The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2989 Getting drunk before drinking

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were chatting about the development prospects of the universe here, while Tali, Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan also came to the starry sky near Tianmen Mountain Star...

They knew where Hammer and Nail were because there was a little star guiding them, but when they came here, they were shocked!

In the midst of the clouds and mist, there were flashes of black light, thunderstorms, and extreme turmoil. People who didn't know it would think that there might be a terrible cosmic storm brewing there, but with the vision and experience of Talli and others, it turned out that It can be seen that of course it is not a cosmic storm, but the Black God tribe is fighting...

"what happened?!"

"Did they encounter any enemies?"

"Are we going to help?"

"I definitely want to help, but the situation is unclear. Looking at this situation, we can't intervene in this battle!"

"That's right, what should we do?!" Yangcuo said anxiously.

But I heard Xiaoxing's voice: "They are not fighting with others, but they are fighting by themselves!"

"What?!" The four people in Tali were stunned when they heard this!

"Haha, these two people started fighting when they disagreed. They are really hot-tempered. Are all the Black God tribe members like this?" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Of course... no! We, the Black God Clan, generally don't fight. Everyone is very well-behaved. There's no pressure anyway..." Yangcuo said with a sweet smile.

"Oh? Then the two of them..."

"That's not clear. The two of them usually have a very good relationship. They are together everywhere. Who knows why they suddenly started fighting... By the way, you should know the reason why they fell out, right?" Yangcuo An idea flashed in my mind, and I thought of this.

"Yes..." Tali, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan all suddenly realized.

Ling Daozi seems to have great powers, and nothing can escape his surveillance, so now the four of them dare not engage in any private activities, lest they fall into Ling Daozi's eyes, which would be extremely embarrassing...

And since he knew that the two of them started fighting because of a disagreement, there was no reason for Ling Daozi to not be clear about the content of the disagreement...

Xiaoxing smiled "hehe" and said, "Of course!"

"What?!" the four people asked anxiously.

"How should I put it...actually it's not a big deal, it's's because of me!" Xiaoxing finally revealed the truth.

"Because of you?!" The four of them were stunned.

"That's right, Hammer was ridiculed by me, and Nail wanted to make friends with me, so the two of them started fighting. I was caught in the middle and there was nothing I could do..." Xiaoxing sighed.

When the four people in Tali heard this, they looked at each other in confusion. It seemed that something must have happened to the three people before. As a result, the hammer and nails had a conflict, and finally the current situation emerged.

Seeing how Uncle Hammer and Uncle Nail were fighting with fire and fierceness, this was something they could never have imagined before coming here...

I thought I would be interrogated and punished as soon as I arrived, but I didn’t expect that they would come to break up the fight...

Yangcuo quickly shouted in a sweet voice: "Uncle Hammer! Uncle Nail! Stop it quickly! You haven't even seen Ling Daozi, so why are you fighting?"

"Eh?! Do you know that person's name?!" Nailizhi asked.

"Of course I know, it's Ling Daozi..."

"Ling Daozi? Where is he? Who is he? What has he done? How old is he? What does he look like? How did he meet you..." Nailie asked questions one after another, looking impatient.

"Well... don't fight for now, I'll tell you properly..." Yangcuo smiled.

Tali echoed: "Yes, you are tired from fighting now, right? Why don't you watch me make a pot of good tea for you to taste..."

"Making tea? When did you learn the tea ceremony?" Nailiao asked curiously.

"Haha, my nephew learned it from Ling Daozi! The tea set was a gift from him!" Tali said proudly.

"We also got his tea utensils, and we are going to study the tea ceremony!" Zhuan Lun and Zhuan Shan followed.

Tali can't wait to take out the tea utensils and prepare to start the tea ceremony...

"Hammer, go drink tea, let's stop fighting..."

"..." Hammer still kept his head down and kept attacking, refusing to stop...

It seems that he was too stimulated by Ling Daozi, and it will be difficult to calm down the bad anger in his heart without venting it...

"Hammer, aren't you crazy? Don't you feel embarrassed enough in front of juniors?!" Nail scolded severely.

After saying that, he forced the hammer away and quickly moved to Tali's side. The hammer had vented most of his evil anger just now. Although the lingering resentment was hard to get rid of, it was much better than before. After a while, it came. But he was blowing his beard and staring, muttering to himself...

However, he was quickly attracted by Tali's tea ceremony, especially when he saw the tea stove integrating water and fire, his eyes lit up even more!

"Eh?! What are you doing?!" Hammer asked urgently.

Tali responded: "The water is being boiled..."

"Boil water?! How can water be burned in fire?" Zhui Zi was startled and asked suspiciously.

"Uncle, just watch, the water will come out soon!" Tali said proudly.

Nail on the side was also a little uneasy, and he quickly used his spiritual consciousness to check, but found that he could not penetrate the tea stove with the power of his spiritual consciousness, which made him shocked!

Dingzi looked at the entire tea set carefully and asked, "You said this tea set was given to you by Ling Daozi?"


"Nonsense! The value of this tea set is immeasurable. I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back if I sell it to you. How could someone give it away casually?!" Dingzi said loudly.

Tali was startled when he heard this, but he was pleasantly surprised and said anxiously: "Uncle Master, you are saying that this set of tea sets is valuable? Is this true?!"

Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan on the side also had their hearts beating wildly, staring closely at the nails...

"Of course! The material of this tea set can completely block my spiritual consciousness. This alone is extremely rare. Moreover, its design is unique and very grand. It is in line with the aesthetic point of view of our Black God Clan. The most important thing is..."

"What?!" everyone asked.

"This set of tea utensils is a spiritual treasure. That is to say, even if you don't do it yourself, the utensil spirit can brew the tea by itself. If your tea ceremony is not good, you will find that the utensil spirit can brew the tea by itself. The tea you make is much better than the tea you brew yourself!" Dingzhi said in astonishment.

"Is that so?!" Everyone was stunned! ! !

"You don't believe it?" Nailizhi asked.

"This...Uncle Master, I really didn't know it had a weapon spirit!" Tali said in shock.

"Of course this tea utensil has a spirit! However, this spirit may be arrogant and ignore you at all, so you don't know it..." Dingzi snorted.

Hammer nodded and said: "I can also feel that it has a weapon spirit, and it is laughing at you now..."

"What?!" Tali was stunned, and his face suddenly turned red.

Yangcuo and the other three were also stunned. They didn't expect that things would turn out like this...

"Haha, it seems that you are not good at tea ceremony. No wonder even the spirit spirit laughs at you! You might as well let me take a dip!" Hammer laughed.

Everyone looked at him in surprise. Unexpectedly, Hammer suddenly seemed to be a different person, and he actually became interested in making tea...

Upon hearing this, Tali quickly gave up his position and said, "Uncle Master, please!"

The hammer master actually made tea in a decent manner and quickly decorated the tea room. Compared with Tali's previous performance, it was obviously much better!

"Where's the tea?" Hammer asked.

Tali said, "It's in the drawer!"

Hammer opened the drawer, took out a jade box, opened it and looked at it, and wondered: "Why is there only one leaf?"

"It only takes one leaf!" Tali said with certainty.

"Impossible! How can you make tea with just one leaf?!" Hammer said harshly.

Yangcuo smiled sweetly and said: "Uncle, don't believe it, you really only need this leaf to make good tea!"

"Are you telling the truth?!"

"It's guaranteed to be true!" Yangcuo covered his mouth and said with a smile.


Hammer picked up the tea leaf suspiciously and looked at it carefully. It didn't matter. He quickly froze. He was completely absent-minded and fell into an extremely confused state...

"Hammer?!" Nail felt something strange and asked tentatively.

Hammer didn't seem to hear it and was still observing the leaves...

"What's so good about a leaf?!" Nailzi asked curiously.

He turned his consciousness over and looked at the leaf. Unexpectedly, he was also fascinated by the leaf in an instant. He stared at it with a gleam of light in his eyes, which was thrilling to watch!

The same is true for the hammer. The power of their eyes was stimulated by this leaf, and it was endless!

Tali and others looked at this scene in shock and felt bad!

"what happened?"

"What are they looking at?"

"This leaf must be very special, but I don't see anything wrong with it..." Tali said.

"Just because you can't see it doesn't mean that the two of them can't see it. They must have discovered the strangeness of this leaf, otherwise it wouldn't be possible for it to become like this all of a sudden!" Yangcuo said.

"That's right! The tea brewed from this leaf made everyone in the audience drunk. I didn't know they..." Tali said this, looking at the two uncles with a little worry...

"Plop" "Plop"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Hammer and Nail had already fallen to the ground one after another, their faces turned red, bursts of tea breath came out of their mouths and noses, and they were mumbling to themselves...

"Not good!!!" Everyone was shocked and hurriedly avoided and blocked themselves to avoid inhaling the tea fumes...

This situation almost frightened the four people in Tali!

You know, the current situation is that the tea has not been brewed yet, the people watching the tea have been drunk first, and they are such two powerful uncles...

If this were brought to a clan meeting, everyone would probably be drunk by it. The lethality of this piece of tea is so huge that it is simply unimaginable!

It can be said that just getting this piece of tea has given Tali an extremely huge wealth...

He quickly put away the tea leaves again and placed them carefully in the space inside his body...

Yangcuo, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan looked at his actions with great envy, their mouths almost watering down...

"Hehe, Liufeng gave this to me. None of you have a share. If you want to drink from me in the future, just ask me..."

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