The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3033 Xiaoxing’s Comments

"Young master, what you said is great! I am deeply impressed by you!" Fuyu said sincerely.

"These are only two shortcomings, do you want to hear about others?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Sir, please speak. I am all ears..."

Xiaoxing continued: "Since your bowl of wonton soup must be fresh, the skin of the wontons is still too thick! It looks as light as paper now, but this thickness is not tender enough. When you eat it, the skin will be like skin in your mouth. , the filling is filling, the skin and filling cannot blend perfectly, which affects the taste and the freshness of the filling! If you can make the wonton skin as thin as a cicada, the filling inside can be seen from the outside, and If there is still a certain degree of softness, the situation will naturally be very different. The skin and filling will perfectly blend and stimulate each other, which will definitely double the freshness!"

"Wo..." Fuyu was dumbfounded and extremely excited about what Xiaoxing described!

Yes, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't feel much better if he heard someone talk about the shortcomings of his Daoyi works. But Fuyu is different, because what he pursues is Daoyi, and Xiaoxing's words are like giving him Pointing out a direction of development immediately gave him a new goal for his subsequent research. No wonder he felt happy instead of disgusted.

He quickly asked: "Isn't it difficult to make the wonton skin as thin as a cicada's wings?"

"Of course! This requires you to study it yourself. However, I can give you a hint. The ingredients you use to make the skin will never achieve the effect I mentioned. The only way is to synthesize it, which is different. This is only possible if the ingredients are used in appropriate proportions,” Xiaoxing said.

"That's it. Thank you for your advice, Master!" Fu Yu said sincerely, now completely convinced.

"Wait a minute, I still have a lot to say!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"Oh? I wonder if you have any other opinions, sir?" Fuyu asked quickly.

"Dumplings eat their fillings, and wontons eat their skins, so making this wonton soup requires a lot of effort on the skins. Of course, for a late-stage chef like you, you have to work hard not only on the skins, but also on the fillings. You have to work hard on the food, the soup, and the technique of wrapping wontons, but this bowl of soup can be said to be unqualified in these aspects, and it does not reflect your current level at all. In the final analysis, it is still yours. The knowledge is narrow, the research precision is not enough, and the imagination is not enough..." Xiaoxing said gushingly.

At this time, his live video broadcast on and was already quite lively. After he raised these questions, the fans asked Ling Daozi one after another about how to work hard on these three items...

Of course, Fuyu here also thought about it. Although his face turned red, he still quickly asked: "I wonder what else you think I need to do in these aspects?"

"I already made a request for wonton wrappers just now.

But I would like to emphasize again that the skin must not only be as thin as a cicada's wings, but also tender and fragrant. In addition to wrapping the filling, it must also be an ingredient that leaves people with endless aftertaste! You also need to think about your wrapping skills. Look at this bowl of wonton soup when it is served. You can only see the soup but not the wontons. The reason is that the wontons are too heavy and have sunk underneath. Only part of them can be seen. This presentation is really bad. Some! "Xiaoxing pointed out another question.

Fuyu was stunned and argued: "Well...the wontons must be heavy with so many fillings...can they still float on top?"

"Haha, of course you can, it's just that you haven't studied it... and this method is more about exploring your skills..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"Technically..." Fu Yu murmured, his eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

Xiaoxing continued: "In terms of fillings, you should use the giant saury as the king's ingredient and the giant shepherd's purse as the back ingredient, but there is still a shortage of minister ingredients. If an empire only has a king and a queen, but no ministers to assist, it will only Afraid of worrying about the future, therefore, the fillings need to be supplemented by a variety of ingredients, so that the delicious taste of these two ingredients can be better complemented, allowing people to taste the priority and the layering of the ingredients, which is truly Enjoy the delicious taste of saury!”

"That makes sense!!!" Fuyu exclaimed.

"Look at this soup again. Although you used a variety of large bones to make it, it is still a little bland. Some people may only eat wontons and don't want this soup! For a special snack with considerable value, "If the customer can't eat all the wontons and soup, it's a failure!" Xiaoxing said again.

Fuyu's face almost turned the color of pig liver when he heard this, but he still held it in because he felt that what Xiaoxing said was very reasonable. The soup accounted for at least about half of the bowl of wonton soup. If no one drank it, then What a pity?

If only half of a chef's Taoist creations can be eaten and half thrown away, then as this person said, it is a complete failure!

what to do?

Fuyu felt that his endurance was about to reach its limit. If Xiaoxing pointed out other shortcomings, he was afraid that he would either explode on the spot or collapse on the spot...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "So, this bowl of soup still needs to be thought about, how can people get rid of it all, without leaving a drop!"

At this time, the Internet was already quite lively, and many people were putting forward their own ideas in response to the questions raised by Ling Daozi...

"Okay, that's all I'm talking about. I'll leave this saury and this bundle of shepherd's purse here. I'll come back to eat later and see if the wonton soup you made can satisfy my taste!" Xiao Xingda smiled.

Li Yun took out a jade box and put it on the table, and said, "Uncle Fu, don't take it too seriously! My friend is just straight-talking and straightforward, so don't say anything! In fact, your bowl of wonton soup is already better than that of Dashicheng Most of the high-end dishes here are much better. They are completely worth half the price of a first-class energy bar. I even think it can be slightly higher without any problem! If anyone comes to the big food city and misses Uncle Fu’s This bowl of wonton soup will definitely be a big regret!”

After saying that, the two stood up and left, leaving Fuyu sitting there alone. After a while, he suddenly woke up and saw the jade box. He quickly opened it and looked at it. He suddenly screamed: "Four pieces." Level 1 energy bar?!!! Oh my god!!!”

This money was enough for him to eat eight bowls of wonton soup, and the young master also left behind a large saury in April and a bundle of wild shepherd's purse in March. The value of these ingredients alone was extremely expensive...

He rushed out to look for those two people, but found that they had already disappeared...

When people watching the live broadcast saw this, they finally solved the mystery of how much money Li Yun rewarded Lao Mao last time. Because the jade box could only hold four energy bars at most, Li Yun's reward at that time was extremely large. It’s possible it’s the same number!

Fuyu didn't find anyone, so he returned dejectedly, only to find a few more letter talisman lights in the store. He quickly picked it up and read it, and found that it was several of his old customers who came to order wonton soup, and they specified that Ling Daozi just stay. The kind filled with saury and shepherd’s purse…

"Ling Daozi? It turns out his name is Ling Daozi. It's strange, how did they know what happened here?!" Fu Yu was extremely shocked.

He quickly contacted these customers, and then he realized that what had just happened had been broadcast on and They happened to see the live broadcast and found that Ling Daozi had left such good ingredients. They couldn't help but I was overjoyed and quickly made a reservation with Fuyu!

Fuyu understood the whole story and quickly went online to watch the live video. He was shocked!

Unexpectedly, more than 100 million people watched this live video at the same time, and this video is constantly being re-watched by people who heard about it online, and the number of views is rising crazily...

"It's over, it's over..." Fuyu was completely shocked, knowing that something was wrong!

Because as more and more people see this video, my small shop will definitely become famous, and a lot of people will come after hearing the news. As a result, it will be almost impossible for me to concentrate on studying cooking!

In addition, opening a shop here is equivalent to a kind of invisible life. Since he has conflicts with his family and wants to break away from the family, he does not want his family to find out where he is, how he is doing, etc. Now the video It has been watched so many times that there is no guarantee that no one in the family will see it. Once one person sees it, his whereabouts will be exposed, and his level of Taoism will also be exposed...

Because Ling Daozi had already mentioned in the video that he was in the late stage of a chef, Fuyu himself did not object, but acquiesced. In his opinion, he was a late stage chef after hanging out for so long, and those in the family My brothers and sisters are afraid that each of them will be much better than me, so if they find out that I am so miserable now, I will really lose face!

But then he thought about it, if the shop is really famous, then he should make a good profit first, so that he won't have to worry about money in the future...

Regardless of whether this situation will happen or not, it is already a reality that old customers will come to make reservations, so Fuyu quickly used the money left by Li Yun to buy more ingredients, and after returning, he studied day and night...

As for whether he will be discovered by the family, he can't worry so much. After all, his appearance has changed a lot over the years, and they may not be able to recognize it...

"Sir, Sissi is here to rub some heat again!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What did you say this time?"

"She said that I can only talk and talk so harshly about a small bowl of wonton soup. It's all nonsense. If you have the ability, just make a convincing bowl of wonton soup..." Xiaoxing said.

"This is a lie! Fuyu herself doesn't even think there is a problem with your review. Why is she here to complain? Besides, if gourmets are not picky, how can they continue to improve the quality of food?" Li Yun said.

"So, even Princess Jingyu couldn't stand it this time, so she directly responded to her, saying that she didn't have the qualities a gourmet should have, and only had a bad temper..."

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