The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2913 A very large order

The audience at the scene was filled with all kinds of voices. Due to the close distance, many people were affected by what others said. This is reflected in the tendency to follow the trend in betting. Often, as soon as someone is optimistic about a certain team, they will Many people quickly followed up.

In such an atmosphere, people who can maintain independent thinking must be strong-willed and extremely independent!

However, no matter how many people are on site, they are not as many as those outside. Of course, there are many information networks distributed in this tea star field. Countless people are connecting to the tea competition at this time through the relay of these networks. Watch and place bets remotely.

Since the planets in the Tea Star Territory are closely connected, their efficiency is higher than that of the previous stars. Therefore, after the start of the game, the betting markets on the scene have already shown a blowout trend, which is surprising. stunned!

"Wow! Such a big bet?!"

"I've never seen anything so crazy..."

"Why do they have so much money? Did it come from the strong wind?"

"Humph, there are many rich people. It's just your fault that you don't have money..."

"Aren't your words too hurtful? How do you know I have no money?!"

"If you really have money, just invest..."

"Haha, I'll show you my betting slip and see if it's me who has no money or you who have no money!"

"You?! Wow, the elder brother is so arrogant!!! The younger brother admires me!!!"

"Sui Biao?! Which planet are you from? What do you mean by this?!"

"My little brother is from Han Wuxing. This Sui Biao means he is awesome and powerful in our place..."

"That's it, haha, you kid, don't look down on others from now on. Don't look at me. My robe is not as bright as yours, my body is not as fleshy as yours, and I don't have as many bulky shiny ornaments as you. But people should not be judged by their appearance. The sea water cannot be measured, and often the truly rich people don’t care about external appearances at all, but focus more on inner cultivation!”

"My little brother, listening to your words is worth ten years of studying. Thank you! I admire you! I am in awe..."


The content of the conversations between the spectators was varied, but they basically revolved around the progress of the game and the betting process. It can be seen that their hearts have been tightly tied to the game and the betting process.

However, apart from the competition, what they saw on the betting board were superficial, and it was the bankers behind the betting board who truly felt the terrible omen of the impending rain...

With the arrival of bets one after another, they were all shocked to find that the amount of bets in this competition had far exceeded the pre-match expectations. What made them even more excited was that the sharp increase in bets was mainly due to the increase in large orders. !

Moreover, these big orders arrived early, and soon pushed the entire betting pool to an extremely high level, thus igniting the enthusiasm of all spectators for betting!

When the spectators saw the betting fund pool soaring, they thought that there were more and more crazy people betting, but they did not expect that this was just the reason why one or two accounts placed large bets. Therefore, what they saw was indeed just the appearance, so It is also easier to make different decisions based on this. This is almost the fundamental difference between spectators and dealers.

Appearance and interior, of course, the interior is more real and more real. Just like the two onlookers in front, one of them is in ordinary clothes, but he is much richer than the man from Han Wuxing. People should not be judged by their appearance. This is also the case.

Spectators are stimulated by the appearance and are keen to buy up rather than down, so they follow up crazily and invest large sums of money into the gambling market. This seems to be a common problem in the speculative market. It cannot be said that it is unreasonable, because there are really people who are like this. This is how you get rich.

In fact, this principle reveals a problem of trend. When the trend rises,

People will rush to participate enthusiastically, and when the downward trend is formed, people will flee in panic. This situation is difficult to end in a short period of time, so if you can make good use of this trend, it is possible Make money by taking advantage of the rising trend, and quietly purchase goods at the bottom by taking advantage of the falling trend...

The bookmakers discovered that these sudden large orders not only pushed up the capital pool, but also brought a greater amount of funds to the gambling market, which made them realize that the opportunity to make a fortune was coming!

We must firmly seize this once-in-a-century opportunity and make money in one fell swoop that cannot be spent in a century...

For them, the most important thing is to capture those very large orders. As long as this goal is achieved, the rest can be almost ignored.

At this time, as the biggest betting board in this competition, that is, inside the final betting board, everyone looked at the numbers displayed on the screen with their mouths open!

This number makes people feel a little dizzy because there are so many zeros at the end that they can’t even count them...

Many people's legs were shaking as they counted, and then they simply collapsed on the ground...

The news quickly spread to the leaders of the control panel, and they rushed over immediately. When they saw the light screen, everyone felt that this world was a little unreal!

Ming Piao's mouth opened in a circle and didn't close for a long time!

Not to mention the others, in the face of such a large amount of bets, their performance was no better than that of the group under them. Their hearts were beating hard, their whole bodies were trembling slightly, and they felt that their palms were all sweaty...

What shocked them even more was that the target and direction of this large bet was actually one of the two tiny tea areas in this competition, Xuanling Star!

What’s even more incredible is that the level they chose to bet on was the highest level, that is, at least 95 of the 100 judges would vote for Xuan Lingxing!

"How can it be?!!!"

This is the first thought that comes to everyone’s mind!

You must know that among the one hundred judges, five are from Ban Zhangxing. For this level chosen by gamblers, no matter how outstanding the Xuan Lingxing players are, Ban Zhangxing, as the host, will be right no matter what. If it suppresses him, the five Ban Zhangxing judges will probably not vote for Xuan Lingxing.

So, is it possible for the tea ceremony demonstrated by the Xuanling Star contestant to convince the other ninety-five judges? !

The possibility is almost zero!

Because as long as one of the judges votes against or abstains, the bet will fall into the fund pool!

As long as the dealer controls it properly, it is very possible to carve up most of it! ! !

The second thought quickly came to everyone's mind, that is, they must eat up this bet!

Ming refuting ignored other matters and immediately led all the big bosses to discuss...

Because he discovered that as long as he took advantage of this big bet, he would not only be able to make up for the huge losses caused by the previous raids on the tea market, but he could also make a huge profit!

In the face of this big bet, the tea market's losses are only a very small part, and the remaining piece of cake is enough for all forces to eat fat and rich, laying sufficient financial resources for future development!

Headed by Ming Pi, together with the big bosses such as Yu Qingchen, Liu Sexin, Wu Guren, Jun Gengbei, etc., all of them looked excited and could not hide their surprise. They wished they could eat this big cake right away...

Mingpu took a deep breath, calmed down the passion in his heart, and said: "Everyone has seen this situation. In my opinion, this person has chosen Xuanling Star. We already knew last time that Tali will represent Xuanling Star. Going to participate in the competition, and with Tali's tea ceremony level, not to mention participating in the finals, even participating in the first round of sub-field competitions, I am afraid that he will be eliminated quickly! In other words, he is basically here to make soy sauce... What do you think? "

Yu Qingchen said loudly: "What the leader said is right. The last time Bangnuo confronted him, he found that he was just a beginner in tea ceremony. No matter how high his cultivation level was, his improvement in tea ceremony would not be instantaneous. In short, he is still far from the realm of a master!"

Liu Sexin nodded and said: "With his level, even if you give him the best tea leaves, the tea he brews will probably be difficult to drink. How can he convince those extremely picky judges?!"

Jun Gengbei snorted: "If this person is voted at the lowest level, that would be a bit worrying..."

"Haha, haha, hahahahaha..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing...

Under such huge financial pressure, only such ridicule can make people relax a little!

However, everyone here is an old fox. Everyone has experienced hundreds of battles. No one would be so frivolous. They know that no one’s money comes from strong winds. This person is rich. , but rich people’s ability to use and manage money is relatively more reasonable and rational than those without money. Otherwise, how could they have so much money?

Therefore, there must be a reason why this person dared to choose to invest such a huge amount of money in the direction of Xuanling Star. This is actually not difficult to think of. Everyone thought of one thing almost immediately, that is, in Jinshan not long ago That tea-drunk incident in the big tea house!

In that incident, it was two teenagers from Xuanling Star who used a cup of tea to get everyone in the Jinshan Teahouse drunk!

Almost everyone knew about it later, so the people who placed bets must also know about it.

Xuan Lingxing, as a remote tea star, is participating for the first time, so it is well known that it can avoid the brutal battle of the knockout rounds and directly enter the finals.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, this is the basis for this person to place such a large bet on Xuanling Star!

After this incident, many tea ceremony forces realized the extraordinary nature of that cup of tea, and sent people to search for the two teenagers. Unfortunately, they have not been caught so far. According to everyone's speculation, the two of them should have escaped from this core area. , otherwise it would be impossible to escape the pursuit and interception of so many people.

If those two teenagers and a cup of tea appeared in the finals, then this large bet would be reasonable and should not be underestimated...

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