The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3063 Is there something wrong with the system?

This test can be called the ultimate, so before the test, the Gourmet Association has decided to broadcast it live. This level of treatment has only been given once in history, which was the last time Falk performed a spar-level test. The live broadcast set off a craze for food reviews in the food constellation, and Falk's reputation spread throughout the constellation at that time, and even spread to distant alien groups through various networks, attracting many People come to gourmet food clusters to taste delicious food...

After the test started, the live broadcast information has spread throughout the star network of the food star group, and major networks have also joined in. People were shocked to find that the person participating in this top test on the food star star was none other than everyone. The new Internet celebrities Ling Daozi and Liufeng can't be found!

What they didn't expect was that the two of them had already passed all the previous tests, and now they were challenging the highest level test that no one in this constellation had ever passed!


"It turns out they went to the Gourmet Association to test the food review rating..."

"No wonder they can't be found. The Gourmet Association is in the Food Basket Star!"

"Not bad! I just heard the introduction of the system. The two of them passed all the previous tests in one day, and they can already securely win the jade medal of crystal-level gourmets! Now they are challenging the highest-level jade medal, Lianfa. Even senior Erke failed to pass!"

"It's over, it's over. How did I find that my age has been lived like a dog?"

"Who says not?! Regarding their achievements, everyone must look up to them now!"

"Of course! After watching their two live broadcasts, I have already felt that they are extraordinary!"

"I've seen it a long time ago, but I didn't expect them to be so powerful..."

"Wow, they have to remember 10 billion ingredients. Even at their age, they haven't been able to remember them all since they were born, right?"

"Of course it's impossible to remember everything. What's the point of more than a thousand years? Even if it's ten thousand years, I can't remember it all in a hundred thousand years!"

"It seems that they are unlikely to pass this top test..."

"It's true... To pass such a test, you not only have to have a super good memory, but also have the opportunity to know and understand these ingredients. The key is that you must know and understand the nearly 10 billion ingredients in our food constellation. This is simply difficult. !”

"Sigh, Senior Falk has memorized it for more than 10 million years, and still can't recognize one-tenth of it. How can it be possible for them at such a young age?"

"Exactly! After all, it takes time and experience to become a Crystal Crown-level gourmet. If the time doesn't come, it's basically impossible!"

"That makes sense..."

People were talking a lot and basically had a negative attitude toward this test. However, because this was an unprecedented test and two people were participating at the same time, it had completely detonated the entire food star group, and almost everyone put it down temporarily. They had to worry about what they were doing to watch the live broadcast, causing major networks to fall into a state of total collapse...

Only those who logged in first were able to watch more smoothly, while those behind were basically in a hurry...

The live broadcast account of Gourmet Xie Kong has been fully visited, so only a small number of people can see it. However, some of these people will reprint what they see and play it on their own live broadcast account. In this way, it will be relayed out, making Although people saw it with some time difference, they still managed to see it!

Falke doesn't care about the live broadcast effect at all. Of course, what he cares most about is the test situation of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi. However, as some followers have discussed, Falke is not optimistic about the performance of the two of them. test.

Thinking about the 10 billion kinds of ingredients, and considering the ages of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi, it is self-evident what the result will be.

For many gourmets, what they are exposed to is often the final product of a chef, that is, the dishes that are served. At this time, they comment on the color, aroma, taste, shape and taste of these dishes. It's not too difficult,

However, if you ask them to delve into the ins and outs of each ingredient in the dish, the difficulty will suddenly increase!

However, in the eyes of gourmets like Falke, only by doing this can you make the most appropriate comments on the dishes and give the most reasonable opinions. This is something Li Yun and Xiaoxing also agree with.

In Xiaoxing's view, each ingredient has its own characteristics. If you study it at the molecular, micron and pole levels, you can discover their ultimate form and characteristics, which is very conducive to the matching of ingredients. .

In the recipe of a dish, what kind of ingredients are paired together and what kind of cooking techniques are used to perfectly blend them together are the key to whether the most perfect dish can be produced!

Although different places have different cooking methods and the delicacies they produce have their own characteristics, among these delicacies, they can also be divided into high, medium and low. The dishes made by some places and some cooks are different. The food made by other places and other people must be delicious, beautiful, and tasty. The main reason is that their recipes and cooking techniques are most conducive to stimulating the characteristic molecules in the ingredients and making them better integrated. , stimulate each other, making the overall level higher!

Li Yun and Xiao Xing had actually noticed this when they first started studying food.

Before they make delicious food, they have already thoroughly researched the relevant ingredients for Yantong, so they know how to prepare them to make the best food. Therefore, the Dayun Steamed Buns, Dayun Dumplings, and Ice Skin Jade are made later. Pancakes, roasted black jail chicken... and other foods are so perfect that people want to eat them more and can't stop eating them.

If it is promoted further, the brewing of Xingyun Wine and the preparation of tea are all the same. Only by thoroughly researching each ingredient can it be possible to produce the best wine and the best tea. Tea.

For the best food like this, if you look at it from the perspective of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they will see the Tao rhyme formed after the perfect fusion between the food. These Tao rhymes are perfectly connected in the food, rolling in, It is endless, allowing you to finish tasting one Taoist rhyme and then move on to the next. Under their continuous impact, the taster can only be intoxicated in this boundless world of Taoist rhymes and cannot extricate himself. !

For example, last time at the Tea Star Group, the piece of tea refined by Li Yun contained tens of thousands of Taoist rhymes, and each of them was top-notch and perfectly blended together, making the taster basically Unable to resist the boundless charm of tea, I can only fall into tea drunkenness in the end...

And now, they have already read the information of the entire food constellation. Not to mention the ingredient information stored in the Gourmet Association's knowledge base, they are also very clear about other things that are not available. Therefore, facing such a test, in the eyes of others, it is It was impossible to pass, but in the eyes of the two of them, it was extremely easy...

At this time, many discerning people among the followers know that this last level tests not only your memory, but also your experience, your cultural accumulation, your thinking ability, and your various senses of food. Wait, these all take time to digest and develop, so at first they just watched it with the intention of watching the fun, but as they watched it, they couldn't sit still!

Because what they saw was that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi answered the questions very quickly. Often, before they even saw the question clearly, they had already finished answering and were automatically passed by the system!

What's happening here?

In the eyes of viewers, the one hundred light curtains in the test field are flashing faster and faster. Each light curtain flashes almost immediately, and then the next question is immediately replaced!

In other words, in that flash of time, Liu Feng and Ling Daozi had already answered a hundred questions and passed them all correctly!


"Is there something wrong with the system?"

"Impossible! If something goes wrong, the system will stop automatically!"

"But how could they answer so quickly? So accurately?"

"In my opinion, they must have separated a hundred spiritual consciousnesses, and each spiritual consciousness focuses on a question on a light screen. This was also used in some low-level tests in the past, but in this ultimate test , every question is so difficult and obscure, if you adopt such an approach, if you make a mistake, all your previous efforts will be wasted!”

"That's such a shame!"

"But they are all right so far, all passed!!!"

"Incredible, really incredible..."

In fact, not to mention that the onlookers on the Internet and in the association find it incredible, Falk, who has been paying close attention to them, has stood up in shock, his mouth wide open, looking completely petrified...

He could see very clearly that Liu Feng and Ling Daozi were indeed answering questions quickly. Moreover, I was afraid that they could answer faster. However, they might even control their answers a little because of the system's response speed. speed! ! !

What shocked him even more was that those questions were extremely difficult for him. Sometimes a question would take several days to think about and answer, but in front of Liu Feng and Ling Daozi, he was able to pass it! That is to say, the answer was completed within one and a half breaths!

He even began to wonder if the two of them might be cheating, so he rechecked the entire answering system and found that the system was completely normal and operating well. Besides, the system's answers and questions were separated, and the two sides were still in a state of confusion. If If you want to hack and cheat, even if you complete the questions, you can't do it so fast!

Therefore, Liu Feng and Ling Daozi definitely relied on their own strength to complete these questions. This is really terrifying...

"Genius, genius, absolute genius..." Looking at the two light curtains that were about to flash into light and shadow, Falk murmured...


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