The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3160 Grabbing with 2 hands at the same time

Everyone suddenly discovered that there was such a huge threat around them, and they couldn't help but become extremely nervous...

He Mu, He Tian and Lin Yang were dumbfounded. What they never expected was that the network they had worked so hard to build for countless years would have undergone such a huge mutation!

As the person in charge of the network, he did not discover this mutation. If Ling Daozi hadn't reminded him, he would still be clueless.

What they didn't expect was that these networks had actually merged on their own, forming an independent online world and giving birth to the spirit of the world!

Before, they thought they were the masters of these networks, but in fact, the real masters of these networks have become the spirits of the online world!

In addition, in addition to the spirits of the Internet world who control the world with their own rules, there have also been countless Internet geniuses. These people have developed amazing Taoism and combat power in the Internet world, and have become a party in the Internet world. Giants, these people are still relatively unknown, but they are ready to start exerting their will and energy in the online world...

Once they start a full-scale attack, I am afraid that the various nodes and outlets of their own system will soon collapse and become their prey!

They created the online world, but lost the power to control it. This made the three of them feel that the world had become a little unreal...

Now, while the three of them were shocked, they were also secretly glad in their hearts, because they had previously converted the Internet into shares of the Phantom Organization at the valuation of financial power, so they could be considered to have preserved the fruits of their hard work over the years. Otherwise, If it were changed to now, I'm afraid that the valuation of these two forces in the financial system would be greatly reduced, because you can't even control the online world, so what kind of valuation can you talk about?

The three of them were suddenly filled with gratitude to Ling Daozi. It turned out that they thought they had suffered a bit. After all, they had converted all the results of their hard work over the years into shares and invested them all. This was different from other collaborators. Everyone only contributes part of their funds and moral will. Even if this new project fails, the impact on them will be limited, but for these two network forces, it means a complete failure!

However, the three of them no longer think so, because according to their current understanding, they have inadvertently cultivated a world spirit, and have actually lost effective control over the online world, so this achievement is not in their hands. However, in the previous agreement, it was Ling Daozi's help that allowed them to finally keep all the results!

Do you think Ling Daozi didn't know about this situation at the time? Of course it's impossible!

But Ling Daozi did not point this out, but allowed the cooperation to continue in depth. This shows how much Ling Daozi helped them!

After hearing everyone's discussion, Xiaoxing said: "Judging from the current situation, our plan must be carried out with both hands at the same time!"

"Which hands?" Guowei asked urgently.

"One hand is to continuously weaken the energy of the original online world, making its threat continue to decrease until it disappears..."

"It makes sense!" Guowei said happily after hearing this.

Shui Xin interjected: "How to weaken it?"

"Most of the energy in the current online world comes from the huge energy consumed by various network forces every day, as well as the various information and energy running on the Internet. Therefore, from now on, we must consciously and gradually reduce the energy we use on the Internet. Inject it so that it does not receive enough energy replenishment, and its power will naturally decrease. In addition..."

"What else?!"

"Of course we are using means to absorb its energy, or let it leak out continuously. However, energy leakage is not only easy for it to realize, but also extremely wasteful, so we'd better keep its energy back. Use it!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Haha, that's a good idea! I wonder if Xiaoling has any means to absorb its energy?" Shui Xin stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Senior, why did you forget your black stone?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Black stone? Yes..." Shui Xin suddenly realized!

"That makes sense!" Everyone's eyes lit up.

Praise loudly.

The black stone can absorb any energy in the universe, and of course it can also absorb the energy of the online world. Moreover, its holding capacity is extremely huge, and it can absorb a considerable part of the energy...

Xiaoxing continued: "Using black stones to absorb energy is not only extremely secretive, but it can also reserve energy for our new network. As time goes by, the energy in the original network will gradually be transferred to our new network. By then, the world spirit of this network will not be able to make any waves..."

When Hemu heard this, he asked curiously: "Xiao Ling, do you mean that we will not transform the current network, but start from scratch and build a new network?"

"Yes, this is the most economical and safest way! It is said to be economical because the cost of transforming the old network will be much higher than the cost of building a new network, and the effect is not as good as a new one. It is said to be the safest because both It is possible to build a new high-power network from a high starting point without major flaws, and it will not attract the attention and destruction of the spirit of the current network world! Of course, the predecessors do not have to think that the old network seems to have lost its role and value. In fact, it It still plays a great role and its value is still very high, because there is a massive amount of user and resource information running on it, which is of great value. After our new network is completed, these user and resource information can be Move to the new network to achieve seamless connection!" Xiaoxing said.

"Relocation? Seamless connection?" Everyone was startled when they heard this.

Xiaoxing explained: "What we moved is only user information and other effective resource information, not the network itself. After we transfer all the information that we think is useful to the new network, the original network is basically It can be considered obsolete! Of course, it still has a little residual value. I will recycle it, because only by recycling it will there be no hidden dangers. Otherwise, if the world spirit goes crazy, it may really damage the new network. It poses a greater threat. You must know that the level of capabilities it has now reached is extremely high. No force in the core universe can deal with it. Only by slowly weakening it through some means can we finally subdue it in one fell swoop..."

"Wow!!!" Everyone was amazed when they heard this. They didn't expect that Ling Daozi had already considered such a far-reaching thing...

Shui Xin sighed: "All this can only be done by you, Xiao Ling! It would be impossible for any of us to do it!"

"Xiao Ling is really amazing!"

"With Xiaoling, we have a new network, a new economy, and a new world!"

"Haha, how did you cultivate, Xiaoling? How come you are so powerful at such a young age?" Guowei couldn't help but ask this hidden question.

"Yes, Xiao Ling, please tell me!"

"Let us all know about your powerful history..."

"I don't believe that you have been practicing since you were born. Even if you were, you wouldn't be able to reach this level without some adventures!"

"That's right..."

Everyone pressed for questions one after another, showing an attitude of not giving up until the goal was achieved, insisting that Xiaoxing tell the story of the cultivation process...

Little Speaking out, it won't be of much help to the seniors, because this process is basically impossible to copy. In addition, I want to emphasize that you don't think that I am so powerful now. Please think about this vast universe. There are many stars, and countless geniuses may be born on each star. Who knows what level of genius those geniuses can reach? Therefore, no matter what level we have reached now, we need to look at the universe with an upward attitude. , only with a heart of awe can we continue to make progress and surpass..."

"This..." Everyone was dumbfounded and their hearts were in a state of confusion. They didn't expect Ling Daozi to be such a humble person!

With his talent, he could stand on the commanding heights of the world and direct the country, display his ambitions, and command countless people to charge into battle without any regrets... But he didn't!

Just now, he even said that he had many things to ask him for advice, which made everyone feel flattered and extremely uneasy...

Just imagine, Ling Daozi has achieved so much, what else does he need to ask for advice? Didn't he kill everyone by saying this?

"Xiao Ling, don't be too humble! What you say will make us embarrassed!" Guowei said directly.

"The elder Guo is right! With Xiao Ling's ability, he is enough to become the boss of us people. There is no need to be humble to us!"

"Xiao Ling, we will do whatever you say from now on!"

"You say go east, but we will never go west..."

"That's right..."

Everyone expressed their opinions that if any outsiders saw this scene, they would be frightened, because such a group of people who stand at the pinnacle of the core universe are actually rushing to make Ling Daozi their boss. Of course, in fact, Xiaoxing has undoubtedly become the boss of this team...

Little On the Internet, the other task is of course to build a new network, and the construction of this network has actually begun now!"

"What? It's already started?!" Everyone was shocked and screamed when they heard this.

"Yes, I have placed countless black stones in the old network to absorb its energy. At the same time, this energy has also been guided out through some secret exits to create the network energy filaments we need. These energy filaments have now begun to Spreading within the scope of the core universe..."

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