The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2984 Mustard Starry Sky

One of Hammer and Nail was carefully observing the stars in front of them, and the other was concentrating on calculating the time probability of such a star phenomenon appearing. What they did not notice was that time was quietly slipping away in front of their eyes and in their hands...

Tali and others who had been following and observing them were stunned when they saw this scene. Unexpectedly, these two people were fascinated by the stars and stayed there and could not come out!

What's this?

Are they coming to arrest him yet? !

The four of them found that the development of this matter was a bit strange. Some time ago, they were hoping that the two of them would not come, but now they seemed to want them to come again. After all, it is not good to keep dragging this matter. It is better to cut the mess quickly and get it over with. Just solve it neatly!

Since the two of them would stop here and delay there from time to time, this meant that the mental torture of the four people in Tali would also become longer. This situation was like cutting flesh with a dull knife, which would make people sleep and eat. Uneasy feeling…

Yangcuo gritted his silver teeth and suddenly said: "If they don't come, then let's take the initiative to find them!"


"Take the initiative to come over?!"

"Oh my God, why do you think that?!" Tali yelled.

"Giggle..." Yangcuo smiled and said, "Don't you think this is better?"

"Better? But why?" Tali asked in confusion.

"If we sit here and wait for them to come over, the nature of this matter is that they come to arrest people, and it will feel like law enforcement officers are condescending to catch bad people. However, if we take the initiative to come over, it means that we are open-minded and there is nothing wrong with us. I'm so scared. Doesn't this give them a better impression? You have to know that it's only a matter of time before you get caught by them. It's better to take the initiative to cast a net. Even if you really have to be punished, it will be very light. Plus If we perform meritorious service, then everything will be fine!" Yangcuo explained.

"It makes sense!" Zhuan Lunyi praised loudly.

Zhuan Shan and Tali also suddenly realized it. Thinking about it carefully, they feel that Yang Cuo's method is really good!

Turning passivity into initiative is an unexpectedly good tactic!

"So we're leaving now?" Tali asked.

"Wait, Xiaoling, are you going with us?" Yangcuo asked.

"Why should I go with you? I don't steal knives, and those two guys are too stupid. There is nothing worth going for!" Xiaoxing teased.

"What? You said...they are too stupid?" Yangcuo asked in disbelief.

The three people in Tali were shocked when they heard this!

Unexpectedly, Uncle Hammer and Uncle Nail, who existed like gods in the minds of these people, turned out to be just two stupid people in the eyes of Ling Daozi...

"Haha!" Xiaoxing laughed and said, "Of course! Look at the two of them, one is just studying the method of stargazing, and the other is still desperately calculating the time and probability required to form a seven-star continuum. Isn't this right? Is it too stupid? For a calculation like this, I only need one breath of time, or even a long time to calculate it! But you uncle Ding has been calculating there for almost half a month, but there is still no progress..."

"This...Uncle Ding is a famous stargazer in our tribe. Many people say that he is the most powerful stargazer in the history of our tribe. Compared to Blainey, Yichan, Kuconong and Bangnuo, they don't know How many times more powerful..." Yang Cuo argued forcefully.

"Hey, according to what you said before, it is just spreading rumors. It is not an exaggeration to use this word to evaluate this rumor. In fact, Nail is not much better than Blainey and the others, but his cultivation level is Their body mass is much higher than theirs, but the two sides should be about the same in terms of stargazing, and Blainey and the others still have the method of time. If their cultivation is allowed to develop to the level of nails, it should be Blainey's. They should be more powerful!" Xiaoxing corrected.

"Are you telling the truth?!" Yangcuo said in surprise.

"Hey, don't underestimate these people of low-level civilization. In fact, even in low-level civilization, there are many outstanding people! These people are trapped in the realm of cultivation and body quality and can only stay in the world of low-level civilization. However, their intelligence potential is definitely not low. As long as there is a chance, they may stand out and quickly catch up with and surpass you, people of advanced civilization! Therefore, even if you are the Black God Clan, please don’t always treat yourself in a condescending manner. Treat them with a different attitude. On the contrary, if you can put down your arrogance and make friends with them, maybe you can also learn a lot of useful things from them. The saying goes that a stone from another mountain can be used to attack a jade. That’s a truth!” Xiaoxing said.

Yangcuo and the other four were stunned when they heard this, but soon became thoughtful, because if these words were said by others, they would not particularly believe it, but when they said it from Ling Daozi's mouth, they felt Of course, they have a huge weight in their hearts. It seems that people like them think too highly of themselves and think that the people in the Tea Star Group are just mediocre people. Who knows that they are also extremely outstanding people in this star group. If they If you can stand on the same platform as yourself, you are much better than yourself!

At the thought of this, their minds couldn't help but recall the scene where Blainey, Yichan and others opened the door to the time channel. The impact of that scene on them was extremely powerful. If it were them, let alone opening the time channel. The door is open, I don’t even know where the door is...

Although with the current level of cultivation of people like myself, they can completely crush Blaine and the others, but that is just to win with pure force. If we compete with Taoism, we will be far behind them in the tea ceremony and the way of time. , Therefore, Ling Daozi said that stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. This truth is indeed true for him!

A person really needs to remain open-minded, treat others with humility, see more of the strengths of others, and think more of his own shortcomings. In this way, he will definitely make greater progress and achieve better development...

Yangcuo said sincerely: "Thank you Xiaoling for the reminder! However, if you don't go with us, how will we contact you in the future? You know, our tribe is also suffering from a virus invasion. Without the detoxification pill, I really don't know what the future will be like. What will happen to the people in the tribe... No matter what, I want to ask you to help me with this..."

"Hey, you don't have to worry too much. After all, your Black God clan has a high level of civilization and there are many powerful people in the clan. With their abilities, it is still possible to deal with the virus. The question now is just whether they have discovered it. If If they don't find it, then you will also take this information with you, right? Then they will concentrate their efforts on studying the virus and dealing with it, and maybe they will be able to find a good way soon!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"What if they haven't found a way? The virus is wreaking havoc every day, and the threat is too great!" Yangcuo said worriedly.

"Don't the Black Gods have many tribes? There are always capable people, right? In this universe, the Black Gods have a very high status. Is it possible that they will be stumped by this little virus?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Oh Xiao Ling, I am serious! If it were in the past, I might not realize how powerful this virus is, and I would definitely believe that our Black God Clan can defeat them! But now..."

"What's wrong now?"

"Didn't you just say that? Although our Black God Clan is at a higher level of civilization, our victory is mainly based on our cultivation level and body. In fact, it is also our victory in physical talent! But if we compete with Taoism, I'm afraid Many powerful people in ordinary civilizations are not much worse than us! Just like the miracle doctor Blenib, his medical skills are extremely advanced, but he is still powerless against the virus. This shows how terrible this virus is! Like the people in our tribe A witch doctor may not be as good at medicine as a miraculous doctor, so it will be even more impossible to control the virus..." Yangcuo sighed.

Xiaoxing was slightly startled when she heard the words. She didn't expect Yangcuo to change so quickly. As a descendant of the Black God Clan, it is extremely rare for her to say such humble words!

Many people of noble birth are born with the arrogance and aloofness towards people at the bottom and low-level civilizations, and it is difficult for them to undergo fundamental changes in a short period of time. But now Yang Cuo's performance has shattered Xiaoxing The inherent impression of advanced civilized people.

In fact, not only Yangcuo, but also Tali, Zhuanlun and Zhuanshan all changed a lot after they interacted with Ling Daozi and Li Yun. Moreover, this change was subtle and unknowingly turned into The current situation is probably more due to the powerful influence of Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

Although there was not much direct contact between the two parties, the Taoist influence of Li Yun and Xiaoxing was extremely far-reaching and broad. Every word and deed made Tali and the others admire and admire them from the bottom of their hearts. It can be said that now They will listen to whatever Li Yun and Xiaoxing say, and they are much better behaved than the elders who face them...

Xiaoxing said: "Okay, if you feel it is necessary to ask us for help, then send out this talisman, or put it on the altar at home or in the tribe, and I will respond quickly!"

After saying that, a flash of spiritual light floated in front of Yangcuo...

"Starry sky?!" Yangcuo looked at it and shouted in surprise.

It turns out that this spiritual light is like a starry sky. Against the dark background, there are many stars, and there is one particularly bright one among them. This starry sky seems to be dynamically circulating, with streams of light passing by, nebulae floating by, and Meteorites gather, plants grow, and interstellar creatures appear...

So many things are concentrated in this small spiritual light, so vivid and vibrant that it is simply unimaginable!

"That's right! This is called Mustard Starry Sky. It's a small space. If you claim it as its owner, you can also go inside and have a look around. There are many good places and beautiful scenery inside..." Xiaoxing said proudly. .

"Wow!!!" The three people in Tali screamed in surprise, with extremely envious expressions on their faces...

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