The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2838 Thousands of Showdowns

Tengwu understands that the control of the gambling board does require a lot of skills, and he has done a good enough job in this regard. However, at this time, he is in the role of a gambler, and there is a difference between taking action and controlling the gambling board. Gamblers are more What you rely on is a firm belief. You must believe in yourself. It will be difficult if others follow what they say and become a fool!

In addition, in addition to relying on factors such as their own vision, the information at hand, and strong self-confidence, gamblers also rely on luck!

Sometimes, luck also plays a big role, because no one is sure that he will win. No matter how accurate you are, you may miss due to some sudden factors or inexplicable reasons. Therefore, there is always a chance of winning or losing. With a certain probability, when other factors are similar, it depends on who has better luck...

Since the two sides are betting against each other, let's see who has better luck and have no regrets!

After Tengwu made the huge bet, it seemed as if all his strength had been drained from his body. He felt a little groggy and was quickly carried down to rest...

Seeing this scene, Zhizunbao couldn't help but have a look of pity on his face. He thought to himself that it seemed that he had put too much pressure on them. You know, in addition to the pressure he put on them, they would definitely put pressure on themselves. Pressure, under this double pressure, it’s good to be able to withstand it!

"Huh? Gang Han also took action!" Zhizunbao screamed again.

This Gang Han is also a super genius under him. It seems that super geniuses are a little different. They can even place bets faster than others...

Seeing Gang Han's bet, Supreme Treasure was slightly startled and said to himself: "It's the same as Ye Hu's bet?!"

It is impossible to make big money by betting like this, because if you want to make big money now, the goal is to bet on Yehu. If you are like him, even if you win, you can only make a small amount of money. After all, other levels of betting Well, overall it's not too big. If you divide it with Ye Hu and others, there won't be much left...

However, in the opinion of Zhizunbao, the direction of betting on this plate should be correct, but the level may be further back. If he wins, he can live and eat the night tiger!

For bookmakers, one of their advantages is that they can see the betting status of gamblers. Therefore, after knowing that Yehu has made a bet, if you want to eat up his bet, you can think of some ways, such as , some bookmakers may collude with the players in the game. As long as the players are willing to cooperate, the gambler's big bet will definitely be eaten.

However, in a competition of this level, this move is basically useless, and no chess player is willing to cooperate, because every chess game on this big stage will be recorded in history and will be related to their own moral principles, reputation and future, such as If there is fraud, it will be difficult to recover once it is leaked...

Or the dealer can use the loopholes in the formation to influence one of the players, but again, in a game of this level, there is no doubt that the formation is strong and basically impossible to break through, so gamblers are better off returning to the basics. , analyze your bets carefully, otherwise, once discovered, the consequences will be extremely serious, especially for gambling setters like Gang Han. If they are found to be cheating, it may also affect the gambling group behind them. Reputation, so this approach is also impossible to implement...

Although Zhizunbao felt a little regretful, he still felt that it was good for Ganghan to take action like this. Even if he lost, he could guarantee that he would not lose too much in this set, and depending on the situation on the set, he should still be able to win some.

"Eh? He took action again?!" Supreme Treasure shouted again!

It turns out that in addition to following up Ye Hu's big deal, Gang Han also made another bet in the opposite direction. If this bet wins, it is possible to win a big house with a small gain!

"Okay!!!" Zhizunbao couldn't help but praise!

Gang Han is indeed a super genius in the group.

Just these two bets show it!

First of all, he did not deliberately go against Yehu's bet because of the pressure to win, but made the bet based on his own judgment. Therefore, the big bet fell on the same level and direction as Yehu. Secondly, In order to control the board and get the chance to win money, he placed another bet in the opposite direction. Even if he lost this bet, at most it would only reduce the total profit without losing money. At the same time, he would also have the opportunity to eat up the night. Tiger's bet, this operation method can be called "hedging". Maybe many people understand it, but it is difficult to achieve proficiency. Without rigorous training, long-term tempering, and one's own insights, That's hard to do...

At this time, Gang Han seemed to be dizzy due to excessive mental exertion. He quickly took out a pill and swallowed it. His eyes were bloodshot, but they were wide open. He continued to observe the board, preparing to wait for opportunities...

You must know that there is still time before the end of the bet. During this period, if Ye Hu still makes any movement, he must respond in time, so Gang Han chose to persist. In his opinion, it would be very serious if he loses again in this game. It’s hard to explain to the Supreme Treasure, and as a prominent figure in the group, I must not lose consecutively!

No matter what, we must snipe Yehu to cheer up everyone in the group!

As time went by, the geniuses under Supreme Treasure finally began to place bets one by one. Everyone had different styles, betting methods and time choices, but in essence, they all based on their own Use your own judgment to place a bet, in order to win the slightest chance of winning...

After reading everyone's bets, Zhizunbao looked a little gloomy because he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake!

This mistake was that I put too much pressure on these people before, requiring them to win this round!

If you add another layer of pressure from these geniuses who have high demands on themselves, thinking that they must win back and earn face for, then the pressure on these people will be great!

It is precisely because of this that they are unable to maintain a stable mentality, so that when they take action, they are in conflict with their own ideas.

For example, even if their judgment is similar or even the same as that of the people in Xiaoqiang's group, their bets will be biased, either ahead or later, and they rarely choose the same betting level and direction as the people in Xiaoqiang's group!

Their purpose of doing this is obvious, that is, to eat up the bets of Xiaoqiang Group and recover all previous losses...

This new round has a total of nearly 10,000 gambling plates, and the number of people in charge of trading has reached nearly 300. Each of these 300 people will be responsible for more than 30 gambling plates. They are commanders, among the commanders. Of course, there is a dedicated person watching each game of chess, and around each game there will be a small team observing, researching and analyzing, and these small teams are all deployed by the conductor.

Geniuses like Tengwu and Gang Han are commanders. Generally speaking, they will not place bets themselves, but will convey their intentions to a small team of traders for operation. However, due to the provocation of the Xiaoqiang Group, these commanders have been unable to do so. Lundu goes into battle personally, each person can control more than ten gambling boards, and also has to direct other small teams to fight. The pressure is indeed extremely great!

Now, Zhizunbao discovered that except for the more than 30 gambling boards commanded by Gang Han, which were controlled more rationally, everyone else had problems!

It would make sense if this happened to one or two people, but when almost everyone had this kind of situation that was incompetent with themselves, it made Supreme Treasure realize that something was wrong.

The reason why it was concluded that it was not good was because Zhizunbao knew that in the last round of betting, the winning rate of the Xiaoqiang Group was extremely high, almost close to perfect. There were only a handful of mistakes in the betting, and such a winning rate could never be achieved. To explain it with the element of luck, because the total number of games reached tens of thousands, the number of mistakes did not actually reach ten. This kind of winning rate is extremely amazing. It would be impossible to achieve it if it were played by myself and Flush, far from it!

In fact, Zhizunbao couldn't believe his eyes after seeing the winning rate of Xiaoqiang Group in the last round. He even thought that there might be some purely objective reasons, such as related to the network problem some time ago, which caused Xiaoqiang to be defeated. They took advantage of the loophole, and it has nothing to do with the analysis and judgment ability of Xiaoqiang Group. Everyone knows that such a winning rate is impossible!

Now that the network has finally returned to normal and this objective factor has been eliminated, their winning rate should have dropped...

However, no matter how much it drops, it cannot drop too much, because such an astonishing winning rate cannot be achieved solely by objective reasons. A considerable part of it should be based on its strong research and analysis capabilities!

There is no doubt about this!

Xiaoqiang Group is powerful, menacing, and multi-faceted. This can also be confirmed!

Therefore, after the discussion between Zhizunbao and Tonghuashun, they will think that this is Xiaoqiang Group's provocation to them. Only such opponents can stimulate their instinct to fight their opponents desperately.

In this case, in this round, with their strong research and analysis capabilities, the winning rate of the people in the Xiaoqiang Group is unlikely to drop sharply to a very low level. Most of the bets should be winnable, and this means It is possible that most of my subordinates will lose! ! !

Such a result has nothing to do with the fact that I put great pressure on these subordinates...

Zhizunbao's face was as dark as water, and he began to study and analyze the gambling boards one by one based on the progress of the chess game...

At this time, Wan Shitong, who had been secretly observing the situation, was also deeply shocked!

He had previously suspected that Supreme Treasure had hidden something from him, so he went to Zhuang Dade and finally learned the truth. This shocked him. He did not expect that people like Xiaoqiang would suddenly appear. Such people are definitely top talents. Because if nothing else, his achievements in the last round of gambling were enough to shock the world...

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