The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3073 Lake of No Return

Trish was terrified, and why were Tali and others the same?

Before the four people entered the passage, they had no idea that this flight would be so exciting. They were all pressed hard on the seats by a huge force, and they couldn't even move their fingers. It was extremely difficult to breathe, as if there was a It’s like a mountain is pressing down on you!

This feeling lasted for a while and finally got better. However, everything in the boat was in a weightless state at this time. This feeling also surprised them for a long time. If they were not locked in the seats by the protective rope, they would definitely It will also float with other items...

After entering this state, they could no longer feel whether the small airship was still flying, how fast it was flying, and where it was flying... In short, everything could only be left to Ling Daozi!

If you look at this temporary passage from an outside perspective, you can see that the two small airships are one behind the other, wrapped in two energy groups, and are rushing through the passage at a speed much faster than light. !

Yes, this is a faster-than-light flight!

And the role of that energy group is more to protect these two small airships.

At this time, the small airship itself is actually not moving, or in other words, their flight is insignificant to the entire navigation and can be completely ignored.

So, where is the movement?

It is an entire energy channel. As Xiaoxing said before, this is a time and space channel. Building such a channel requires a huge amount of energy, but it can create a shortcut between the Black God Clan star field and the food star cluster. Under the control of Xiaoxing, every bit of energy was exerted to its extreme, supporting the existence of this temporary time and space while pushing these two small boats to shuttle through the universe!

Driven by such a huge amount of energy, the two small boats achieved astonishing displacements in the universe at super-light speeds. In less than an hour, they arrived near the food constellation from the starting point!

And the exit is not far from Spoon Star!

When they rushed out of the exit, the space-time passage behind them also disappeared, and everything returned to calm!

Little done.

However, after the two boats came out, they were basically floating freely without anyone controlling them. The reason was that the people inside had fainted, or they were in a coma and had not yet woken up.

Xiaoxing is not busy waking them up,

Because this flight is an unprecedented experience for these people and puts a huge load on their bodies, it is best to let them have a good rest first and slowly adapt to it before waking them up...

After experiencing a period of weightlessness, Tali and others felt that their eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, their bodies were extremely weak, and they finally fell into a deep sleep. After an unknown period of time, they suddenly felt a slight pain in their heads and woke up suddenly!

They were in a state of confusion for a while, not knowing what had happened before. Looking at the extremely messy environment around them, everything had been moved and liquids were spilled all over the floor. They were even more surprised...

"what happened?!"

"how so?"

"Are we under attack?"

"Look at it!!!"

The four of them all wanted to get up and check, but they found that they were all weak. It was extremely difficult to even move. Their whole bodies seemed to be falling apart, and no part of them belonged to them!


"What's wrong with me? Am I poisoned?!"

"It doesn't look like it, it's probably because of exhaustion of energy..."

"Isn't it possible? We are all on our seats, where can we spend our energy?"


The four of them talked for a while, but they didn't remember what happened before...

This situation is actually quite normal. After experiencing such a terrible flight, many living beings will have problems with their memory systems!

Moreover, this amnesia may be permanent, that is, they may have completely forgotten something, and if no one helps them catch up, they may never realize it...

Suddenly, each system on the small airship started running automatically, and each light screen lit up one after another. It began to play how the four of them set off from the hammer planet, arrived at the planet where the Tengxin Network is located, and handled the account opening and recharge business. How to see the live broadcast on the website about Ling Daozi and Liufeng tasting sturgeon roe, then talk to Tracy, and finally leave the planet. Ling Daozi appears on the way. After talking with them, they finally decided to go to the food star cluster to find Ling Daozi and Liufeng. …

What followed was a terrifying experience in the time and space channel. This experience was so exciting that it made the four of them excited and shouting. They finally remembered it! ! !

Yes, he was indeed exhausted. No matter who had experienced such a flight, how could he not be exhausted?

The items scattered everywhere in the boat are the result of their floating on their own in the weightless state...


"Here we are! We've arrived at the food constellation!!!"

"That's right! You can see from the coordinate map that the nearby star is the Spoon Star, which is where Xiao Ling and Xiao Liu are now!"

"Then contact Xiaoling quickly!"


Xiaoxing's voice came: "You finally remembered, that's great. Now you can find us by following my instructions!"

"Xiao Ling!!!"

"no problem!!!"

"We are still on Spoon Star, but we are no longer at Wusong Lake, but at Wugui Lake!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wugui Lake? No matter which lake it is, take us to see it quickly!" Tali shouted loudly.


Tali's small boat quickly flew towards the Spoon Star...

Behind them, Trish also encountered the same memory loss problem as them. However, fortunately, there was also a light screen video message that made him suddenly realize it!

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that I really fell into the turbulence of the starry sky! I suddenly came from there to the food constellation, a journey of a million years!!!" Trish exclaimed in disbelief.

For such sensational information, if he had not experienced it himself, he would never believe it!

"It's over, it's over, what should we do now? What should we do?! By the way, quickly contact Ravi, the head of the node here..."

He reacted and quickly connected to the Tengxin Network. Sure enough, it didn't take long before he indirectly contacted Ravi!

When Ravi heard this, he couldn't believe his ears and exclaimed: "What? Are you really in the food star cluster now?!"

"It's true! What I see now should be the Spoon Star mentioned on the star map! It's still some distance away from your node! You'd better send a spaceship to pick it up, because I'm worried that my small airship will soon run out of energy. Not enough!" Trish shouted.

"Okay! Send the coordinates and I'll send a spaceship to pick you up right away!" Ravi said helplessly.

After Trish sent out the coordinates, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief...

However, he quickly remembered what happened before and said excitedly: "Brother Ravi, I already have evidence!"

"What evidence?" Ravi was startled.

"This is the evidence that I was not involved in the Ruixinchang robbery incident!"

"Oh? What kind of evidence? Show me..."

Cui Xi immediately played the previously recorded video, which was the scene of his conversation with Tali and the other four people, and said: "These four people are from the Black God Clan area. They have known Ling Daozi and Liu Feng for a long time, and said Ling Daozi and the others were very powerful a thousand years ago and helped them divert those colonial fleets. Without their help, they would definitely become a colony of those fleets now!"

After watching this video, Ravi was greatly shocked. If this was true, wouldn't it mean that Ling Daozi really broke into and pretended to be Trish to lead such a robbery and escape?

Judging from the current situation, Tracy has not committed any malfeasance, so there is a problem with the security of!

"Can you guarantee the authenticity of this video?" Ravi asked emphatically.

"Of course! I can guarantee it with my head on my head! Moreover, this time I was planning to follow the four of them to the Black God Clan area to check it out. Unexpectedly, I encountered turbulence in the starry sky halfway and was taken here all of a sudden. I guess this The four of them also encountered turbulence in the starry sky, and they don’t know where they are now!" Trish said.

"Okay! Let me congratulate you first! I will pass this information to the headquarters. They may have other instructions..." Ravi said.

"Thank you brother Ravi!"

"You're welcome!"

The spacecraft sent by Ravi quickly picked up Trish and brought him back to a nearby node...

After reviewing the video provided by Trixi, the headquarters of received a new instruction, which was to ask Trixi’s node person to go to the Black God Clan area to see if there was anything about Ling. Something about Daozi and Liufeng a thousand years ago is spreading...

Lake of No Return on Spoon Star is almost as famous as Misty Pine Lake, because it belongs to the territory of another chef king, Drake!

As mentioned before, Drake is a good friend of Mangliu, the father of the Mangshi Group in the Big Food City. Feng Leizi has always wanted to eat the squirrel yellow fish made by Drake, but he has to make a reservation with Mangliu.

Speaking of Wugui Lake, of course we have to mention the specialty fish in the lake. This lake, like Wusong Lake, is also on the Spoon Star. It has similar latitudes, similar climate, and similar topography, so it is very suitable for sturgeons. Large fish such as fish and fish grow.

In fact, the yellow fish and the sky sturgeon are close relatives, and the roe of the fire yellow fish is also very precious. The high-quality fish roe is no less than the sky sturgeon roe, but its reputation is not as big as the sky sturgeon.

But this is a great thing for the Fire Yellow Fish. Since their reputation is not as great as that of the Sky Sturgeon, they have not encountered such severe survival and reproduction problems for the time being.

What Wugui Lake is more famous for is not the fire fish itself, but the squirrel fish, the specialty of Chef King Drake. Many people will drool with greed when mentioning this dish...

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