The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3132 Xiaoxing Preaching

( ) “What box?!” The three of them were startled.

Yi Xing, Lai Huan and Guowei had never heard of Shui Xin's theory of the universe box, so they were a little confused after hearing it...

Xiaoxing said: "This is Senior Shui's view of the universe. He believes that the universe is a big box composed of many boxes. Each star field can be regarded as a box, each star group can also be regarded as a box, and each planet It can also be seen as a box. Even the Lake of No Return here can be seen as a small box. So many boxes make up the brilliant universe, and our current footprint is only a small part of it. What is there? Why should we just give up and pursue personal pleasure?"

"This..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and their faces turned a little red...

"However, although we will continue to travel, this does not prevent us from participating in the huge plan proposed by Brother Hetian just now. If the giant network planned by Brother Hetian can connect all these boxes in the universe in the future, then it will It’s a great miracle!” Xiaoxing continued.

Upon hearing this, Hetian asked excitedly: "Xiao Ling, have you agreed to participate in our plan?"

"Of course, we have always been interested in such creative and promising plans, and will strongly support them!" Xiaoxing said affirmatively.

"Great! I promise that I will do my best to build this giant network. By then, no matter where you and Xiaoliu travel, you can use this network and start your journey to become Internet celebrities! !!" Hetian said loudly.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you become an Internet celebrity or not. The key is that this project does have prospects. Moreover, this plan does not need to wait until the end to make profits. As long as we complete part of it, we can capture part of the network traffic and integrate the concept of online life. Gradually promote it, so that the network can support the network, so our actual contribution will be much less than it seems. The most important thing is to start this initial stage..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

When Yi Xing, Lai Huan and Guowei heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads, feeling that what Ling Daozi said was very reasonable!

"Using a net to feed a net? What Xiao Ling said is great!" Lin Yang's eyes lit up and he praised.

"Actually, isn't this concept exactly what your and have always stood for?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"We didn't put forward this concept very clearly, but now it's you who helped us summarize it!" Lin Yang said.

"Oh?" Xiaoxing was startled. She didn't expect that things turned out to be like this. Didn't the management of these two networks have such a clear idea?

Lin Yang said: "Always,

We are all struggling to explore the road to development. The first thing we think of is building a network in star areas with dense population and developed economy. We don’t have much confidence in peripheral development, so whether it is our Awai Network or Tengxin Network, Basically, they all operate within the scope of the core universe, with only sporadic distribution in the periphery, and no specific development plans... For us, the most worrying thing is that the outer star field is too large, and the population and economy are not as prosperous as the core universe. , then not to mention the benefits, it will become a big problem to recover the costs! "

He Tian nodded and said: "What Senior Lin said is absolutely true! There are indeed such hidden dangers in the periphery. This is also the biggest concern for all network forces to expand outward! If we can achieve the strategy of using the network to support the network as Xiaoling just said, , then outward expansion will become a trend..."

Hearing this, Xiaoxing said: "Using a net to support a net can only be achieved when it reaches a certain scale! The most attractive part of the plan you just mentioned is that it is big enough and strong enough. Only in this way can this net be able to Have a scale effect and maximize the inclusion of all life and economies in the universe, thereby forming an economy of scale! In the final analysis, building and laying the network is just a foundation. What you provide is the service of a basic operator. As for the vast majority of life in the universe, why do they use your network? That’s because they can see their favorite Internet celebrities through this network, buy their favorite food and clothing, and provide themselves with Economic activities enable convenient payment and collection. They can also see countless exquisite videos, magnificent cosmic scenery, and major events happening in various star fields... Therefore, what we want to focus on promoting is an online lifestyle and concept. Think about it, if a person who is millions of years away orders a bottle of star wine through this network, and then he can receive the bottle of wine in a short time, what an exciting scene it would be. ?!”

"Wo!!!" Everyone was dumbfounded and extremely shocked!

Guowei said suspiciously: "Xiao Ling, you mean that a person who is a million years away ordered your Xingyun Wine online and received it soon?! Then how much does this bottle of wine cost? Isn't it too high? Who would give it to him? "

Little What we want to promote is not the Internet itself, but a concept of online life. People can do business on this Internet. For example, now you three financial giants can realize the collection and payment of funds on the Internet, which is very convenient. Some on-site economic activities, but this is only a very small scope of network applications. Think about it, if countless merchants open stores on the Internet and promise to achieve door-to-door delivery within a certain range, then customers and merchants will Payment and collection can be achieved through the accounts of your three financial giants. Of course, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction, it is best to set up an intermediary financial institution. After the money is paid, it will be handed over to it first, and the merchant will deliver the goods. , the buyer can make the actual payment after receiving the goods and confirming that they are correct. In this way, a transaction has achieved a closed-loop success! The same type of transactions can be done in large quantities, and the number will increase if you keep doing it. , the role of this network is getting bigger and bigger! If a merchant has a branch a million years away and also stocks goods, can he achieve short-distance door-to-door delivery? Calculate this way In fact, the cost is not higher, but lower, because if the merchant purchases in large quantities, he will definitely get the wholesale price. Therefore, the buyer is very likely to get this bottle of Xingyun wine at a price lower than the retail price here... "

"This..." Everyone was stunned! ! !

Almost no one had imagined the prospect described by Ling Daozi. They had no idea that the Internet could generate income in this way!

For a long time, what kind of income have these network forces in the core universe mainly relied on?

To put it simply, it is mainly the income from selling information, as well as the intermediate income collected from the launch of some Internet celebrity live broadcasts that have only recently begun to pay attention. Others include publishing some lists, such as the poetry list that Li Yun and Xiaoxing used to list. , painting list, music list, food list, etc., these lists can get a lot of reward income from fans, while Internet forces can collect part of the intermediate income, but all the intermediate income is actually not much, and the share is very small. Xiaojixiao publishes these lists mainly to attract fans to go online. Their main income is from selling information.

In the eyes of these Internet power people, the Internet is actually a virtual world, which can only sell virtual products such as information, or collect and pay some payments. How can those real physical sales be sold online?

So they didn't put their thoughts on this at all...

However, after listening to Xiaoxing's words, everyone seemed to have their minds opened and understood a lot of things at once!

In particular, the three financial giants, Yihang, Laihuan and Guowei, immediately realized that this was a big business, a very big business. If the application mentioned by Ling Daozi could be realized, then they would most likely gain from it. Huge benefits!

Guowei said anxiously: "Xiao Ling, the closed-loop business you just mentioned seems to lack an intermediary agency as you mentioned. If there is, then this business may be realized!"

"Hey, that's right. It's not suitable for you to be an intermediary because you are all application vendors on this giant network, so I am the only middleman! This middleman needs to be reputable and powerful. , at least have strong financial resources, and I have all these conditions, so I can create a capital pool, and all buyers' advance payments can be transferred to the capital pool I opened, and wait for them to receive it After the goods are confirmed to be correct, you can actually pay the money to the merchant. There are indeed many links that need to be gradually improved, but you don’t have to worry, I can definitely handle it!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's great! If Xiaoling is the middleman, I will definitely trust you!" Guowei said loudly.

"Of course! If Xiao Ling still can't believe it, then who can we believe?" Yi Xing said.

"Only Xiao Ling is the most suitable to be the one! As he said, everyone else is a network application provider, and a separate force is needed to guarantee the center!" Lai Huan said.


He Tian, ​​He Mu and Lin Yang also nodded in agreement.

After solving this important difficulty, the whole plan seemed to have a breakthrough all of a sudden. Everyone's hearts were ignited like fire, and they began to have in-depth discussions on the plan, and many details were determined one by one...

Shui Xin watched with excitement. He didn't expect that such a big event would be revealed in such a short period of time. If the plan of this group of people is carried out, the situation of the entire core universe will undergo huge changes. Changes, and the impact of this change is extremely far-reaching, and it is very likely to spread to the outer star fields soon...

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