The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2840 A prophet of uncertainty?

However, in the process of watching, studying and analyzing, Wan Shitong gradually discovered that he should not feel gloating about the crazy betting behavior of Xiaoqiang Group. On the contrary, he must have deep respect for such a person with strong obsessions!

That's right, an obsessed person will be more determined and can persevere better than others. If he happens to be a super genius, then his probability of success will be higher than others!

What's more, Xiaoqiang has already achieved a very high winning rate in tens of thousands of betting markets in the last round. Even if he really made money by taking advantage of network errors, his strength is unquestionable. In addition, he is on the Internet. He made countless money in a round of gambling, and most of the gambling rounds had high odds. Even if he failed in this round, the loss would not be big for him.

He glanced at the Supreme Treasure and found that he was still immersed in the study of chess games and gambling boards. He couldn't help but sigh slightly. How could such a research speed be compared with Xiaoqiang?

Xiaoqiang alone has to study tens of thousands of gambling games, and almost every one of these gambling games has a large-scale team behind the scenes. In other words, Xiaoqiang alone has to deal with hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. A person is fighting, whether he is a madman or a super master, he is definitely worthy of others looking up to him...

As time goes by, some chess games have begun to take shape, and Wan Shitong's heart has begun to sink, sinking continuously...

With his eyes, it is not difficult for him to find that these chess games seem to be developing towards the level and direction of Xiaoqiang's bet...

"How is this possible? How is this possible?! What on earth is going on?!" Wan Shitong screamed repeatedly in his heart.

Could Xiaoqiang really be able to predict the future? ! ! !

Logically speaking, this is impossible. The battle between each pair of chess players is ever-changing. If you are not careful, you may lose the whole game. The probability of this happening is even greater than the result of the normal strength contest between the players. So why is Xiaoqiang able to hit the target so accurately? !

Although it will still be some time before the real results come out, this at least shows that Xiaoqiang's prediction is very accurate, a bit too accurate!

If this trend continues, I'm afraid he will guess the results of many bets again...

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door, and the jack-of-all-trades is of course an expert, an expert among experts, so he is now studying and analyzing Xiaoqiang through these phenomena...

The idea of ​​not fighting an unprepared battle is of course something he admires. If Xiaoqiang really forces him to take action, then of course the first thing he has to do is to understand Xiaoqiang!

It's a pity that there is too little information about Xiaoqiang now, so pitifully little, so Wanshitong can only study him based on the existing information. However, in Wanshitong's view, no matter who Xiaoqiang himself is, the most intuitive and effective way to embody his characteristics is It's his shots. From the last round to this round, these shots are the truest portrayal of him!

At this time, information about countless gambling markets slowly flowed through Wan Shitong's mind. Every gambling market and every move made by Xiaoqiang were studied repeatedly by him, and the most special one was the failed gambling market of less than ten games...

What impressed Wan Shitong the most was the timing of Xiaoqiang's move. Most people always try to make bets at the last moment, because at that time they can observe the latest development of the chess game. However, Xiaoqiang always placed his bets in advance, even when two chessmen were playing. The bets are made before the hand has landed, and at the latest, the bets are made when both sides have landed more than ten to twenty stones, and never more than thirty!

It was Xiaoqiang's habit of betting that completely disrupted the position of the geniuses under Zhizunbao. Why do you say this?

Because those geniuses actually play two roles, one is the banker, and the other is the gambler. As the banker, they can see the level and direction of Xiaoqiang's bets.

As gamblers, their goal is to win money!

In this way, those geniuses will intentionally or unintentionally avoid the level and direction of Xiaoqiang's bet when placing bets, and choose to go forward or backward, or even in the opposite direction. Among them, except Gang Han, there are ten In addition to choosing the same betting level and direction as the people from the Xiaoqiang Group, other people, including Gang Han’s twenty other betting markets, all chose different bets from the people from the Xiaoqiang Group!

It can be said that has messed up its position in this round of game with Xiaoqiang Group, and the result may be self-evident, because in the gambling market, the results will often severely punish those who are not determined. Wanshitong feels the same way about this...

The second characteristic of Xiaoqiang's move is that after making the move, he will no longer use other supplementary means, whether it is to increase his position or hedging, but not at all. This is the main reason why Wanshitong believes that Xiaoqiang is obsessed.

Needless to say, the third characteristic is that the people in Xiaoqiang Group all made large orders, and the amount of each transaction was the same, but as they entered this round, the amount more than doubled compared to the previous round. !

Simple, clear, fast, high stakes…

This is the most obvious feature of Xiaoqiang's move. In the opinion of Wanshitong, if a gambler can reach such a level of move, if the last point is excluded, it will definitely be a success!

On the contrary, those who think too much, are extremely entangled, hesitate to make decisions, and often regret it, if they gamble, the final result will most likely be that they will lose even their underwear...

However, reaching such a high level as Xiaoqiang is not something that can be achieved just by thinking about it. It is impossible to achieve without arduous training, countless personal reflections and insights, and improvement in cultivation level.

In addition, in addition to these personal subjective factors, there are also objective factors that need to be matched. For example, if there is not enough information capacity to guarantee it, and there is not a large amount of funds to back it up, how can such a move be possible?

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard Supreme Treasure shouting: "Okay!"

Wanshitong looked around and found that a chess player in one of the gambling boards was in trouble and was fainting. If he really fell down, then he would naturally lose the game, and Xiaoqiang's move was the key to this game. It was he who won.

No wonder the Supreme Treasure screamed with excitement...

I saw that this man was trembling all over, his face was extremely ugly, but he seemed to be persisting, using his spiritual power, he took out some pills from his body, and stuffed them into his mouth tremblingly...

The Supreme Treasure stared at this scene intently, almost stunned!

After a while, the pill seemed to have taken effect. The man's face miraculously recovered, and his whole body was filled with spiritual energy. The light shone, and his momentum gradually became stronger...

"What's going on? How could he have a soul-reviving pill?!!! Or a top-grade one?!!!" Supreme Treasure yelled.

Heaven-level elixirs like the top-grade soul-reviving elixir are definitely hard to find. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. To own such elixirs, you need money and fate...

In the view of Supreme Treasure, this high-grade soul-reviving pill was simply cheated by a pig and fell into the hands of this person!

This scene really affected the opponent's psychology greatly. After a while, the opponent had a problem and made a series of stupid moves. He was caught tightly by this person, and he immediately turned from defense to offense, trying to take the lead...

After a while, this person had the overall advantage, and of course the opponent was unwilling to give up casually. Unfortunately, all his power was exhausted, and he collapsed slowly...

This person's victory is exactly the level and direction Xiaoqiang placed his bet on! ! !

The Supreme Treasure's face was earth-colored, as if he was the loser. He could not imagine that even such a small chance could be defeated by Xiaoqiang! ! !

Could Xiaoqiang's luck really be so overwhelming? !

You know, Zhizunbao has also discovered this trend now, that is, in the process of continuous evolution, these gambling markets are gradually approaching the level and direction set by Xiaoqiang...

And the bet just now was the one with the earliest result he set!

This is why he is so concerned. He just wants to see if Xiaoqiang can win this bet that ends so quickly. Generally speaking, in a game of this level, the later on, the differences between the players will The closer the level is, the more entangled they will be until the end. No one will give in easily, in order to gain a slight chance of victory.

The strength of the two people in this betting plate is actually very close. Almost all gamblers will guess that they can play to the final stage. Only Xiaoqiang has set it at a higher level. Now, when the results come out, Xiaoqiang’s bet is simply It took everyone, and the dealer was even worse. He had to pay him at least ten times the amount. With the amount of Xiaoqiang's bet, he made a lot of money from this one bet alone!

The conductors and traders in charge of this game were all stunned and speechless. When they reacted, most of them had their legs weak, unable to sit still, and rolled into a ball...

Zhizunbao's heart is trembling...

Although is wealthy, it cannot bear such terrible losses. If the remaining betting markets, close to 10,000 betting markets, all lose like this, it will definitely be a big hole that will be difficult to fill...

Of course, not every odds that Xiaoqiang bets on are so high, but if he wins them all, it will add up to an astronomical figure!

Zhizunbao regrets it!

If he had known that this might be the outcome, he would have chosen to take action himself, and would have informed Wan Shitong and asked him to provide backup, but now it is too late...

All he could do was pray, praying that would have better luck, praying that Xiaoqiang would make a mistake in judgment, and that all luck would be lost...

However, contrary to expectations, the evolution of the chess game is approaching Xiaoqiang's judgment step by step. As the time node approaches, the betting boards are revealed one by one. Xiaoqiang's judgment is extremely perfect, and his winning rate is even higher than the previous round. Higher, because so far it’s all hits! ! !

The Supreme Treasure's entire body seemed to be petrified. It was really as motionless as a treasure, but it was constantly trembling slightly...

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