The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2810 1 drill

Xiangzhong was startled and looked at Guanghuan!

But I heard Guang Huan say: "We can hide ourselves, there is no need to approach them!"

"But why? Now the Nepean Planet is facing the threat of this space pirate. As the Lord of the Starry Sky, we have the obligation to protect them..." Xiang Zhong said curiously.

"Of course I know this, but this trip to Phuket is extremely important. We don't want to make things extra complicated. If this fleet doesn't look quite strange, we'd better continue on our way..." Guang Huan said.

"This...activate concealment, keep waiting and watching!" Although Xiangzhong was puzzled, he still listened to Guanghuan's words, so he ordered.

"Yes! General!" The fleet officers responded quickly in unison.

This Mojie fleet quickly hid in the starry sky and kept a certain distance from the Nepean planet. Although they did not want to get involved in this matter, because the space pirate's spacecraft looked extremely weird, Guang Huan and Xiang Zhongjun decided to observe before leaving this place...

At this time, the flying insect fleet suddenly became a little blurry!

The color of their "ships" seemed to blend with the surrounding starry sky, turning into dozens of looming shadows that swept towards Nepean Star...

"Wo..." The people in the Mojie fleet were in an uproar!

"General, it is difficult for our monitors to track their whereabouts!" a soldier reported.

" there no flight disturbance?" Xiangzhong was startled.

"Extremely slight, almost nothing..."

"Well, keep monitoring!"


Now this space pirate fleet has disappeared from the surveillance screen of the Mojie clan's spacecraft, but those with higher cultivation levels such as Xiangzhong and Guanghuan can still vaguely see the flight path of the fleet through their powerful spiritual consciousness. They stared at the fleet closely, with extremely surprised expressions on their faces...

Yes, they finally discovered what's truly shocking about this fleet!

Because those spaceships seemed to have come alive, swaying their heads and tails, jumping up and down, and doing somersaults and spins. They were obviously a group of lively beings, but they acted together like a fleet, and they were in perfect harmony with each other, moving toward Ni. The flat star flies by at a rapid speed...

Suddenly, the emperor's majestic voice came to Guanghuan's ears: "Get closer quickly! There is something wrong with this fleet!"

"Emperor?! Since there is a problem, let's not get close, right?" Guang Huan was shocked and said quickly.

"No! This issue must be investigated! I suspect they are a group of dark-blooded beasts!" Zhenwei said in shock.

"Dark Blood Beast?! How is that possible?!" Guang Huan screamed.

"It is indeed unlikely, but it is somewhat possible, so we must find out this matter! Get closer quickly!" Zhenwei emphasized.

"Yes! Emperor!" Guanghuan said helplessly.

Xiangzhong couldn't help being shocked after hearing Guanghuan's order. He didn't expect Guanghuan to change his mind so quickly. When the fleet did not show any strange behavior before, he said he would keep a safe distance from it, but now the fleet suddenly He became extremely fierce and extremely weird. At this time, Guanghuan said that he wanted to get closer, which really made him a little confused and inexplicable...

However, this was Xiangzhong's original intention, so upon hearing this, he immediately ordered the fleet to pursue him...

“Boom—” “Boom—” “Boom—”

Before they could get too close, Nepean Star was already roaring, sending out bursts of energy waves. The sound was staggering! ! !

Everyone was startled and looked at the Nepean Star. They found that the star was surrounded by thick rolling dust and fog, the visibility was rapidly reduced, and the weird fleet also completely disappeared in the powerful consciousness...


Everyone looked dumbfounded,

I didn't expect that the space pirate fleet would attack so quickly. Seeing that its speed was not inferior to my own fleet, and now the entire Nipean planet was in chaos. It was difficult to distinguish between friends and foes. They might even be attacked by the Nipean tribe if they entered. The defense base was attacked, so it was impossible to rescue them. The only option was to guard the perimeter, lay traps, and wait to attack the looting enemies...

The Mojie fleet quickly set up a formation under the command of Xiangzhong and laid traps on the route of the space pirate fleet. In his opinion, after plundering, the enemy would fly back from the original route regardless of success or failure.

This is a general empirical judgment. Almost every general with some experience will think this way. Guanghuan also has no objection. Even the emperor thinks so...

After a while, the roar on Nepean gradually subsided, but the smoke was still billowing up. Dark clouds covered the entire planet's sky, with howling winds, lightning and thunder, which was terrifying to watch!

“Whoosh——” “Whoosh——” “Whoosh——”

Suddenly, a whistling sound came from the dark clouds, and dozens of lights and shadows rushed out from it, flying high into the starry sky. At the highest point, they flew in a beautiful arc in the air, and flew from the trap set by the Mojie fleet. It passed near the trap, and then quickly flew away at high speed, turning into dozens of small dots...

"Wo..." The people in the fleet were in an uproar!

Guanghuan and Xiangzhong were so stunned that they forgot to intercept and chase...

Moreover, when those spaceships flew near the trap, they also sprayed out some dark gas from behind. The gas quickly spread and formed a large black mist, dyeing the entire starry sky in a dark color, making it almost impossible to see. Five fingers!

"No! Activate the protective formation immediately!" Xiangzhong reacted and quickly ordered.

The outer shell of the Mojie spacecraft quickly flashed with light, blocking out the black mist...

But in just this short moment, the outer shell of the spacecraft has already suffered some corrosion damage!

"General, the shell shield has received level nine damage!!!" a soldier reported.

"Fix it now!"


Xiangzhong looked extremely ugly when he heard this. He didn't expect that just because of such a small negligence, the spacecraft would be harmed by the space pirate fleet. What a shame!

Just as he was about to give the order to chase the opponent's fleet, he heard Guang Huan say: "Okay! That's it! Once the shield is repaired, we will rush to Phuket immediately!"

"What? This space pirate is so abominable and even damaged our spaceship. How can we bear it without teaching him a lesson?!" Xiangzhong said loudly.

"General, do you think you can catch up now?" Guang Huan snorted.

"This..." Xiangzhong was startled.

"Even if we can catch up, with the strength of our small formation, we are not absolutely sure to capture it. We might as well complete our own mission first! Of course, this information is extremely important, and we must report it to the Emperor!" Guang Huan explained.

Xiangzhong thought for a while and said helplessly: "Your Excellency is right! These space pirates are extremely cunning. They have obviously discovered us, and they dared to rob Nipean Planet calmly and deliberately bypassed us. This It's a bold and provocative act! It's not like what ordinary space pirates would do..."

"The general is right! This fleet must not be underestimated. The black mist they cast is extremely weird. We must study carefully what it is... In addition, we must find out their origins as soon as possible. They dare to attack us. Jiexingkong is so bold, we must make them pay the price!" Guanghuan said.

"That's for sure!!!" Xiangzhong said harshly.

While the people of the Mojie fleet were repairing the shield, they took some black mist to the pharmacist for study. The result was quite puzzling!

"General, this black mist should be poisonous mist secreted by some kind of living body. It contains a large amount of water vapor and some characteristics of the gas inside the living body..." the pharmacist on the ship said.

Xiangzhong was startled when he heard this and asked curiously: "Is this the poisonous mist of life forms?"

"Yes! Judging from various characteristics, it is indeed the case!" the pharmacist responded.

"Could it be that those spaceships were extracted from some living creatures?" Xiangzhong thought.

"General, if it is extracted from a living body, the poisonous mist cannot be so fresh, because the water vapor and living components in it are extremely active, and it is obviously just secreted!" the pharmacist analyzed.

"That's so?!" Xiangzhong and Guanghuan were both shocked...

Guang Huan wondered: "If these poisonous mist are just secreted, doesn't it mean that there are countless poisonous lives on these spaceships?!"

The pharmacist was stunned, his face turned red and he was speechless!

He also became less confident in his own judgment, because he had never heard of a spaceship keeping a large number of poisonous life forms on board so that they could release poisonous mist when necessary...

"Okay, you go down first and delve into it more..." Xiangzhong hummed.

"Yes! General! Sir! Please excuse me..." The pharmacist quickly retreated...

Xiangzhong and Guanghuan discussed the matter again and felt that what the pharmacist said was inappropriate. This situation was almost impossible.

The two then paid attention to the comparison of that fleet with the information of known space pirates, and found that none of the known space pirate fleets were similar to theirs. In other words, this was a brand new space pirate fleet!

At this time, the team sent to investigate the situation on Nepean Planet came back, and the information they brought surprised them again!

It turned out that after this attack on Nepean Planet, the actual damage was not as serious as imagined, but an uninhabited area of ​​​​the Nipean tribe was completely destroyed by this fleet. It was this attack that triggered global climate change. Now Nepean The people of this tribe are desperately trying to repair the climate system of this planet...

Xiangzhong and Guanghuan were shocked when they saw the information about the horrific scene in the uninhabited area brought back by the team!

Such a degree of damage is definitely not something that an ordinary fleet can accomplish. It has reached the level of attack by the main fleet of the Mojie tribe. Moreover, they did it in a short period of time. Not only did they do it, they also evacuated smoothly, perfectly. Avoided the trap set by myself...

"What the hell is going on?! Aren't they going to rob?" Xiangzhong said in confusion.

"Maybe they are just conducting a drill..." Guanghuan thought.

"Drill? Are they not space pirates, but a fleet of a certain race? Oh my god..." Xiangzhong felt bad...

Because if it is a fleet built by a certain race, then it cannot simply be measured by a space fleet. Behind it, there must be more fleets. If these fleets reach such a level, then the strength of this race will be Very powerful without a doubt…

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