The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2897 Buying Tea

Fukang's words surprised everyone!

Sure enough, I had overlooked this point before. Since this was just a video screen and it was clearly visible during the screening, I only noticed that Liufeng made a cup of tea and drank it, but did not notice the time issue.

But in the eyes of tea experts like Fukang and Tingxi, Liufeng's tea ceremony should not be underestimated. This can be proved by brewing a cup of tea perfectly in just one breath!

Just listen to Fukang say again: "The tea ceremony is very particular about timing and heat. When to boil the water to clear the cup, when to warm the pot and cup, when to put the tea leaves, when to brew the soup, etc. are all very particular. Some tea leaves Varieties still need a period of waiting before brewing. This is called awakening tea. The awakening time can be long or short, ranging from several months to a few days. As for whether the tea leaves Liufeng brews have gone through the awakening stage, it is We don’t know, but to judge the success of the tea ceremony, we still have to see the quality of the tea soup! You can watch carefully and see if you can find that the flowing wind is like flowing clouds and flowing water during the tea ceremony, but it is leisurely and contented? In other words, The short time is only one aspect, but more importantly, the popular tea ceremony is carried out in an extremely calm state, and the final tea soup is extremely extraordinary!"

"How can you see it?!" Zhizunbao asked anxiously.

"Look at the tea soup, as red as jade, as pure and flawless, as thick as thick soup, and as dense as nebulae. Whether it is the tea soup or the tea aroma, there is a little sparkle, as bright as the starry sky. Although you cannot see it up close, the starlight condenses like the sky. The river of stars is constantly flowing and vast, and the tea is rolling like a nebula, never stopping... The tea soup is already extremely intoxicating before you drink it, and it seems that you can already smell its alluring fragrance through this light curtain. , To be honest, my mouth and throat have already sensed this tea soup, and I feel that this tea must be highly fragrant and strong, with a deep and sweet aftertaste, which is endlessly memorable..." Fukang said.

"Wo..." Everyone heard a soft cry...

They are all people who are full of Taoism. Even if they don’t know much about the way of tea tasting, after hearing Fukang and Tingxi’s comments on the way of tea tasting, they quickly became enlightened. They listened to Fukang’s While describing it, I felt it with my heart, and I found that it was really different from the previous feelings!

Now everyone is sensitive to Liufeng's cup of tea, and feels that this tea must be as delicious as fine wine. Everyone's throat feels extremely longing, wishing they could drink such good tea right away!

They could all smell the aroma of tea gushing out through the light curtain. The long and deep tea charm came out like a substance, and seemed to fill this small space all at once! ! !

"Oh my God..." Everyone exclaimed!

I felt my mouth and tongue suddenly filled with fluid, and my throat was filled with a majestic sweet aroma. My whole body seemed to be immersed in the moistness of the tea soup, which made me feel extremely comfortable...

Fukang said proudly: "You should understand now, right? Why no one tasted Liufeng's tea on the spot?

Yet countless people have pushed this Taoist work to the top of the new tea ceremony list? "

Tingxi sighed: "Anyone who has the Taoism of tea can be infected by Liufeng's Taoism of tea through the light curtain, just more or less. The deeper the Taoism of oneself, the more people will be infected by it." Strong, so this Taoist work is naturally pushed to the top of the list! I am sure that if people in this tea star group see this Taoist work, they will definitely be fascinated by Liufeng's tea ceremony! !!”

"Of course!!!" Almost everyone said in unison.

Zhizunbao's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "So, my previous bet will not go wrong!"

"Oh?!" Everyone was startled.

"Okay, I will reveal another important information to you. The two young men have been confirmed by my family and Master Lian. One of them is Liu Feng and the other is Ling Daozi!" Zhizunbao said in shock.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked!

"Haha, you didn't expect it? They are here too! However, they are originally from the outer star realm, and Liufeng is a master of tea ceremony, so it is not surprising that they come to participate in this tea competition." Supreme Treasure said with a proud smile.

"That's it!" Everyone was stunned.

Fu Chunzhi finally stopped playing devil's advocate, but said suspiciously: "It turns out that the two of them also came to compete, so they should be from the Xuanling Star, but we have been tracking down the information about the Xuanling Star during this time, why... Almost nothing?"

"It's true, we have to continue to investigate! I guess Liufeng's family base is also there. This is extremely important information for us!" Zhizunbao said.

"That's right! People like Liu Feng and Ling Daozi can appear on Xuanling Star. It can't be an ordinary place. Maybe there are some big secrets hidden there. Maybe we can get big benefits if we go there!" Guanlan agreed. .

"Well, that's what the so-called outstanding people are talking about!" Rong Bing agreed.

"It seems that Xuan Lingxing is imperative. However, the focus now is to make big money from the gambling market as soon as possible. We can't relax. Except for the finals, we must not let go of every previous game and strive to win All the dealers here!" Supreme Treasure said proudly.

"Okay!!!" Everyone responded in unison.

The situation before the tea competition was complicated, and all the major forces came up with all kinds of tricks to compete with each other, making the core area of ​​​​Banzhangxing full of tension and increasingly fierce atmosphere...

But on the other side, there were crowds of people gathered from all directions, and they were almost excited!

Tea shops everywhere are overcrowded, and tea ceremony merchants are so busy that they can't stop for a moment. On the countless light screens in the core area of ​​tea trading, numbers are beating from time to time, which show the trading volume and volume of tea. Transaction volume, these figures are constantly rising...

What is not surprising is that the sales of Qingding tea are far ahead, making other tea ceremony forces jealous!

Why not mention sales?

This is because Qingding Tea has successfully ranked among the top teas after winning first place in three competitions. Therefore, Qiaopu is taking a boutique sales road. Their tea prices are extremely high and the quantity is natural. It’s less, but looking at sales, it’s surprisingly high!

For such a famous tea, people are concerned about whether they can buy the genuine product, rather than the price. This is just like the sales strategy adopted by Xingyun Wine early on.

However, Qiaopu themselves did not realize this, because they were actually forced to take this path. Deep down, they also wanted to expand sales, but they failed to do so.

Why is this?

The reason is naturally its unique tea-covering technique.

Using this technique is destined to fail to expand production, because it is too difficult to find suitable boys and girls to cover the tea!

In particular, this technique is still a secret technique. As a secret technique, you cannot do it with great fanfare, otherwise it will be discovered by others quickly, and the consequences will be serious.

Therefore, the boys and girls you find must not only be good, but also cultivate, and they must keep it secret. Even those who are eliminated, you must provide for them well, otherwise they may spread this secret to the outside world.

Some people may say that the best way for cultivators to keep secrets is to kill these people afterwards, because only the dead can keep secrets. However, things are not that simple. Those people are all searched for secretly. They are most likely relatives, friends and descendants of people in the power. Without certain connections, it is unlikely that they will be allowed to enter the power to take on this important task. Therefore, if these people are eliminated afterwards, it will definitely cause internal chaos. The problem is the same. Extremely serious.

Qiaopu would not do such a thing, and the number of virgins they found was not very large. It took a lot of time for each person to make tea, and the quantity was very small. The output could not be increased in a short period of time, which made Qiao Zhuang sad. Thinking through...

However, precisely because of this, the price of Qingding tea has been driven up by others, and it is getting higher and higher. It is an unexpected joy to finally enter such a high-quality sales road!

Li Yun and Little They are invisible to people, but in the eyes of other ordinary people, they are just two young people, not much different from other people joining in the fun...

"Sir, ahead is the Qiaopu store selling Qingding tea!" Xiaoxing said.

"Very good, I bought all their stocks!" Li Yun said.

"Buy it all?" Xiaoxing was startled.


"That Qingding tea is nothing in our eyes, why buy it?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"Let the people in Xingyun Castle try it. There are a lot of good teas here, which are very beneficial to those who study tea ceremony. They are also exquisite products for those who like to drink. Why not buy them all!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"So that's what adults think!" Xiaoxing suddenly realized.

"Yes! The people in the tea castle you trained can't stand it and can't drink it at all, but these tea leaves have no problem at all!" Li Yun said.

"Hehe, of course! Only the two of us can afford to drink Xiaonu's tea. Everyone else will get drunk as soon as they drink it, which is no fun at all..." Xiaoxing said proudly.


The two communicated quickly and walked into Qiaopu's store...

The shop owner here is none other than Qiao Yu, Qiao Zhuang’s youngest daughter and Qing Ding’s wife…

When she saw two young people entering the store, she naturally didn't take it seriously. She was about to ask her maid to receive them when her eyes suddenly lit up. She covered her mouth with her delicate hands and almost screamed!

Because she discovered that these two people were the two teenagers who appeared in Jinshan Tea House that day!


She secretly screamed in her heart and immediately wrote a message to send out. Then she twisted her waist and greeted him with a smile on her face...

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