The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2835 Someone is causing trouble

This money can be calculated in units of massage stones, or it can be converted according to the price of coins between different stars. From this point of view, the basic currency ratio of the major stars is one to one, and the fluctuation is very small. The reason why The fluctuation is mainly due to some intermediate fees incurred during conversion or replacement. If you invest on the Internet, it is basically done on a one-to-one basis.

Now, the total number of chess games in progress in the other four major starry sky chess competitions has reached more than 40,000. Under Xiaoqiang's instruction, Han Yuan and others placed one to several bets in each game, and the amount can reach The amount of one million high-grade molasses is huge, and then expanded by more than 40,000 times, so the total amount reaches an incredible astronomical figure!

However, what everyone found incredible was that all the money was received in real time!

At the thought of this, Han Yuan, Ye Hu and the three princes almost collapsed to the ground. Their admiration for Xiao Qiang was simply beyond reach. In their minds, Xiao Qiang was almost the richest person in the entire Zhengyu...

However, if you think about it a step further, what if all these bets fail?



“Xiaoqiang’s betting error rate is extremely low, don’t worry!”

"Yes, we can definitely win! If everyone wins, wouldn't we suddenly turn around?!"

"Exactly! Playing with Xiaoqiang is all about your heartbeat..."

"Xiaoqiang! Xiaoqiang!! Xiaoqiang!!!"

Everyone was thinking and shouting desperately in their hearts, feeling that there was an astonishing force supporting their will. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid they would have been crushed by such a terrifying power of wealth. …

Everyone stared closely at the light screen they were responsible for, and every change in the chess game above affected their hearts. Some people dared not look at it anymore, so they had to rely on their spiritual consciousness to just focus on the final change in the outcome...

"Win!!!" Suddenly, someone shouted from a corner!


Everyone quickly looked over and saw that it was Lemani. He was shaking with excitement, tears rolling down his face, and breathing heavily...

"I... the bet I saw was right! Oh my God... I won a million pieces of high-grade mosaic!!!" Lemani shouted.

"Wow!!!" everyone exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiaoqiang made a move, he would get back one million pieces of high-grade mosaic!

"Oh my side also won!!! I..." someone yelled again.

Everyone looked over again and found that the man had fallen to the ground with excitement, his face was so red that he seemed to be bleeding...

"Hurry up and save people!!!" Han Yuan shouted.

Someone immediately came to the rescue...

"Won!!!" "Won!!!" "Won!!!" "Won!!!" "Won!!!"...

After a while, shouts began to come one after another, all of them were ecstatic sounds of winning...

For most people, this bet is almost the biggest gamble in their lives so far. The amount alone is enough to be worth the profits of all the previous bets on Phuket Star. What will happen if you lose? ?

Although it was Xiaoqiang's money, and it was Xiaoqiang's choice who to invest it in, their hands were shaking when they invested it, their hearts were beating wildly when they looked at the market, and they didn't even dare to take a sip of water or fart once. …

It wasn't until they saw the outcome of the chess game that they were relieved. They felt that all their energy seemed to be exhausted and completely powerless...

"I won too!!!" The Thirteenth Prince suddenly shouted wildly and stood up with a slap on the table, his fat body trembling violently amidst the roar...

"Wow..." There was an uproar in the space,

Because everyone knows that the gambling games that the princes, Han Yuan and Ye Hu watch are very large orders, and one order can be worth many of their orders!

No wonder even the Thirteenth Prince was so excited...

Now, everyone is looking at the four bets of the Second Prince, the Ninth Prince, Han Yuan and Ye Hu...

Xiaoqiang's voice suddenly sounded: "Don't worry, hurry up and prepare for the next round of gambling. Everyone must vote as I say!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately became energetic and responded in unison: "Yes! Powerful Lord!!!"

Soon, they jumped into the next round of betting...

At the same time, Zhizunbao, who was far away in the center of the gambling group headquarters, was looking at a piece of information in his hand. His face was unusually ugly, and his hands seemed to be shaking...

This information shows that the gambling boards they set up in the major stars suddenly suffered huge losses. The amount of the deficit was unimaginable. This was a disastrous failure for the group in countless years! ! !

"What's going on?! These betting markets were developed by the elites under my command after countless years of research. It's impossible to have huge losses at the same time!!!" Supreme Treasure roared and stood up suddenly!

With a few clicks of his fingers, countless light curtains appeared in the space, and those connected to them were the people in charge of each gambling board...

These people are all talents cultivated by the gambling group for countless years. Each one has a talent that is rare in a century. Each one has undergone extremely cruel training and practice. Each one can stand alone and even control the overall situation!

Even the Supreme Treasure himself does not think that he can definitely beat some of them. Of course, those people are the elites among the elites, and some have better talents than the Supreme Treasure, but they have not yet grown to the level of the Supreme Treasure. It’s just a degree…

However, the faces of these peerless geniuses are not very good now. Some of them are frustrated, some are suspicious, some are angry, some are unwilling, and some can't wait to start the next round right away, trying to win back all their money...

Seeing their communicators suddenly light up, they all looked over and said, "General Manager?!"

"Say! What's going on?!!!" Supreme Treasure shouted in a deep voice.

Although he was furious in his heart, as an old antique who had been practicing for many years, this loss and anger were still within control for him. Therefore, his face still looked quite calm and composed, but his tone was louder than usual. A little harsher…

"Kuimo didn't play well in this game. It's better to lose! There was a gambler who bet heavily on the opponent, and the result was a disastrous defeat..."

"I didn't lose this game, but I didn't win much either. The reason was that some gamblers invested heavily in the players I invested in and shared the profits..."

"I made a mistake in judgment, but according to my original estimate, even if I lose, I won't lose much. Unexpectedly, at the end of the gambling game, a large amount of money suddenly came in and invested in my opponent, resulting in a loss of ten times in the end..."

"My betting has been very stable these past few rounds, but for some reason, a big customer suddenly came in. I didn't have time to adjust the odds, but he actually won the bet. This person's name is Xiaoqiang!"

"What?! Xiaoqiang?!" Dozens of people shouted almost simultaneously.

"That's right, the big customer's name is Xiaoqiang, and the amount of bets is huge. The total amount of the bets reaches 10 million ice stones!!!"

"I also have a guy named Xiaoqiang here, and the total bet amount reaches 20 million witch stones!!!"

"Xiaoqiang here invested 30 million Lishi!!!"

"Here... there's a man named Han Yuan who invested 10 million molten stones!"

"Huh? I also have a guy named Han Yuan here..."


Each of these people said something, as if they were holding a remote meeting. Zhizunbao listened and finally discovered the problem. These gambling games were running well in the first few rounds, but unexpectedly in the fourth or fifth round At that time, I was suddenly attacked by big customers, and these big customers were mainly concentrated on more than a dozen people, because their names all repeated, and the bet amounts were extremely huge!

The key is that their vision is extremely vicious, and they can all guess the results correctly, even the winning of a piece! ! !

Such accurate betting, such a terrible winning rate, and such a huge amount of betting, it is obvious that a big group is here to cause trouble! ! !

As soon as he thought of this, Zhizunbao's face suddenly turned red. This was because he was stimulated by this news!

You know, Zhizunbao has not personally made a move for many years. In this real world, there are too few bets worthy of his move. Unless it is a flush with, the two of them often collide with each other every once in a while. Once, the purpose was just to show off their skills and let people see how powerful the two of them are...

This is why Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu are so relieved to let go completely, because in Zhengyu, when it comes to gambling, apart from Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, Supreme Treasure and Flush are the strongest. This is almost everyone It is a recognized fact!

Of course, the other big forces also have geniuses and can attack them to a certain extent. However, if the two of them join forces, or add Wan Shitong and Lian Chunqiu, then even if the other big forces join forces, the outcome will be It’s a total failure…

Supreme Treasure never expected that he was about to wash his hands in a crystal basin, but suddenly someone came to challenge him. This was because they wanted to die, not because they didn't want to let them go!

"Xiao Qiang... Ye Hu... Han Yuan... Huh?! Han Yuan?!!!" Supreme Treasure had a flash of inspiration, and the name flashed through his mind.

He seemed to have heard this name somewhere, so his mind wandered, and he quickly remembered that Rezov, the head of the branch in Phuket Star, had mentioned this name to him before. This person was the leader of a gambling group in Phuket Star, and the person behind it The backers are several princes of the Mojie royal family...

He immediately contacted Rezov, and this conjecture was finally confirmed, because Yehu was the star master of Phuket Star and also a member of the gambling group...

Zhizunbao quickly discovered the problem, that is, when Han Yuan and Ye Hu were causing trouble, they actually used their real names instead of pseudonyms. This was a naked declaration of war on themselves! ! !

"Who is Xiaoqiang?" Supreme Treasure asked in a deep voice.

"Xiao Qiang... This person didn't really show up, but he is the leader of this gambling group now. Everyone listens to his words, because we took advantage of an opportunity to deliver something inside and sent people to sneak in. As a result, we heard them all calling He is a strong master..." Rezov said.

"Strong Lord?!"

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