The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2936 Confrontation of treasures

When everyone at the temporary gambling group saw this result, they were dumbfounded again...

The situation in the competition has been changing, and this time it really opened their eyes!

Fukang jumped up and said angrily: "What's going on with these judges? Such a wonderful performance, but only got such a result?!!!"

"This can only mean that there is something wrong with these judges!!!" Tingxi said.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nod their heads. They finally saw this. Now the factor of collusion among the judges has greatly increased, otherwise it will be impossible to guess accurately!

Based on the experience and perspective of these people, if they don't see this anymore, they can really just go to sleep.

This final had just passed two people, and they made mistakes one after another, so that everyone's confidence suffered a painful setback...

For these judges, Wan Shitong and others also felt that they had nothing to say!

If this kind of thing were placed in our own starry sky, then the fate of these judges can be imagined, but here, they can do such a thing so blatantly...

However, what surprised them was that although the audience at the scene was also surprised by the judges' voting results, they quickly accepted it. Even Qingshanke himself silently chose to accept it, waving gracefully. leave!

How is this going?

Could it be that people in the Tea Star Group have a habit of accepting things that come their way?

Or are they already used to this kind of thing? Or maybe they didn't see it at all?

Li Yun was also a little confused about this and said, "How could the situation be so weird?"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Don't forget, adults, we are watching from Star Fortune Castle, so we can say we are far away from the scene."

Li Yun suddenly understood and agreed: "That's right! The huge pressure at the scene will make people's reactions a little slow, and it may take some time to come back to their senses... However, as the pressure becomes more and more intense, maybe this kind of The reaction speed will be delayed again and again until the final explosion!"

"My lord, you are right! The pressure will build up, and until it finally explodes, I don't know who the unlucky guy will be..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What if it's Tali?"

"Tali? Probably not. The most likely candidate is the Ban Zhang camp's Jun Geng Cup. He is the second to last person to appear, and by then the judges' little moves will probably be obvious. The Xigui faction will definitely take action with all their strength. And the Banzhang faction will definitely not be outdone, and an explosion is bound to happen! Even if there is no outbreak, Xiaonu will let Tali take action and let the two camps fight first, and finally Tali will come on..." Xiaoxing Ledao.

Li Yun did not expect Xiaoxing to still retain this skill. It seems impossible that the four major camps will not have trouble. This once-in-a-century competition will probably leave the most brilliant mark on the Tea Stars...

As the game continued, the results came out one after another. The bankers who were observing and participating in the betting from the outside slowly got a taste of it. They finally understood the reason for this phenomenon of resignation, and then, Those ordinary spectators and gamblers were a little baffled by the strange phenomena coming from the scene at first, but they all woke up later!

Judging from the scene, the numbers on the light screens in every corner have been beating crazily, people are screaming at the top of their lungs, the judges are becoming more and more bold in the way they play cards, and the faces of people in the major camps are becoming more and more angry. gloomy…

Especially the three major camps of Iceland, Xigui and Banzhang, everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces!

Because so far, more than a dozen camps have passed, and none of them can score more than Qingshanke? ! ! !

Even far lower than his score!

This is not entirely the fault of the judges. Indeed, many contestants made frequent mistakes during the competition, either spilling water or breaking their cups. Some even failed to hand the tea to the judges properly and the tea soup spilled. He came out and wet the judges' robes...

There were a lot of situations, the scene was quite chaotic, and the players who were originally favored also frequently made some low-level mistakes.

It’s jaw-dropping!

The most surprising thing is Wanfengqiu, a player from the Icelandic camp. Logically speaking, he is at the same level as Qingshanke, and he is also extremely well prepared mentally and physically for the game. But during the game, for some reason, the stove always Unable to make a fire, he finally had to burn his own spiritual power to light a fire and boil water, which greatly accelerated the consumption of his spiritual power. In the final stage, after insisting on passing the tea, he collapsed to the ground and knocked over many cups and teapots. , the tea poured out like a flood, rushing towards the surrounding audience, making the scene a mess!

This situation allowed the audience to have a good drink of his precious Icelandic tea, which can be said to have benefited a lot. You must know that this tea is an old tea that he has collected for hundreds of thousands of years, and every cup is precious. What's more, if someone drinks enough...

Wan Fengchui was extremely heartbroken about this, and what made him even more heartbroken was that his record was only fifty votes in favor, ten votes for giving up, and forty votes against. This was much lower than the previous Qingshan Ke, which simply disgraced him. , feel ashamed!

Of course, people from the Xigui and Banzhang camp were gloating over this and secretly snickering. It seems that these two main opponents can be ignored, and the remaining main opponents are of course each other...

For the Xigui camp, their early investment has paid off. The judges from the Xigui camp joined forces to limit the scores of the two main opponents, Yi Wu and Iceland, to extremely low levels, which helped them stand out. Created an extremely favorable situation, but...

The unfortunate thing is that they will appear soon!

Being higher up in the ranking is a major disadvantage for them. Everyone knows that in a competition that relies on judges to score and vote to determine the winner, the order before and after the appearance is extremely important. The later the appearance, the more advantageous it is, because the later ones will be more advantageous. Players can watch the performance of the players in front and perform. If the players in front perform averagely, then they can also adopt more stable tactics to ensure the normal performance of their own level. On the contrary, if the players in front perform extremely well, they will get In order to achieve high scores and high votes, they must also adopt more risky strategies and implement them with higher difficulty in order to perform at a super level and strive to defeat their main opponents!

However, there is nothing that can be done about the former returning camp's appearance at the front, because this is the host's advantage. Otherwise, what is the point of trying desperately to steal this host?

Looking at the players from the Tongqinghe camp competing on the field, Zaiyin and Qingding were communicating quickly in secret, constantly asking various issues that needed attention...

"Qing Ding, do you have enough fireball talisman? Ordinary fire can't burn it now, probably because of too much pressure!" Zai Yin reminded.

"Don't worry, we have enough prepared!" Qingding responded.

"Have you swallowed the top-grade Essence Pill I gave you?" Zai Yin asked again.

"Already swallowed!"

"Okay! However, the pressure is too great now. The tea utensils of the previous contestants have been crushed by the real joint. Can your tea utensils bear it?"

"This...should be no problem..." Qingding was startled.

Zai Yin's expression changed and he said: "You can't rely on estimates, you must be sure!"

"Teapots, teacups, and scent cups are definitely all fine, but the tea stove and kettle are hard to say, but it's too late to make a new set now!" Qingding thought.

"Immediately change my behavior!" Zai Yin said loudly.

"The leader's Vulcan furnace and Thunder pot?!" Qing Ding's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

"That's right! You'll be fine if you use them!" Zai Yin said proudly.

"Great! I'm sure I can perform at a super level now!!!" Qing Ding said excitedly.

He quickly took over the Vulcan Furnace and Thunder Pot from Zai Yin, and immediately studied their control formulas...

Of course, such a small move would not go unnoticed by the Ban Zhang camp who had been closely monitoring them, as well as the peripheral gambling bosses. Seeing Qing Ding get the Vulcan Furnace and the Thunder God Pot, everyone became uneasy...

This set of tea stoves and kettles are famous among the Tea Stars. I didn’t expect to see them on site today. What an unexpected surprise!

Of course, the appearance of this set of treasures is more of a protective talisman for the returning camp. It seems that the many unexpected situations that occurred on the scene are unlikely to happen to Qingding...

The major gambling dealers quickly upgraded the level of the returning camp, and the Ban Zhang camp also had a strong reaction. Everyone looked at Ming Pi...

This is because everyone knows that there is a similar set of treasures in Banzhang Star, called the God of Heaven Furnace and the God of Earth Pot. However, they have been kept as star treasures in the Planet Temple and are no longer used.

In terms of level, the God of Heaven furnace and the God of Earth pot should be a little higher than the God of Vulcan furnace and the God of Thunder pot. If the returnees came well prepared and had brought this set of treasures, then as the host Banzhang people, shouldn’t this treasure be used again at this time?

Of course Mingfu knew what it meant to have so many eyes looking at him, but at this moment, he was secretly complaining in his heart, because he knew that there was a reason why the God of Heaven Stove and the God of Earth Pot were not used as offerings, and that was them In fact, there was a problem a long time ago. Because it is extremely difficult to repair, extremely precious materials need to be found, but those materials have not been found for so many years, so the repair task has been put on hold...

He never expected that the situation on the scene would evolve to such an extent, and that the preparations of the former returnees were so meticulous. No wonder they could win the first place three times in a row!

Only now did he understand why Ban Zhangxing missed the first place in each of the past three competitions, but Xiguiren could win the first place again and again. It was really shocking that he didn't know it. , other people’s preparations are more detailed and thorough than mine, and there are good reasons for winning...

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