The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3113 In one wave

Everyone finally understood after seeing Yunding's appearance!

Those Arhats are indeed alive, and the people in the paintings are alive. This kind of painting is simply miraculous and makes people marvel...

"How is it possible? I only heard about this, but I didn't expect to see it happen now!"

"It's over, it's over, why do I feel like I'm too young? I saw many things today for the first time..."

"I once saw someone in the Qinghe Star Group who could draw life in paintings, but their vitality is definitely not as powerful as the Arhats in these Arhat paintings!"

"How do these living people live in the paintings?"

"Yes, do they need to eat and rest?"

"Are they painted there, or were they imprisoned inside?"

"What's the difference between them and us?"

"Can we go in and see them?"

"They seem to be taking care of the tea trees, very busy..."

"That's right..."

While people were watching, they were talking about everything, and the scene was a little chaotic for a while...

And in the online world, people are totally freaking out!

The news of the appearance of the life in the painting spread quickly as if it had wings, and soon spread from the Food Constellation to the outer Qinghe Constellation, Luogang Constellation, Pastoral Constellation...

Countless people were shocked and paid attention to this message. Some people immediately instructed their own powerful people at the scene to buy these paintings no matter what!

The people at the scene got the instructions and immediately asked Ling Daozi to buy. For a while, the crowd was furious and there were calls to buy. No one wanted to watch the tea ceremony performance, but they all looked at these Arhat paintings with great fascination...

"Xiao Ling, my grandfather said that no matter how high the price offered by others, he will always give you a hundred more energy bars of the same level than others!" Quan Feifeng said firmly.

Xiaoxing looked at her with a smile, but said nothing...

After hearing Quan Feifeng's words, everyone present could not help but be shocked!

Everyone knows how powerful the grandfather behind her is. He is the major shareholder of Quan Zhu Group, and the strength of Quan Zhu Group is well known. It is almost the largest adventure group in the core universe. If Quan Bing really wants to use all his strength When it comes to buying these paintings, there are really not many people on the scene and behind them who can compete with them...

However, the people at the scene quickly thought of a problem, because there are four paintings here, each of which has a living Arhat taking care of the tea tree, so their level should be the same, and from the current point of view, they should all be priceless treasures. , no matter how powerful Quan Bing is, he can only compete for one of them at most, and it is impossible to compete with everyone for all the paintings. Therefore, other people also have the opportunity to get such top-notch paintings.

Even so, one of the four paintings suddenly disappeared, and the competition for the remaining three paintings became more intense. Moreover, something happened that made everyone extremely sad. Shui Xin did not hesitate to remove the He took out a large piece of magical stone and said, "Xiao Ling, it's not too much to exchange this stone for your painting, right?"

Little You can draw countless pictures at will.

The two of them now know very well that although this is the core universe area and the overall level of Taoism is very high, among all Taoisms, the most difficult thing to possess is the Taoism of vitality, and the Taoism of vitality wants to achieve what they are now. Such a level is almost impossible. They have long understood that their most powerful weapon to conquer the universe is the will of vitality. With such a will, they can be almost invincible!

The Tao of vitality is even more effective than the profound original forces of the universe such as molecules, microns, poles, primary particles, etc. that they study. This does not mean that the Tao of vitality will be more powerful than these original forces, but that the Tao of vitality will Intention is the most powerful weapon against other life forms!

These four paintings seemed simple and unremarkable to the two of them, so they hung them up easily.

However, it suddenly became a hot commodity in the eyes of these people at the scene, and everyone rushed to buy it. The reason was precisely because the two of them drew life in it, and it was extremely difficult for others to do this. , even if someone can do it, they can't draw it as realistically as them...

This was really intentional, but unintentional planting of willows and willows to create shade. Just hanging up a few paintings immediately overshadowed the live tea ceremony. This was something neither of them had thought of before. Now they felt that they had to change their thinking and adapt. This has changed...

Little Of course, it is impossible to sell these paintings at a fair price! Therefore, the best way is to conduct it through auction, and the one with the highest price will win. I believe all the seniors will have no objection to this, right?"

"Great! Xiaoling finally agreed to sell paintings!"

"It's incredible!"

"I wonder whose hands such a treasure will eventually fall into?"

"God knows…"

"Yes! The highest bidder wins!!!"

"The auction is the fairest!"

"Exactly! Only an auction can stop Youyou's mouth..."

"That makes sense..."

People at the scene shouted excitedly...

But I heard Xiaoxing smile and say: "Of course, I really have no reason to refuse this magical stone that Senior Shui brought out, so I agreed to let him take one of them!"

After saying that, he took the stone from Shui Xin's hand and put it away!

"Wo!!!" Everyone exclaimed!

They all looked at Shui Xin with great envy, wondering how many such stones he had on his body.

With Ling Daozi's eyesight, he would never make a mistake. The people at the scene could completely believe this. Therefore, those who had been secretly making plans for a long time were even more ready to act at this time, secretly starting to lay traps in the outer starry sky. , prepare to rob Shuixin...

Shui Xin didn't seem to notice the danger at all. He looked at the four paintings with a smile, and finally spotted the one that Yunding was admiring. He raised his hand and grabbed the painting!

"Ah?!" Yunding screamed, followed the painting, and chased after him!

This made everyone look in a daze. Unexpectedly, Yunding was so fascinated by this painting that he didn't even know what was happening on the field.

Shui Xin grabbed the painting in his hand and stopped. Yunding also stopped, but he was still looking at the painting dreamily, and couldn't help but feel something bad.

He knew very well that Yunding was currently communicating with the Taoist meaning of this painting, and maybe even part of his soul had entered the painting. If he forcibly put away the painting at this time, it would definitely cause great harm to Yunding. Of course it's not what Shui Xin wants to see.

He looked at Ling Daozi with some embarrassment...

But Ling Daozi looked at Liufeng again...

Liufeng smiled slightly when he saw this, and with a wave of his hand, he removed Yunding's mind from the painting and slowly cut off the circulation of Taoism...

Yunding suddenly woke up, dripping with sweat all over his body, but he could still stand firm. He looked around and found that everyone around him was looking at him, with surprise on his face. He couldn't help but said suspiciously: "Brothers, What are you looking at me for? What's wrong?"

"Brother Yun, you almost died just now, but Liufeng saved you!" someone said.

"What? This happened?!" Yunding said in shock.

He seemed to have completely forgotten what he had seen before when he saw the Arhat paintings, which made the people around him extremely confused. What was going on?

But I heard Liu Feng say: "The Taoist meaning in the painting is too strong, and it would be harmful and useless to stay in his body, so I just erased his memory of this aspect!"

"Wo!!!" The people at the scene screamed, looking at Liu Feng in shock, with an incredible look on their faces!

They didn't expect that in this short period of time, Liu Feng could do so many things with just a wave of his hand!

You must know that erasing a person's memory is not as simple as just saying it, but you must be very careful and do it when the other person is absolutely still and unprepared, otherwise it will easily cause damage and cause permanent harm.

For a powerful person like Yun Ding, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to enter his body to erase his memory, unless he has been completely subdued. Even so, the operation is also very difficult, in case he If you resist, accidents may easily occur.

But all this was overcome by Liufeng, in just one stroke!

"Oh my God! I can't believe it!"

"But Brother Yun has indeed forgotten what happened before..."

"How did Xiaoliu do it?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? You might as well ask him directly!"

"Didn't I ask? But I didn't listen to him..."

"It takes just a moment to do this, but if you really have to talk about it, you might not be able to finish it in three days, so Xiaoliu is right not to talk about it!"

"That's right..."

People were talking about it, and Li Yun laughed secretly in his heart. Indeed, as this person said, how could he finish talking about this matter in three days? I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it in three years, so it would be wisest not to say it...

When Yunding heard other people's descriptions, he finally understood what had happened before, and he was completely confused!

He looked at the other three paintings and found that it was indeed the case. It seemed that he had indeed lost his composure very seriously before. Fortunately, Shui Xin didn't act recklessly, otherwise he would have been seriously injured. What's more, he had to thank Liu Feng, who was his He took action and rescued himself from an absolute predicament, because he knew very well that if there was no outsider to rescue him from such a Taoist communication process, he might be immersed in it and unable to get out, and if he was forcibly pulled away, he would definitely Will be seriously injured!

He quickly saluted Shui Xin and Liu Feng and said, "Thank you both for saving me! I'm really grateful!"

"Haha, you are a Taoist painter, and you have profound Taoist power. It is normal to be attracted by this painting. This viewing of the painting will be very helpful to improve your Taoism!" Shui Xin said with a smile, stroking his beard.

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