The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2932 Here it comes! finally come!

After Gu Chun finished speaking, he stepped onto the stage!

After the small baptism just now, Gu Chun's condition has improved significantly. He bowed around and said in the direction of the main stand: "I am Gu Chun, from Guangbie Star. I believe that everyone Not many people know much about our tea star, so let me give you a brief introduction..."


"Gu Chun!" "Gu Chun!!" "Gu Chun!!!"...

The enthusiasm of the audience has not diminished. Although this is just a back-up match, and although Gu Chun has been embarrassed just now, their hearts are still full of expectations.

Just listen to Gu Chun continue: "Speaking of the tea trees in our Guangbie star, it is said that they were introduced from the four major tea stars a long time ago, especially the tea trees in Banzhang star and Iceland star. Therefore, our tea leaves It almost combines the characteristics of the tea trees of these two tea stars. However, the soil and water support the tea trees. After these two varieties of tea trees came to our Guangbie star, they gradually acquired our own independent characteristics. You may be able to learn from them. At the same time, you can taste the domineering and sweet taste of Banzhang tea and the sweetness and delicateness of Icelandic tea. But you can also taste the unique elegant aroma and pleasant tea charm of Guangbie tea... So, what are you tasting? When you taste tea, you can taste a variety of different characteristics at the same time. For this characteristic of Guangbie Star, we named it 'demon'! The nature of tea is like a demon, and it has a charm when you taste it. I hope everyone will be able to appreciate us from today on. Guangbie Tea has taken a new look and stocked up on tea, I believe everyone will not be disappointed!”

Gu Chun's eloquent speech immediately fascinated everyone present, and they also had a deep impression of Guangbie Tea!

It can be said that Gu Chun's basic purpose of participating in the competition this time has been achieved, which is to make everyone present remember the name Guangbie Tea. You must know that this is the highest stage that everyone in the Tea Star Group is paying attention to. What is said and done here is the best advertising and publicity. There is no doubt that no matter what the result of this competition is, the reputation and sales of Guangbie Tea will be greatly improved...

Soon, Gu Chun set down his tea utensils on the spot. The tea utensils were suspended in the air, supported by clouds and mist below. They floated around Gu Chun, each occupying the most suitable position. Looking closely at these tea utensils, it turned out that they were different from what everyone usually saw. It is different and has Guangbiexing's own characteristics, which quickly aroused everyone's interest...

"Hey, why is that kettle so big?"

"Yeah, I don't know what it's made of?"

"It looks like gold but not gold, looks like stone but not stone. In short, it is very different from the tea utensils of our class!"

"That teapot is quite exquisite. What's the pattern on it?"

"It looks like there is a net, and there is a creature pattern..."

"That must have some meaning, right? Ask Master Kucong..."

"Master, what does the pattern on the teapot mean?" everyone asked urgently.

Many people speculate that this question may be difficult for Master Kucong to answer. After all, it is too biased, and few people know about the culture of Guangbie Star.

But Master Ku Cong observed it carefully, his eyes lit up, he shook his head while stroking his beard and said: "This pattern does have a meaning. Look, there is a spider web on the lid of the pot, and the spider silk goes all around. Spreading, there is a spiritual spider in the middle. This spiritual spider is also known as the happy spider among the people, so the meaning of this pattern is 'happy descends from the sky'!"

"Happiness falls from heaven?!"


"It makes sense! Master is really amazing!"

"Yes, this is a difficult question..."

"Master is indeed well-informed, I admire you! I admire you!!"

"Haha, hahaha..."

The audience was laughing and laughing, and Gu Chun was also busy on the field, attracting everyone's attention with every move he made. Li Yun was also observing and said: "This is the first time I have seen Guangbiexing's tea set, it is quite unique! "

"Sir, we have a lot of information, but we ignored it before. Now it seems that Guangbiexing's tea ceremony also has merits..." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, except for the tea utensils,

The characteristic of Guangbie tea mentioned by Gu Chun just now is also very interesting. According to him, the characteristics of this tea are that it has both hardness and softness, and it has the strength and dominance of Banzhang tea. The sweetness and softness of Icelandic tea is not easy to achieve..." Li Yun thought.

"Hey, sir, don't be blown away by his bragging. This is just what he said to promote Guangbie Tea. A kind of tea must have the most important characteristics of both teas, and its own environmental and ecological requirements will be It is rather special. It must be both strong and rough, but also gentle and drizzle. Such a harmony can only be achieved through seasonal changes. If you add a unique aroma, it will be another scene... This is for them. The words are too complicated!" Xiaoxing laughed.

Li Yun nodded when he heard the words and said with a smile: "That's true. If the characteristics are well integrated, the tea will become a monster and changeable. If the characteristics are not well integrated, it may be different. On the contrary, it is not as easy as tea with outstanding characteristics to make people more attractive." Impressive, addictive, and savored again and again..."

"What you say makes sense! Only when it has outstanding characteristics and even reaches its peak state can people who like it be deeply obsessed with it. If the nature of tea is changeable and uncoordinated, it will be troublesome! We didn't get it from the tea market last time Some Guangbie tea? The little slave tried it, and the effect was not as strange as Gu Chun said, but a bit like the four different things the adults said, but..."

"But what?"

"This situation may also be related to the younger age of the tea trees! The tea properties of younger tea trees are not stable, and the tea quality and tea charm have not been well developed. Only older tea trees can get better results. Stable tea quality and tea charm, if these tea qualities and tea charm are gradually transformed over time, it will slowly be possible to reach the true state of tea's nature becoming a demon as Gu Chun said!" Xiao Xiao Star said.

Li Yun was suddenly enlightened and said: "In this case, the tea leaves brought out by Gu Chun now are naturally very different from those on the tea market!"

"Exactly! This is tea that has been treasured by his force for tens of thousands of years. It is extremely rare!"

The two of them looked over and saw that Gu Chun was carefully taking out a jade box. After opening it, a scent of old fragrance emanated from it, which made people feel refreshed!

"How many years?" Li Yun asked.

"Thirty-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five years, give or take about a year!" Xiaoxing said immediately.

With Xiaoxing's ability, the initial judgment was almost the most accurate, but in order to prevent accidents, he still added a one-year fluctuation as insurance.

"That's considered a middle-aged Tibetan, and it's still far inferior to the teas from the four major camps such as Ban Zhang..." Li Yun said.

"Yes, after all, the four major tea stars are the main birthplaces of this tea star group. Many other tea star tree species were introduced from them. Compared with the historical background, of course the four major tea stars are more powerful. !" Xiaoxing agreed.

"Then if a tea star like Guangbie Xing wants to win, he must win by surprise. Guangbie Tea's demonic nature is a way out..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Not bad, but it's still difficult. At least this time I can only study with the prince..."

The two of them were watching and talking at the same time, which was very pleasant...

As the finals officially begin, all forces are also in full swing. At this time, the temporary gambling group is operating at high speed, making final calculations of each camp's comprehensive score, number of votes, and possible ranking position...

Each item must be strived to achieve the most accurate level in order to defeat the opponent's psychological defense and gain the most significant victory at the same time!

For Supreme Treasure and Flush, their hearts are relatively calm, because they know that they have mastered the most important information...

That is, Tali will definitely win the first place for Xuanling Star, and the overall score and number of votes will definitely be at the highest level!

Once you clarify this direction and level, you will definitely achieve the greatest victory!

As for the direction and level that other camps can achieve, then you need to test your own information and analysis capabilities...

Therefore, all the research and analysis they are currently conducting are centered on the situation of the other thirty-one participating teams.

After seeing Gu Chun's performance at this time, Tingxi immediately said: "The level of Guangbie Star will be increased by two levels, and the direction will not change!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but fell into silence, and then Fukang asked: "Reason?!"

Tingxi said: "The age of the tea leaves that Gu Chun took out is one level higher than expected. His own performance is getting better and better. He can move up one level. The overall score is two levels!"

"But will other players also have unexpected performances? You know, in this kind of competition, there will always be unexpected things, and many people want to try again!" Fukang said.

"It makes sense!" Fu Chunzhi agreed.

"What should we do? The betting time is about to end!" Guanlan asked anxiously.

"Yes, if you don't vote, others will vote first, and our betting will not affect others!" Rong Bing said loudly.

Zhizunbao and Flush had a quick exchange and said: "After comprehensive consideration, the direction of Guangbie Star remains unchanged, and the level has been upgraded by one level. Bet immediately!!!"

"Yes!!!" Guanlan responded loudly, and without hesitation, he immediately knocked out the chips in his hand!

This was a huge order, and after it was placed, the betting screen on the scene flashed wildly for a while. The eyes of many spectators were immediately attracted by it, and screams immediately sounded, and the heat on the scene soared instantly! ! !

But the excitement on the field is still far less than the commotion outside the field. You must know that this big gambling market is being paid attention to by all tea star gamblers and bookmakers, especially the controlling bookmakers in the Banzhang camp. They are concentrating on it. Keep an eye on the changes in the betting market so that you can trade in a timely manner...

At this time, the investment of this huge bet was like throwing a stone into a large oil pan, instantly activating the oil and gas, and everyone's hearts trembled...

coming! finally come!

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