The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3134 Valuation and Equity

( ) "This..." Lin Yang and He Mu were startled when they heard this, and their expressions changed slightly.

Guowei continued: "Based on the current valuation of your two networks, I can buy quite a few of them with just one Ziguangxing, not to mention Perak Hall and Jiangnan Bureau? So in my opinion, all parties should pay according to their investment." It is most reasonable to calculate the equity based on the amount and valuation!”

"Well, Brother Guo is right. In fact, we have always calculated the valuations of the two Internet forces. We must confirm your shares based on the most reasonable valuation available!" Yi Xing said.

"Yes, we financial forces will regularly adjust the valuations of various forces in the universe. This adjustment is based on your performance and related events, etc. It should be extremely reasonable!" Lai Huan agreed! road.

"Oh? I wonder what the current valuation of our is?" Lin Yang asked.

Guowei quickly displayed a light curtain. When everyone looked at it, they found that a lot of information was displayed on it, which was about the estimated value of some cosmic forces. Among them, the valuation of Awaiwang was displayed on it. The amount was one hundred and fifty. There are 1.8 billion level 7 energy bars, and’s valuation follows closely behind it, at 15.3 billion level 7 energy bars!

This valuation was a bit unfamiliar to Lin Yang, He Mu and Tian. The three of them had a lot of doubts about it and murmured in their hearts...

Guowei laughed and said: "Haha, this is a valuation judgment formulated by our financial forces based on some standards. There are not many forces that can reach tens of billions of seven-level energy bars. The entire core universe only has about one hundred. It’s just a family, and your ranking in it is in the middle, which is pretty good!”

"Oh? I wonder what standards you base your valuation on?" Lin Yang asked.

"These standards include the amount of your existing assets, the capabilities of your senior management, the execution capabilities and potential of your middle and lower-level personnel, your existing network coverage and the number of outlets, your ability to generate profits, and your asset input and output capabilities. , some good and bad information you have appeared, etc..." Guowei said.

"This..." Lin Yang was confused for a while. He seemed to understand what Guowei said. The general situation was clear, but if he went deeper, I'm afraid there are still many aspects that require a lot of understanding. .

Lin Yang was like this, and so was He Mu. However, He Tian was thoughtful and said, "What the seniors said should be related to your financial power's current value judgment on a power. However, I also discovered that, When you evaluate, you will also pay attention to the development potential of personnel. In my opinion, a force also has development prospects. If the development prospects are promising, then you cannot rely solely on its current performance when evaluating its value. Rather, it should be assessed based on its asset condition, but should add an added value to it. If its development prospects are not good, then even if its existing asset condition is relatively good,

It may continue to depreciate in the future, so it is not worth the valuation you give it now! "

"This... is well said! We will evaluate the personnel potential of a force, as well as the profit-generating and input-output capabilities of their assets, just to determine a question, that is, should we add an added value to this force, or reduce it? Go to a depreciation level!" Guowei praised.

"What about the development prospects? If the industry in which this force is located has excellent development prospects and a promising future, should we add added value to it?" He Tianzhui asked.

"Of course! But..."

"But what?"

"The development prospects belong to the future, and if the future is too far away, there will be many variables, and the certainty will not be too high. For our financial forces, what we value more is the recent situation. The shorter the time, the The higher the certainty, the more correct our assessment will be! Therefore, although we are also very optimistic about the development prospects of the Universe Network project, everything has not started yet, and not even an online physical store has been opened. Who knows? Can you tell accurately?" Guowei said.

"This..." He Tian was startled and was immediately speechless.

Guowei said proudly: "So, our financial power's valuation system is quite perfect, and it is very reasonable to calculate the equity based on our valuation. If the three of us have no opinions, then this equity structure can be determined." Come down!"

"That's true!" Yi Xing agreed.

"According to our valuation is not only reasonable, but also quite beneficial to you!" Lai Huan said.

"What's the best method?" Lin Yang asked.

Lai Huan said: "Xiao Lin, don't tell me that you don't have any problems within the Awai Network, right? In such a huge force, many assets are actually idle or abandoned, with extremely low utility. Even if Existing assets that can play a greater role also require constant funds and manpower for maintenance, and the daily consumption is huge. In our estimation, the assets of a network group like yours are not actually of high quality, because A lot of your income must be used to supplement losses. The input-output is relatively low, and fixed assets account for a large proportion. The annual losses and depreciation are also large. In short, the income and expenditure of your two network groups have actually been reduced until now. It has been basically offset, and it is difficult to have any breakthrough development. In other words, your current valuation is basically your peak value. If there is no change, it is likely to decline year by year in the future. But now there is With this plan, you can realize this valuation, so why not?”

Guowei praised: "Xiao Lai's analysis is very good. If you don't take advantage of the peak of this asset to realize it, or use it to offset the equity, there will be no such good thing in the future!"

"This..." Lin Yang couldn't help but feel a little confused when he heard it. He felt that what Guowei, Lai Huan and Yi Xing said seemed to make sense. There were many problems in, and he had been troubled by these problems for a long time. , if you can take this opportunity to monetize your entire power, then you won’t have these worries in the future!

However, he still thought of a problem and said: "Even if I agree to operate in this way, I am only a major shareholder of, and other shareholders are not aware of this matter, so this issue still needs to be discussed. They can discuss it together and make it final!”

"Haha, of course! However, you must play the biggest role. Only if you agree first can this plan be basically finalized!" Guowei laughed.

"That's true..." Yi Xing agreed.

"For such a big thing, apart from you, of course, the majority of shareholders must agree!" Lai Huan agreed.

For these three people, they are investors, and they hold the money in their own hands. They have to think carefully whether to invest it, and they are not particularly anxious...

For Lin Yang, going back to discuss with other shareholders is just a step to slow down the process. Before he can think clearly, he really needs such a buffer period to calm down...

Seeing that the process of the cosmic network project was about to be put on hold for a while, He Tian on the other side was a little anxious. He knew that if the matter was shelved, it would be delayed for a long time if the situation was good. If the situation was bad, he might simply If it runs aground, wouldn't the grand plan he proposed be wasted?

"Seniors, are you really obsessed with the equity issue?" Hetian asked.

Lin Yang was startled and said: "In such a large project, the equity issue is of course the biggest problem. If we don't negotiate it from the beginning, what will happen if there are disputes in the future? I have experienced too many such things. If the equity issue is not settled, If you solve it well, even the best career will fail!"

Yi Xing said: "Brother Lin is right, the equity issue must be solved at the beginning, otherwise it will be too late if problems arise in the future!"

Lai Huan nodded and agreed: "For us financial forces, if the equity of a project is not clear, we cannot correctly evaluate its value and future development. After all, the success of a project requires the joint efforts of all shareholders. If there are many contradictions, mutual strife, and serious internal friction from the beginning, how can we talk about development?"

Guowei said aside: "For example, we have initially decided to have seven shareholders. Each shareholder has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, we, the three financial forces, have money on hand, but we do not control this The Taoism and talents of the Internet, and as for your two Internet forces, although you have the Taoism and talents of the Internet, you have encountered a bottleneck in operations. Now your income and expenses are basically even, and you are even going downhill and cannot make ends meet. If you don't have With the injection of new funds and new operational ideas, your future is not bright! As for Xiao Ling and Brother Shui, Brother Shui invested money and his knowledge and experience in the universe, but Xiao Ling is the most important person in this project. Important shareholder!”

"Oh?" He Tian was startled when he heard this.

Shui Xin smiled and asked, "Brother Guo, why do you say that?"

"Hmph, if Xiao Ling doesn't agree to participate in this project, I won't invest even an energy bar! Although I am very interested in Xiao Tian's plan, his plan is more of a pie in the sky , and there is no very practical operation idea. If the network cannot be used to support the network, building such a cosmic network will be a bottomless pit that absorbs crystals. No matter how much money is invested, it will be in vain! However, after Xiaoling announced his participation, he immediately proposed a plan based on The feasibility of this new plan for network maintenance is very high. It has made me understand many problems and realize the true value of such a cosmic network. It can be said that Xiaoling has brought new operational ideas to this project. ,and…"

"And what?"

"Xiao Ling not only has effective business ideas, but also has enough money to invest. If even he is willing to invest in this project, I have no reason not to follow..."

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