The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2804 Will Xiaoxing change?

"Find out the areas and locations where they are distributed, and target the perpetrators..." Li Yun said.

"Yes! However, there are too many of them, and we may not be able to catch them all. We have to pick out the evildoers!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! Judging from our experience, people from these planets really cannot be caught randomly. Once they are caught, they may affect the normal operation of the planets or satellite systems in their solar system, and the consequences will be disastrous!" Li Yun said with some fear.

Thinking back to his previous actions in the Xuanling Solar System, he still felt that it was a bit too thrilling. If the Xingyun Castle's ability had not reached the cosmic level at that time, the situation would have been uncontrollable!

Just the two small planets Yinghuo and Shouxin cannot be controlled and will definitely fall into the sun...

Little Here’s the fan!”

"I think so too. It seems that the situation in the dark universe is much more complicated than that of the regular universe. Maybe we have overlooked something. Let's see what kind of information will come after the expansion of the new network..." Li Yun agreed.

"Don't worry, sir! Now our new network is expanding at a speed faster than the speed of light. It won't take long to reach deeper into deep space. And the new network on the other side of the universe has also penetrated into many places that were not previously visited. but…"

"But what?"

"Since we are in the dark universe now, all the information from the positive universe needs to pass through the information channel of the Mojie Channel, so there is some congestion! We need to lay out multiple information channels in multiple directions as soon as possible to alleviate this situation!" Xiao Star said.

"That makes sense! It seems I can't play anymore..." Li Yun slightly said anxiously.

"Sir, don't be anxious. The expansion of the new network will take a long time. Those information channels are not laid immediately. We must wait until the monitors arrive before proceeding according to the specific situation. Moreover, Xiaonu can control it here. Those monitors are here to lay the information channel, so we don’t need to go there in person!” Xiaoxing said.

"Is that so?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Hey, it's true! The entire new network is under Xiaonu's control. It has life potential, and its network spirit is Xiaonu himself!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this. Yes, he had only now realized how powerful Xiaoxing's power was!

In addition to this new network that is expanding at super-light speed in the dark universe, there is another information network that is also expanding in the positive universe. When the two networks are merged together, sooner or later they will be able to completely control the entire universe!

These monitors are controlled by the network spirit Xiaoxing. They are like a part of Xiaoxing's body. They not only collect information from all over the universe, but also absorb energy from everywhere. In addition to supplying their own operation needs, these monitors , you can also give feedback to Xiaoxing and Xingyun Castle!

This situation is the same as that in the past when Li Yun used his spiritual consciousness light points to form a spiritual consciousness network for cultivation, but the level is different. Now the scale of this network is unimaginable. If all the monitors are gathered together, If he gets up, I'm afraid the power Xiaoxing controls will be cosmic-level!

It is entirely possible to shake the universe!

Li Yun thought of this,

Suddenly realized my own importance...

This importance does not refer to how awesome he is now, and he may already be able to control things like the universe, but it refers to the fact that he is Xiaoxing's adult.

In this universe, as far as I know so far, Xiaoxing's power, Xiaoxing's ability, Xiaoxing's wisdom, Xiaoxing's power... are undoubtedly at the top, and even I am far behind.

If Xiaoxing suddenly wants to dominate the universe, then he really has the ability to do it!

Not to mention anything else, just by controlling the two large networks of the positive and dark universe, he already has the foundation to dominate the universe. Coupled with his amazing wisdom and ability, he can be said to be almost invincible!

Fortunately, he doesn't have this idea now, and it seems that he has been with him for a long time and is quite repulsive to such ideas. This is a good sign.

In this universe, maybe I am the only one who can control him...

If I didn't suppress and educate Xiaoxing from time to time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to suppress his amazing ability with Xiaoxing's mentality!

Yes, ability itself is a double-edged sword. The stronger the ability, the more it can give people a sense of security and power, but it will also increase people's ambitions and desire for external expansion. If a person does not have If he cultivates his mind, does not cultivate his virtue, and does not realize the harmfulness of power, then it will be difficult for him to suppress the surging power in his body, making him a slave of this power, and he will expand externally under its drive. Initiate violence…

This is called "devil's obstacle" in the path of cultivation. These demonic obstacles are extremely powerful. They are high mountains and deep cliffs that stand in front of the cultivator. Some of them are almost insurmountable. It depends on whether the cultivator himself can practice. Heart!

In fact, when a cultivator reaches the late stage of cultivation, the more important thing for him is not to develop his own strength, but to cultivate his own mentality.

Just like a Zen practitioner cultivating the mind, advanced meditation practice can refine a heart to crystal clarity and form high-grade relics. Such meditation practice is very rare, because the number of meditation practices that can reach the state of mind refinement is extremely high. rare.

For Li Yun and Xiao Xing, it seems that they have rarely encountered this kind of "devil obstacle" problem that is common among cultivators throughout their cultivation. Even if they did, they were easily conquered by them. Therefore, they were able to overcome it in a very short time. He has practiced all the way to this super level now!

Of course there is a reason for this…

On the one hand, their positions and angles are different. As time travelers, they have the knowledge base of the entire universe civilization, which allows them to stand on the position of a super wise man from the beginning and practice from scratch. This advantage It is unmatched by anyone.

In their view, the so-called demonic obstacles, especially those inner demons, are actually born out of ignorance. People are always afraid of unknown things and find it insurmountable, but if they understand things, they will not be so They are afraid, so only wisdom can eliminate these inner demons. This is the biggest advantage of the two of them!

On the other hand, their practice focuses more on the study of Taoism, which happens to be the most suitable way of cultivation in this universe. The study of Taoism is also based on wisdom to a large extent, which makes the two of them like a fish in water, and the more they practice, the happier they are. , the more you practice, the easier it will be, and the more you practice, the faster it will be...

From the current point of view, it is precisely because most of Xiaoxing's abilities are obtained based on wisdom, so he is not like other powerful people who have difficulty suppressing the urge to move in his body through a good mentality. He has powerful abilities, so Li Yun only needs to remind him from time to time. Xiaoxing himself is actually a great wise man, so he naturally understands his own situation, so he is very willing to hear this kind reminder from Li Yun...

Li Yun now feels that one of his most important tasks in this universe is to take good care of Xiaoxing!

As long as Xiaoxing doesn't change, that's fine, everything else is a trivial matter!

This question is very timely and important to think about now. If one day in the future, Xiaoxing suddenly discovers that Xiaoxing has completely changed, it will be too late, because even Li Yun himself is not Xiaoxing's opponent, and he naturally knows this.

Will Xiaoxing change?

Li Yun only dared to think about this problem secretly in a secret place in his mind. Even Xiaoxing couldn't detect this secret place, so he didn't have to worry about being detected by Xiaoxing when he thought about it there.

Although there were almost no secrets between the two, the matter was of great importance and related to Xiaoxing himself, so Li Yun had to do this, not because he didn't trust Xiaoxing.

As Xiaoxing's adult, Li Yun has some control methods, but he has never used them. Instead, he allows Xiaoxing to maintain his independent personality and develop it. Whether this is good or bad is still unknown!

In fact, Li Yun did this not only to Xiaoxing, but also to other people in Xingyun Castle. Unless he occasionally used it when his realm was still low, but after his realm improved, he never used these methods to deal with him. The people in the fort, because there is no need at all.

"If Xiaoxing has really changed, should I use these methods?" Li Yun thought about this question secretly.

This is an extremely pointed question, even Li Yun himself can’t figure it out!

In a broad sense, of course it should be used. For those who try to dominate, the so-called one general's success will lead to countless bones piled up behind him. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, direct or indirect, this does not matter. doubt.

And if Xiaoxing really dominates, his dominance will be extremely terrifying, because it covers the entire universe!

In Li Yun's view, there are only very few people in the universe who can suppress Xiaoxing. Maybe there is only the Lord of the Universe, but the Lord of the Universe has never been seen before. Maybe when he sees him, he will be found. In fact, it's nothing, or if you are in some kind of desperate situation, it will be troublesome...

Because in order to achieve Xiaoxing's hegemony, countless people in the universe will die because of this, and the number will be unimaginable. This is something Li Yun absolutely does not want to see!

However, from an emotional point of view, Li Yun absolutely does not want to hurt Xiaoxing, not at all!

He would rather suffer the pain himself than Xiaoxing be harmed, there is no doubt about this!

Then the question becomes, without Li Yun's suppression, who else can suppress Xiaoxing?

It is estimated that there is no one else, so the only choice is to let him do whatever he wants, and the entire universe will probably fall into darkness...

Li Yun's thoughts were racing, and finally he secretly shouted in his heart: "Xiao Xing, don't change! If you really change, maybe I will have to take you out of this universe..."

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