The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 3004 Shatang Tribe

Uncovering the mastermind behind the universe slave-trading organization made Dingzi, Yangcuo and others feel even more helpless and desolate. They understood that slave-trading organizations like Ruixinchang and Jingnan would never disappear, even if Liufeng and Ling Daozi really managed to defeat them this time. These two fleets, and other fleets will arrive in the future!

Because information about this corner of the universe has been leaked, more and more people will know about it. There must be other slave trading organizations among them. If they learn that Ruixinchang and Jingnan failed in hunting, they will probably just laugh at their incompetence, so they will Organize a stronger team to hunt!

As Liu Feng just said, the profits in this industry are astonishingly huge, probably far exceeding ten times the profit margin. Under the stimulation of such huge profits, no slave trading organization will give up this piece of fat easily...

Without buying and selling, there will be no killing. As long as the demand still exists and continues to be strong, slave trading organizations will only become more and more numerous and stronger. As a higher race, they do not have enough ability to protect themselves. This is the problem between the Kwai Chung Tribe and the Shatang Tribe. The sorrow of these Black God tribes...

Because the target of the slave trading organization will not be on those ordinary races, but will target them for hunting. It is obvious that Jingnan has gathered so many spaceship teams here this time just to capture the Black Gods here. The tribes are all under control, and they will support the Black God tribe and provide them with a steady stream of cauldrons, thereby making huge profits and growing stronger!

Xiaoxing flicked off countless light curtains, but they were about the internal situation of the Shatang tribe. Surprisingly, at this time of imminent disaster, the people of the Shatang tribe had no idea. The life inside remained the same, and no one Thinking that they will soon fall into a huge disaster...

In their opinion, what is more irritating now is the orc fleet harassing the outside. These orcs don't know where they come from. They seem to be attracted by the energy field outside the tribe and are trying to get in to see what's inside. What.

However, with the current ability of the orcs, they can't get in at all. They can only circle around and swallow a small part of the energy, that's all...

Of course, these energies are not easy to swallow. Some orcs with low abilities will die suddenly after swallowing the energy. Those with high abilities will not feel comfortable swallowing them. Many people are adjusting...

This situation is just like in the world of Xuanling. If a practitioner of spiritual energy swallows the immortal energy, if he does not do well, he may be exploded by the immortal energy. Therefore, in the world of cultivation, not all good things can be eaten. You must Act within your ability.

But when the orcs first entered the starry sky, they were too curious and wanted to try anything good they saw. This was the main reason why they became virus carriers.

The senior leaders of the Shatang Tribe are gathering together to discuss, planning to formally take action to drive away these annoying orcs.

It's best to scare them so they don't dare to come again in the future.

The clan leader of the tribe is called Hu Sai. At this moment, he took a leisurely sip of the hot coffee juice, with a rather satisfied look on his face, and said: "Which war elder is willing to take action? The clan can bring out three baskets of coffee from the Kawang tree. beans as a reward!”

"Wo!!!" Everyone couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

It's just a matter of driving away the beasts, but you can actually get a huge reward from the coffee beans of Kawang tree. This is simply a good job!

"I want to go!" A war elder shouted loudly.

"It's better for me to go!" Another war elder intervened.

There were three fighting elders in total, and the remaining one was no longer calm and said: "I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a long time, so please give me this opportunity! Hahaha!!!"

Hu Sai's eyes lit up when he heard this. It seems that there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. He is sincere and he said with a smile: "It would be best if Elder Baku is willing to take action. I wonder when you plan to start?"

"Without further delay! Since you have made up your mind to drive them away, let's do it immediately. After I drive them all away, I will treat you to hot coffee!!!" Ba Ku said with a laugh.

"Although those orcs are relatively low-level, they are still powerful in numbers, so you still have to be careful..." Husai reminded.

"Don't worry, Patriarch! I'll come as soon as I go!" Ba Ku patted his thick chest and shouted loudly.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a flash of inspiration and rushed towards him. He quickly blocked it and found that it was a message. He was about to hand it to Hu Sai, but found that it was the team's letter charm, so he read it. After a while, he was completely Everyone was stunned!

"Elder Ba Ku?" Hu Sai asked strangely.

Ba Ku didn't seem to hear it, but his whole body was trembling...

Others were even more puzzled. They didn't know what was written in that letter talisman to make Ba Ku become like this all of a sudden? !

With a soft sound of "swipe", the letter talisman fell to the ground from Ba Ku's hand, attracting everyone's attention, and everyone stretched out their consciousness to read it...

After a while, everyone's expressions changed drastically and they were trembling...

With a "pop" sound, the coffee cup in Hu Sai's hand somehow fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The hot coffee juice was scattered on the floor and the aroma overflowed. However, everyone seemed unmoved and even frowned. Not even a moment...

Everyone was frightened by the shocking information revealed in the letter!

Or rather, I was simply stunned...

With a "swipe", the letter talisman that fell to the ground suddenly transformed, and a light curtain popped up. The picture played on it was a large number of space fleets assembled somewhere outside the Shatang tribe. I saw that these fleets were extremely majestic in appearance. You can tell by looking at it that the level is extremely high and unmatched, and the fleet is composed of countless spaceships, one after another, so densely packed that you can't see the edge at a glance...

When everyone saw this scene, they were even more overwhelmed by the aura. Their legs became weak and they fell to the ground with a "thump" and "thump", shaking non-stop...

"How could this could this happen?!!!" Hu Sai screamed in a restless voice...

It’s true that people are sitting at home, and disaster comes from the sky. The purpose of this fleet that comes from nowhere in the universe is to conquer the Shatang tribe, raise all the people in the tribe, and then refine it into a cauldron for sale. For others to use? !

Such a bloody and cruel thing was unheard of, but I didn't expect it to hit me directly on the head! ! !

Such an extremely small chance to be encountered by the Shatang Tribe, this "luck" is really great...

The relaxed and comfortable atmosphere before here is gone forever, replaced by an atmosphere of heavy sorrow, anger and despair. Everyone feels that the darkness in front of them is frightening, and there is not even a trace of light to be found...

The wise elder in the tribe was confused for a while and finally woke up from Hu Sai's scream. He quickly picked up the letter and looked at it carefully. He found that it was sent to Ba Ku by Dingzhi, one of the law enforcement elders of the Kui Chung tribe. , there should be no mistake, because the Kwai Chung tribe and the Shatang tribe have close ties, and most of the contacts between them are from high-level people. Nail Ding has been here countless times. Everyone here knows each other, and they are even very good to each other. friend.

Now it seems that Nail must have discovered the secret of the foreign fleet, so he sent a letter to warn...

The question is, how reliable is the nail discovery?

Where did he get such a huge amount of information?

Is that fleet called Jingnan really that powerful? And he still does such a bloody and terrible business?

These questions popped up one after another, making Qianji feel a little overwhelmed...

"Chief, the top priority is that we must take action ourselves first, fully mobilize, strengthen our alert, and be prepared for a fierce battle!" said the leader loudly.

When Hu Sai heard this, he seemed to have found a life-saving straw and said quickly: "Elder Qian is right! Then you can arrange this matter..."

Qianji was stunned and thought to himself, when the tribe's life and death are at stake, how can I come forward to make arrangements? If you, the leader of the clan, don't come forward at this time, will you just hide in the back and drink hot coffee?

However, he still responded with a stern face: "Okay! However, I need the Kawang Tree Talisman of the clan's team to give orders and resist foreign aggression!"

"This... no... no problem!!!" Hu Sai gritted his teeth and said.

He took out the Kawang Tree Talisman from his body and gave half of it to Qianji...

Qian Ji took it solemnly, raised it high and said: "Everyone, from now on, the Shatang tribe has entered a state of emergency. Everyone must act according to the order. Anyone who disobeys the order will be beheaded!!!"

When everyone heard this, they were shocked, stood up one after another, and responded loudly: "Yes!!!"

But there are still many people paralyzed on the ground, trying desperately to get up but unable to get up because their hands and feet cannot be used...

You must know that the Shatang tribe has lived in peace for countless years. Now it is about to switch to a state of war. How can those elders who usually take care of themselves stand it? In fact, their body functions have already been greatly degraded, and their energy and spirit have been greatly reduced. Compared with the past, it is far inferior...

Not to mention carrying the sword to the battlefield, whether you can hold the sword tightly has become a problem...

Seeing such a scene, Dingzi and others were stunned and speechless!

They believe that if this information is also spread to their own Kwai Chung tribe, the situation will definitely be the same, because a large number of people have long lost their due energy and fighting spirit, and they will definitely be overwhelmed when they suddenly hear such horrific news...

In this situation, as Xiaoxing said before, it is not very good if a race is in good times for a long time, because if people of a race enjoy a prosperous life for a long time and do not want to make progress, then people's sense of crisis will be lost and their competitiveness will be lost. will decline, and they will take everything they get for granted!

However, resources in the universe have always been in short supply. Each race needs to survive and develop in the cracks, and find its way out of the cruel competition of countless races and forces, so as to maintain an upward trend. Momentum, maintaining a kind of bloody spirit and fighting ability, and continuing to develop while preserving itself. It can be seen that the universe cannot allow a race to enjoy special treatment for a long time. If a race does not want to make progress, is willing to be mediocre, and is willing to be complacent, such a race will sooner or later Will be eliminated by the universe...

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