The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2904 Continuous setbacks

"I don't mind! I'm sorry, I'm deaf. From your accent, it seems that you are not from our Banzhang star, nor from the other three major tea stars nearby. I wonder where you are from?" Bangnuohu asked.

The Xuanpao man smiled and said, "I'm from Xuanling Star!"

Bangnuo was startled and thought: "Xuanling Star? Where is it? Why do I have a vague impression of it, but I don't know where it is?"

"Haha, although our planet is not small, it is extremely remote. It is on the outskirts of the Tea Star Territory. It is not easy to come here!" The man in black robe said with a smile.

"The outer periphery? Yes, I seem to have only heard of such a Xuanling Star recently, and there are two teenagers who came here from there!" Bonno finally reacted and said suddenly.

After all, what happened at the Jinshan Tea House was extremely shocking. Bangnuo was still talking about the sip of tea brewed by the two teenagers just now, so after the reminder of the man in black robe, he finally remembered it!

"Two teenagers? They might have come with me, but we got separated on the way. I didn't expect them to arrive too!" said the man in black robe.

"Oh my god! Do you know them?!" Bonno said in surprise.

"We know each other! We are still good friends! I learned my tea ceremony from them, they are both amazing!"

"Oh? How powerful?!" Bonno asked urgently.

"Hey, after drinking the tea they brewed, I often got drunk, and then I didn't dare to drink their tea anymore..." the man in black robe sighed.

"Is that so?! So what if you drink this Qingding tea now? Do you feel drunk?"

"No! To be honest, although this tea is good, there is still a big gap compared to their tea. Master, you don't know, there is a place in our Xuanling Planet where the tea is really good. It just happens to be In the sect where the two of them belong, other people have to spend a lot of money to drink their tea, and they have to find the right people. But I am lucky. I am friends with them, so I can drink it!" Xuan The man in the robe said proudly.

Bonnuo was extremely shocked when he heard this. It seemed that it was absolutely true that the two young men had the best tea!

As a tea lover, when I heard such news, the first thing that came to my mind was how can I taste such tea?

The longing in his heart was extremely strong, his mind was spinning, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, no one can find the two teenagers now. They all thought that they had escaped from here long ago, so it would be very difficult to find them again. .


No one else can find it,

But this Xuanpao man can do it, because he is friends with the two teenagers, both on the Xuanling Star. If he wants to drink such top-notch tea, he can achieve his goal through the relationship of this Xuanpao man!

When he thought of this, Bonno suddenly became enthusiastic and did not investigate who this mysterious robed man was? What are you doing in Ban Zhangxing? What is the real purpose of coming here to taste tea, etc...

In his opinion, it is impossible for anything to happen if he is here personally to take charge. Moreover, this person is just here to taste Qingding tea, and he also said that he wants to ask him about tea ceremony. Isn't this just to his taste...

The two were soon chatting and laughing, chatting all over the world. Bonnuo also asked the Xuanpao man to take him to get to know the two young men, as well as the sect on Xuanling Star that has top-quality tea, Xuanpao. The person naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and in this way, the relationship between the two people immediately became infinitely closer...

In the end, when the man in Xuanpao left, Bangnuo also gave him some Qingding tea. The two left each other letters and promised to contact each other immediately if they had any information about top-quality tea...

"Thank you, Brother Bang, for the gift of tea! We have a long way to go, see you later!" Xuanpao man Ta Li laughed.

"Haha, have a good go, Brother Ta! See you later!" Bonnuo said with a smile.

"Okay!" Tali quickly disappeared...

Bonnuo was still a little reluctant to see him leave, but after a while he was suddenly startled and finally realized that he seemed to have been confused by Talli just now. You must know that he has a heavy responsibility and should be extremely alert. When a stranger suddenly comes here, he should be questioned sternly, or even taken down directly, but he actually drinks with him and chats and laughs happily. This cannot be justified in any case...

"No! This Tali...if this is his real name...his cultivation level must be extremely high, otherwise he would not be able to come and go freely in front of me. However, he does not go anywhere else, but comes here to taste tea. There must be other purposes behind it..."

When Bonnuo thought of this, he suddenly felt a little panicked. He quickly searched with his consciousness, but found that he had lost all traces of the tower. He was stunned, and then urgently checked the control center, and found that the formation system was operating normally, and the monitoring of the formation spirit was There was no problem, so I felt a little relieved...

Just when he was secretly rejoicing, he suddenly saw his disciple Naka running over in a hurry and saying, "Master, there's something wrong!"

"What's the matter?!" Bonno asked urgently.

"The sales at the tea market suddenly increased sharply, and the disciple suspected that someone was coming to sweep the goods again!" Naka said loudly.

"Sweeping goods?!" Bonno was stunned, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he quickly thought of Tali!

"Is it him?!"

Bang Nuo did not dare to neglect, and quickly ordered: "Stop the tea market transaction immediately, and take people out to see what went wrong!"

"Yes! Master!" Naka responded quickly and hurried out.

Half of Bangnuo's words were spoken to Xi Ling. Upon hearing the order, Zhen Ling quickly cut off the trading system. As a result, all ongoing transactions were interrupted, and the merchants in the store could not receive money, so naturally they would not sell tea...

After some calculations by Zhen Ling, the transaction volume in the tea market during the period just now was astonishingly high, almost reaching about 20% of the amount during the last raid!

Fortunately, Bangnuo responded quickly, otherwise the losses would have accelerated!

When Bonnuo saw this number, he felt extremely regretful. He didn't expect that there would be a problem even if he was personally in charge here. Where should he put his face?

"It must be Tali! He was here just now. He should have cut into the formation system, obtained the jade card pass, and randomly added huge amounts of money to the jade card. Only then was he able to buy so many in this short period of time. Tea..." Bonno thought of this quickly.

Now that the jade pass is still in Tali's hand, it is natural that he must find it immediately and invalidate it, otherwise it will definitely still be a hidden danger. Therefore, Bangnuo immediately entered the formation system personally and searched carefully...

I had checked it once before, but unfortunately no problem was found. Bangnuo knew that the information about the jade pass must have been hidden by Tali, so he immediately asked the formation spirit to conduct a comprehensive search...

The two of them worked together and after a search, they finally found a setting that seemed a little abnormal. They quickly surrounded it, and after a closer inspection, they saw that there was information about a special jade plaque hidden inside!

Bangnuo's consciousness moved and he immediately destroyed it completely!

This specially packaged jade pass has completely come to an end...

Bangnuo withdrew his consciousness, let out a sigh of relief, and sat down slowly. His face was a little pale. The continuous searches, outflanks, and attacks just now consumed a lot of his spiritual energy. It can be seen that this small jade pass contains a lot of information. With a huge amount of energy, this may be just a casual display of Ta Li, but it is a huge difficulty for him to put it here!

This made Bonno angry, but also a little scared. What if Tali really wanted to force himself? !

Thinking of this, he quickly carved a letter and sent it to Mingfu...

Tali's operation of sweeping goods only lasted for a while before he realized that he could no longer trade. Only then did he realize that he should have some control over the display of the light screen, because the person sweeping goods this time was different from the one who swept goods last time. The last time the goods were swept was the first time, so the sharp increase in transaction volume did not alert the market controllers. However, after learning from the previous experience, this issue must be paid attention to if the goods are to be swept again this time. After all, I was still too careless!

Tali also felt a little frustrated. He didn't expect that he finally got the Jade Pass, but he made a mistake in such a detail. How could he be so careless?

Isn't this slightly inferior to the person last time?

Moreover, Bonno must have woken up now. His previous trick must have failed. What else can he do?

What Tali is doing now is actually to compete with the last sweeper. Otherwise, with his ability, he could completely sweep away all the tea leaves in this tea market in a very short period of time. However, the last time The sweeper uses wisdom instead of brute force, which makes it interesting and interesting. If it were just a duel of pure strength, even Tali himself would feel too low-level...

However, after several attacks, he suffered consecutive defeats, which made Tali very embarrassed, so while sipping his drink, he thought about whether to continue...

At this time, Naka, a disciple of Master Bangnuo, was leading many people to look around inside and outside the market, trying to find Tali. However, when they passed by the place where Tali was, they passed by as if they were ignoring him. Nothing wrong with this person was found!

In fact, this was also a misstep on Bonno's part. He should have thought that even he himself had not found any trace of Tali, so how could he possibly find it if he asked these disciples to look for it?

Tali watched them spinning around like headless insects and flies. It was very interesting. He couldn't help but smile proudly. Suddenly, he was startled. He saw a young man in purple robe walking in front of him. Of course, at this person's age, in his eyes, Basically, he is a young person, and within his race, he may not have finished his milk yet.

However, Tali's eyes lit up, and he soon discovered that this person was really different. For example, no one around him could detect his existence, but this young man in purple robe seemed to have wandered here intentionally or unintentionally, and was still sitting there. Opposite him, smelling the fragrance of the tea he brewed, he smiled and said: "Although this tea has a delicate fragrance, it is not natural. It is a strange fragrance added later. The first brew may be a little surprising, but after that It will appear bland and tasteless, and the tea flavor will appear short, making people uninteresting..."

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