The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3126 The Universe Box Theory

( ) Seeing such a scene, Shui Xin couldn't help but sigh: "The world is so wonderful! I didn't expect that the most dangerous place is also the safest place!"

Hemu suddenly said: "So, it is possible that Hua Long and the others are still alive! Oh my god..."

He simply couldn't control his emotions, and his whole body was shaking involuntarily. This was because he was extremely excited...

Little It is still difficult to get out of it. After all, the level of the storm is very high. Once they come out of the central space, they may fall into the surrounding storm again, and their condition at this time will definitely be much worse than at the beginning. It’s hard to withstand the storm anymore…”

"That makes sense!!!" Hemu and Shuixin both agreed.

"In addition, they may have another result..." Xiaoxing continued.

"What's the result?!" everyone asked anxiously.

"If the energy of this interstellar storm weakens, then the space at its center can no longer be maintained. Once the space collapses, they will first be hit by another round of storms. If they are lucky enough to be alive, they may be randomly carried away by the storm. Go to another place, and I am afraid only God knows where it will be..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"This..." Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they were secretly sweating over what Hua Long and others had experienced...

In short, if you are caught in such an interstellar storm, your destiny is no longer in your hands, and you can only leave everything to fate...

Xiaoxing continued: "So, if Senior Hualong and the others are staying in the center of the storm, we cannot save them by absorbing the energy of the storm..."

"But why?" Hemu asked urgently without turning around for a moment.

"Once energy is absorbed and the energy level of the storm drops, the first victim will be the central space. If the central space collapses, the huge power of space will most likely crush countless lives in it into powder in an instant. Even if Hualong and others can Even if you are lucky enough to escape, you will never be able to escape the subsequent wind damage!" Xiaoxing explained.

"I see... So, we still have to pray that the storm will remain so strong?" Hemu suddenly said.

"That's right! As long as the storm remains strong, nothing will happen in the central space. Everything is currently in balance. We don't need to worry about them for the time being..."

"Thank you, Xiaoling, for reminding me!" Hemu said sincerely.

"Hehe, it seems that a fleet from Teng Xin Network is approaching here. Don't you, senior, go take a look?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? Could it be that my grandson Hetian has arrived? I'll go and have a look right away..." Hemu said happily after hearing this, and left quickly.

Shui Xin said from the side: "How come Xiao Ling knows so much at such a young age? I asked myself that I have traveled to most of the star fields in the universe, but it seems that there are still many things that I don't understand..."

Little It doesn’t matter.”

Shui Xin was slightly startled, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It seems that there are many things that you happen to know, and there are also many things that I happen to not know... Even the matter with my brother just now about the arrival of my grandson and Tian, ​​I happened to not know. Are you here?" How did this person happen to know about it?”

"Well, it's actually not surprising to say that my senior came from the outer star domain after all, and I am now an Internet celebrity in the food star group. After He Tian saw that he and his senior were injured in an accident, he immediately set off and rushed over. The departure information and information about where to go along the way can be found on I just happened to see him coming to Wugui Lake area..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"I see... Well, if we go to rescue Hua Long and his party, what do you think is the most appropriate method?" Shui Xin asked.

"I can't tell now! Interstellar storm, that's no joke. If you don't do it right, you may not be able to save people, and you may even be involved in it. So, you must go to the scene to see the situation before you can make a decision..." Xiaoxing said.

"Well said! Seeing how you speak and act is beyond what people of your age can do. I really wonder if I am dazzled, but you are indeed young. I wonder how you grew up?" Shui Xin He said suspiciously.

"Haha, our seniors are really praising us in different ways. We can't bear this! In fact, our seniors are our role models. We also hope that one day we can travel around the entire universe, or even outside the universe... "Xiao Xing said happily.

"Oh? What do you think is outside the universe?" Shui Xin became energetic and asked quickly.

"Senior, this question is too profound for me! I haven't even explored this universe, so how can I possibly know what is outside the universe? Senior is well-informed and must know something, so why not say How about you listen to us?" Xiaoxing said.

"Haha, I've never been outside the universe, so how do I know what there will be? But..." Shui Xin pondered.

"But what?"

"You don't need to see many things to know. We can also imagine. I wonder what the outside of the universe is like in your imagination?" Shui Xin said with a smile.

"I have never imagined this! What does senior think it will be like outside the universe?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Well...I'll just say it casually. Don't laugh after hearing this..." Shui Xin said with a smile.

"No!!!" everyone said quickly.

Shui Xin said: "I have traveled to countless star fields, and I have recently realized that this universe is like a big box. Inside the big box is a middle box, inside the middle box is a small box, and inside the small box there are more small boxes. Boxes... These boxes are like spaces of different sizes, one inside another, the big one inside the middle one, the medium one inside the small one, and the small one inside the smaller one inside. So, if the universe is an extremely huge box , which contains various star fields, various planets, and various spaces of different sizes, so outside the universe, there may be other universes, and these universes are packed together by a larger universe!!!"

"Wo!!!" Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan screamed, with incredible looks on their faces...

For them, let alone any imagination outside the universe, they even had no imagination about other star fields. Now when they suddenly heard Shui Xin talk about the box in the universe, they felt that their imagination was so wide open that they almost couldn't imagine anything anymore. !

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior's knowledge is really amazing. It seems that the universe must be like this!"

"Don't you have anything to add?" Shui Xin asked curiously.

"Supplementary? I just heard about the senior cosmic box, so what can I add at the moment? Besides, my mind is quite messy right now. There are so many big and small boxes flying around in my mind. I don’t know which box we are in now!” Xiaoxing laughed.

"Haha! You can think of the food constellation as a big box, and the vegetable basket star, double plate star, round bowl star, spoon star, big food star, etc. in the constellation are regarded as the middle box, while the Lake of No Return is It's a small box, and it's set inside the middle box of Spoon Star..." Shui Xin stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"I see... But with so many boxes, why don't they fly around? For example, the middle box of Spoon Star suddenly flew out of the big box of Food Star Cluster and ran outside?" Xiaoxing asked.

"The situation you mentioned rarely happens, but it is not unheard of. Considering the size of the universe, the number of such situations should be quite considerable!" Shui Xin said.

"Oh? Senior is saying that the middle box will really go outside the big box? What is the reason? What are the consequences?"

"This... Generally speaking, everything in a box will be relatively stable, but if various coincidences occur, chaos may occur, such as external attacks, internal explosions, energy depletion, or the interstellar just mentioned Storms, etc., then one or two small boxes will fly out of the big box. Once this happens, it will be dangerous!" Shui Xin said.

"What will happen?!" Xiaoxing asked anxiously.

"At the very least, the one or two small boxes wandering alone in the interstellar space may end up being put into other large boxes; at the most severe, they may be caught by the sun and fall down and all be destroyed. Moreover, the one or two small boxes If the box runs away, it will also affect the stability of the remaining small boxes and big boxes. I once saw that after the small box ran away, the original big box and other small boxes were all in a mess. As a result, the small box that ran away was There was nothing wrong with the box, but all the other boxes, big and small, were bumped around and finally fell into the sun!!!" Shui Xin said.

"Oh my God!!!" Tali and others exclaimed again. They didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen. They simply couldn't imagine it!

If this happened to the food constellation in front of us, how many lives would be lost?

It’s too scary to think about it…

Because this is just a food constellation. There are Qinghe constellation, Luogang constellation, Tianyuan constellation, etc. outside. If they all become unstable and collide with each other, the consequences will be extremely tragic...

Xiaoxing said: "Senior, did you really see them all fall into the sun?"

"Indeed!" Shui Xin nodded.

"With the power of seniors, we should be able to save them, right?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This...I did take action, but I only saved a few planets I saw. The other planets were too far away and beyond reach, so I could only watch them fall into the sun..." Shui Xin sighed.

"Senior, just do your best..."

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