The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3110 A piece of tea that can make people enter Taoism

Regarding Shui Xin's question, Xiaoxing did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Then why do you insist on getting our piece of tea that contains hundreds of millions of tea charms?"

Shui Xin was dumbfounded by his question, and said after a while: "Your comparison is quite similar. The stars in the clouds and the tea leaves that gather hundreds of millions of tea rhymes are both extremely advanced and extremely dangerous things. In fact, I It’s not that I want to hide the information about the stars above the clouds, but I’m afraid that if you know it, you will be unable to help but go there to play in the future. It should be noted that the more beautiful a thing looks on the outside, the more dangerous it may be on the inside..."

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Of course! But... if you can safely enter and leave the stars in the clouds, I believe we will have no problem!"

"Really? It's easy to make mistakes if you're too confident. You know, I'm different from you..." Shui Xin teased.

"Well, of course I know that we are different. Anyway, I have already made an offer to you. If you want that piece of tea, then exchange it for the information, otherwise there is no way!" Xiaoxing said.

"This..." Shui Xin was startled when he heard this and stopped asking questions for the time being. He didn't know what thoughts were running in his mind...

Looking at the scene, except for a limited number of dozens of people, almost everyone else has fallen into a heavy tea drunken state. Their faces are red, breathing heavily, swaying, and dancing...

Even people who are not drunk from tea still feel dizzy, but they are just trying hard to maintain a clear state of mind...

In a situation like this, if you don't wake them up, they may be drunk for a long time. This is certainly not what Xiaoxing and Li Yun want to see, so Xiaoxing secretly uses his spiritual power to keep the cycle going. Tea Yun quietly cut off and paused, causing everyone to be shocked, and finally slowly flew out of the high mountains created by Yan Yun...

"Wow! I'm finally out!"

"It was so dangerous, I almost got hit by a big rock!"

"What does it mean to be hit by a big rock? I've hit the cliff several times!"

"This is nothing to you. I fell into the abyss, and there was a vicious beast below. I was almost swallowed by it!"

"Hey, I flew up to the snow-capped mountains, and ended up hitting an avalanche. I was buried in it and it was extremely difficult to breathe..."

"I lost my way in the mountains. Although the scenery was beautiful, I was frightened by the poisonous insects hidden under the scenery. I never dared to wander around in the mountains again..."

"I was climbing to the top and was in a good mood, but suddenly I woke up. It was really disappointing!"

"Me too,

I was taking a bath in the pool below the waterfall when I suddenly woke up..."

"What do you mean? I met a female elf in the mountains and was about to do something good, but..."

"Haha, hahaha, hahahaha..."

This person's words made everyone burst into laughter. They leaned forward and backward, almost bursting into tears. They were really dying...

Xiaoxing asked suspiciously: "Did you really meet the female elf in the mountains?"

Such a plot does not seem to be found in this cinnamon tea with a hundred rhymes, but it is indeed found in higher-level teas, so Xiaoxing has this question.

"Haha, no, I said it on purpose!!!" the man laughed proudly.

"So that's it..." Everyone was stunned.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "If you really want to meet the female elf in the mountains, then you can buy our Dahongpao Series No. 2, called Arhat, and you will definitely be able to get your wish!"

"Really?!!!" the person asked in surprise.

Others were not calm anymore. They didn’t expect that Arhat tea to have such charm!

"Of course, this is nothing. There are countless other charms that you can't imagine. You can't see it, but you can't think of it!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh my god..." people exclaimed, and began to understand the charm of tea again!

They found that their previous understanding of tea ceremony and tea charm was too superficial. They did not expect that tea charm could bring together so many magical charms. It was like being there and experiencing it for themselves...

This cinnamon tea, which is famous for its rock charm, can make people experience everything related to rocks. This is equivalent to giving people countless more experiences, and it is a quite safe experience. After all, even if there is no When a person wakes up, he will gradually wake up when the time comes, but in this way, he will have countless more travels, which will be extremely helpful to his own cultivation, even in terms of mind cultivation.

And this is just cinnamon tea with hundreds of rhymes integrated into one. What if it is Arhat tea with thousands of rhymes integrated into one?


When everyone thought of this, they became restless!

Hemu said loudly: "Xiao Ling, there is no purchase limit for your cinnamon tea, right?"

"Of course there is a purchase limit! One piece of tea and one level 4 energy bar, each person is limited to 10 million pieces!" Xiaoxing said.

"What? Only ten million pieces?" Hemu asked unwillingly.

"Senior, do you think there will be a lot of tea like this? Just the initial growth and gestation takes a very long time. Moreover, after picking a batch of tea leaves, it takes an extremely long time to produce another batch of tea leaves. Therefore, You will make money if you buy it. In fact, if I bid for a leaf and a six-level energy bar, no one will have any objection, because each piece of such tea is unique and has extremely high drinking and collection value. ! After you buy the tea, you can resell it at a higher price. However, I don’t want to make this money here today. I hope that all seniors will not hoard it and make too much money, but sell it at a reasonable price, so that More people will have the opportunity to taste such tea soup, so that more people can take this opportunity to enter the tea ceremony, which will promote the prosperity and development of our entire tea ceremony circle!" Xiaoxing Kankan said.

"This... what Xiao Ling said is great!" Hemu's face turned red and he praised sincerely.

Niu Feng snorted: "Of course! Xiao Ling is benefiting us, how can we take advantage of his kindness to make dirty money?"

"You are the one who is making dirty money! I have to taste the tea I bought myself!" Hemu countered.

"Hmph, you can drink so much by yourself?!"

"What a joke! My family has a lot of people and consumes countless things every day. This amount is simply not enough!" Hemu said loudly.

Xiaoxing interjected: "Senior, don't worry! This tea is extremely durable, and one tea seed can be brewed for a long time, so this amount should be enough! Besides, aren't there more teas later?"

"Yes..." Hemu and Niufeng finally stopped...

Because Xiaoxing's price was not high, almost everyone could afford a leaf and a level 4 energy bar. Orders came in like a snowflake, making Xiaoxing busy for a while...

When Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan saw this scene, they couldn't be too shocked!

You know, this is just a piece of tea...

The four of them knew very well where this piece of tea came from, but Li Yun just pinched a leaf and quickly transformed it. With such an operation, a leaf could be replaced with a level 4 energy bar!

In this situation, a level 4 energy bar seems like nothing, but if you calculate it carefully, you can find that this piece of tea is simply astronomical!

The value is much higher than the top-quality tea leaf transformed by Li Yun in the Tea Star Group!

"Oh my god..." The four people screamed in shock, feeling bad!

They found that it was too easy for Liu Feng and Ling Daozi to make money. It would take a long time for their people to work hard on the Hammer Planet to create wealth equivalent to a level 4 energy bar, but they could earn it easily. It was really a comparison between people. , envious to death...

However, they had known what Liu Feng and Ling Daozi were capable of, and they had a share of the credit for participating in this matter, so while they were shocked, they were also extremely happy...

Suddenly, they heard Ling Daozi's voice ringing in their ears: "Don't be distracted, prepare to perform Luohan Tea Leaves next!"

"No problem!" The four people responded quickly.

"Do a good job, and I'll treat you to delicious food and drinks later!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Thank you, Xiao Ling!" the four of them said happily.

He quickly began to concentrate, mobilize his energy, and prepare for the next performance...

After the previous small dispute between Hemu and Niu Feng, people have understood that this time Ling Daozi is purely selling tea for charity, benefiting everyone at a super low price, and Ling Daozi's starting point is to let more people They were overjoyed to take this opportunity to enter the tea ceremony!

Of course, many people in the venue are people who have entered the Taoism, but they may not have entered the tea ceremony. In addition, many people have not yet entered the Taoism. If they can enter the tea ceremony through such a piece of tea, doesn’t it mean that the effect of this piece of tea is too great? amazing?

How can one calculate the value of a piece of tea that can make people enter Taoism?

I am afraid that it is absolutely priceless for some people, because there are too many people who want to enter the Tao but are ruthlessly blocked from the door. If they can gain Tao power through tasting tea, it will greatly extend their cultivation life, and It is possible to embark on a smoother development path from now on.

Looking at it this way, this piece of tea is indeed a priceless treasure. Many people realize this, and all of them are excited and enthusiastic, and they rush to buy it!

For them, even if they do not need it, their families, disciples, disciples, and even slaves are in great need of this kind of tea. If they can all become Taoists, it means the strength of their own power. If you can get a big improvement, and your strength has improved, do you still have to worry about not making money? Do you still have to worry about future development?

"Xiao Ling, I want 10,000 pieces!"

"One hundred thousand pieces!"

"Half a million tablets!"

"A million pieces!"


Everyone shouted to buy, as if the tea was free of charge. In their subconscious mind, the purchasing power of the fourth-level energy bars was so weak that it was almost free of charge. Therefore, when they asked to buy, the quantities were tens of thousands. For units!

And everyone around you is like this. If you don’t call it that, just wait for others to laugh at you...

"Seniors, please don't overextend your purchasing power. There will be better and better tea in the future..."

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