The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3106 The only one in heaven and on earth

It can be said that this sales operation has only begun to reach its climax now. All the food sold before the tea and wine came out are actually just to pave the way for this climax...

The main event is about to begin, and at this time, the Wugui Lake area has completely become the focus of the entire food constellation, as well as other nearby constellations affected by it. The vast majority of people are either watching this live broadcast, or On the way to watch this live broadcast, you are either watching the live broadcast information after two, three, and countless passes...

As the live broadcast continued, the people watching the live broadcast slowly fell into a state of almost hysteria. Their mood was almost the same as that of the people at the scene, extremely fanatical and crazy...

The delicacies introduced by Xiaoxing are becoming famous at lightning speed. These delicacies soon become the topic of discussion among people. Everyone is proud to have such delicacies, and those who have the conditions are even more interested in it. People fly to Wugui Lake at ground speed to compete for purchases, or use people inside and outside the market to purchase on behalf of others. The competition for purchases in the Wugui Lake area has completely entered a new climax. More and more powerful people appear here, and the money is more. It rolls in like a flood, endless...

Shui Xin is considered a person who has seen the vast world of the universe, but after seeing such a scene, he was also shocked!

The reason why I am shocked is not because of how shocking this scene is. In fact, it is far inferior to many big scenes in the universe. However, the reason for such an amazing scene is nothing else but just delicious food...

This made Shui Xin feel a little incredible. Before this, he could not imagine that just a few delicacies could make people crazy to such an extent!

However, when he thought about it later, he was relieved, because this is a food cluster, and the people in the surrounding clusters are actually deeply influenced by food, and regard the food cluster as a must-visit place when traveling.

People here have an almost obsessive pursuit of food. If there is a good and well-known food, then you must taste it no matter what. If not, then create conditions to make the possibility greater. !

Perhaps when many people are about to die, their only regret is that they did not eat the delicacies they most wanted to eat...

There is a reason why Ling Daozi and Liufeng were able to lead such a big scene.

On the one hand, their status is high enough. They are the crystal crown gourmets with the highest level in the food constellation. This makes their sales authoritative, and people always believe in authority consciously or unconsciously. This is The reason why so many people are pursuing authoritative certification.

On the other hand, there were many big shots at the scene vying to buy. In turn, these big shots were supporting the two of them, giving them on-site publicity and tasting demonstrations.

They have extremely high prestige and authority among the people in the food constellation and nearby constellations. If people don't believe in them, who can they believe?

This makes the sales action more and more influential, forming a virtuous cycle. As the cycle continues, it finally reaches its climax!

"Seniors, the wine of the God of Cooking is called Star Wine. Although I really don't want to exaggerate, but if I say it too modestly, people may say that I am a little disrespectful to the God of Cooking! Well, I think actually I Needless to say, let me first give you the sweet rain brought by Xingyun Wine, and take a bath in this rare nectar in the world. Everything is self-evident..."

Little Create a unique scene of wine mist and sweet rain...

I saw a wine mist centered over Wugui Lake, spreading instantly, filling the entire area, and covering everything!

"Wo!!!" the crowd burst into shouts!

That's right, the huge spiritual power, amazing fragrance, and long-lasting wine charm of Xingyun Wine permeate into everyone's body, nourishing all life forms in the Wugui Lake area, making this area full of vitality and lush vegetation. Rui, the lakes on the earth have taken on a new look...

Drake was so excited that he shed tears when he saw such an astonishing change in the scenery of Lake of No Return...

In addition to being moved, everyone was moved, sobbing, and crying. In the astonishing spiritual tide of Xingyun Wine, they found the harbor in their hearts, found the most rare paradise in the world, and found what they had been searching for all their lives. A paradise, they would rather stay there forever than come out again...

"Star Luck Wine! Star Luck Wine!! Star Luck Wine!!!"

"I don't want anything in this world, except this Star Luck Wine!"

"Xingyun Wine is my favorite!"

"If there was no Star Luck Wine, I would definitely die in peace!"

“God, I thought the Feitian, Dead Ghost, Nanjian, Lover, Ishii and other wines I drank before were already the best wines in the world, but now I know that they are all garbage! Garbage!! Garbage!!! "

"Yes, only Xingyun Wine is worthy of the title of the best wine! There is no other one!!!"

"That's right..."

Drunk, drunk, drunk, everyone is intoxicated in the mist of Xing Lun Wine, and they don't want to wake up at all, and this is just the effect created by ten bottles of Xing Lun Wine...

Big figures such as Shui Xin, He Mu, Niu Feng, and Popov are also fascinated by the charm of Xingyun Wine. For them, the aroma and aura of the wine can no longer make them very attracted, but the aroma that fills the wine mist Vibrant vitality is what they love most!

The biggest feature of Xingyun Wine is something that no other wine has. It is this extremely intoxicating vitality. Drinking Xingyun Wine is much more effective than taking the Life Extension Pill. This is something they can feel right away. of!

Each one of them greedily sucked in the charming breath. This breath fascinated them and made them intoxicated. They felt that the vitality in their bodies was constantly sprouting, and there was a tendency to rejuvenate...

Although Quan Feifeng doesn't usually drink much, she is extremely sensitive to the breath of life. At this time, she is bathing in the mist of Xingyun Wine. Her whole face is pink and her whole body is shaking violently. She seems drunk but not drunk, and seems awake but not awake. , the whole person exudes an amazing charm, which makes the people nearby feel moved and can't help but lean towards her...

"Bold! What are you going to do?!!!" A loud shout shocked everyone!

I quickly looked around and found that someone was trying to get close to Quan Feifeng and take advantage of her!

After another look, it was discovered that it was the red-headed boss Johnson and the second boss William. Just when they were about to extend their hands to Quan Feifeng, they were grabbed by two bodyguards beside her and detained immediately!

"Huh?!!!" Johnson and William screamed in pain, feeling a little clearer...

"You two perverts have been looking at my little princess lustfully, and now your true colors have finally been revealed!" a bodyguard said coldly.

"Ah?! I didn't mean it!" Johnson shouted quickly.

"It's all the fault of Xingyun Liquor, otherwise, how could we have the courage?!!!" William shouted loudly.

"Exactly! Xing Lun Liquor is so powerful that our heads are still in a daze and our bodies are out of control..." Johnson agreed.

Quan Feifeng finally woke up. She didn't expect that something could happen if she smoked this wine mist. The power of this Xing Yun wine was evident. She couldn't help but sigh: "Forget it, let them disappear immediately from me!"

"Yes! Princess!" the two bodyguards responded in unison.

They immediately carried Johnson and William out of the infield, and returned empty-handed after a while, apparently expelling them!

The little star here put away the wine mist with a smile, but there is still a faint aroma of wine in the air in this area, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. Looking inside and outside Wugui Lake, the lake water is clear and sweet, the flowers are blooming by the lake, and the trees are blooming. The leaves are spreading, the green grass stretches infinitely into the distance like a blanket, the breeze blows, bringing bursts of intoxicating fragrance, and everyone is in an extremely good mood! ! !

"Xingyun Wine... looks like beautiful jade, smells like honey, tastes sweet, and drinks like vitality. The stars are bright, and it connects the universe. It is the only one in the sky and on the earth!!!" Shui Xin looked up to the sky and sighed in his voice. Covering the entire audience, everyone couldn’t help but nod their heads after hearing this, and there was no objection!

Hemu said loudly: "Xiao Ling, no matter how much Xingyun Wine you have, I want them all! Don't limit the purchase!!!"

Niu Feng said quickly: "Xiao Ling, of course you can't give it all to this old guy, you have to give it to me too!"

"No, good things need to be shared with more people. I will not change this principle! But..." Xiaoxing pondered.

"But what?!" the two said anxiously.

"As for this Xingyun Wine, we did buy a lot of it from God of Cooking last time, so the quantity should be enough! The purchase limit can be relaxed to 10 million bottles. Seniors, if you really want to buy more, please be sure to do so. Act according to your ability, because the price is not generally high, but very high! In addition, since there will be top-quality tea for sale later, you must save some financial resources, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you first..." Xiao Star smiled.

When Hemu heard this, he quickly asked: "What is the price of Xingyun Wine?"

"A bottle of five six-level energy bars!" Xiaoxing said.

"No problem! I want 10 million bottles right away!" Hemu no longer thinks about whether he has to save money to deal with the short-term difficulties of, because he knows that this Xingyun Wine will soon become a gourmet star. Hard currency, and it will appreciate significantly in the blink of an eye, that's for sure!

Niu Feng couldn't see the truth in this, and then said: "I also want the top ten million bottles!"

"no problem!"

Quan Feifeng opened her mouth and said: "My grandfather and I each want 10 million bottles!!!"

Shui Xin threw a big stone and said with a smile: "Of course I also have 10 million bottles!!!"

When everyone saw this scene, everyone was momentarily confused...

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