The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3018 Hitting the rocks and turbulence in the starry sky

When Cruise and Schnoder heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other, speechless...

After following the red-headed ghost fleet, they had checked countless times and found that there was nothing special happening in the starry sky at that time, and there were no energy abnormalities. In short, everything was normal, but the red-headed ghost fleet was still lost!

After that, it was even more unbelievable for the two of them to fall into Star Trek. They must know that their fleet has been traveling in the universe all year round and has extremely rich experience in interstellar navigation. No matter where they are or what kind of situation arises, they will never say that they are looking for someone. There was no way in or out, and now, when they faced the starry sky, they felt helpless...

Although the starry sky is still the same starry sky, in their eyes, it seems that it has become not as kind and lovely as before, but rather strange...

"Where on earth are we now?!" Pete yelled, still losing his temper.

Cruise was also a little angry and hummed: "We are checking, but the situation is a little abnormal now. We may have encountered some kind of strange energy belt, which is commonly known as the Star Sea Reef. We are lucky enough that the fleet is still safe now. Wait. Once you cross the reef, the situation will naturally improve..."

"Star Sea Reef?" Peter was startled and asked suspiciously.

Schnoder explained: "The star sea reefs are some unexplored strange material and energy belts in the interstellar world. No one knows what their material and energy composition is, and it is impossible to know what their formation and development will be like. Their existence is very likely to cause the fleet to fall into a state of wandering, because they will greatly disrupt the starry sky, making the appearance of the starry sky very different from the starry sky map on the ship. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the fleet to find the correct location. Directional…”

"Oh my God! How could we be so unlucky?! We lost the cauldron ship and got lost on the rocks. What should we do now? What should we do?!!!" Peter scratched his head and kept yelling, some of which hysteria…

Cruise and Schnoder looked at his collapsed appearance and simply left quietly, never wanting to talk to him again...

Such a leader is useless to the fleet. On the contrary, it will bring a lot of negative effects, so the two decided to temporarily confine him to avoid affecting the morale of the army. This is one of the captain's rights!

In fact, in a fleet, the captain has the highest authority, which is recognized by everyone. Even if Peter is one of the shareholders of Jingnan, he cannot replace the captain in giving orders.

The two returned to the command cabin and began to work hard to solve this dilemma. However, the information from all parties made them feel extremely confused, because many of the information were conflicting with each other, and they could not figure out a reasonable and clear clue to solve it.

Schnoder saw this situation,

Feeling bad, he said: "Are we really in interstellar turbulence? But it looks calm outside, there is nothing wrong..."

"By the way, where are the two fleets we separated from? How come there is no information about them for a long time?" Cruise suddenly said.

"This... I guess they are trapped too! We must find them quickly!" Schnoder shouted.

The two people hurriedly searched for contact, and the result was of course self-evident. After the messages were sent out, they disappeared without a trace very quickly, and no reply was received for a long time!

"It's over, they're just afraid they'll be sucked into the energy belt!" Schnoder sighed.

"Brother Shi, aren't you very proficient in stargazing? Can you tell what's happening now?" Cruz asked.

"I have observed it countless times, but the starry sky looks normal, nothing unusual..."

"Nothing different? Then why is it so different from our starry sky map?" Kruski asked.

"This may be because after we hit the rocks, we were swept into another starry sky by the starry sky turbulence. Therefore, it is normal for the stars here to be different from our starry sky map. Currently, I am intensifying the search and comparison. , to find the starry sky map that is most consistent with this starry sky!" Schnoder said.

Cruise suddenly said: "That's it! But why didn't we seem to feel the turbulence in the starry sky you mentioned before? I think our fleet has never moved at all?"

Schnoder said: "The turbulence in the starry sky does not necessarily have to be very chaotic and violent. Sometimes it may be like that, but sometimes it is like a gentle breeze and a warm sun, drifting with it without us noticing. Maybe, During our flight, we may have been involved in the turbulence of the starry sky, and the red-headed ghost fleet was also very likely to be trapped in it. At a certain moment, they completely collapsed, and we lost traces of them. But we ourselves have actually lost our way..."

Cruise gasped when he heard it, a little creepy. He didn't expect things to be like this!

At this moment, he realized that this star field was actually a wild star field. There was almost no relevant information in the major information networks of the core universe, so it was a completely unknown star field.

An unknown star field like this is inherently extremely dangerous. If you come to explore and plunder, if you are lucky, you may make a fortune. If you are unlucky, you may even be swallowed by it, including blood, flesh and bones!

In the final analysis, Jingnan’s shareholders lacked a sense of awe and brazenly launched such a large-scale operation based on only half a piece of information. The risk they took was too great. Now the entire fleet is lost and it is very likely that all the money will be lost...

"So what should we do now? Can we still find a way out?" Cruise asked.

Schnoder closed his eyes slightly and kept counting with his fingers, but there was no reply...

Cruise didn't know what he was planning, so he had to live alone and sulk. Things had changed too much and too fast, and it was far beyond his ability. What else could he do?

If the fleet continues to struggle like this, it may even run out of energy!

At the thought of this, Cruise suddenly felt bad and screamed, disturbing Schnoder who was calculating. He opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong, Commander?"

"No! We were chasing in a hurry this time. The logistics fleet and engineering fleet didn't bring them here. Most of the energy bars are with them..." Cruise said anxiously.

"Yes! I have already calculated this, and this may be an opportunity!" Schnoder said.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?!!!" Cruise was startled.

"Our logistics fleet and engineering fleet are building a monitoring system. This monitoring system will cover this star field sooner or later. As long as we are still in this star field, they may discover us!" Schnoder said proudly.

"Yes!!!" Cruise suddenly realized.

"So, we must not fly at will, lest we accidentally fly out of this star field, it will be really over!" Schnoder said.

"It makes sense! It seems that it is better for us to stay still than to move randomly, and this can also save energy. Otherwise, once the energy is exhausted, we will be completely finished!" Cruise said.

"Exactly! When faced with this kind of natural disaster that only happens once in a thousand years, only by firming up our faith and adapting to the ever-changing situation can we keep hope! Of course, we also need to actively save ourselves and try to find a way out as soon as possible..." Schnoder said.

"How to save yourself?!" Cruise asked urgently.

Schnoder shook his head and said: "First, contact the two wing fleets; second, find the red-headed ghost fleet; third, absorb star energy to ensure energy supply; fourth, see if you can connect to the Tengxin Network or Awai Net, maybe we can find relevant information on it!!!”

Cruise's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said excitedly: "Yes, if we can connect to their nodes, maybe we can get their help!"

These four points mentioned by Schnoder are very reasonable, especially the last point, which gave Cruise a great reminder. Yes, as long as you can connect to the Fujixin Network or the Awai Network, it is possible to discover the starry sky here. secrets, or buy relevant starry sky map information from them, wouldn’t you find a way out?

Speaking of which, the reason why Jingnan Nanfang sent a fleet to this star field this time was because it obtained that bit of information from Tengxin Network. Therefore, the most likely possibility now is to get help from Tengxin Network!

The two took action immediately and began to order their subordinates to try to connect Tengxin Network and Awai Network...

There are actually many other networks in the core universe, but currently these two networks are the most powerful. As they grow larger, they have also annexed many other small and medium-sized networks, and their strength is growing. Therefore, the two of them I believe it is more reliable to connect these two networks.

However, what chilled them was that the connection task lasted for a long time, but there was no movement at all. They tried other networks again, and the same was true. Obviously, under the influence of starry sky turbulence, the signals of these networks could hardly be covered. Come in, of course they won't be able to connect...

The network signal is extremely chaotic, which is in perfect agreement with Schnoder's judgment, because since the fleet is now in the turbulence of the starry sky, of course the signal should also be chaotic. Although this makes them feel a little desperate, it is also clear. The initial judgment gave me a clearer understanding of my current situation!

Yes, if this were not the case, then the fleet might still be scurrying around, but now that it is finally realized that the situation is not good, it does not dare to move any more, and remains unchanged to cope with the changes, waiting for the opportunity to come...

For the cosmic race, since their longevity is extremely long, they are still more patient in waiting for this matter. On this fleet, except for Peter, everyone is working at a normal pace. The morale of the military is very stable, which shows that famous space generals like Cruise and Schnoder are not in vain, and there is a reason why Jingnan has become a relatively powerful adventure group.

After a relatively long wait, the transfer finally arrived as scheduled!

"Commander, there's a signal!!!"


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