The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2877 Still got tricked!

Trudeau's thoughts are quite similar to Li Yun's, because he has now guessed that those unknown poisons are most likely to be present in mutant monsters. If the expeditionary force captures a large number of mutant monsters in the starry sky, this is likely to accelerate The poison spreads!

However, what he didn't know was that the unknown poison was not a new poison developed by the orcs, but belonged to a completely different civilization, the virus civilization!

He was not aware of the existence of viral civilization, but only divided the forces in this universe into confrontations and struggles between the major stars in the positive domain and the orcs. This is of course related to his vision and accumulation of wisdom.

Right now, what he was worried about was whether the poison from the orcs would be further transmitted to the civilized people of the race. In order to stop this development trend, he felt that he had to take action!

"Your Majesty, we can spread this information to and, and of course other networks to let more people know about this. We must be careful about the unknown poison on the orcs. If anyone If you are poisoned, it is best to isolate and treat it first to avoid spreading it to other people!" Trudeau said.

"The efficiency of putting it up ourselves is too low. It would be better to leave it to the two major forces to spread it..." Hailiang said.

"Yes..." Trudeau suddenly realized.

He quickly sent a message to Fairy Wangfu and asked her to hand it over to the branch of the two major forces located in the capital of the Kangtian tribe...

"Should we also send a fleet to hunt for crystals and hunt beasts?" Hailiang pondered.

"This... Tao Jing is fine, but hunting beasts seems really necessary!" Trudeau said.

"Oh? What do you think?"

"Firstly, if we hunt mutant monsters ourselves, we don't have to buy them at high prices from others, which saves a lot of money. Secondly, these mutant monsters are of great research value. Now Master Nanshan and the others are helpless against unknown poisons. The most important thing is The reason is that the source of the poison is still not available. If there is poison in the monster, it will be very helpful to their research!" Trudeau analyzed.

"It makes sense! It seems like it won't work without sending people to hunt the beasts!" Hailiang said loudly.

He quickly issued a battle order and sent out a well-equipped fleet with the goal of hunting down a few mutant monsters.

However, his war order was opposed by Nanshan!

"Master, why do you object to us sending troops? We capture mutated monsters mainly to help you with your research.

"Hai Liang said curiously.

"Your Majesty, you don't know. If those mutated monsters have this unknown poison, then everyone who comes close to or comes into contact with them will be in danger of being infected!" Nanshan Zhongdao said.

"What? Even if they didn't spray poison, there would still be a risk of infection?" Hailiang was startled.

"This is extremely possible! Although we don't have the poisons on those mutated monsters on hand, we do have the poisons on the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts in the territory! Recently, Wen Hong, Lan Juan and I have discovered , The poisons on the dark blood beasts and ferocious beasts in the territory seem to be contagious, which means that they are also developing in the direction of mutation!" Nanshan said in shock.

"Oh my god..." Hailiang screamed when he heard this.

"This is not an alarmist statement, but it has been proven by actual examples! My followers and disciples are walking around and observing among the people, and the information they feed back every day shows that something similar to your Majesty and Brother Tru is also happening in our Kangtian tribe. Symptoms..." Nan Shanzhong sighed.

"What? What should we do?!" Hailiang asked in shock.

"Your Majesty, don't be alarmed. We are working hard to overcome this problem. However, the most important thing at the moment is to discover the reason why this highly virulent virus spreads and causes disease. Only by understanding this reason can we treat patients in a targeted manner. Otherwise, we can only treat patients randomly. Applying medicine will not have any obvious effect, and it will also add unnecessary burden to the patient's body, causing his body to become weaker, which is not conducive to resisting the erosion of unknown poisons..." Nan Shanzhong analyzed.

"This is the truth... Didn't Trudeau discover that they can spread through breathing, contact and consciousness?" Hailiang asked suspiciously.

"Yes! But these are just a few of their ways of transmission. We have also found that they can be transmitted through body fluids, feces and other excretions. In short, as long as someone is infected with this kind of poison, it will not take long for him to become a mobile The poison will spread wherever it goes. If they are not isolated and treated in time, this person can spread the poison to everyone around him, and the expansion speed is extremely fast!" said Nan Shanzhong.

Hailiang and Trudeau were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that this poison was so powerful that it would poison all races and civilized people!

"What about our tribesmen who were poisoned?!" Hailiang reacted and asked anxiously.

"Your Majesty, I was about to ask you for instructions on this matter! Should we give our disciples certain powers and soldiers? As soon as someone is found to be poisoned, they will be isolated and treated immediately to prevent them from continuing to spread the poison. At present, this is The simplest and most effective control method!" Nan Shanzhong said.

"Okay...Okay! No problem!" Hailiang said quickly.

He quickly asked Nan Shanzhong to take half of his military talismans to mobilize his troops...

It didn't take long for the entire Kangtian tribe to become a little panicked, because people discovered that adults' troops were arresting people every day, and they also went door to door to conduct inquiries and diagnoses. As soon as they found someone with a problem, they were immediately pulled out. How can they not panic when undergoing isolation treatment?

In addition, the Kangtian tribe quickly organized a fleet to completely encircle and suppress the dark blood beasts and vicious beasts within their territory. The goal was to annihilate them all without leaving a single one behind!

When the people of the tribe were in panic, someone got information from and It turned out that the poison in the dark blood beasts and ferocious beasts could be transmitted to the people of the race. Now the truth was finally revealed!

"I didn't expect it was infected by those nasty beasts!"

"Yes, it won't work without exterminating these harmful spirits!"

"Yes, only by killing them all can we feel relieved..."

"Let's go! Go grab this guy, and you must help our army slay the beasts!"

"It makes sense. When there is trouble in the clan, everyone is responsible..."

"That's right..."

People suddenly realized that they took up weapons one after another and joined the ranks of slaying the beasts. A great battle started vigorously...

It can be said that the Kangtian tribe had foresight and effectively prevented the spread of the new virus. However, the Mojie tribe was not so lucky. At this time, including Emperor Zhenwei, Guanghuan and others, they were still He didn't realize the horror of unknown poisons until Guanghuan received the second letter from Trudeau...

"Emperor, it's not good!!!" Guang Huan hurriedly found Zhenwei and said loudly.

"Why are you panicking?!"

"Emperor, please look!" Guanghuan handed Trudeau's letter to Zhenwei.

When Zhenwei saw it, his whole body couldn't help but tremble slightly...

He quickly checked himself and soon discovered that there were some small bruises all over his lungs and veins. These bruises were hidden in the vast world inside the body and were extremely difficult to find. No wonder he had not noticed them before.

However, as Trudeau said in his letter, these scars will continue to grow larger over time, the damage will become deeper and deeper, and the threat will naturally become greater and greater!

"How are you?" Zhenwei asked.

"Emperor, I also have scars on my body! And..."

"And what?!" Zhenwei asked urgently.

"People who are close to Wei Chen all have such scars on their bodies. They must have been infected by Wei Chen... I guess they will infect others..." Guang Huan sighed.

"Oh my god..." Zhenwei screamed, completely confused!

Unexpectedly, despite all the calculations, I still got tricked!

It is really unexpected that the dark-blooded beasts and ferocious beasts have become like this. Are they really going to rise now? !

On the one hand, it mutates into an orc spaceship, and on the other hand, it develops such a terrifying poison. With this two-pronged approach, I am afraid it will be difficult for racial civilization to resist...

"Immediately summon all the great masters in the clan to discuss how to deal with this matter!" Zhenwei said.

"Yes! The Emperor! By the way, there is another message, sent by Justin..." Guang Huan handed several letters in his hand to Zhenwei.

"Justin?" Zhenwei checked it immediately, and his expression quickly became a little more exciting.

These letters were sent at a very short interval, so they were received almost at the same time. In this way, both Zhenwei and Guanghuan learned about the battle that took place in the starry sky of Mojie Passage.

The combined fleet achieved a great victory and captured half of the opponent's monsters. Such a result made Zhenwei's mood suddenly turn from gloomy to bright!

"Haha, it seems that the mutated monsters are just mediocre..." Zhenwei laughed.

"Indeed! However, it was an encounter, and the combined fleet of Bogeke and Yang Qinju can be said to be the top fleet of our race's civilization. It seems reasonable that they can defeat each other! But Weichen is worried now It is the poison in the monster. This poison is like maggots attached to the bones. If it cannot be driven out and is allowed to spread in the body, it will be a terrible disaster for the civilized people of our race!" Huan said.

"Yes, maybe the combat power of mutant monsters has not been greatly improved, but the poison on their bodies is extremely powerful. It must be contained no matter what, otherwise it will only kill a thousand enemies and injure eight hundred in one battle. A miserable victory!" Zhenwei agreed.

"The emperor is right! Justin mentioned in his letter that he has sent thirty mutated monsters to help our people in our headquarters conduct research. He really did the right thing in this matter!" Guanghuan said.

"Hmph, this guy sent monsters, but he didn't follow my orders to withdraw troops from the channel base. I haven't settled the matter with him yet!" Zhenwei said loudly.

"Don't be upset, Emperor. In fact, let alone the fact that he has been guarding there for many years, there will definitely be a lot of reluctance to withdraw the troops immediately. Even we made this decision after hesitation. In the end, we gave this order to ensure the safety of our soldiers. . Now it seems that he was right not to withdraw his troops. After all, that big victory was enough for us to relax a little..."

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