The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3154 New World and New Economy

Lin Yang has obviously thought deeply about the new network project during this period, and has seen some situations that may arise in the near future, so now he analyzes the problems in a clear and logical way, demonstrating his due role as the boss of Big picture and long-term vision…

He Tian smiled and said: "Seniors are very confident in our new network. Let's see how efficient our application of the new network is after it is built! In fact, the Internet celebrity economy is only one aspect of the new network application. Others There are also physical sales, virtual sales and various new services. There are so many competitive battlefields. I wonder if my seniors can take care of them?"

"Haha, don't worry! Don't think that because you are young and energetic, you can kill everyone. With the creation of this new network and the development of the new economy, I will also have a boy's madness!!!" Lin Yang was unwilling to accept it. He said weakly.

Little There will be endless things to do, which of course means there will be endless money to be made! However, many new economic models will only slowly emerge in the process of network creation. It depends on whether you can realize it and take advantage of it. Right now You can think and imagine first, or design some application models, and then improve them based on the network construction situation..."

"Xiao Ling, can you tell us what these applications are?" Lin Yang asked.

"Senior, the new network is like a new world. In a new world, anything can happen. Everything people experience in real life can be moved to this new world, so it is right to say that the new network The applications are indeed countless, too numerous to mention, and I can’t even finish them all... You can completely let your imagination run wild and think about what can be done in the new network..." Xiaoxing said.

Falk said with a smile: "Then if I also want to use the new network to make some money, what can I do?"

Xiaoxing laughed when he heard this and said: "Senior is in charge of an authoritative force. A force like this represents more fairness, openness and justice. In the online world, it is generally Qingshui Yamen, but..."

"But what?" Falk asked urgently.

"If you want to make a little money, it couldn't be easier for an authority like Senior!"

"Oh? Xiao Ling, tell me!" Falke's eyes lit up and he said quickly.

“For example, you can redesign the gourmet-level test process and put it online, and then you can charge registration fees, test fees, certificate fees, etc. from people who are willing to take the test. People do not need to go to the Food Basket in person. The headquarters can participate in the test. On the one hand, it saves a lot of costs. On the other hand, it can also expand the number of people participating in the test. Think about it, just charging the applicants for the Food Star Group is already a huge amount. In the future, the network will expand to more There are so many planets, I'm afraid the seniors will be lenient when collecting money... But this is just one of the ways you can make money..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Falk was very excited when he heard this, and asked anxiously: "Besides fees, what other income items are there?"

"Seniors used to have to go everywhere to be guests and comment on food. This is of course a good form of income. However, seniors did ignore the great benefits that the Internet economy can bring. However, this is also related to the poor effect of online live broadcasts before. Now It's different. Seniors can do many things by just activating online live broadcasts, such as spreading some of your views on food, giving some food courses, making online comments on some food programs, etc. You can charge for these projects yourself, and you can also You can charge partners, and if you don’t want to charge, that’s no problem, because bigger income is still waiting for you later…”

"What? Is there any bigger income?!" Falk asked urgently.

"Hey, as seniors appear more and more on the Internet, you will become an Internet celebrity! And your kind of Internet celebrity is different from Sissi and Jingyu.

They rely on their beauty and talents to attract netizens, but you represent authority. When people have questions, they generally look for authorities to help them answer them. It can be said that authority also represents trust and support! In this case, if you find a certain product or service that is particularly reliable and you admire it, can you recommend it to netizens during the live broadcast? "Xiao Xing asked.

"This... I seem to understand somewhat, but not too clearly yet..." Falk told the truth.

Xiaoxing said: "Okay, let me give you an example. After the new network was built, Senior De opened a gourmet store on the Internet. There were many products in the store, but not many people knew about his store at that time. Because of his existence, he cannot place orders from his store, and business has been relatively deserted, so he has the need to quickly become famous, right?"

"Indeed..." Falk nodded.

"But Senior has a very good personal relationship with Senior De, and he has full confidence in the products he makes. At this time, Senior De happened to find you and talk about cooperation with you. As long as you strongly promote his gourmet restaurant in the show, he is willing I’ll pay you a considerable recommendation fee for this, so what if you do it?” Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Do it! Of course we do it! There is no need for a recommendation fee!" Falk said quickly.

"No, recommendation fees, also known as endorsement fees and advertising fees, will become a very important income in the new Internet economy. This is a deserved income for Internet celebrities. For Senior De, although he has paid He received a considerable amount of endorsement fees and recommendation fees, but his gourmet restaurant can quickly develop a reputation and attract countless people to place orders and shop in his store, making much more money than before. This money-making speed is faster than that of other countries. The Internet age is countless times faster, so he is very willing to pay the money, and will even ask you to become a long-term spokesperson for his gourmet restaurant!" Xiaoxing said.

"This... spokesperson? Does it mean that I speak on behalf of his gourmet restaurant in the online world?" Falk understood somewhat.

Xiaoxing praised: "Not bad! You can sign an agreement with him. How many years will he be the spokesperson? The responsibilities and rights of both parties must be clearly stated. After you become the spokesperson of his gourmet restaurant, you will also pay more attention to him. store and its products, pay attention to their service and quality, and point out problems immediately if there are any. This is the responsibility and power of the spokesperson. Of course, if you find that many problems have arisen after his store has been operating for a period of time, And these problems have not been well solved, and there is still no significant improvement after pointing them out, then you can also choose to give up your identity as a spokesperson. On the other hand..."

"What about the other way around?" Derek asked quickly.

"The image of a spokesperson is very important. As the head of the Gourmet Association, the oldest gourmet in the food constellation, and an authoritative presence in the online world, Senior Fa can certainly bring you a lot of benefits by being the spokesperson of your gourmet restaurant. Fei's income, however, if there are some unexpected changes in the process, for example, someone discovered that his Gourmet Association had unfair and open issues during the testing process, and he often said wrong things during live broadcasts. , there are also some undue mistakes in the comments, so that they become the laughing stock of others. These will seriously affect his authoritative image among netizens. If such problems become more and more serious, not only will his image not be It will bring good benefits to your business, but it will bring bad effects. At this time, of course you can also take the initiative to terminate the identity of Senior Fa as the spokesperson according to the content of the agreement... In short, what I just talked about is just countless applications in the online world. It’s just one aspect, you can dig deeper in the future. In fact, everyone here has the opportunity to become an authoritative figure in the online world. Your every move, word and deed will affect countless fans and followers, so protect yourself. The image of the Internet is particularly important, and our online world also needs the existence of such an authority to maintain good order so that various applications can be developed in an orderly manner..." Xiaoxing said.

Falk nodded repeatedly and praised: "Well said! If the new network is a new world, then of course it also needs rules, and the authority is the representative of these rules. If there are no rules in a world, then People can go their own way up there and do whatever is beneficial, otherwise it will definitely be chaotic!"

When Xiaoxing heard this, he also praised: "Senior is right! Without rules, there is no rule. After the new network has become people's new way of life, people urgently need a sense of security. Rules and authority are what we need. At the same time, , we must also take precautions in advance to intercept and kill network virus elements!"

"Virus elements?!" Everyone was startled when they heard this.

He Tianqi asked: "What virus molecule is Xiaoling talking about?"

"Virus molecules are actually like viruses in our real world, but viruses in the real world originate from the universe itself and have their own development rules, while virus molecules in the online world are created by some network experts, such as Wasn't there a network master named Heike before?" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Haike?! Are you talking about Heike, the current head of the security department of Tengxin Network?" Hetian said suddenly.

"It should be! Didn't this person invade the Tengxin Network without authorization before, and even the network spirit was helpless against him?"

"This... this person is indeed a master. However, later we found him and successfully naturalized him. Now he has become the head of our security department!" Hetian said.

"Okay, actually what I want to say is that there will never be a shortage of people like Heike in the online world. There are countless geniuses who are even much better than Heike..."

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