The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2895 Betting on Xuanling Star?

Compared with Jun Gengbei from the Ban Zhang camp, Qing Ding’s research on using virgin tea is much deeper than him. In addition to casting a wide net and selecting carefully, he also asked them to practice special skills diligently. The method is the method that Qiao Yu practices. After practicing this method, the fragrance of Virgin Mary is particularly compatible with a certain type of tea produced by Qiaopu. In other words, the two aromas are highly integrated, and the fusion of both sides is very good. The results achieved are mutually reinforcing and multiplied!

This is the real secret of Qingding tea!

No wonder Qingding stood firm on Diaoyutai in the face of competition from everyone and was full of confidence, because he knew that no one could achieve research results like his own. This tea was originally unique and even impossible to copy.

As for the competition of tea products from other planets, it is another matter, because the tea leaves of each planet have their own environment, water and soil, and their characteristics are different. This distinguishes them from Xigui tea, and if someone can do it on their own The characteristics of the tea are further improved and become extremely prominent, so this tea has the competitiveness to compete with Qingding tea!

If it happens to be Banzhangxing Tea, then coupled with the home court advantage, Qingding Tea will have some pressure...

"How to ensure the advantage..." Qingding was thinking secretly...

"Hey, that sip of tea before!!!"

An idea flashed in Qingding's mind, and he remembered the sip of tea he drank at Jinshan Teahouse. It was that sip of tea that made him and everyone in the teahouse drunk...

If Qingding tea has such tea flavor and tea flavor, why worry about not winning the final? !

Who are those two teenagers? Where are they now? What exactly is their tea? Where is the Xuanling Star? Do they still have tea like that?

These problems emerged one by one, but as the major forces turned to prepare for the competition, no one cared about this matter. However, Qing Ding still remembered the sip of tea.

As the first person to take a sip of the tea, he was shocked by the power of the tea and found it difficult to resist!

He still clearly remembers the aura that kept exploding after the tea entered his mouth. It was just like the Yangtze River rolling in, with an endless stream. His entire mouth, throat, body and brain were completely occupied in an instant, and he had no time at all. I stopped thinking about other things, and soon I was immersed in the ocean of tea's charm, and I couldn't extricate myself...

It can be said that such tea charm is the most powerful tea ceremony in the world. As soon as you come into contact with it, you will be captured by it and lose the ability to control yourself...

When Qing Ding thought of that tea flavor, he could no longer be confident. If he compared his own Qing Ding tea with that tea, there would be a huge difference.

In fact, it’s impossible to compare them together because the levels are so different!

He is still self-aware of this. After all, he has personal experience and has the most say.

In his opinion, if he encounters that kind of tea in the finals, then he can only be defeated, so he can only hope that the two teenagers will not appear in the finals, and this seems to have become a reality, because so many teams All the forces were searching for them, but no one was found. This shows that they have most likely left here and fled to the periphery...

"What a pity. I wish I had their tea... By the way, that tea smell?!" Qing Ding suddenly had another flash of inspiration!

At that time, when he was trapped in the tea charm, he tried his best to bind up the remaining tea scent in his body. Finally, with the help of Zai Yin, he forced it out of the body and finally escaped from the tea scent place. Influence, and now, that ball of tea gas is locked in a small space stone by Zai Yin.

According to Zaiyin, the tea gas seems to have vitality and is always trying to break through the blockade and run out. This kind of tea gas is really terrible. You know, it is a ball of tea gas that has been diluted many times, but it still has With such a powerful force, I don’t know how such tea aura is cultivated...

"What if... this tea aroma can be integrated into Qingding tea?!" Qingding suddenly thought.

In his opinion, there is actually no need for more, just a little bit of this tea aroma is enough to turn the decayed tea into magic, and the mediocre into top-notch tea!

As soon as this idea came to his mind, he couldn't sit still and quickly discussed with Zai Yin secretly to use the tea smell as a test...

When Zai Yin heard this, his eyes lit up, and he felt that Qing Ding's words were very reasonable, because even he was intoxicated by the charm of the tea, let alone others.

In addition, although the tea scent is small, its vitality is extremely strong. The majestic vitality alone is enough to add countless charm to the tea, which is exactly what many teas lack...

He immediately agreed and started an emergency experiment with Qing Ding...

Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu quickly discovered this scene, so they threw out the information, which immediately attracted the attention of many powerful people!

Yabo Zhai's Zhai Zhai was surprised: "If their experiment is successful, I'm afraid no one can be their opponent in the finals!"

"Yes, that tea aura is too powerful, and Qingding Tea is originally a top-notch tea. Such a powerful combination can be said to be two swords united, invincible in the world!" Rong Bing, the leader of Zhengye Hall, agreed.

Upon hearing this, Zhizunbao teased: "No one can beat you? Two swords combined? You are too good at bragging. What if those two teenagers show up in the finals?"

"Isn't this...impossible?" Guan Lan was startled and said suspiciously.

"So many people can't be found. They should have escaped long ago!" Rong Bing agreed.

Supreme Treasure shook his head and hummed: "What's impossible? This is what makes them great! Although I don't know where they are now, they will definitely appear in the finals. All they need to do is bring out the same cup of tea. , you can easily get the first place!”

"What?!" Guanlan, Rongbing and others all screamed.

"Do you want to bet on them?" Guanlan reacted and asked in shock.

"That's right! The final bet is the best bet. I will definitely bet all on the Xuanling Star!" Supreme Treasure said proudly.

"Wo..." Guanlan and the others looked at each other in disbelief.

In fact, they still don't know who the two teenagers are, and Zhizunbao and others have not revealed this information. This has caused a cognitive gap between Zhizunbao and others and others.

Rong Bing said: "What if they really don't show up? Then wouldn't our investment in Xuanling Star be in vain?"

Guanlan nodded and agreed: "Even if they really show up, can you be sure that they still have that kind of tea on them? Such top-quality tea is not something that Chinese cabbage has. In order to escape, they might have used After using this move, it is very likely that it is the only tea leaf they have on them, and it is also their life-saving trick in critical moments. Once it is used, it will be gone..."

"That makes sense..."

"That's right..."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. Indeed, as the observer said, there is absolutely no way that there are many tea leaves of that level. It is most likely an orphan. Maybe the two teenagers stole it from Xuanling Star when they came out. At that time Use it quickly to save your life...

Tonghuashun said from the side: "Your analysis is very reasonable, but on this matter, I still support Supreme Treasure. There is no need for those two teenagers to run for their lives, let alone rely on tea to save their lives!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Guanlan asked curiously.

"Hey, you just need to think about how those two teenagers were able to survive the search by so many forces without being discovered! The situation now is much more serious than the situation in the teahouse at that time, but they were able to avoid it calmly , This shows that they are at least very capable of escaping without the help of tea leaves..." Tonghuashun analyzed.

"This..." Everyone was slightly startled, and after thinking about it, they couldn't help but agree with this view.

"Could it be that they have been caught and imprisoned secretly?" Rong Bing thought.

"Impossible! Now my master and Mr. Wan have fully penetrated into the information network of those forces. They are now making the final sprint for the selection of tea products in the finals. No one is distracted by other things. This shows that the two teenagers are not They were caught, otherwise someone must be questioning them, and they have already gotten what they want!" Tonghuashun analyzed.

"Yes..." Everyone suddenly realized.

"Then are you sure they will definitely go to the finals?" Guanlan asked again.

Supreme Treasure praised: "Good question! This is indeed a question. They may not necessarily participate in the finals, but we just got a piece of information that can confirm this!"

"What information?!" everyone asked urgently.

"It was Niu Shi who revealed that he was the last person who had contact with the two teenagers. Later, he fell into the hands of people from the Icelandic camp. According to Tang Qiaoer's questioning, he mentioned that the two teenagers had Tell him that we must kill them in the finals!" said Zhizunbao.

"Cut them?" Everyone was startled.

"It should be just to defeat them and make them lose face..." Supreme Treasure said with a smile.

"Wow..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

It seems that there is a lot to see in this tea competition, and the most important thing is that this result seems to have been predicted by my temporary gambling group!

Yes, if the information is true, then those two magical teenagers will definitely appear in the finals, and there should be similar tea leaves in them that can overwhelm all other tea leaves!

No matter what their tea is, just based on their previous performance in the big teahouse, they can definitely guarantee that they will win the first place...

"I don't think so..." said Fu Chunzhi from Wanhuahui.

Zhizunbao was startled and asked curiously: "I wonder what Fairy Fu has to say?"

Fu Chunzhi said: "Their appearance in the finals does not necessarily guarantee victory. We know that there are a hundred judges in the tea finals, and each one has the power of one or more votes. This kind of judging depends on personal voting. The game that determines the outcome is inherently controllable, which is particularly beneficial to the host country..."

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