enjoying the food, because now they have a more important task. In addition to finding the Black Stone, they also need to find the headquarters of the Universe Network. Everyone knows that there may be other competitors in the universe. Build a high-energy network. Therefore, whether your network can dominate the universe in the future depends on whether you can speed up its construction from now on. Time is the network, time is the application, and time is hegemony. Only by overwhelming the opponent in scale can you have the same The other party’s arm wrestling capital!

Therefore, everyone just took a brief stroll around Wusong Lake and tasted the fresh caviar that Popov had just made not long ago. Then they returned to the fleet and waited for Popov to arrange things within the force, and Ling Daozi helped him set up the formation...

In their view, after having Ling Daozi, many things have become extremely simple. For example, this formation, in the past, would have taken hundreds or even thousands of years, but now it is just a matter of moving your fingers...

They were all eagerly waiting to see the moment when Ling Daozi set up the formation. That moment was definitely a rare and amazing moment in the world!

Sure enough, Ling Daozi did not disappoint them. Everyone once again appreciated the shocking moment when Qingcong bloomed. Everyone was fascinated by the burst of spiritual light...

"Xiao Ling, do you still have this Cage Clearing Formation? I also need such a formation for Purple Light Liuying. No matter how much it costs, I am willing to pay!" Guo Wei couldn't help but say.

Xiaoxing smiled slightly and said, "Senior, are you still worried that someone will attack Ziguang Liuying?"

"The world is unpredictable, and the core universe is not a kind place. There are many masters, space pirates, races and forces from the outside world who want to dominate, so I really feel that such an formation is very necessary. You must know that Purple Light Liuying is very expensive. After all my hard work, not to mention the money spent on it, this thought alone is very precious. If it is really ruined by someone, then I will definitely be heartbroken!" Guowei analyzed.

"Yes, the same goes for my thunderbolt movement!" Yi Xing agreed.

"There is also my Jiangnan water town. If it is destroyed by others, then I will really even have the heart to die!" Lai Huan said fiercely.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lai Huan's words. With his level, there were very few things that he could not let go of, but the water town in the south of the Yangtze River that could make him even want to die must be a place in the universe. Such a paradise-like existence, people can't help but yearn for it...

It's a pity that very few people can actually go there. The rare things in this world are often owned and enjoyed by a few people. For these rare things, it is better to enjoy them alone than to enjoy them all. Inappropriate, because if too many people go or enjoy it, it will not appear so precious.

Therefore, these owners often prefer to enjoy themselves alone. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to own something rare in the world, you must treasure it and take it out from time to time to play with it. At that moment, you and the treasure The minds and hearts between them are connected, and you can feel everything about it, including beauty, change, tenderness, and emotion... It is like a part of you, resonating with your eyes and heart, and working together under the warm afternoon sunshine. Play a chordal music that will make you deeply immersed in it...

Everyone has a love for beauty and a spirit for treasures. Your treasure can be a thing, a person, or a life. You and the treasure can resonate with each other, just like the Lord worshiped by this universe. In the way of slave and master, two lives can form one body, and one life and one thing can also form a perfect combination. Just like the cultivators in this universe, they will refine it at a certain stage of their cultivation. Just like your own natal treasure, this natal treasure is the treasure that resonates with it!

During their travels over the past thousand years, Li Yun and Xiaoxing also discovered that there is another resonant relationship among some races in the universe, that is, the relationship between a person and a natal pet. In other words, this person's natal pet The treasure is not a treasure such as a knife, a gun, a sword, or a halberd, but a pet animal or pet. When a cultivator reaches a certain stage of cultivation, he needs to choose his own pet or pet. This selection process In fact, it is a two-way street. Not only does the person choose the animal or bird, but also the animal or bird chooses the person. After the two parties determine the relationship, the animal pet or bird pet will accompany the person for a lifetime. Both parties will never leave each other, and they will truly live and die together. Life or death…

This kind of resonant relationship actually exists in the core universe area, and even in many advanced races, this relationship is the main one, while the relationship between people and slaves is supplementary...

At this time, after hearing the words of the three giants from Lai Huan, Xiaoxing said: "It seems that the three seniors have spent a lot of effort in those three leisure centers. Then they should have been protected by extremely advanced formations, right?"

"Of course!" The three of them responded almost at the same time.

"Isn't that enough? The advanced formations in your eyes should be truly advanced formations... The main problem is that I also found the cage-clearing formations inadvertently at that time, but there were only about ten of them. That's all..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"What? There are about ten of them?!" The three of them were not calm anymore...

Guowei immediately said: "Xiao Ling, you have to sell one to me no matter what! Although my purple light flowing shadow protection formation is extremely powerful, it can't catch up with the cage clearing anyway. If I clear the cage for protection, I will look for it outside. With Blackstone, you can truly sit back and relax!”

"That's right!" Yi Xing and Lai Huan agreed at the same time.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "It is impossible to sell, because the value of Qingcong has reached the point of inestimation. The value of a small ball of Qingcong material is far more than your Ziguang Liuying, Pili Xingkong and Jiangnan Water Village. It’s much higher, so even if I wanted to sell it, you might not be able to afford it!”

"Is that so?!!!" The three of them were shocked when they heard this. They couldn't help but look at each other and took a breath...

Shui Xin nodded and said: "Xiao Ling is right! With my eyes, I still can't tell what Qinglong is made of! Even apart from the faint aura at the beginning, I haven't been able to see As long as there are other substances in it, according to my judgment, the Qingcage Formation is actually just an extremely pure energy!"

"A burst of energy?!!!" Everyone was stunned upon hearing this!

I didn’t expect that such a domineering formation, one that is not even afraid of the sun, would actually be just a burst of energy...

Shui Xin sighed: "Xiao Ling, what do you think?"

Xiaoxing smiled and said nothing...

Shui Xin added: "It is an energy, and it is an extremely high-energy energy. After it is deployed, it actually forms an energy protection wall in a certain area. Because of its extremely high energy level, any external After energy touches it, it will only be absorbed and assimilated by it, becoming one of the forces that strengthens its protection. In my opinion, the energy contained in Qingcong is much higher than the energy contained in the black stone!"

"Wo!!!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar...

The power of the Black Stone was obvious to everyone, but what they didn't expect was that the energy level of Qing Cong was actually much higher than that of the Black Stone. How could this be possible? !

Shui Xin saw everyone's expressions and teased: "Xiao Ling, throw a black stone down and let them see..."

Xiaoxing felt happy and said, "No problem!"

With a flick, a small black stone flew over the formation with a "swipe", and a spiritual light was injected into it, "Huh——" "Huh——" "Huu——", this black stone seemed to have been puffed by something. The agent expanded rapidly, turning into thick black clouds at lightning speed, firmly sealing the foggy pine lake area within it!

"Oh my God!!!" When everyone saw this scene, they exclaimed!

so amazing!

A small black stone can explode to such an extent that if your spaceship is hit by it, it will be sunk instantly!

At the thought of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Ling Daozi with awe...

This little boy in the infant stage has so much power in his hands, so powerful that no one can imagine it!

If you offend him, I'm afraid he will kill you with a wave of his hand...

Looking at the black clouds below, everyone found that the black clouds were not only incredibly dense, but also glowing with mist. There were countless shining stars in them, which were the small beads that Ling Daozi had condensed for them before...

Everyone knew that these small beads contained powerful energy, but no one thought that there were countless small beads in that small black stone!

In fact, as long as there is such a small bead, it is enough to sink the spacecraft. Everyone knows this...

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