The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2973 Blainey wants to make a fortune from the epidemic?

Ever since the bandit fleet arrived in the Lincang Star Territory, the civilizations of various races have been like a spirit rat seeing a spirit cat. They were so frightened that they dared not speak out. They were secretly glad that the other party only robbed the orcs and did not harass them...

The so-called watching the fire from the other side and taking pleasure in others' misfortune was their true behavior at that time.

Later, when they saw that even the Orcs were almost unable to stop them, they thought of the truth behind the death of their lips and teeth. They thought that if the Orcs were all finished, would the other party come to rob them again?

So they secretly contacted the Orcs to support each other. In fact, they did this for their own small calculation, that is, to let the Orcs support it for as long as possible and not collapse all at once. In this way, the racial civilization will be better. Have more good days to live…

However, the disaster that suddenly broke out today shows that the bandit fleet may have changed its style and started to attack the racial civilization!

Moreover, if they didn't make a move, they would be extremely precise when they made a move. They seized the opportunity when Ban Zhangxing encountered a natural disaster and successfully retreated with one hit. It was as if they came and went like the wind, which was breathtaking...

Zai Yin suddenly changed his expression and said, "Will they rob other planets again? Especially the other six planets that make up the Seven Stars Link?!"

"Yes!!!" Everyone suddenly realized!

Since the bandit fleet has chosen to attack racial civilization, it is impossible to rob only one planet. The other six planets are of course also their targets.

It's a pity that the other six-star people are not here, because they achieved a good record in the finals and unexpectedly got the top tea leaves, so they all chose to leave early, so they will miss it now. Got this extremely important information…

Also, after they rob those six planets, will they attack other tea stars?

This possibility is also very huge...

Thinking of this, Zai Yin, Tang Qiaoer, Wei Jin and others were no longer calm. They wished they could return to their respective planets immediately to command the defense. However, there was still one major task that had not yet been completed, which was to help Blainey seek medicine from the future. .

Comparatively speaking, the latter event is more important to Zai Yin and others, because it is related to their personal life and death. As for bandits, as long as they don't rob too much or kill people, then let them do it...

"Where is Miracle Doctor Bu? Can we hold a medicine-seeking ceremony right now?" Zai Yin asked urgently.

"Miracle Doctor Bu?" Mingpu was also startled. He found that Blainey had not followed him during this period, and he didn't know what his current situation was.

He quickly led everyone to Blainey's cave...

Affected by the huge power of the Star Spirit, they were now flying extremely slowly. It took them a long time to reach Blainey's cave area and found that it was still fine. It seemed that Blainey was here, even if it was monstrous. Floods are fine here.

Blainey's disciples had already greeted him outside the door. They took everyone to Blainey's location, the observatory built behind the cave. This is almost the highest place in the core area. Standing here, you can overlook the entire core area. , I saw shades of tea trees, dotted roads, densely packed buildings, row after row, and the flow of people and goods has turned into tiny dust particles. The scene is extremely spectacular!

Everyone looked around and saw that Blainey was standing on the high observatory, standing and looking up, as if deep in thought, not knowing what he was thinking...

"Miracle doctor, we are here!" Mingpu shouted loudly.

Blaney seemed to be awakened from his meditation and said: "You are here?! Has the flood passed?"

"It's passed! The star spirits have shown their power and the flood has stopped. Don't you see that our core area is recovering?" Mingpu said.

"It's so good! Thank you to the stars! Thank you to heaven and earth! Thank you..."

Mingfu couldn't wait to interrupt and said: "Miracle doctor,

We are here to help you and ask for medicine from your future self! What do you think we will do next? "

"Very good! I wonder if you have prepared enough financial gifts? The antidote that can kill this unknown poison must be extremely expensive. Even if I am willing to help everyone in the future, I still need to have the financial resources to prepare enough raw materials to refine the antidote pill... Blainey said.

"This..." Everyone was startled and looked at each other.

I didn’t expect this level to exist, but think about it, what can you do that doesn’t require money? Without money, where would the raw materials come from? If there are no raw materials, where can we get the detoxifying pill?

To be honest, in the world of cultivation, many times you may not be able to collect raw materials if you have money, so good elixirs are generally priced but not marketable. No matter how much money you have, you may not be able to have good elixirs.

This is a very common thing, but after all the troubles before, everyone's mood was not stable, so they didn't think of it...

Zai Yin asked urgently: "Miracle doctor, how much money do you need to prepare?"

"Yes, no matter how much it is, we will pay it!" Tang Qiaoer said softly.

"Yes, the elixir must be extremely rare. It's a blessing that the miracle doctor can get it for us. Money is not an issue!" Wei Jin agreed.

On the side, Yichan, Kucong, Bangnuo, as well as Qingchen, Liu Sexin, Wu Guren, Qingshanke, Wanfengchui, Pu Jie, Qingding, Qiaozhuang, Qiaoyu and others all nodded...

Blainey waved his hands and sighed: "You must all know how powerful this poison is. With my current ability, I simply cannot deal with it. Even if you spend all your money, I still have no cure! Therefore, If there really is a detoxifying pill, I’m afraid you all know how valuable it is, right?”

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but panic when they heard what Blainey meant. This is a rhythm that requires a lion to open its mouth!

How much does it cost to satisfy his appetite?

I really can’t see that Blainey is such a money-obsessed person... Everyone can’t help but secretly marvel...

The so-called knowing people but not their hearts means that if you really want to know a person, you have to have more contact with him and understand his way of life and things, only then can you possibly discover his true face...

Blainey saw their expressions and didn't know what they were thinking, so he said: "Everyone, what you need to know is that these properties did not go into my pocket. To be honest, if I can refine the detoxification pill now, , then you only need to pay the cost price to get it. However, no one knows what the future situation will be like, what specific drugs will be used, and what their value is. These old men also know nothing, so everything is unknown! Maybe if we send money, it is very possible that not even a pill is delivered in the end! In the final analysis, we are trying our luck. If such an extreme situation occurs, then I will not be responsible for your losses. Of course, if you are lucky and really get the antidote pill, then I would like to congratulate you all!"

What he said was extremely sincere, and everyone finally understood what asking for medicine was all about, and they couldn't help but nod their heads. It seems that Blainey is not a money fan, and he wants to make a fortune from this, and make a fortune from the epidemic. , make fortune from disaster, but really want to help yourself!

After all, the money will be sent into the time channel, which everyone can see.

Tang Qiaoer said softly: "Oh, miracle doctor, how could we suspect that you want to embezzle our property? If you can get us the elixir, you will be our reborn parents. No matter how much money you spend, we won't feel sorry for you." , after all, human life is at stake!"

"Haha, Fairy Tang is right! So, how much money do we have to pay?" Zai Yin asked again.

Blainey nodded and said: "As I said just now, I don't know exactly how much it will cost, so you can take as much as you want, install it with your own space stone, and mark it with your name. When the time comes, How many pills you can exchange for is your own business, I don’t care about that much, because as you know, this matter is not in my hands now!”

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized.

It seems that the search for medicine is also a competition, and everyone has to compete with each other's financial resources!

If there really is a detoxification pill in the future, then whoever pays more will get more pills in exchange for it. This is undoubtedly It’s hard to say!

You know, Blainey is the number one master of medicine among the Tea Stars. If even he cannot refine the detoxification pill, then it will be even less possible for other medical people. Even if there are individual geniuses who can do it, they are still hidden now. , no one knows whether they can happen to meet it.

After everyone figured this out, they were all secretly thinking about how much money it would be appropriate to spend. After all, this kind of thing had never happened before, and everyone was confused, so the situation was a bit tense for a while...

Blainey did not rush them, but said: "I have been thinking hard during this period, doing countless research, and finally gained something..."

Mingpu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked anxiously: "What's the gain?!"

"I have discovered what some of the virus looks like!" Blaney said.


"This is real?!"

"What do they look like?!"

"Can you let us take a look..."

Everyone was refreshed and excited, and asked questions one after another.

"No problem! You can make a spiritual ball in front of you, and then blow your breath into it, and then I will show you what they look like..." Blaney said.

Everyone heard that it was simple, so they followed the instructions one after another. Everyone blew a lot of gas into the spiritual power ball desperately...

These gases are mainly waste gases after the operation of their spiritual power. Of course, there are also some useful gases. However, they have not found the virus anyway. After hearing what Blainey said, everyone was doubtful. Could the virus really be there? Will it hide in its own gas cycle? Aren't they hiding deep in the body to cause destruction?

But I heard Blaney say: "The virus can be spread through consciousness, breathing and droplets, which means that the concentration of the virus in the breath is quite high. The load of the virus in each breath will reach a certain concentration before it can be transmitted. Effect…"

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