The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2800 Semifinals

Li Yun's head was pounding after hearing this, and he felt that the development of the situation seemed to be a little out of control. Originally, he just wanted to have a good time, and took this opportunity to learn more about the dark universe, find out the mastermind behind the belief in the cave, and investigate the Black God Clan. The secret of studying the dark pole particles and the passage of the positive and dark universe, impacting higher civilizations through the combination of positive and dark, and finally leaving quietly...

However, after only playing for a short period of time, trouble has already ensued!

The only reason is that he has been playing in a high profile during this period, and Xiaoxing is also having a great time, which is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire behind his back, making his reputation soar like a rocket. Now even Hailiang and Zhenwei have personally Move out, trouble is really coming...

Given the nature of these two peerless heroes, they will never give up until they achieve their goals. Even if they disappear, they will definitely track them down to the end unless they never appear again in the dark universe!

There are also those Yingying Yanyan that Xiaoxing mentioned just now. They are originally his little fans. If they are under the instruction of those princes, they will probably become new troubles soon...

However, Li Yun is no longer the little fresh meat he used to be. At that time, he was too scared to go out even if the Daoguang in his body was too strong. However, after the training of this journey, especially the continuous development of the world of Xingyun Castle, he is now In fact, his level has long surpassed that of Xingkong-level figures like Hailiang and Zhenwei, but is a Universe-level figure that straddles both the good and dark universes!

The roads they have traveled, the world they have seen, and the things they have studied are much more than them, and their levels are much higher!

The problems of these little fans and Fairy Yunzhi are nothing to him, but the personal arrival of Hailiang and Zhenwei still requires a little attention... but that's all.

Judging from the current situation, many scheduled tasks have been completed since arriving in the dark universe, including identifying the mastermind behind the Belief Cave Sky Project, taking control of and, and laying out a new network. This new network The net will expand to cover the entire known dark universe, as well as parts that have yet to be explored.

But there are still some tasks that have not been completed, including an in-depth understanding of the major starry skies, an understanding of the Black God Clan, and an understanding of the passage area between the positive and dark universes. In addition, there is a new problem, that is, the dark blood beast and the The question of the rise of other ferocious beasts!

This new issue may affect the situation in the dark universe for a long time, so it is necessary to fully understand it...

When he thought of this, Li Yun's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "They are looking for trouble with me, but they don't know that the dark universe is already in trouble. If you have the energy, you might as well deal with the dark-blooded beast as soon as possible!"

"Your Excellency, you are right! We have given them some hints before, but they misunderstood those life ships as liquid metal ships. Jin Feng also planned to wait until he returned to Mojie headquarters to inform Emperor Zhenwei in person, so the matter was delayed. Come down..." Xiaoxing said.

"So, things in the dark universe are really a mess. Let's help them sort it out... sort out their priorities..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"My lord, just play chess with peace of mind. Those life ships will appear at the right time..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"That's right! Those two people happened to be here in person, let's see what they think..."

"Hey, that's right! It's time for the adults to come on stage!"


This is a semi-final between Li Yun and Fan Tingyu, while the other semi-final is between Mu Kejie and Siyuan. This can be said to be a much-anticipated duel!

The two games are held at the same time. Logically speaking, the match between Mukejie and Siyuan should be the top priority. Mukejie is recognized by the old players as the number one expert, while Siyuan was the number one player in the previous competition. It can be said that when people meet, they create the biggest spark. However, this spark is not as strong as the light blooming by Liu Feng.

Because Liufeng's current popularity is so high, the match between Liufeng and Fan Tingyu was arranged on the central chess field.

Before the game even started, the seats around the central chess court were already packed, and the surrounding areas were even more crowded. Everyone could hardly contain their excitement...

Because whenever they think of Liufeng, everyone can't help but their heart beats faster. Everything they say, do, think... almost all has his shadow in it. Liufeng's light shrouds this area vaguely, Everyone seems to be able to bathe, touch and experience it. No wonder they are going crazy for the flowing wind...

To put it simply, everyone is about to be poisoned by Liufeng, but they know they are going to be poisoned, but they enjoy it as much as they like. The more they taste it, the more delicious it becomes. They are deeply involved in it, and it is difficult to extricate themselves...

What you need to know is that Li Yun did not let his light out at all, but covered it up tightly. From the outside, he looked like an ordinary person, but his charm was through his poems, his Le, the sweet rain he created and his astonishing record of passing through all the way were fully reflected. This can be said to be a different kind of domineering side leakage, right?

Without the need for Daoguang but with his own charm, this is the true manifestation of Li Yun's return to basics and true nature.

According to his own analysis, this should be related to his cultivation of positive particles, dark particles and primary particles. As his cultivation continues to advance, the tiny molecules in his body are also constantly improving their levels, towards the level of microns and polar particles. To a certain extent, Li Yun's entire body has become a very pure energy, which is the most advanced energy in the universe. It is composed of positive particles, dark particles and primary particles!

You know, a small piece of primary cloud can gather the energy equivalent to an entire planet. If Li Yun's entire person is composed of primary particles, then the energy he can gather by himself may be more than dozens of huge suns!

Because his body is not calculated based on the size he sees, but is made up of a world composed of countless internal spaces. This world is huge and can contain countless people and things if he is willing. …

It can be seen that Li Yun's whole body is full of charming and pure high-level energy. Without Taoism, the warmth radiated by these energies is enough to melt the hearts of everyone around him. How can the charm not be strong?

For Li Yun, his cultivation is carried out all the time. Since coming to the dark universe, his cultivation of dark pole particles has advanced by leaps and bounds, which has also led to his research and cultivation of primary particles. The improvement is extremely obvious. , and is accelerating...

"Flow the wind, flow the wind, flow the wind! Flow the wind, flow the wind, flow the wind! Flow the wind, flow the wind, flow the wind!!!"

People were roaring at the top of their lungs. Not only the Kangtian clan members were roaring, but almost all the spectators were roaring. If it hadn't been for the formation blockade, Fan Tingyu would have been scared to shit when he heard this roar...

Although he didn't hear it, he could see the mouth patterns of the people outside when they shouted, and naturally knew that they were all supporting Liufeng. For him, this was of course an important, or even the most important, game in his life!

Because if he loses, he will become another stepping stone for Liu Feng to reach the top, and no one is willing to play such a role. And if he wins, he will become famous and become the biggest and most powerful sniper Liu Feng in this youth whirlwind. A strong level!

"I absolutely don't want to be a stepping stone. If I want to be a genius killer!!!" Fan Tingyu kept encouraging himself in his heart.

Looking at Liufeng opposite, he was heartbroken and quickly closed his eyes, not daring to look again!

The reason is naturally that when he saw Liu Feng, he was involuntarily attracted by Liu Feng's charm. Can he still play this chess game?

Fortunately, he is also an old man, and his psychology has been refined for a long time. After stabilizing his mentality, he starts to make moves. This opening is what he is best at. Every move can be counted many steps later. He does not believe that Liufeng can keep up with him. Chess!

In the previous games, Liufeng always opened within 300 hands, and the fastest he could do was over 100 hands, forcing his opponent to vomit blood and fall to the ground. Fan Tingyu didn't want to follow their old path, so in his opinion, the best The best way is to firmly control the first three hundred moves in his own hands, and to account for all the changes in these three hundred moves no matter what. As long as this is done, he believes that something will definitely go wrong with Liufeng, maybe Liufeng What he is good at is the first three hundred moves of chess. After the three hundred moves, he will most likely not be able to do it. At that time, it will be his rich accumulation and experience that determines the outcome...

When preparing for this game, Fan Tingyu has been studying the changes in the opening game. I have to say that his ideas are still very good. At least he feels quite good about himself now. The chess pieces seem to be under his control. …

Li Yun secretly smiled in his heart. He knew Fan Tingyu's thoughts and preparations clearly. This guy is indeed a veteran chess player and has his own unique ideas in chess. No wonder he can reach the semi-finals.

However, he is still too weak against him, or he and he should not be put on the same playing field at all. This is really unfair to him...

No matter how strong, awesome or awesome his chess skills are, in the final analysis it is just a chess method at a low level. For the chess skills, every chess skill is inseparable from calculation, and computing power is The fundamental point of playing chess, the so-called avenue of chess, is that you can calculate each move itself and all subsequent changes. This change is dynamic, so its calculation amount increases with the increase of the number of ways on the chess board, which can be achieved An astronomical quantity!

Even if the calculation speed reaches the speed of light, sometimes it is impossible to calculate clearly. Even if the calculation is complete, with Li Yun's current level, it can only be close to the speed of light, but this is enough!

His calculations for every chess move can almost reach the final stage of every chess game. Can people like Mu Kejie and Fan Tingyu achieve this level? That is absolutely impossible!

What's more, Li Yun's level was achieved on a large chessboard with more than 10,000 ways. Now this chessboard only has 499 ways. Every time he lands a piece, he can directly control it until the end...

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