The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2816 Rumor! rumor! ! rumor! ! !

Jinhuang nodded and said: "Yes, with the backing of our main fleet, of course they dare not take action at will, but now the entire Phuket planet is extremely chaotic. Everyone must be careful and don't walk around casually. Just wait until the star master gives us Just stay within the designated area!”

Songzeng echoed: "The Imperial Preceptor is right! I'm afraid that someone wants to capture us and use us as hostages. After all, this is the territory of the Mojie tribe. If Trudeau and Jinfeng go to war, then we will definitely be the first to suffer. people…"

Everyone was convinced when they heard this. They felt that the huge crowd outside seemed to be coming for people like them, and their expressions changed.

This kind of thing is not unheard of. Based on everyone's experience, we certainly know that this possibility is not small.

Jinhuang said: "Everyone must make all kinds of preparations first and be ready. Of course, we can't just care about ourselves. There are also Young Master Liufeng and Master Siyuan. We must protect them both!"

"Yes! Imperial Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Well, don't be too nervous. The relationship between our Kangtian tribe and the Mojie tribe is quite harmonious. The possibility of a war breaking out is at most half and half. And this is a routine chess match. The entire starry sky, even The people in the outer space are watching, and it is unlikely that the Mojie clan would just grab people in full view of the blue sky and in broad daylight. I am afraid they would use other tricks... The main reason for all this lies with Mr. Liufeng! If not Mr. Liufeng is too outstanding, and His Majesty will not send Trudeau with the main fleet... Now, the Mojie tribe covets Mr. Liufeng, and of course we must fight to the death. No matter what, we are the ones who sent him here, and we must definitely send him over. Send it back!" Jinhuang analyzed.

Tian Yuan nodded and said: "Well, don't worry, everyone. In fact, currently, our strength is equivalent to that of the Mojie tribe, or even exceeds it!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this!

"The commander-in-chief is saying..." Jinhuang said suspiciously.

"Now the main fleets of both sides are confronting each other in the Puji star field. It can be said that the forces cancel each other out. And the fleet we brought this time has actually reached the second level level. In addition, with my command, with the Puji planet fleet Their combat power cannot compete with ours, so we have surpassed each other in terms of overall strength!" Tianyuan analyzed.

"But now we are here in the central chess field and cannot mobilize our second-level fleet..." Jinhuang said.

Hearing this, Tian Yuan proudly took out a jade plaque and laughed: "Haha, it turns out that the Imperial Master is worried about this! Don't worry, as long as I crush this jade plaque in my hand, the officers and men in our fleet will take action immediately. According to our Follow the plan you made before!"

"Wo..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel relieved and relieved!

It seems that Tianyuan has been prepared for a long time, and as a commander, he should have developed the habit of keeping in touch with his soldiers at all times. Even if Tianyuan comes to Phuket, he can still command the two-dimensional missile docked in the space port. Class fleet…

"The commander-in-chief marched well, it is really a blessing for our clan!" Jinhuang said with great joy.

"Haha, it's a trivial matter! Everyone just watch the chess with peace of mind, and leave other matters to me!" Tian Yuan said proudly.

"Yes, now the battle between Master Siyuan and Mukejie has reached a critical moment. If we can win, this chess match will be between two chess players from our clan. This is unprecedented in the history of chess matches! "Song Zeng said loudly from the side.

"Hurry up and cheer for Master Siyuan!"


Song Zeng, Jing Hui, Zhuo Guang and others led a large group of Kangtian people to the stadium to cheer for Siyuan...

Jinhuang and Tianyuan stayed at the station, discussing secretly while intensifying their contact with Trudeau.

Knowing more about what happened this time...

What makes them a little nervous is that there seem to be more and more people demonstrating outside, and the protests are becoming more and more intense. There is a strong tendency to rush into the station. If someone does rush in, it will still be very troublesome. matter.

For the people of Phuket, this is a city of entertainment and has nothing to do with war. Many people came from other places to play optimistic chess and participate in gambling games. They had a great time. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, it would be over. How could they endure being trapped in a war?

Moreover, most of these people are rich and powerful people. Many of them are quite wealthy and have good strength. When combined, they become a quite powerful force. Even several princes of the Mojie clan and Star Lord Ye Hu didn't want to offend them, after all, he still expected them to come here for entertainment and consumption...

"Stop the war! Defend your homeland! Stop the war! Defend your homeland! Stop the war! Defend your homeland!!!"

The parade waved various objects and shouted loudly...

Just when a crowd gathered outside the Kangtian Clan's residence, and the crowd was agitated, several princes and Star Lord Ye Hu appeared!

They stood on a high platform outside the station and signaled everyone to keep quiet...

Ye Hu saluted and said with a smile: "Everyone, please don't get excited! Please don't believe in any rumors of war! Rumors!! Rumors!!!"

Important things were said three times, allowing the people below to finally calm down a little...

"Isn't there going to be a war?" someone shouted.

"No! Of course not! The sky is clear and the sun is bright, so why is there the haze of war?!" Yehu said loudly.

"What about the main fleet of the Kangtian clan that just arrived?! Why do some people say that a fight is about to begin?!!!"

"I just said, that's a rumor!!! Everyone, please open your eyes and see, is there any firing now? Listen carefully, is there any roar of artillery fire? No! No!! Right?!!! Ye Hu shouted loudly.

"Yes--" Many people began to echo.

"It's true that the main fleet of the Kangtian tribe is here, but think about it, if they really want to start a war, will they come so arrogantly?!"

"No way-" Everyone was a little stunned.

If there was really going to be a war, the other side would definitely come quietly and launch a surprise attack or something. How could they come so ostentatiously?

This is completely unreasonable...

Yehu reversed the situation in just a few strokes. He was extremely proud and said loudly: "The news just came that this time it is our Mojie tribe's foreign minister, Mr. Guanghuan, and the Kangtian tribe's cabinet minister, Mr. Trudeau." We met by chance on the road, so Mr. Guanghuan invited Mr. Trudeau to come and watch the chess game together! Fleets from both sides have arrived, and they are now docked outside. Therefore, what you see now is not only the main fleet of the Kangtian tribe, but also A second-level fleet from our Mojie clan headquarters!"

"Wo..." There was an uproar below, and everyone's mood turned from worry to peace, and their moods couldn't help but feel much better.

"I see…"

"These two are both famous figures in our Mojie Starry Sky..."

"Yes, no wonder they all came here with their fleets..."

"Big shots are different! As soon as they go out, they are so majestic, with people shouting in front of them, and a fleet of ships protecting them. I really envy the dead..."

"Why are you envious? If you can become such a big shot, you can do it too!"

"Forget it, I have nothing to talk to you about..."

"It's right for these two to come and watch chess. The semi-finals are now a competition between their two clans. It's unjustifiable not to come and watch and help!"

"That's right..."

The crowd below was talking a lot, and the wind direction completely changed. People turned their attention to the central chess field again, and then realized that the game seemed to be approaching the end.

"Oh, the chess game is almost over, let's take a look!"

"It's over. I don't know who won in the end..."

"It must be Mukejie!"

"It must be Siyuan!"

"No one can tell until the last child..."

"It makes sense..."

The parade became even more chaotic, with people rushing to get to the chess field. Many people were injured in the process, and some even lost their things. Many people were even taken advantage of by others and could not be found. Where is the "salty pig's hand"? I can only say nothing...

When the crowd regrouped at the central chess field, they discovered that the place was heavily guarded. If you wanted to go in again, you had to go through an inspection and verification. The reason turned out to be Lord Guanghuan, the foreign minister of the Mojie tribe and the cabinet minister of the Kangtian tribe. Trudeau is coming to watch the game!

"Wo..." Everyone was in an uproar.

I didn't expect them to be so arrogant. You must know that the princes of the Mojie tribe in front were not so arrogant!

In any case, the status of the royal prince should be higher than them, right?

However, it is too naive for these people to make such a comparison, because the situations of the two are different at this time and the other, and of course they are handled differently.

When those royal princes came, they brought their private fleets to have fun. They showed themselves to be close to the people without any pretense, because Phuket Star is their territory, just like visiting their own homes. Just come to enjoy the back garden.

But this time Trudeau came with a main fleet of the Kangtian tribe. The army was pressing down on the border and could start a war at any time. Guanghuan happened to be the foreign minister of the Mojie tribe, and he was on the same level as Trudeau in terms of status. Relatively equal, both sides hold heavy troops in their hands. This posture is not so much to watch chess, but rather to say that both sides have their own agendas and have their own wishful thinking. Therefore, the two of them want to join hands to watch chess. Nothing can be taken too seriously!

Although these spectators were resentful, as Puji Star was now facing the pressure of war, they still had no choice but to undergo inspection and verification before entering the chess field. The order here seemed much better than before.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the welcoming team that had been prepared for a long time to come alive. They were singing, dancing, and drumming loudly. Several princes and Yehu actually walked into the stands of the chess stadium surrounded by Guanghuan and Trudeau, attracting the attention of countless people. Cheers loudly!

Trudeau's face glowed red, and he frequently greeted everyone around him. He was really happy in his heart...

To be honest, he has never received such high courtesy. Several princes of the Mojie tribe came to welcome him. This matter is enough to become a topic of conversation for his whole life...

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